HomeMy WebLinkAbout031-92 Ordinance . RECORD OF ORDINANCES Dayton Legal Blank Co, Form No, 30043 II ,------- I Ordinance No. mm_~_~_~,_~ Passed____ _mnnmmmmmm__ mmmm19__ .- ;.- ._.Hm ...... .............. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR A CHANGE OF ZONING OF 41.374 ACRES, LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF AVERY ROAD, 3000' SOUTH OF BRAND ROAD, TO BE REZONED FROM: R-1, RESTRICTED SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT TO: PLR, PLANNED LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAIN(j by the Council of the City of Dublin, state of Ohio, of the elected members I I! concurr 1ng : II section 1. That the following described real estate (see 1'1 attached map marked Exhibit "A") situated in the city of II DUblin, state of Ohio, is hereby rezoned to PLR, Planned Low Density Residential District, and shall be subject to II regulations and procedures contained in Ordinance No. 21-70 I (Chapter Eleven of the Codified Ordinances) the City of Dublin Zoning Code and amendments thereto. section 2. That application, Exhibit "B", including the list r- of contiguous and affected property owners, and the , recommendations of the Planning and Zoning Commission, Exhibit ~ "C", are all incorporated into and made an official part of this Ordinance and made an official part of this Ordinance and said real estate shall be developed and used in accordance therewith. section 3. That this Ordinance shall take effect and be in 1 : force from and after the earliest period allowed by law. i II Passed this /S-rJ." day of r ,1992. . 'I~~ II - r- - presi -g Office~ I Attest: , I I ~(l. ~~ , . I Clerk of Counc11 II II Sponsor: Planning Division 'I II ~ II I I: ....,. . l ....... ! nrfify "'at (optes of thIS OrdinOnteAfes r~,ih-wt I I Gfy If Dublin in oc(ordonce with Section 73' 25 vf th . re ~sted In the i I . 0 e ()f"o ReVIsed Code. I II ~. (' C2t' _.L ~ I II Clerk of CQund/, Dublin, Ohio I I ' I ! ! I I ' I I I , i I ! ... _.' jj .. __~....,. ...,.-~.,...-.,,--'__, ,_J......,,' ...._.-......~.. .~,.,,','- - -" -~_.~~.~ ~ " . r "~ ll" OS/2i/92 10:00 '5'614 228 1098 DO~ALD W. KELLEY ~003 OVc(,.31 - '12- DEVELOPl!mN'T STANDARDS Planned Low Density Residential District 41.374 acre tract Ordinance No. :n_-9~ I"""'- (References to "Platll are to, the Preliminary Plat for DUb~inshire Section 4 Dated 5-14-92) , Number of Lots: See Plat Mini'mu:m Lot Area.: 9300 sq. ft. Minimwn. Lot Width: 70 feet at bu.Uding line MiniJInnn. Setbacks: F'ront: 25 ' , Side (Total): 14' Each Side: 6' ~: 25' May; 'mum Beiaht: 35' -, "'t~'" -: .... ... .. .... .... .. . ,. .. ..... . ,...., ~= 1".1 .ff OV01l92 16:32 'a'61~ 228 1098 DONALD IV. KELLEY ~002 . - . - .. '1/.37'1 04'C 'i/; ~/-"3 CITY OF DUBLIN p~nrrNG AND ZONING CO~~SION AN APPLlCATlON FOR' AHEHDt:l!N'r FOB. P&% C trse Only OF TIlE CI'J:Y OF DUBLIN ZONING Applicat10n No: DISTRICT MAP Z!i i!'I2.- 00' (B.eclassifica~lon of Land) Da~e Filed: "3.e'1.~ :&'... Receipt. No. ,Received by:€. it__t.-dr Plea5e type or print information - trse additionaL sheets as necessary TO THE HONORABLE PLANNING AND ZONING CO~SSION: The Applicant Rold~~ Corporation of Ohio (Have property in contract) being the owner(s),/lessee(s) of property located vithin the area proposed for r.eclassification of land . , requests that the followi described land'to be placed in the Planned Lov Densitv F~s;d~nri~l ni~trirt . A. DESCRIPTION OF LAND TO BE RECLASSIFIED I. GeneraL Description of Land (describe by ~ne of the' following): a. Lot(s)/Reserve(s) I a recorded plat, with an area of b. Beginning at a poiot along (5tree~ or other) and beins feet in a N S E direction fro~ the (specify) of (Sr:r:eet or other), and thence having a dimeo, of from the (specify) of (stree~ or other), and having an area of . '-.:!.li,!/!, . c. The I:ract of land containing Acres and bounded by. (spec:ify) aD the N SEW' (Circle (speei~) on tbe N 5 E V (Circle (specify) on the N S E V (Circle (specir,yJ on the N 5 E V (Circle \. d. Attached legal description: YES X . NO (See a.ttached Exhibit nAn) Page 1 of 3 . .. ... ... .. - -.. _. ... , .., - ~" OJ/0l/02 16:33 '25'6U 228 1008 DONALD W, KELLEY 12I 003 . . ; . . : Map Qf Proposed 20ning District Boundaries Two (2) copies of map accurately drawn to an 'appropriate scale (to fill a .sheet of r not less than 8\ x 11 inches and not more than 16 X 20 inches). The map shall be identified and submitted in addition to the General Description of Land. The map shall include all land in the proposed change and all land within five hundred (500) feet beyond the limits of the proposed change. To be shoYn on the map - all property lines, 'street rIght-of-way, easements and other information related to the locatIon of the proposed boundaries and shall be fully dl=ensioned. The map shall show the existing and proposed Zoning District or Special District ~ bO~lDdaries. List all owners of property githin and contiguous to and directly across the street "'"' from such area proposed to be rezoned. The addresses of the owners shall be t90se appearing on the County Auditor's current tax list or the Treasurer's mailing list. NAME AnDRESS . . (See attached Exhibit "B") B. ARGllMVITS FOR RECLASSIFICATION OF THE ,DESCRIBED LAND 1. Proposed Use or Development of the Lands residential PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ZONING DlsmC!S and SPECIAL DISTRIctS submission of three (3) copies of a Development Plan and other cocuments and two (2) copies shall be retained 8S a permanent public record if approved. For other Zoning Districts', such plans or other exhibits would be he.lpful ~ to the review of this application., ,. J Plans and Exhibits submitted Plot Plall ______J Building Plan~; Development Plan _____ ; Sketch -;.. Photograpbs -,--J Other (specify) . 2. State briefly hov the proposed zoning and development relates to the existu and probably future land use character of the viciRity. Pro!)osed use is c:ons1ste.nt v.l.th $urround'inr Te!sirlA-':;~1Rl land 'H;A~ ",n,; \. c:onforms with the Commu~1tv ~lanrs Land Use El~mpnt. Page 2 of 3 pages , .' ... .. .. -._. ... -.. . ..... - . ... .. .. .. ""'\ ^ _",,""'~<,_..~'__r" "_"T_.._" ~.,.,~~...........~~"~- . J. "as an application for rezoning of the property been denied by the City Council within the last two (2) years? YES X NO If Yes, state the basis of reconsideration New owner and new proposed classification "..... C. AFFIDAVIT Before completing this application and executing the following affidavit, it is recommended that this application be discussed with the Building Inspector to insure completeness and accuracy. Present owner of property: APPLICANTS'S AFFIDAVIT STATE OF 01110 COUNTY OF FRANKLIN, I (we) Holding Corporation of Ohio being duly sworn, depose and say that I am/we are the owner(s)/lessee(s) of being duly sworn, depose and say that I am/we are the owner(s)/lessee(s) of land included in the application and that the foregoing statement herein contained and attached, and information or attached exhibits thoroughly to the best of my/our ability present the arguments in behalf of the application herewith submitted and,that the statements and attached exhibits above referred to are in all respects true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge and belief. Holding Corporation of Ohio 'j / <C'~I / By: /1///1 / -., //// (signatur Robert E. Albright, Secretary - 600 S. Hiqh Street (Mailing address) ,...,.'Jjii/; 614-228-5711 (Phone) Subscribed and sworn to before me this j of fA- day of ~ {'~'Z- ,~. TIMOTHY M. KELUY t=:.. ~ ~ Attorney allaw , (r1 , ; !'lQlary Public, Sla'e 01 OhiO (nota ry Pub lie) LlIellme Ceftlmlulon Person to be contacted for details, if other than above signatory: 1I'Moliy f'f. {(d(tA; JSD t. (lAIQd Sf. ~11J""bt/.s., Olrio <(:J~/) I. cl().'t'S77> (Name (Address) , (Telephone) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - rOo not wrIte below thIs-IIne)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - D. RECORD OF ACTION 1. Withdrawn lIeld to (Date) (Date) 2. P&Z C: Date of Hearing Approved Disapproved Hodified 3. City Council: Date of lIearing ,.... Approved __________ OJ s:lpproved __u__~_, __ ___Hodi f ied __,_ ___, EXHIBIT "A" 41.374 ACRE PARCEL Situated in the state of Ohio, County of Franklin, City of DublinJ located in Virqinia Military Survey No. 3010 and being 41.374 acres of that tract as conveyed to Holding Corporation of Ohio by deed of reoord in Offioial Reoord 14447G19, all referenoes being to those of reoord in the Reoorder's Office, .., Franklin county, Ohio, said 41.374 acres being more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the point in the centerline of Avery Road markin; the southwesterly corner of said Holding Corporation of Ohio tract and also marking the northwesterly corner of that 5 acre tract as conveyed to Robert L. Harrison and carolyn J. Harrison by deed of record in Offioial Reoord 12873F15; thence North 100 32' 2811 East, along said centerline, a distance of 1098.16 feet to an angle pointl thence North 14' 51' 41 II West, continuing alon; the centerline of Avery Road, a distance of 17.10 feet to the point marking the southwesterly corner of that 2.133 acre traot as conveyed to Ruslell and Mary Joan Smith by deed of record in Deed Book 3247, Page 351) thence leaving, said centerline, North 730 52' 24" East, along the south~rly line of said Smith tract and also along the northerly line of Holding Corporation of Ohio tract, a distance of 1004.79 feet to the point marking the northwesterly corner of that 17.1 S2 aore traot a8 oonveyed to Dunmere Associates, & Limited Partnership, by deed of record in Official Reoord 128S6A14; ~ t.hence South 150 27' 2211 East., along the westerly line of 1: ." said 17.152 acre tract, a distance of 621.98 feet to the point marking the southwesterly corner of said tract; thence North 740 35' 51" East, along the southerly line of said tract,& distance of 366.12 feet in the westerly right-of- way line of proposed Mu1rfield Drive; thence along said proposed westerly right-of...way line, the following coursee and distanoes: south go 34' 20" East, a distanoe ot 293.48 feet to a point of curvature to the right; AND South ,0 4S' 3111 East, alon'j' the arc of said curve (Radius = 1500.00 feet, Delta . 15 31137")', II. ohord distance of 405.26 feet to a point in the southerly line of said Holding Corporation of Ohio tract and also being in the northerly line of that tract as conveyed to Ohio Holding Company by deed of record in Official Record 14447B03i ~ _..,~ ...'- ,.....~, " , - 1I""'i . EXHIBIT "A" 41.374 ACRE PARCEL - Page 2 - thence leaving laid proposed westerly right-of-way line, South 76' 01' '08" West, alone; the northerly line of said Ohio Holdinq Company tract, a distance of 1194.73 feet to the point marking a northw.sterly corner of said tract and also marking the northeasterly corner of the aforamentioned Robert t. Harrison and Carolyn J. Harrison,S acre tract; thence North 790 181 02'1 West, along the northerly line of said 5 acre: traot., a distance of 593.07 feet. to the place of beginning and,containing 41.374 Acres, more or less. I Subject, : however, to all legal right8-of-way and/or easements, if:any, of previous record. I The above description was prepared for rezoning purposes only and does:not represent a survey by this firm. ~ .".... ;' . EXHIBIT "B" Owners of property within and contiguous to and directly across the street from area proposed to be rezoned. Robert L. & Carolyn J. Harrison 7240 Avery Road, Dublin, Ohio 43017 Leslie D. Harrison ~ 7210 Avery Road, DUblin, Ohio 43017 .....,;' Ohio Holding Company c/o Bob Albright 600 s. High street, Columbus, Ohio 43215 Dunmere Associates c/o Falco smith & Kelley 250 East Broad street, Columbus, Ohio 43215 Brand Road Investment Company, Ltd. c/o Falco smith & Kelley 250 East Broad street, Columbus, Ohio 43215 Russell T. & Mary J. smith 7400 Avery Road, DUblin, Ohio 43017 Allan J. & Linda M. Schmidt 7422 Avery Road, DUblin, Ohio 43017 Jefferson Savings Bank 5131 Post Road, DUblin, Ohio 43017 City of Dublin 6665 Coffman Road, DUblin, Ohio 43017 ~ James A. Griffin, Bishop j --- Roman Diocese of Columbus 198 East Broad street, Columbus, Ohio 43215 Karen L. Matusoff 5608 Caplestone Lane, Dublin, Ohio 43017 Robert J. & Maxine Silverman 5604 Caplestone Lane, DUblin, Ohio 43017 Stanley o. Nollenberger 5600 Caplestone Lane, DUblin, Ohio 43017 Stratford Homes & Realty, Inc. 5890 Sawmill Road, DUblin, Ohio 43017 .... __ ~'n_ .--'-- -".~''-~ Of , EXHIBIT "B" Page Two Turnbury Owners Association 5890 Sawmill Road, DUblin, Ohio 43017 Borror Corp. 5501 Frantz Road, DUblin, Ohio 43017 James P. & Debra C. L. Ankrom 8087 Simfield Road, Dublin, Ohio 43017 TransOhio Title, Trustee c/o Smith & Hale 37 West Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215 - . ~ . I . . I : ~ ... .. .. . .. ^ . . I "h. .~ l ;;~ '1 lii ') [I ~ ,. - Ii" '" . . . · ".. ^ ~ '" . '.. .', I f - ~l'" '" , '. .! ~ ., ~, I ..: I .~. . z. ". I , ,. '. . 1 I . . ~ ~ , " i!.. !l~ .I .1 "I ii-.. :.~ .,. - ~, .... . , . ~. .., .., '1 _ ". ~l z t' e"" ,z < ^ ". .. ' . "' ... " I 'i' """'l ;> , ~. "! . -" I '.' .' z 01, : ~ > I . M Z " ~ o :' , .., :, , - ~a I o "I . . z. '. ' .. . ". . . . .. " 1 .. , .. . .. . . . . . ". o .,".;,.~ <. ! .. . :~ !' . . .. 'f I . 'A' . = (. . -. , ~ ~. -.. % . "~ 0 .. JIG ~ :., - z \J'I ;:: .- .. .. 1'1 . ..... . n _ '" ~ , . ~ . g.... "- O , . '" \ g ~ ., l\ '. . . - ~" ". " ~ . -, - . '. . . - ,,, ... '" ..: <; %. . ~: r= o. -. . , WQU' j · ~ '.. · < :; c __ ,'. g " '" z z . %. " 0 _ 00, ^", o · , n ""~ > .. 0 .. . ..; ~; ,.... .: . 'g c:':.' ...~.. '. ". - ~ " -. ...~" " :;; - ,., . .-.' . ." "; ~ . ,. -"'. . ~ '" ,. , ., ~ . " ' . . . . '. . '. . , . . .." . . . " .... . ....., . e.. .. ! ". . . . . " ' .. .. ~ , . co z ",. . . r" :' .. 8 '" , ~ - . '" , . g~1 . ~ ''''... , ..: !:::! . '. ' ' N . ""', ". ,. .. · . ~l ~ - .... ,". , '" . - (I .,Q 8 rJ o. ~ .....~... ~.~~ ......." - . . - C I T Y 0 F D U 8 L I N RECORD OF ACTION Department of Planning & Development DUBLIN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MAY 7, 1992 The Planning and Zoning Commission took the following action in the application below at its regular meeting: - 5a. Rezoning Application Z92-002 - Holding Corporation of Ohio Location: 41.:!:.. acres located on the west side of Muirfield Drive at the proposed Dublinshire Drive intersection and extending to Avery Road. Existina Zonina: R-1, Restricted Suburban Residential District. Reauest: PLR, Planned Low Density Residential District. Prooosed Use: Single-family subdivision. Aoolicant: Holding Corporation of Ohio, Robert Albright, Secretary, 600 S. High Street, Columbus, OH 43215, c/o Timothy Kelley, 250 E. Broad Street, Columbus, OH 43215. MOTION: To approve this application and make the following modifications at the Preliminary Plat: 1. Redesign layout to provide stub street to north for additional single-family development; if high school site, to provide easement; 2. Provision of landscape/mounding program for Avery and Muirfield frontages; 3. Establishment of no-build zone along all park; 4. Dedication of park south of the property line to the center line of Bear Run with credit for excess parkland will be carried forward; 5. Dedication of right-of-way on Avery Road 30' from centerline; .'-- 6. Reconfiguration of park at southwest corner; 7. Construction of a bikepath along north side of Dublinshire Drive and Wynford Drive; 8. Supplying additional park access through subdivision, one lot plus adequate easements. VOTE: 6-1 RESULT: The applicant agreed to these conditions. This rezoning application was approved. It will be scheduled for a Public Hearing at City Council with a positive recommendation from Planning Commission. STAFF CERTIFICATION: ~~~Yl1 c~~ Barbara M. Clarke Acting Planning Director 5131 Post Rd. Suite 1/702 Dublin, Ohio 43017 614.761,6553 FAX 761.6566 r _."'_.~;~"-~"'"""""'"'-..-;.~,,_. ".'._,; ..,""....."..- - > '~ ., ',Y' '1 L' Ul..... T I . ,.. Dublin Planning and Zoning Commission Staff Report - May 7, 1992 Page 10 CASE 5: Rezoning Applications - Z92-002/Z92-005 -Holding Corporation of Ohio APPLICANT: Holding Corporation of Ohio, Robert Albright, Secretary, 600 S. High Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215, c/O Timothy Kelley, 250 E. Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215 - , REQUEST: Review and approval of two related rezoning applications for 51.8 acres located on the east and west sides of Muirfield Drive at the proposed Dublinshire Drive intersection to be rezoned from R-1 , Restricted Suburban Residential District to PLR, Planned Low Density Residential District. BACKGROUND: There are actually two separate rezoning applications under consideration here. application Z92-002 involves 41.374 acres located between Avery Road and the new section of Muirfield Drive. This application was heard at the March 5, 1992 Planning commission meeting as a request to rezone from R-1 to R-4. The Commission recommended disapproval, and the application has been revised since then to request a planned district, the PLR, Planned Low Density Residential District. The second rezoning application Z92-005 involves 60 acres located somewhat to the east of Muirfield Drive on the south side of Dublinshire Drive (proposed), immediately to the west of the Woods of Dublinshire subdivision, formerly Turnbury. One PLR plan has been submitted which proposes a single-family layout for both of these sites, the remaining Earlington Village panhandle area and some additional R-1 property. All of this property, and a good deal more, was under consideration during 1987-1989 for a mixed use proposal call Dunmere. ".. As these two rezoning applications are requesting the PLR zone, the general street layout, access points to existing streets, conceptual utilities, park areas, bike paths, ;,j,~, and lot sizes are submitted for review and approval. The Planning Commission may approve, approve with modifications or disapprove the application and then refer it back to the City Council for a public hearing and final disposition. A two-thirds vote of Council is required to override the recommendation of the Planning Commission. CONSIDERATION: 0 To the west across Avery Road from the 41 acre tract is the northern section of the Wyndham Village subdivision. It is zoned PLR, Planned Low Density Residential District for a single-family residential development. To the north and south of the site are pairs of existing single-family homes on estate-size lots which front on Avery Road, they are zoned R-1, Restricted Suburban Residential District. The balance of the adjacent property is undeveloped and zoned R-1. 0 The smaller site is bounded to the north by the Earlington Village - ,~,~,_.,-,,~,~- , ... . Dublin Planning and Zoning Commission Staff Report - May 7, 1992 Page 11 panhandle and to the east by Woods of Dublinshire, formerly Turnbury. Both are zoned PUD for single-family/cluster at six units per acre. To the south is the drainage ditch called Bear Run and to the west is a vacant parcel separating the site from Muirfield Drive. Both are zoned R-1. The legal description and the plat do not match and need to be reconciled. 0 To the north of the 41 acre site is a parcel owned by Jefferson Savings ~ Bank. The proposed high school is to be located there. This major use J will need to be considered in the layout. At a minimum a convenient and logical connection will be needed from the neighborhood. 0 The new Wyndham Village subdivision caused the sanitary sewer to be extended west of Avery Road. A major water line is located along Avery Road. With a minor extension of Dublinshire Drive and its utilities, the smaller site can be serviced. The utilities will be available and adequate to service this overall proposed development. 0 The Bear Run is a drainage tributary which runs from west to east through the southern part of the site. The stream bed was lowered and straightened last year in order to provide better drainage within this portion of the Avery Road corridor. This is shown as open space, but the Bear Run is actually located off-site. 0 The northern entrance to Wyndham Village is located across from the site. The extension of Dublinshire Drive willalign with Wynford Drive and runs through this site. 0 One single-family layout has been submitted for the Earlington Village panhandle and these two sites. The plan includes a total of 6.96 acres of open space or parkland. The park is very linear in form and includes buffer areas along Muirfield Drive, the detention facilities and a strip parallel to the Indian Run. "" 0 The park dedication requirement for the Earlington Village panhandle was completely met years ago. Additionally, a park credit for 1.6 acres is ...J due to the developer in connection with widening the Earlington Park next to Dublinshire Section 3. This particular park plan cannot stand alone. Both the layout of the property to the south which actually contains the Bear Run and the continuation of the bikepath over to Avery Road need to be considered. It appears that the new dedication requirement is 6.2 acres 7.85 acres minus 1.6 acre credit). 0 A landscape treatment along Avery Road and Muirfield Drive should be developed. 0 The lots proposed, approximately 124 new lots, are almost all 70 feet in width. No lot variation in terms of size has been presented. Additionally, the lots at the Avery Road entry (Lots 49 and 91) are particularly problematic. The corner lots generally could be widened for a more attractive neighborhood. ..... Dublin Planning and Zoning Commission Staff Report - May 7, 1992 Page 12 0 There are two parcels shown as "unzoned" at the northeast and southeast corners of Dublinshire Drive and Muirfield Drive. An appropriate layout for these will have to be submitted to show that these are also viable for single-family development. ( STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends tabling to resolve the coordination of parkland, extension of bikepath, mix of lot sizes, disposition of "unzoned" parcels, and the layout and access within the panhandle. The PLR district can be utilized to zone the property for single- family use. Most importantly, single-family use is the preferred use for the site. While there are several issues to resolve, Staff does not wish to discourage the applicant in this endeavor. ,.. \-' -. > :,N+ ) 1~ t-I .. J~~ .- ' I ruo:: I I -, , . . ' ....,:( R ...., peo., - . - ' , . . . , R1 -- ~\(;~ D~.~ [ IT ..~,""."""'><.C~_~~'~""'"'. "_ _____..... I ,.. -'-:. ... I r"; '- ~ -.... 1'1 - .-- '"7 T ~r.r l,fIUG[ GtOS:S tlorsln ( -:.~ ~ ,.:"', -cltl rOl1H1 II.nICU;.J.1 ......, _ ,-...:.., ,.._~ ' ~, - -,', _ ,.r \J ~..~- ~ ... ~ r~-- ......<';: '-, r''''/' ,---' <::; ;;m~jAL ,~lAL :tti1JAL I'f. - .'~ ..-;; ,.' ~ - --- ~ -' ^, " ,;-,,:::-,, ~~~ - ~ ~ , ~ : ." l ,.;.'-.) R-' :, ... . ' -- II S4h~ed- 1 I S\te..5 . R-' ..j ~'~ : L- 'l ~ , \-~-~-~:-:\ . -1 ' \ ~ ,;-.. \ ~ '~: \"1' ~~,.." ] : -~ OJ, 'I \,~-"-'- --' :"J' .' , ,'--'" ...,o~ ~ ._,--" .." ~---- S' ,-,-" _=~,,::r::-.:;"',,~'\ '~: ~ ~=-r=-7, ~ .{. \ \ '. , -----~: -. \.~~ \ ! . ~ -. - -- ":'1\ . ____I \'t" ~t) /} rrY? -- "; -J~-VL/~ ~,~~ ,; q '2. - oo'!" ~-=:_~,~~ fUDIN~ C(1l...f. OF . ,- , - r ' r---u... 0 ! ~., - '\ . VorJ I 1 ~_ .... II ,~ : ~a . - COHI.WNIT'( Pc.nJ ~: ,---.,..- \ ~ - --~ \ F IG': 8. '].. , ~n~, ' - ~I ' " '~\~ .,;~, :;, \ " LAND V% ~~ r"_ __-'" : !' II ' ' , . L - .--' -"I' , \ \ :-~.,.. -"="" - .~. -,. ; \ , " 0' :-:i'~,~.,,; .., ". .. - -.. 1,._-~, , ,I -:_'_, ' - ::..--:::i \ - \ , .. ,...:::::::--"II . ~ -....-.....-.,..--....--.-..- Dublin Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes - March 5, 1992 Page 12 I Mr. Leffler asked if the building will be lit. Mr. Schneider said there wil change in the exterior lighting. Ms. Stillwell asked about handicapped parking spaces. Code. Mrs. Stillwell made a motion to approve this applicatio ~ conditions: J 1 ) Architectural and color coordination with e shopping center and Fifth-Third Bank to be approved by staff before g . g forward, with four accent colors (two grey, red and green) to be use ore sparingly than initially proposed; 2) Screening of rooftop mechanicals om Dale Drive and screening of service area with landscaping or fencin , and 3) Landscaping must meet Code equirements. "-../ Mr. Schneider accepted all of e above conditions. Mr. Fishman seconded the otion. The vote was as follows: Mr. Rauh, yes; Mr. Leffler, yes; Mr. Geese, es; Mr. Campbell, yes; Mrs. Stillwell, yes; and Mr. Fishman, yes. (Appro d 6-0.) Mr. Campbell mad a motion to recommend to the Board of Zoning Appeals that a variance be gran d, if needed, for the height of the new sign to be no greater than the previous si conded the motion. The vote was as follows: Mr. Leffler, yes; Mrs. ~ Stillwell, s; Mr. Fishman, yes; Mr. Rauh, yes; Mr. Campbell, yes; and Mr. Geese, ..J yes. (A proved 6-0.) 5. Rezoning Application Z92-002 - Holding Corporation of Ohio Ms. Clarke showed slides of the site and presented the staff report. This is a rezoning application, the land is currently zoned R-1, and the request is for R-4. The site was included in 1987 through 1989 in the Dunmere Plan. That Concept Plan, after many hearings and revisions, was approved by both the Planning Commission and City Council. That application was not pursued after 1989, and this is the first rezoning request. R-4 is not a planned district, and the usual type of background documentation received is not required of the unplanned districts. R-4 permits single-family houses and 75 foot wide lots, with a minimum lot area of 1J..\~~'j 2.CJZ-~~ ~ -5 -Cfz..t\t~\\."",~ , , "S'"" .... .' ,,,',.,"- - ~ Dublin Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes - March 5, 1992 Page 13 10,000 square feet. R-4 also permits multi-family dwellings (two to eight units per building) with a maximum density of five units per acre. Child care is also a conditional use in this district. The street layout, lot size, and park designation will come in through the platting process which takes place after the rezoning has become final. Bear Run is the drainage ditch which runs from west to the east and ~, is located on the site immediately to the south of this. With the construction of Wyndham Village subdivision, the sanitary sewer has been extended to the west of Avery Road and is available to service this site. The waterline is available in the area. The land abuts the Earlington panhandle. The staff report states that the Earlington Village text requires the panhandle to be coordinated with surrounding development. Actually, this is not written in the text. However, this was openly represented during the 1984 zoning hearings by the applicant. Staff feels that this requested zoning designation is inappropriate in this area. The density is much higher than is seen on the surrounding developments. The one that is not shown on the insert from the Community Plan in the staff report is Wyndham Village. Wyndham Village was zoned for 239 units with a gross density of 1,85 dwelling units per acre. If the school acreage is disallowed, the density is 2.36. Staff has always calculated it based on gross acreage. Staff recommends disapproval of this application as submitted on the following bases: 1 ) The blanket R-4 zone permits the construction of multi-family housing for up to eight family structures. Such uses would be inappropriate and incompatible with adjacent land uses unless developed as part of a coordinated plan for the area; 2) The maximum permitted R-4 density exceeds the density of other developments within the area; 3) The Earlington Village commitments included that the panhandle area would ".. be incorporated for planning purposes with this piece and the other abutting , I pieces; and 4) The proposed rezoning fails to show compatibility with existing development and long-term plans. Staff believes that this is an appropriate site for single-family housing, and the developer states that this is his intention. It is hoped that some alternate arrangement can be formulated. Mr. Tim Kelley, representative of the applicant, said he intends to have single- family development on this site. The multi-family is not an issue. The requirements for single-family development in an R-4 zoning are minimum 75-foot lots, and minimum square footage of 10,000 square feet, which is a depth of approximately 133 feet. Those standards reflect all of Earlington, Dublinshire, and \J.\ ~~~ "i!.. q'2. - OO~ ~. 45'.q1. M~~ -z.. '''5'" ""'- ~..."---~--'''I-- Dublin Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes - March 5, 1992 Page 14 exceed Indian Run to the south. Within the context of the R-4 standard, if multi- family was desired, a development plan would be brought before the Commission to address such issues as buffers, etc. He wants to move ahead tonight with this application because the current owner and his predecessor have owned it since 1987. According to the staff report, when the Dunmere plan went through the zoning process, the concept plan was finally approved by both the Planning and ~ Zoning Commission and City Council in 1989 after numerous modifications and lengthy debate. This is inaccurate and doesn't tell the whole story. Also, it was .....",. also stated that since that time, the land was taken through appropriation and Muirfield Drive was put in. Mr. Kelley said this is not his road and it actually is a detriment. Another reason for moving ahead is that the City imposed assessment to pay for the cost of Muirfield Drive. This property has in excess of $200,000 of road assessments against it. The density question goes away when multi-family is not built. When lots are developed with 75-foot frontage and 10,000 square foot minimum, there might be 2.8 lots per acre maximum. Mr. Geese asked what the density is for Earlington and Dublinshire. Ms. Clarke said the density for Dublinshire is correctly shown on the Community Plan at 2.56. Mr. Fishman asked how wide the lots are. Ms. Clarke said the Hemingway lots are 80-foot lots and the Indian Run Meadow lots are narrower. On average, the Dublinshire lots are less than 80 feet. The eastern half has 80-foot lots and the western half is lower. Mr. Kelley said the average Dublinshire lot is 75 feet in width. Mr. Campbell asked when the assessment will be finalized. Mr. Banchefsky said after Council certifies the final cost. Until the appropriation cases are finalized, ..., there will not be a final cost figure, at least several months. Mr. Campbell asked, if this is a straight zoning type of application, if this could be .J an R-3 instead of an R-4 and still follow the same process. Mr. Kelley said this was considered. R-3 is fairly close with its 80-foot minimum lot width and 10,000 square foot minimum lot size. The flexibility of going to 75 feet makes it worthwhile to go to R-4. The adjacent subdivisions reflect an average of 70-80 foot lots. Mr. Leffler asked why this is not a PUD. Mr. Kelley said most of the adjoining developments were developed as large acreages. When Earlington was developed, there were 200 acres of mixed use and Asherton was part of it. PUD requires the applicant to justify a deviation from the standard zoning classifications. This application will be only single-family. ~.~+o~~ z. q 2.00z. ~.'5 .ct!. M:~s ~ I '5"" ~ .' ... . - "". ~~.~~.'~ =~,~ . Dublin Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes - March 5, 1992 Page 15 Mr. Leffler asked if this rezoning passes, does the plat indeed come back to this Commission? Mr. Banchefsky said yes. In the platting, the roadway, utilities and parks, etc. will be reviewed. He said the Code does not provide for legally limiting this to single-family. If a portion of this is sold with the zoning being R-4, it could ,- be multi-family. Mr. Kelley said if a developer comes in and wants to develop multi-family (five units to the acre), the Commission then has the opportunity to '-' tell him how the open space and buffering will work. There is a minimum requirement of 8,500 square feet per dwelling unit. From a planning aspect, it is a good opportunity to create open space. He said he will work with Mr. Banchefsky to come up with an acceptable way for the City to legally enforce his commitment about single-family. Mr. Banchefsky said if the zoning and land use is approved and the multi-family is requested, it does have to come back for a development plan. The Commission would have much less discretion if a multi-family proposal were submitted. Mr. Geese asked about bases #3 of the staff report regarding the Earlington Village panhandle area and why the plat does not include it. Mr. Kelley said this zoning allows six units to the acre as stated in the staff report. If the City is willing, the applicant is willing to work out an arrangement with the Dunmere property to develop it all single-family provided that the excess density would be applied as a credit toward parkland. The property which is already zoned has had its parkland given to the City. Mr. Geese asked if the Holding Corporation of Ohio and the Ohio Holding Corporation different entities with different owners. Mr. Kelley said yes, but they are both controlled by Don Kelley and Bob Weiler. Mr. Kelley referred to the east line on the plan and said that is Muirfield Drive. He said the land farther to the east is R- 1. Ms. Clarke referred to moving density credits or ".. parkland credits from one parcel to another. She said this has been done repeatedly as the development of the area has evolved. It has yielded Dublin "- better plans time after time. Mr. Kelley said if the Commission feels this is acceptable as a single-family development, possibly a recommendation could be made to City Council that this Commission recommends this rezoning based upon the commitment made by this applicant. Mr. Fishman said that over the years, the land has changed hands numerous times. He fears that the land could be sold and the new owner would build multi-family units there. He said he would be more comfortable with a PUD zoning. Mr. Kelley said that 75-foot lots are appropriate in this area and that it is unfair to expect Muirfield-type development. He suggested that a condition could be placed on this approval/recommendation for single-family only. l..l1~ ~ Z:-cr 2. . bO 'Z.. 3. ~ .,2.. M;""""~5 4-fs ~ If - ,'-"""" ~.. ~~ Dublin Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes - March 5, 1992 Page 16 Mr. Campbell made a motion to disapprove this rezoning application Z92-002 consistent with the bases of the staff report of March 5, 1992 which are: 1 ) The blanket R-4 zone permits the construction of multi-family housing for up to eight family structures. Such uses would be inappropriate and incompatible with adjacent land uses unless developed as part of a coordinated plan for the area; 2) The maximum permitted R-4 density exceeds the density of other developments within the area; ~ 3) The Earlington Village panhandle area should be incorporated into the -J planning for this piece, as required by the Earlington Village approved Preliminary Development Plan; and 4) The proposed rezoning fails to show compatibility with existing development and long-term plans. Mr. Fishman seconded the motion. The vote was as follows: Mrs. Stillwell, yes; Mr. Leffler, yes; Mr. Geese, yes; Mr. Rauh, yes; Mr. Fishman, yes; and Mr. Campbell, yes. (Disapproved 6-0,) Mr. Foegler expressed a strong willingness to work with the applicant on any potential text change or other way to accomplish some type of zoning that would address these concerns. Other Business: Mrs. Stillwell mentioned the tentative, joint City Council/Plannin miSSion meeting set for Saturday, March 21. [It was later set for M ay, March 23.] Mr. Campbell said he mentioned it at the Council meeting onth ago and circulated Mrs. Stillwell's memo. ... Mrs. Stillwell suggested that extra meeti be scheduled to discuss planning .) issues. She said a sub-committee co be formed to accomplish this. Mr. Foegler said that staff would be happy to rovide whatever support is needed. Mr. Campbell said staff can let u now what they are expecting in the way of new development, and the su ommittee could discuss them. Mr. Foegler said h ill bring up the joint session meeting at the next Council meeting to firm p a date. Mrs. Stillwell suggested having a few P&Z members and a few C ncil members make up an agenda of discussion items. rng no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m. I4i S\-o...~ :z... 9~ -00:L 3.5.9'2. M~ r\u..~s 51s ~ ,.,.~ "_..,._.......u.,.._.," .....,. - , ri . . Dublin Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes - May 7, 1992 Page 14 5a. Rezoning Application Z92-002 - Holding Corporation of Ohio 5b. Rezoning Application Z92-005 - Holding Corporation of Ohio Ms. Clarke said staff recommends that application Z92-005, which is 5 1/2 acres - of ground located to the east of Muirfield Drive, be tabled. Staff is recommending approval with conditions, of a larger rezoning application which is Z92-002, which involves 41.374 acres. Staff also recommends the tabling of items 6 and 7 of the agenda. Item #6 is the Final Development Plan for Earlington Village and Dublinshire 4. Staff is in support of the informal application (#7 of agenda) which has to do with the Earlington Village panhandle. Ms. Clarke showed slides and presented the staff report. This application is for two rezonings for 51.8 acres located on the east and west sides of Muirfield Drive. There is a carryover for the developer of 1.6 acres of parkland from Earlington Village. Both sites are zoned R-1 currently and the applicant is proposing that they be rezoned PLR classification. The utilities are available to the site with the extension of Dublinshire Drive. The applicant has agreed to extend Dublinshire Drive during this building season westward to Avery Road. She said single-family use is the preferred use for this site. The applicant was strongly encouraged to use a planned development district. The park meets requirements and staff would like to see the following requirements met in the Preliminary Plat submission for the acreage: 1. Redesign layout to provide stub street to north for additional single-family .,.. development; if high school site, to provide easement; \ 2. Provision of landscape/mounding program for Avery and Muirfield frontages; I 3. Establishment of no-build zone along all park; 4. Dedication of park south of the property line to the center line of Bear Run with any credit for excess parkland will be carried forward; 5. Dedication of right-of-way on Avery Road 30' from centerline; 6. Reconfiguration of park at southwest corner; 7. Construction of a bikepath along north side of Dublinshire Drive and Wynford Drive; 8. Supplying additional park access through subdivision, at least one lot plus adequate easements. Ms. Clarke said it was decided that the applicant should make a commitment that the area to the north of the stream be dedicated as parkland as part of his application. Whatever the cumulative park credit, this would be carried over to the - i . , . Dublin Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes - May 7, 1992 Page 15 next application that the developer brings in. Staff recommends approval of this as a rezoning application, with the understanding that these conditions can be resolved in the preliminary plat. In regard to the second application which is Z92-005, it is felt that the layouts as proposed are not optimal for the area and staff would like to see the applicant ~ investigate alternate layouts. Staff wants to ensure that the best layouts possible for the area are obtained onto the east of Muirfield Drive. The interface shown here between the west end of the Earlington panhandle and the rezoning application Z92-002 is very good. They work together as two adjacent pieces of property should. There are four applications. Staff is recommending approval with conditions with Z92-002 and approval of the informal request which is case #7 - Informal - Final Development Plan - Earlington Village Panhandle. Staff recommends tabling the second half of case #5 - Z92-005 and also case #6 - Final Development Plan - Earlington Village - Dublinshire 4. Mr. Olausen said he has no comments because his firm was involved with the design. Mr. Timothy Kelley, applicant, said the 41-acre tract, which is Z92-002, is on the west side of Muirfield Drive. Also on the west side of Muirfield Drive is the western portion of the panhandle, which is informal and is a final development plan for Earlington Village. The property owned by Holding Corporation of Ohio on the east side of Muirfield Drive, which is stated as 60 acres in the staff report, is actually 6 acres. This is case number Z92-005. Rezoning Z92-002 ~ Ms. Clarke said this application will give a lot of benefits the City has been looking -J for. It will extend Dublinshire Drive from Muirfield Drive over to Avery Road and will align with Wyndford Drive in the Wyndham subdivision. Staff wants to see modifications at the preliminary plat. They include extending a stub street to the north, stubbing into the Jefferson Savings parcel to permit either a neighborhood to neighborhood connection if that develops residentially, or to transfer that to some sort of an easement for access to the high school. If access easements are provided, people will use them, if not, they will create their own. Park space along Bear Run is desired. Don Kelley has submitted a letter along with the map that talks about dedicating parkland. As has always been the City's policy, we will keep track of how many acres get dedicated. Staff feels that if the area along Bear Run is actually dedicated at this point, there will be a substantial credit to this developer which he will then be able to transfer to some related piece of property. Those computations have not been made. The area along Bear Run, to the south "'" ~~~~,.,..._.~~ ~~.. w ~h _."..""....".,_. .' . . . Dublin Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes - May 7, 1992 Page 16 of the cul-de-sac, called Conleth Circle, gets very tight just to the south end. Staff either wants to see the area along Avery Road eliminated as part of the park or that cul-de-sac shortened up some so the park space can be widened out. A landscaping and mounding program for both the east and west flanks along those two arterial streets is an important thing to add. The Parks Director would like to see a no-build zone established along the edges of the park so there is no stockade .. fence line. A dedication of right-of-way along Avery Road consistent with the Community Plan and the bikepath to be continued along the north side of Dublinshire Drive are requested. Additional access is needed within the subdivision to this linear park that is being created along Bear Run. Staff wants to see one of the lots become an access to this. A tot lot will likely be developed on the west side of Muirfield Drive, north of the stream, and more direct access from the subdivision into this area is preferred. Additional access through the subdivision farther to the west is also desired. A lot will depend upon how the cul-de-sac is redesigned. Ms. Clarke feels the applicant will come to terms with most of the above items. With the above conditions, staff recommends appoval of this application. Mr. Kelley said this parcel has been before the Planning Commission and Council before and it included commercial and office/institutional offices. This piece connects with the existing intersection seen from new Muirfield Drive. It picks up on the east at that point and carries Dublinshire Drive over to Wynford Drive. He said he agrees with the conditions. He hoped this would be considered as both a preliminary plat and a PLR rezoning so all of the above conditions will be implemented when Council see this. This would cut out a stage of the process and enable them to develop a portion of the lots this building season. He said Lots #~ #22 or #21 would be made a roadway only if the high school site is not developed to the north. If it is not a school site, the expectation is that this property will .""-, likely become single-family residential. If so, it makes sense to connect the neighborhoods together to enable the traffic flow to occur. If it is a school site, they do not want a street access up to the school site because with that intensive a use, people should use Muirfield Drive or some of the existing bigger roads. Ms. Clarke said staff wants to see a neighborhood street connection if it becomes a subdivision to the north and a pedestrian or bikepath easement if it does become a high school site. Mr. John Hubley, 8701 Craigston Court, said there is a great deal of discussion about this project but the lot sizes are not consistent with what Dublin is seeking. Ms. Jean Nippa, 7262 Hopewell Court, said she represents many residents of Hopewell and Pueblo Courts, and said that they are happy to hear that single- family homes are planned for the area north of their residences, but she thought "->t,~ . . . Dublin Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes - May 7, 1992 Page 17 there would be discussion tonight about the Avery and Muirfield Drive area immediately next to Indian Run Meadow. Ms. Clarke said there is another rezoning for the property to the south of this which will actually abut Indian Run Meadow. This case will be brought before this Commission at a later date. Ms. Nippa said the people in the neighborhood feel there is plenty of commercial along Muirfield 'AI\ Drive and with the Perimeter Mall going in, this will take care of any commercial I development. She asked to be added to the list of property owners notified for .J these cases. Ms. Stillwell asked about the density. Ms. Clarke said the density for the 41-acre tract is 110 units with 2.65 dwelling units per acre. The panhandle as part of Earlington Village is already zoned for cluster at a density of 2.9 units per acre. Mr. Kelley said the average lot size is 80 feet. There are 45 lots over 80 feet and 51 lots that are 70-75 feet in width, 22 lots that are about 75 feet and 7 from 75- 80 feet. These lots are significantly greater in width than the lots in Indian Run which are mostly 65-foot lots. Ms. Stillwell asked why the PLR zoning was chosen. Mr. Kelley said he tried to do a straight classification and was not supported by staff or the Commission. Ms. Clarke said the PUD vests a lot of discretion with the Commission and the PLR relies more on the regular platting procedures. Mr. Leffler said with the conditions discussed by staff, he supports this plan. Mr. Manus said he supports the plan due to the things the City will realize out of this, however, he feels this plan is very dense. Mr. Kelley said the master plan states that this area is appropriate for 2-4 units per acre. ~ Mr. Geese said there is no imagination with this plan. The only real gain for the ..J community is the bikeway. Mr. Kelley said his company has spent five years on this project. He said the presence of Muirfield Drive hinders a single-family development along it. Avery Road is limiting along the west side. There is not one curb cut on Avery Road or Muirfield Drive for the development. The third difficult limiting condition is that Dublinshire Drive is a requirement of the City. To connect Dublinshire Drive from Muirfield Drive to Avery Road doesn't help the layout at all. They are limited by property lines to the north and by Bear Run to the south. Mr. Campbell said he supports the plan, but said it is quite dense. He suggested adding width to some of the lots so none are less than 70-75 feet wide. Ms. Jordan said she would like to bring the park out to the street so it is visible. She would like to see a more sizeable park entry than a 12-15 foot easement. Mr. Kelley said the typical way of measuring lot width is at the building line. If these ~ "- - -,. "---_._._.~..._..~.,-..""-, --="~-,~~--..._. .."-- ~,~"'''",",,,"~''''''~-''. ., .._.".......,..~,'-'-,.~.,,-~~.~,-~~~.~ . . . Dublin Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes - May 7, 1992 Page 18 lots are measured at the building line, there is no lot under 70 feet. He said the measurements given are at the building line. Mr. Campbell asked if there is not a necessity for sidewalks in the subdivision. He asked why a bikepath would exist on a road where there sidewalks. He suggested that the proposed bikepath be "..., rerouted through the park. Ms. Clarke said the staff doesn't want that. The major bike traffic is headed from the swimming pool to Avery Park, and those people will ... not take the long way around. She said there is to be a sidewalk along the south side of Dublinshire and a bike path along the north side. Mr. Fishman said he approves of the concept for single-family but feels that this development should be less dense. The City services are already overtaxed. Mr. Rauh referred to the letter from Mr. Harrison regarding mounding and trees. Mr. Kelley said the existing treeline on the east and south will not be touched. He said he will mound along the rear of the lots to separate them from the parkland. The park will be an additional buffer from his residence. He said he will not totally screen his property but he will put in mounding and trees. Mr. Geese asked if the detention basins will be dry and ugly like the one behind the Scottish Corner School in Indian Run Meadows. Ms. Jordan said the area of the detention basin is not counted as part of the parkland, but because stream corridors and/or woods are desirable to a private parkland, the detention basin becomes necessary. If the detention basin is an acre in size, that much more parkland is needed. Mr. Campbell made a motion to approve this application Z92-002 and make the ,,,.. following modifications at the Preliminary Plat. 1. Redesign layout to provide stub street to north for additional single-family development; if high school site, to provide easement; 2. Provision of landscape/mounding program for Avery and Muirfield frontages; 3. Establishment of no-build zone along all park; 4. Dedication of park south of the property line to the center line of Bear Run with credit for excess parkland will be carried forward; 5. Dedication of right-of-way on Avery Road 30' from centerline; 6. Reconfiguration of park at southwest corner; 7. Construction of a bike path along north side of Dublinshire Drive and Wynford Drive; 8. Supplying additional park access through subdivision, one lot plus adequate easements. "..- . ...... , . . . Dublin Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes - May 7, 1992 Page 19 Mr. Leffler seconded the motion. The vote was as follows: Mr. Fishman, yes; Mr. Manus, yes; Mr. Rauh, yes; Mr. Geese, no; Mrs. Stillwell, yes; Mr. Campbell, yes; Mr. Leffler, yes. (Approved 6-1: 6-yes, 1-no.) ~ , , """" .~ .J .- lI,jOltj"'" ~._~-~.'^,.~~-"-~'''~ Q5/28/92 09:25 '5'614 228 1098 DONALD W. KELLEY 1lJ002 . '[:~~ ~~ . ! ! i') ! . rn @ rn n If) rn 1 ~ i; r ' I,~ II ! HAY 2 8 1992' ! '/1 , Development Plan Text. - ._~ .." ..........--.-...-.--.--... ~., -.. - '-- " A. The proposed location and size of areas ot residentia~'use, indicating dwelling unit densities, dwelling unit types, the total numbar of dwelling units for each density area and the total n~er of dwelling units proposed in the development plan. -" See Preliminary Plat for Dublinshire Section 4 dated, 5-14-92 (the "Plat"). ... B. The proposed size, location and use of nonresidential portions of the tract, including usable open areas, parks, playgrounds, school. sites and other areas and spaces with the suggested ownership of such areas and spaces. See Plat for parkland location and size. The Applicant has secured the agreement of the property owner to the south of me ~ubject tract to 'dedicate the parkland cross hatohed on the Plat and. noted on the Plat as "By Othersn (see attached. letter). All parkland will be owned by the City of Dublin. '!'he parkland along Muirfield Drive provides important visual open space which enhances the parkway character of Muirfie~d Drive. The parkland alonq Bear Run provides for a passive, 1inear park which will protect the natural area around the stream for wildlife and pedestrian use while providing sufficient width for a neighborhood tot lot and. larqe windoW's into the parkland at Avery Road and Muirfield Drive. c. The proposed provision of water, sanitary sewer and surface drainage facilities, including engineering feasibility t'J.'P~~, studies or other evidence of reasonableness. See Plat. ~~jI#i' D. The proposed trafric circulation patterns, including public and. private streets, parkinq areas, walks and. other accessways, indicating their relationship to topography, existing streets or showing other evidence ot reasonableness. Dublinshire Drive and Wyn~ord Drive will provide an east-west collector street to carry vehicular traffic between Avery Road and Muirfield Drive. A bike. path wil.l be instalI.ed.. along the. north side of these roads' as shown on the P1at to allow for biCYCle traffic to access 'the existing und.e.rpass at Muirfield Drive from Avery Road. Access to the parkland along the southern portion o~ the tract for pedestrian traffic will be provided as shown on the Plat. e" . . ... . .. . .... .. ....... ......... ,. . '. ... .... -..- ~ "'- .... ~ M~';""~,,,,-==:,:~~~__,:..,:.~ ==~-. ....~ ....J ~ ~.. .... 0:"'. ... OS/28/92 09:25 '5'614 228 1098 DONALD W. KELLEY III 0€3 . . . E. The proposed schedule of ' site development, construction of structures and associated facilities, including sketches and other materials indicating design principles and concepts to be followed in site development, oonstruction, landscaping- and other features. Suoh schedule shall include the proposed use or reuse of existing features such as topography, structures, streets and easements. The site development will likely oocur in three ~ phases. The first phase will include the completion of DUblinshire Drive and Wynford Drive from Avery Road to } Dublinshire Drive. Entrance features at Wynford Drive ..", and Avery Road and Dublinshire Drive at Muirfield Drive will include "dry laidtl stone walls and landscaping. F. The relationship'of the proposed development to existing and future land use in the surrOunding area, the street system, community facilities, services and other public improvements. The proposed development pro~ides for an important east-west connection between Avery Road and Muirfield Drive without compromising the character of the single family land use. It provides a single family sUbdivision which is oriented "within" with a ~inin1um of visual or physical interrerence with Muirfield Drive or Avery Road. The single family use, lot size characteristics and density are consistent with surroundinq land uses and the C01D1Dunity Plan. G. Evidence that the applicant has sufficient control over the land to effectuate the proposed devel.opment plan. Evidence of control. includes property rights and the engineering feasibility data which may be necessary. The Appli.cant owns the sUbject tract and the Plat ~ demonstrates the engineering feasibility. The Applicant has secured the coJIUlli t::ment from the adj acent .J property owner regarding the off-site parkland dedication as described in Item B above. , ... . , -. , ....-.-.. . . _ _w. .0 . ...................... ---. .-.. ~ "_.,~,_..- . ."-"'~<"~ .~,_.- .,..~..~- " ~~,.,~~- , "_,~,'_"~".,,,.......~.~..,~,_...,~.o~._~~ ~5/28/92 09:26 '5'614 228 1098 DONALD W. KELLEY 14I 004 . , ~ Donald W. Kelley & Associates, Inc. Reel Estate Consultants at Developers Dclneld w, Kelley, MAl, CAE 250 East Broad Street. Suite 1100 . Columbus. Ohio 43215-3721 11mQlhy M. Kelley (614) 228-5i75 . Fax (614) ~~7a Terrence P. K8lIey f'a.'rick J, Kelley Margaret M. Kelley Ray Booty Sally J. McGlmy Hay 28, 1992 The City of Dublin Attn: Bobbie Clarke '....... 5131. Post Road Dublin, Ohio 4301.7 Re: Parkland dedication along Bear RUn Dear Ms. Clarke: I a.JIl writinq as the duly authorized agent of Ohio Hl:)lding , Company, who owns the property located north of Indian Run sections 5 and 6 and south of tha property owned by' the Holding Corporation of Ohio west of Muixfield Drive (the "Propert.yh). The undersigned hareby co~fir.ms the following: 1.. In connection with the deVelop1D.ent of the Property by the undersigned for residential purposes, it will dedicate parkland to the city of Dublin located north of Bear Run and in the COnfiguration shown on the attached. Exhibit nA a . Such dedication will be :lIlade as part. of the requ.iJ::ed parkland dedication for the Property. The undersigned recognizes that this dedication of p?J,rk1and compliments the dedication of parkland proposed in connection with the plan o~ Holding Corporation of Ohio in Rezoning Applications Z92-002/Z92-005 for its property and prov::ides an appropriate parkland area for all concerned. 2 - The intention of the undersigned to dedicate the parkland will be :madS in such form. as requested by the city of DulJlin and in accordance with the timing requested. by the City of Dublin. Such dedication shall be irrespective of the undersigned I s proposed use of the Property so that if the use on the Property changes for whatever reason to other than residential, the commitment to make the parkland dedication will . rema:Ln. This letter supercedes my letter to you dated May 7, 1992. Yours truly" Ohio Holding,Company By: J~1If1~~{/ Donald W.: 11 , authorizedaqent cc: Robert E. Albright , . ~~~"" - . - . . u___ i ,~r ItlJfa~o Ali;fl ...". ... , - --- IIJ~~ID ~ I . ... -_1..- lOSSY fJ'"1":""(l r: ' 1661 1 ---..;... _.......~ '~rJ i I; , 9 l AVH l l' I .......-- . . , . . -- --.-.' \ Il\ ~" ! 1 ' '-..: , ' ~ -..J J !. sf l~J id El I \ " I \ \ \ .' , iUri ..~ J "II :NP. - IIIU' I ~ , ..J ( ~ ~..,'? t; ~,~ Ol~" 'YoVQ l'V~1'=lJ~ ~Q~ ~ 1.,~lp~ ~q of --_..-.---- , r ~~J'o 'PO' "P~",~. S4OJ;7 ) .. v.. ..11 g ) ~)(-:r -' . ~oo III " .\3T1 ,. , 3)1 .II tnvNoa " , 9601 9i:i: t " 19Q. 9i: ': 60' .;' - ' i:619ii~6 -.- ,- .-. PUBLIC HEARING DATE: June 1, 1992 - REGARDING: Ordinance 31-92 An Ordinance Providing for a Change of Zoning of 41.374 Acres, Located on the East Side of Avery Road, 3000' South of Brand Road, to be Rezoned from: R-1, Restricted Suburban Residential District to: PLR, Planned Low Density Residential District. PRO P 0 N E N T S NAME ADDRESS ~'.s 111 ",., ~ PUBLIC HEARING DATE: June 1, 1992 REGARDING: Ordinance 31-92 I An Ordinance Providing for a Change of Zoning of 41.374 Acres, Located on the East Side of Avery Road, 3000' South of Brand Road, to be Rezoned from: R-1, Restricted Suburban Residential District to: PLR, Planned, Low Density Residential District. o P P 0 N E N T S NAME ADDRESS . .W'.._'"_ '.__.",""~~"~~;O"".~'~'_'"~~~~.=_ -=.-..,-,"" 1. jLI"r'~ .:1 . .~ . TIMOTHY M. KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW 250 EAST BROAD STREET COLUMBUS, OHIO 43215 - (614) 228-5775 FAX (614) 228-1098 Ii""'" ~ June 5, 1992 Anne C. Clarke Clerk of Council City of Dublin 6665 Coffman Road Dublin, Ohio 43017 Re: Rezoning Ordinance No. 31-92 (41.4 acre tract located between Muirfield Drive and Avery Road) Dear Anne: At the City Council Hearing on Monday, June 1, 1992 for the above referenced matter, Councilman Charles Kranstuber requested a copy of the Deed Restrictions which we have used in our developments in Dublinshire, Earlington Village and Hemmingway and plan to use on the property which is the subject of the rezoning. Enclosed is a copy of a preliminary draft of the Deed I"" Restrictions which we expect to use on the subject project. The final version may have some variations and/or additional I provisions but in substance the enclosed represents what will be '-' recorded against the property. In order to save you time, I am taking the liberty of sending a copy of the enclosed Deed Restrictions directly to Mr. Kranstuber. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you. Yours truly, T:~Y ~ ';J~ cc: Charles W. Kranstuber ( encl. ) 375 GlenMeadow Court Dublin, Ohio 43017 /lc - _,...4,.,......_......,..0<"'.. _~,~~,_'...~=,,~-=._.__,"".~~,__.,""_.'u...,.,<__~.,~., .,',..,....".. " . - [ij)OO& ~ V DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIONS THIS DECLARATION is made on the date hereinafter set forth ~ by , hereinafter referred to as "Declarant." .~ WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Declarant is the owner of certain real property situated in the County of Franklin, the State of Ohio, and in the City of DUblin, and bounded and described as follows: Being Lots Numbered both inclusive, of as the same are_numbered and delineated upon the recorded plat_thereof, of record in Plat Book -, Page _, Recorder's Office, Franklin County, Ohio. LAST TRANSFER OF RECORD: Official Record Vol.____, Page . NOW THEREFORE, In pursuance of a general plan for the protection, benefit and mutual advantage of all the lots in the aforementioned subdivision (hereinafter referred to as "Lots"), ~, and of the persons who are now or may hereafter become owners of any of the Lots or parts thereof, Declarant hereby declares that all of the Lots shall be held, sold, and conveyed subject to the following easements, restrictions, covenants and conditions (hereinafter referred to as "Restrictions"), which are for the mutual benefit and protection of, and shall be enforceable by, all and any of the present and future owners of any of the Lots. Declarant may, at Declarant's discretion, provide that the Restrictions are enforceable by the owners of lots in adjacent subdivisions hereafter developed, provided that restrictions are imposed on such adjacent subdivisions which are sUbstantially similar to these Restrictions and provided further that the owners of the Lots shall be entitled to enforce the restrictions applicable to such adjacent subdivision(s). These Restrictions shall run with the land and shall be binding for a period of forty (40) years from the date hereof and shall be automatically extended for successive periods of ten (10) years each unless and until an instrument signed by at least the majority of the then owners of Lots has been recorded, which instrument shall provide for a change in said Restrictions either in whole or in part. 1. No dwelling, garage or any addition thereto or any alterations thereof shall be erected, reconstructed, placed or suffered to remain upon said premises unless or until the size, location, type, style of architecture, use, the materials of construction thereof, the color scheme therefor, grading plan of \.r the lot, including the grade elevation of said dwelling, the plot plan showing the proposed location of said dwelling upon said premises (and the landscape plan and type of fencing) and the plans, specifications and details of said dwelling shall have been submitted in writing to Declarant, its successors or assigns, and until such plans and specifications shall have been approved in writing by Declarant. Declarant's approval of said plans and specifications shall be based upon compliance with the specific provisions of these Restrictions and otherwise upon Declarant's ....._"""'C_"~"'~.........."._,_~____.......~,_._._.,_ reasonable satisfaction that the specific elements of said plans and specifications set forth in the preceding sentence are harmonious and in keeping with the general plan for the subdivision and generally are architecturally harmonious with the other structures in the subdivision. If Declarant fails to approve or disapprove such plans and specifications within thirty (30) days after the submission thereof in writing to Declarant, such plans and specifications as have been submitted in accordance with the terms hereof shall be i deemed to have been approved. Failure of Declarant to object within six months after completion of construction of a dwelling shall be deemed an approval of the plans and specifications pursuant to this Section 1. If Declarant ceases to exist as an entity, and this right of approval shall not have been specifically assigned to a successor in interest, (which may include a homeowners' association whose members consist of the owners of not less than fifty-one percent of the Lots), then the approval of plans and specifications as set forth hereinabove shall not be necessary and the provisions of this paragraph shall be inoperative. Said assignment by Declarant of this right of approval shall be in writing and filed with the Recorder of Franklin County, Ohio. All construction work commenced on said premises shall be completed within one year after the start of construction thereof in accordance with the plans and specifications so approved by Declarant and Declarant shall have the right to inspect all such construction work at all reasonable times to ensure the compliance with such plans and specifications. 2. Each of the Lots shall be used and occupied solely and ~ exclusively for private-residence purposes by a single family, and no other than a one single-family, private residence purpose building shall be erected, reconstructed, placed or suffered to remain thereon, which building shall include an attached garage of a size reasonably intended to contain at least two automobiles. 3. No noxious or offensive trade or activity shall be carried on upon any of the Lots; nor shall anything be done on any of the Lots which may be or may become an annoyance or nuisance to any of the other Lots or of the owners thereof. 4. No structure of a temporary character, trailer, mobile home, tent, shack, garage, barn or other outbuilding shall be used on any of the Lots at any time as a residence, either temporarily or permanently, and no structure of a temporary character, detached from the residence, shall be used for storage purposes. 5. No spiritous, vinous or fermented liquors of any kind shall be manufactured or sold, either wholesale or retail, upon said premises, and no industry, business, trade, occupation or profession of any kind shall be conducted, maintained or permitted upon said premises. No well for gas, water, oil or other substance shall at any time, whether intended for temporary or permanent purposes, be erected, placed or suffered to remain upon said premises, nor shall the premises be used in any way or for any purpose which may endanger the health or unreasonably disturb , the quiet of the owner or owners of any of the Lots. -.... 6. No animals, rabbits, or poultry of any kind and no species of fowl, livestock, birds or insects shall be kept upon or maintained on any part of any of the Lots except domestic dogs, cats, or other household pets which are kept for domestic purposes only, and are not kept, bred, or maintained for any commercial purpose. -,...".- ....,~-~...,-,~ 7. No trucks, commercial vehicles, boats, trailers, campers or mobile homes shall be parked or stored on the premises unless the same are in a garage or at the rear of the dwelling and out of view from the curb in front of the dwelling, provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall prohibit the reasonable use of such vehicles as may be necessary during construction of the homes to be constructed on the Lots. - 8. No Lot shall be used or maintained as a dumping ground for rubbish. Trash, garbage or other waste shall not be kept except in sanitary containers. All incinerators or other ""'- equipment for the storage or disposal of such materials shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition. 9. No dish antennas shall be used or erected on any Lot unless located within the dwelling constructed on such Lot. No seperate tower for any radio, TV, CB or any such antenna shall be erected. 10. No portion of any Lot nearer to any street than the building setback lines as shown upon the recorded plat of the subdivision shall be used for any purposes other than that of a lawn, nor shall any fence or wall of any kind, for any purpose, be erected, placed or suffered to remain on any lot nearer to any street now existing, or any hereafter created, than the front building line of the actual building, excepting ornamental railings, walls, or fences not exceeding three (3) feet in height located on or adjacent to entrance, platforms or steps. No fences, walls or structures of any kind shall be permitted within the "no build zones" on the recorded plat of the subdivision. .",.,.. Nothing contained in this section 10 shall be construed as preventing the use of any portion of any Lot for walks, drives (if otherwise permitted), planting of trees or shrubbery, growing of flowers or other ornamental plants, or for small statuary entranceways, fountains or similar ornamentations for the purpose of beautifying the lot provided that no unsightly objects shall be allowed to be placed or suffered to remain anywhere thereon. 11. No garage or any addition thereto or alteration thereof shall be erected, reconstructed, placed or suffered to remain upon any of the Lots unless the same is for the exclusive use of the family occupying said dwelling, and unless such garage be an integral part of said dwelling and unless and until the size, location, type, style of architecture, cost, materials, color and grade shall have first been approved in writing as required of all other construction as set forth in Section 1 hereinabove. No such proposed garage shall be approved unless such proposed garage shall be of a size reasonably intended to accommodate at least two automobiles. 12. No sign of any kind shall be displayed to the public view on any of the aforementioned lots except one professional sign of not more than one square feet may be attached to the front of a residence, and one sign of not more than five square feet advertising the premises for sale or for rent, and except those other signs as may be approved by Declarant intended to be used by a builder to advertise the premises during the construction and .... sales period. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Declarant reserves the right to establish standards for uniform signage and the total number of signs to be used by each builder and realtor during the construction and sales period as to all of the Lots. 13. The location of any and all driveways shall be and shall remain as established upon each of the Lots pursuant to the plans and specifications referred to hereinabove. No driveway shall be located, relocated, or suffered to remain upon any of the Lots except as approved by Declarant in writing. ~. . 14. No Lot owner shall subdivide or convey less than the whole of any of the Lots without first obtaining the written consent of the Declarant. 15. The Declarant reserves unto itself, its successors and assigns, a perpetual easement in, through, under and/or over those portions of the rear and sides of each of the Lots as shown on the plat thereof, designed as utility rights-of-way, for the """... construction, operation and maintenance of electrical and telephone utilities, lines and conduits and water, gas and sewer lines and conduits, cable T.V. or any other public utility '~~("'" facilities, together with the necessary or proper incidents and appurtenances; and no building or other structure, or any part thereof, shall be erected or maintained upon any part of the Lots over or upon which easements for the installation and maintenance of such public utilities and sewer lines will be or have been granted. 16. No dwelling shall be erected, reconstructed, placed or suffered to remain upon any of the Lots without having the following minimum square feet of livable area, exclusive of porches, basements, garages, and other unfinished space: A. One-story dwellings shall have a minimum of 1800 square feet. B. 1-1/2-story dwellings shall have a minimum living space on the first floor of 1400 square feet with the second floor finished in its entirety. c. Two-story dwellings shall have a minimum of 1900 square feet, with a minimum of 950 square feet being on each story. ~' No split-level or bi-Ievel dwellings shall be permitted on any of the Lots. 17. In connection with the Restrictions contained herein, it is hereby provided that if, in the sole opinion of the Declarant, the enforcement of the provisions hereof would work an undue hardship by reason of the shape, dimensions or topography of any of the Lots or by reason of the shape, dimensions or type of dwelling proposed to be erected on any of the Lots, Declarant may, in its sole discretion, permit variations in size, type, location or otherwise that will not, in its sole discretion, do material damage to any abutting or adjacent property. 18. The foregoing Restrictions, and each and everyone of them, shall be held and considered as running with the land hereby conveyed, and with each and every part of such land, and shall be construed toward their strict enforcement whenever reasonably necessary to ensure uniformity and harmony of plan, development and use of said subdivision, and if necessary, they shall be so extended and enlarged by reasonable implication so as to make them fully effective to accomplish such purposes. The reasonable construction placed upon them by the Declarant in good faith shall be final and binding as to all persons and property benefitted or bound thereby. The invalidity of any of these Restrictions or any part thereof shall not affect those remaining Restrictions or parts thereof, nor shall any failure by Declarant, however long "- continued (except in case of a specific waiver thereof) to object to any breach of or to enforce any provisions whatsoever which are contained herein, be deemed as a waiver of the right to do so thereafter, as to the same breach, or as to one occurring prior or subsequent thereto. . .~~_....-_......~,"~~~ "'~'~.~'-"'" .....~- ~ , . 19. The Declarant reserves the right in case of any violation or breach of any of the foregoing Restrictions to enter the property upon which or as to which such violation or breach exists, and to summarily abate and remove, at the expense of the owner thereof, any structure, thing or condition that may be or exist thereon contrary to the intent and meaning of the provision hereof as interpreted by the Declarant; and the said Declarant shall not, by reason thereof, be deemed guilty of any manner of ,....~ trespass for such entry, abatement or removal. Further, the Declarant may enjoin, abate or remedy by appropriate legal proceedings, either in law or in equity, the continuance of any breach of these Restrictions. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Declarant has caused this Declaration of Restrictions to be subscribed by its duly authorized officers (or partners) this _ day of . 199 - . Signed and acknowledged in the presence of: (Declarant) By: STATE OF COUNTY OF , 5S: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ___ day of , 19_, by ","'" Notary Public This instrument prepared by: Timothy M. Kelley, Attorney at Law 250 E. Broad st., Columbus, Ohio 43215 ......