13-75 Resolution RECORD. OF ~ Columbus Blank Book Co., Heer Printing Co., Cols" O. ~ Divisions of "Ms Form No, 2806-A 1(IF.s.J.gr;ON 12 -'i) ,. . No. Passed -- - _ _19__ A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF AN .A.PPLICAT~ FOR ASSISTANCE )I C' t::x:fl4wJt<J!V <J" l- q f~L.. fJ~rlr;: FOR "LAND ACCQUISITION" FOR THE "DUBLIN COMMUNITY SWIMMIm FACILITY" m LOCATED AT T-HE SOtJll'H 1m> OF MONTEREY,IVJ!lTN'l'HRJlILLAGE.,OF-W:Bt;Hl, Vb'r G-f-l/J1t! n. I'! U/ " CHIO. ' , WHEREAS the Federal Land and Water Conservation Fund Act of 1964 (Publio law 88-518) provides finanoial assistanoe to the State of Ohio for outdoor recreation purposes, and WHERF..AS the Village of Dublin, Ohio desires financial assistanoe under the Land and Water Conservation Fund Kot program HCN'l, THEREFORE, BE IT RES6'VED by the Counoil of the Village of Dublin, state of Ohio, of the elected members oonourring, as follows: 1. That the Counoil of the Village of Dublin hereby approves filing an applioation for land and Water Conservation Fund Aot finanoial assistanoe. 2. That the Administrator of the Village of DUblin is, hereby authorized and direoted to exeoute and file an applioation with the Department of Natural Resouroes, state of Ohio, and to provide all information and dooumentation required in said applioation for submission to the Federal Bureau of Outdoor Recreation. ~ 3. That the Counoil of the Village of Dublin hereby does agree to obligate the funds required to satisfactorily oomplete the proposed projeot, and thus beoome eligible for land and Water Conservation Fund Act financial aid of 50% of the aotual allowable reimbursement oost. Pas sed thd. s 3 day of 1Jf~, 1916 dJ President Pro e ~/iaitJait~ a ~~ ~~ er~ ~4f/~ v ge Admini s ra: r ~ I I _.