71-75 Ordinance RECORD OF 143 O~/A/ANCc COLUMBUS BLANK BOOK CO., COL., O. ~ Form No. 6233-A I . .111/1"",1/01 21-_m1_5 _ Passed_2~~~__-l-~-__. m__m19_]_).~ No, m__m A ~J npo I ~A MCE A ME ~If") I ~~ THt: ANN'IAL A PPROPR I AT I nN<:; ORO I NA NCE Fnp 1075' At.,'O DECLAR I NG AN n1ERGENCV. RE IT 0RDAINED, hv th~ ('("I""r- i I ("If thp \I ; I I aqe of I"\llhlin, D ~tatp ("I-F (\hiC',~ of th~ p'~rt('rl ,..."'rnh"....e: ~nnC'.'...... I nq: ~t('T'nt-.1 I . That {'I!"r1ini'lnr.:~ 0'i-7'i, thp Annual An'"'..o.......iAtione: {'It' -J : n an ('(' fo... l07'i h,." a"ri it h~...phv Ie: aMP.,rI~..J a~ fn 1 I ("I'.'e: : , I" th,." Ar..v..n....r i at i n" c; f....0!'1 th" ~!':"1 era I J:"llnrl hv . . I n~"'''''ae: I no th,.. arv,"'n",'" : a+ i 01" fnr "r 0"" ~: I" hv t h", ';::1 1m 0f $ Rnn on . , thp.."hv. in~"'~Ac;inq ~airl An.......C'"...iati("lnf f"'om 4; 1 n00.n0 tn 4; 4 .1.0o.n0 a"rI hv in"'r~A~ino thp a"'....,...n['...iAt;0n fo.... "~~lln : - ....i"'al Pui1rl:nq" bv thp 0f cl; son. nn thp"'~hv . . c;um , 'n~"PAc;' nq ~a i ,J ar''''",n[''''ia+i0n f....nl11 <l; 4.000.nn tn cl; 4 l)nO.on anrl hv . , , inr-....,.,.ac;inq thp a",,,,,,nnriati0n' f0'" "Pui lrii"o I n c;np~t0"''' hv thp 0f 4; 1 0nO.On, thp...,.,hy . . c;airl ~\Im '''~''''Pi'l~' nq ar):-,r0n"",- at ion f....0m 4; 1 , 6nn . 0(\ t n <l; 2,600.00, anrl hv ;nC'....,.,.ae:inq thE' aprrorriAtion fn... "Trash ('01 Ipction" hv the e:um of 4; 1 ,0?'O. (\n +h~"'nhv . . c;airl a....;:-rn.......iAtin" f"'0m 'n~r"ac;'''o 4; ?n,0nO.0n t:0 4; ?,0,O?O.0n, anrl hv rI"......"ae:;no thp ann- ronr; at; on f (\!'" "~trr-.('t I i qhtc; " hv the of 4; S,1?0.0n SlIm thprphv rl~"""'(->i'lc;ino c;airl a~"'ron"';ati(ln f....nm cl; 11,f)(\o.n(\ +n 4; 7 nRn nn anrl: , . 'n thE> an....ron....;at;n"c; f....om the ~t""ppt J:"unrl hy . . rnC'r".ac;'nq th,-. a"rrM...... i at i 0" f(l'" "Traffir'L;qhtc;" hv th", ~lJm of c!.: ?on.nn thp...,."hv . . c;airl ar'......."....r-;ati(ln f"'(lm In,.r"'ae;Inq 0 4; nnn.nn to 4; Rnn.oo a"rl hv in.......pc:lc;ino thp an"'....("I,,"'iation fn.... "Tr"....kc; T....act (I"" c; J:"t~. " hv th<=> C;"111 nf 4; 1.'i00.0(\ th".......hv . . c;airl a"'....ron...;At;on f....nm 4; R ,000.(\0 tn 'nr"'pac;' no 4; 9,l)O(\.O0, anrl hv rf~('r"'ac;;"o thp anr-...0n....iatio" f("\r " ('a'"'- ita I I mn""ovpm~"t c;'1 bv t h,. c;I'm (If $ I , 700. Of) , thp....ehy rlp'- r-.I"~a~' "0 e;airl an'"''''("I':)I''' i at: on f"'(lm ~ I 7, 1 n I .0(\ t 0 $ II) 60!. 0n , ~ Ff"T I 0M 2. That t hie; (\"'~;nanr'p bp., anrl thp. ~amp hp"'~hv Ie: rlE'~la,...ed to b,. an emergen c-y m~a~ure nec-('s~a"'y f("\r thp Imm- erl:atp """''C'e:ervation of thp r)IJb 1 i c f"~(V~P anrl e;Afet:y for the ....PAe:on that it Ie; n<=>~('>e;e;ary t("\ amenrl Iq7~ An::,ronriat:0'1S ,..,1"';0.... to thp rl("\e;e of Fic;ral V-=-.ar 197'i, and that thie; 0rrl i nanr.... e;ha II take -=-.ffp~t anrl hf' In fo"'(,~ :rnm~rliatplv IInon ; t c; nae:c;aoE'. - of l'ler-.pmb"l"', 1(71) ~d. .- --' - P"""e:irlp.nt Prn Temo (' ffi-:;e.... -1 {:)~ r'1p.!"k-T"'eac;urer 0 J