HomeMy WebLinkAbout117-92 Ordinance ;.1 "~ ~\ RECORD OF ORDINANCES , , Dayton Legal Blank Co, Form No, 30043 I i I Ordinance No..-. .111.__,t2_(Amended) Passed- . _19_ -.+-- I ! I r i l '-- AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR A CHANGE OF ZONING OF 79.385 ACRES OF LAND, LOCATED ~200 FEET NORTH OF SUXMITVIEW ROAD, ON THE EAST SIDE OF CLUB ROAD (NOT BUILT) ABUTTING THE EAST EDGE OF THE 0' SHAUGHNESSY HILLS SUBDIVISION, TO BE REZONED FROM: R-l, RESTRICTED SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT TO: PLR, PLANNED LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the council of the city of Dublin, state of Ohio, 7 of the elected members concurring: Section 1. That the following described real estate (see attached map marked Exhibit "A") situated in the city of Dublin, State of Ohio, is hereby rezoned to R-2, Limited Suburban Residential District, and shall be subject to regulations and procedures contained in Ordinance No. 21-70 (Chapter Eleven of the Codified Ordinances) the city of Dublin zoning Code and amendments thereto. /'''- I section 2. That application, Exhibit liB", including the list ; of contiguous and affected property owners, and the ~ recommendations of the Planning and Zoning commission, Exhibit "C", are all incorporated into and made an official part of I this Ordinance and said real estate shall be developed and I used in accordance therewith. \ Section 3. That this Ordinance shall take effect and be in I force from and after the earliest period allowed by law. I 1\ Passed this S -Hv day of ~ ' 1993 . II~re~L Attest: I I II ~A ({ (7~ \1 Clerk of Council _ II Sponsor: planning Division \' ~ '\ I d' ' . "'{-w. . I,", ,". {',,~",'n. .'~' ~I~ ';H.H'e poste In a.tv ....' ~.f-...,., rf'!n,;'~ ~{ ~ ~: d,' .~, ,',' . d ( d \ herl'~1 ::,," ,"" ...'; .... ":, ( ." r 7"1 25 "1111\3 (;.10 Revise 0 e. I ",'", . .....n...,da~'...) 'i1;::\ ~Ci.~~O!' ..). .... ('\'f t-~ D 'I.; '!', ~ dt.lvt 'I...... I O~O~ I (t~ of Coundl, Dub"n, OhIo I \ ._..___...... ~_,l f'F! JI. rJ'l!.;f!t%LI!II!>.!io.._rJt"',',"~"'~",,","'f',~'I~;,',!OII"I1;@_,~ ..II!U ~,:.,.-.".",,,,,~,,,,"""""':~~~"l">II-4'; r t.~ ; .. .., T ,-< . .. ."''''w1Of:/lIUfqI. . '. f",'. 3 1/ CITY OF DUBLIN PLANNINC AND ZONING COIlll1SS . .....I....~ AN APPLICATION' FOR AMENDMENT, 10R r&Z C Use Only OF THE CITY OF DUBLllt ZONING , APpl~tlon No. " O:tSTR.ICT MAP ZK, q-Z-Oll (Reclassification of Land) Date Filed: LZ::_-Y- '1Z - Fe_ R_colpt ~ Received' by:, ", please type or print information - Use additional sheets as necessary TO THE HONORABLE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: the. Applicant Boston Development Co. {. (Have property in contract) being the o~er(s),/lessee(s) of property located within the area proposed for ., r.ez,?ning " : ,t:: .\ I' , requests that the following described,land to be placed in the Planned Low Density Residential District (PLR) . A. DESCRIPTION OF LAND TO BE RECLASSIFIED 1. General Description of Land (describe by one of the following). a. Lot(s)/Reserve(s) of , a reeorded plat, with an area of . fIP . b. Beginning at a point along '. (street or other) and being feet in a N SEW : direction from the (specify),of (Street or other), and thence having a dimension of froin the (specify) of (street or other), and having an araa of " . e. The tract of land containing Acres and bounded by: (sp~eify) on the N S E V (Circle) (specify) on the N S ~ W (Circle) (specify) on the N SEW (Circle) (specify) on the N SEW (Circle) ,d. Attachad',;.l@g$l :descriptiont YES X : NO , ~1'ii" : . , ' .__,_.""w~ "'f Page 1 of 3 : m ~ @ ~ D WI " '" o r,-_L_.0~ i \! , pH : L>l~' ,lEe ~ 41992 ! ":10 ' Jo :J , I' i :j , b ..........,.x...~~_A"Ji;~...r"....,...t:.~~ CITY OF oun~ ~ " . ,._ ...J """'...-.......... _ __loll< ___'_'_......____.____ " .""" .... j \ t f . . Map of Proposed.ZoninR District Boundaries Two (2) copies of, map accurately~drawn to an appropriate scale (to fill a sheet of not less than 8\ ,x 1-1 inches and .not more than 16 x 20 inches).. The map ~hall be identified and submitted in addition to the General Description of Land. 'rhe lIlap shall: include . all, . land in:.the proposed change and all 'land within' five hundred (500) {eet beyond the 'limits of thll.'proposed change. to be shown on the map - all property lines, street right-of-way, easements and other information related .t:o"the location of the proposed:boundaries and shall be fully dimensioned. The,map shall show the existing and,proposed'Zonfng District,or Special District boundaries. List all owners of property"within and contiguous to and directly across the street from such, area propos~d.to be rezoned. The addresses of the owners, shall be those appearing On the County Auditor~s current tax list or the Treasurer's mailing list. NAME ADDRESS Stratford Development Co. 1152 Goodale Blvd. Cols., OH 43212 Complete General Construction , 1221 E. Fifth Ave. Cols., OH 43219 I Edward F. Hutchins 8500 Riverside Dr. Powell, OH 43065 Eleanor L. Chilcote P.O. Box 1343 Dublin, OH 43017 Theresa L Garber 4466 Summit View Rd. Dublin, OH 43017 " *SEE ATTACHED* B. ARGUMENTS FOa RECLASSIFICAtION OF THE DESCRIBED LAND ~" 1. PropoAed Use o~ Development of the Land: Single Family Residential . PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ZONING DISTRICTS and SPECIAL DISTRICtS submission of three (3.) copies of a Development Plan. and other documents and two (2) copies. shall b~'retained as a permanent publ'ic record if approved. For other 20ning Di$tricts" such plans or other e~h1blts would be helpful to the re~iew.of this application. Plans and Exhibits Gubmitted' Plot Plan, ~; Building Pinn _____J Development Pl~n X ; Sketch j - - ,Photographs _____; Other (specify) 2. State briefly. how the proposed zoning and development relates to the existing and probably ~utur'e land use character o! the vicinity... This site proposal is similar to surrounding zonings and anticipated .... -',.."......,. .. . . 'rezonings fo.t"~bw"'density, higher end gingle family homes. I.~. .. -, . Page 2 of 3 pages \ , .. t . . 3. lias nn application for rezoning of the' property been denied by the City . Council within the last two (2) years? YES NO X - Not known to applicant If Yes, state .the basts of reconsideration C. AFFIDAVIT Before completing this application and executing the folloving affidavit, it is recommended that this application be discussed'with the Building Inspector to insure 'completeness.and accuracy. 'present owner of property. . APPLICANTS'S AFFIDAVIT STATE OF OHIO COUNTY' OF FRANKLIN~ I (we) Boston Development Co. being duly sworn, depose. and say that 1 am/we ara the:owner(s)/'les8ee(u) of being . duly sworn. depose and uy,that 1 am/we are the owner(uJ/lessee(s).of bnd included in the applicat,ion. and that the. .foregoi'ng statement herein contained and Qttached. and information or attached. exhibits thoroughly to the.best of my/our ability preaent the nrgumenta in behalf of the app1!cat.ion herewith SUbmitted and.that the IitatementB and ntta~hed exhibits a~oye ~eferred to are in all respects true and correct to the bes~ of my/our knowledge ~nd belief. '" . , 1152 Goodale Blvd. Cols., OR 43212 (Mailing address) 614-297-0404 · (phono) Subacribed and sworn to before me this 3rd day of December _, 1988. ~~~ (notary Public) . < DEBORAH R. WALKER Person to be contacted for' details, if other than above s1gnatoryJ . ..., PIaIC. STATE Of OHIO . IIUOIIISSION EXPIRES MAY 4. 1995 , .'" .' o..J... '~'l" .~r- .",........"""-.:a-....... . ~ _ . _. . . ". .......... .'0 .~.... I' . "- (Name' (Address) (Telephone) ~ - - - - - - - - - ~ - - ... - - lOo. not. WrIte berow thIs-1Ine)- - - - - - - - - - -..-- - - D. ~t:~RJl:CORD' OF: AC'J.'ION',:'~ '. 1.. WithdraWn. lIeld to (Date) (Date)' 2., P&Z C.! Dat~ of llearing Approved .' Disapproved'. . .Modified 3. Citj Council! Date of Hearing Approved Disapproved Kodtfi~d Pno~ 1 nf 1 P~~~. . _.~_.__.__._-- , l' t \ I ; < . " Th~ app1:l.cant/ow~er, her~by ack~owledges that approval of "(his) (her) '(its) , , :,- request for PLR zoning district by 'the, Dublin Planning an~ Zoning Commission sndior Dublin,City Co~ncil does not constitute a guarantee " or binding commitm~nt tha~ the City of Dublin will be able, to provide essential . ' services such as water a~d sewor facilities when needed by said applicant. "....., The Ci~Y, of Dublin, will make every effort ,to have these'services ~vailable as .needed. H?~ever, 'th~ rapid growth of the City of Dublin and ,Northwest Frapklin County has stretched the City's capacity to provide: these .services to the limit. As such, the City. of Dublin may be unable to make all or part of said facilities'available to the applicant until some future date. . , .The undersigned hereby :acknowledges and understands the foregoing. '. .. , " December 3. 1992 .. Date authori%ed On benalf of: Boston Development Co. Applicant ...' . . .... '. . . ' . .. .' I .. . . , . . ... .. '.-' ..... - ......-. #""J!J<l"'-. - , , , \' l .' \ l . . 1. Lawrence K. Schaefer 4436 Summit View, Dublin, Oh 43017 2. Betty Hay 4430 Summit View, Dublin, 0111143011: 3. S.c. MacLeod, II 4424 Summit View, Dublin, Oh 43017 4. Juan H. Crawford P.O. Box 02055, Columbus, Oh 43202 5. Wanda E. Pinney, Tr. 8240 Riverside Dr., Powell, Oh 43065 6. A.R. Ritcher 2274 Nayland Rd., Columbus, Oh 43220 7. Robert T. Pappas 8444 Riverside' Dr., Powell, Oh 43065 8. Thomas C. Jacobs 4383 Forest Hill Dr., Powell, Oh 43065 9. Patricia M. Reeve 8303 Riverside Dr., Powell, Oh 43065 10. Richard A. & Shirley A. Marling 8283 Riverside Dr., Powell, Oh 43065 r 11. Joseph W. & Margaret L. Ryan 8267 Riverside Dr., Powell, Oh 43065 12. James E. Black l880.MacKenzie, Dr., Columbus, Oh 43220 13. Molly J:.:,Pinney 904 Rio Vista Blvd., Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. 33301 14. Billie L. Pinney 6444 Lancelot Dr., Sylvania, Oh '43560 15. Norma J. Ochsman c/o Ohio Savings Ass.,180l E. 9th St. Cleveland, Oh 44114 16. Louis L. Masteller 8201 Riverside Dr., Powell, Oh 43065 17. Richard H. Branden 8211 Riverside Dr., Powell, Oh 4~065 18. George T. Owens 8219 Riverside Dr., Powell, Oh 43065 19. William R. Pacey 8225 Riverside Dr., Powell, Oh 43065 20. Keith H. Brooks 8237 Riverside Dr., Powell, Oh 43065 ,.' . 09/24/92 16:33 002 \ "', -. .. I' .T , l \ . . Gee Gee Equipment Co. J an H. cr.wtJld 1221 East Fifth Avenue P O. 80x 020 5 Columbus, OH 43219 C lumbus, OH! ..3202 Craig and Susan Fehl Eugene ~y Hey 4424 Summit View Road 4430 Sum View Road Dublin,OH 43017 Oublln, 0 4 .3,.7 E werd Hutch;l Theresa Garber Eleanor Chit-Cote 8 00 'Rlvttald Iv~1 ~4466 Summit View Road 4500 Summit VIew Road P wel, OH 4 , 15:' DUhlln, OH 43017 Dublin, OH 43017 AlIn: A~i!Cher Woodland ~ -.. 2274 Ny, and ad Columbus, OH 43220 Helen Stoycheff Nancy Derose A thur .nd NO~ ~hpmann 4540 Arrowhead Road 310 Westvlew Avenue 4 20 summlt~, w, .o.d Powell OH 43065 Columbus, OH 43214 o bUn, OH 4 0 7 . I ~r. & Mrs. E. L. Kaler Thomas Rose Kith" Julie nOk. A13 Forest Hili 4380 Forest Hili Road 8 37 Rlv...ald ,iv~, I. owell OH 43065 Powell, OH 43065 P wen OH 4 5 ........ Joe & Margaret Ryan Tom Owens II ,ber. sweCi! 8263 Riverside Drive 8219 RiversIde Drive 4 80 WODella d Av,~ue Powell OH 43065 Powell OH 43065 P well OH 4 5 Howard Adams Geotf Clapham 8445 Gullane Court 88 East Broad Street, Dublln 01 f 43017 Suo 1240 Columbus, OH 43215 ,.' i ,- - ^ _ ."._.~_"',__,_n~'..,_'~.~_.~___'__ . 09/24/92 16:33 003 ,. .'., " . - . \ . JOHN FE~ '6'3 T~ sx CbURT DUBLIN OM 43017 ~TI-;Vlm .!SLACK RICRA.RD LOV!.LAND tiAllSBA ~n 4555 ARROWHEAD Rn 8159 RIVERSIDE DRTVE 2739 SA Rl' bOUL'!."fA1\D ,1JClWF.7.r. on 4306.5 l"OWRT.T . OM 43065 COLUMBUS OM 4323) JAMF.~ lIUTl.r-;R MARl' & RITA LYNCH RANDY RO~K 4390 fORfST HLLL Rn 262 W FOUNDTAIN AVENUE 6987 GRA DSE C6~PFS DR ( l'OWF.T.J. 011 43065 Dl:."LAWARF. 011 43015 DUBLIN OK 43 a7 .. PHARRIS & JAN1N~ ST ARNAUD THOMAS NAV 4375 WOODLANP DRIVE 3J60 RIVRR5TDF. DRIV~ POW!!J. L 011 43065 POWELl. 011 43065 WANDA JlINN1::'i KJ::MNETH BRECKI.Y.R 8'40 RIVRn5Tn~ DRIVE 801' RIVERSIDE DRIVE l'llWl~l.I. OH . II '.1065 DUBUN 011 4 JO 17 i . JACK & F.DITH SCHOENF. lt555 ~iUMM!TVTF.W DUBLIN OH ~3017 B DOUCl.AS HAIUtl!i EHERSON CONEIHE 436.') WOODLAND ORTVR 4240 5UMMITVl~W l'()Wm.T. OH43065 DUB1.1'N OR 4.'3017 .TOHN II K I He: MR DAVIS ,81RnRTVF.RSTD~ DklVl:." 4545 5UMMTTVIEW r'PO\.JJ::1.l. OH 4306, DUlll.IN OR 43017 '-' JAMJ::S MCQUl.A V 150 WEST WTT.SON 8RIDGE RD WORTHTNCTON OK 43085 L1!ONAnn RIVENHURG B400 K1V~HSIDE DRTVF. POWEl.l. 011 4:1065' -"-- tp-" -~ ". . \ .' r-.. ~ \ . rr;7r.~ . . .! ': .~.:' n ~7 rs -.... I:' ,-- I 'I ~-. . , ---.' J ' . ; - - ...,_ ..'i j) . ..~ /' ' SrtJ 3 01992 '11// , ' , I . I . .~J \.: . , ~ . f. ~: .... .. ; .1 '. , situated in the State of Ohio, County of Franklin, and in the ......- City of Dublin, Perry Township, Dublin School District: Being Lots Number One (1) through Thirty-one (31) of Block Number ,If'!""- 4 of O'Shaughnessy Hills subdivision, as the same is numbered and delineated upon the recorded plat o~ said subdivision, of record "'"- in Plat Book 20, Page 4, Recorder's Office, Franklin County, Ohio. Parcel No. 2 . ' .. Situated in the State of Ohio, County of Franklin, and in the City . ' \ of Dublin, Perry Township, Dublin School District: Being a part of PARCEL TWO as the same was conveyed to The . ' Grant-Long Co. by deed of record on Deed Book 1805, page 132, Recorder's Office, Franklin County, Ohio, the same being a part of Section 2, Township 2, Range 19, U.S.M. Lands, in the Township of Perry; said part of PARCEL TWO being more particularly described . . as follows: Beginning at a point located in the easterly line of the above mentioned PARCEL TWO, North 0 degrees 54 minutes 52 seconds East, 415.00 ft. from the southeast corner of said PARCEL TWO in the centerline of SUMMIT VIEW ROAD; said point of beginning being the southeast corner of the herein described tract; thence.and with the northerly line of a certain 1.40824 Ac. and a . 1.34260 Ac. Tract, and part of the southerly line of the herein , described tract, South 84 degrees 21 minutes 02 seconds West, 303.63 ft. to an angle point at the northwest corner of said ......' 1.34260 Ac. Tract; thence and with part of the northerly line of a certain 1.14883 Ac. Tract, and continuing with part of the southerly lin~pf the herein described tract, South 51 degrees 15 minutes West, 94.49 ft. to an angle point; thence and continuing with the'northerly line of said 1.14883 Ac. Tract, and with the northerly line of a certain 1.03895 Ac. Tract and with part of the southerly line of the herein described tract, South 83 degrees 13 minutes West, 228.94 ft. to an angle point at the northwest corner of said 1.03895 Ac. Tract; thence and with the northerly lines of a certain 1.63036 Ac. Tract and a 1.36701 Ac. Tract, and the remaining part of the southerly line of the herein described tract, South 82 degrees 33 minutes West, 358.00 ft. to a point marking the northwest corner of said 1.36701 Ac. Tract, and the southwest corner of the herein described tract; said point also being located in the easterly right-of-way line of CLUB ROAD (60 ft. in width) as the same is T -695 ".,... t. :. - .< , )... ." t . -I shown on the plat of O'SHAUGHNESSY HILLS SUBDIVISION of record in PLAT BOOK 20, PAGE 4, Recorder's Office, Franklin County, Ohio; the 6 above mentioned tracts were also part of said PARCEL TWO: thence and with part of the easterly line of said CLUB ROAD and part of the westerly line of the herein described tract, North 19 ,.. degrees 20 minutes East, 37.80 ft. to a point of curve; thence and continuing with said easierly line of CLUB ROAD, and .........., the westerly line of the herein described tract, and. with a curve to the left having a radius of 685.03 ft., North 3 degrees 17 . minutes 53 seconds West, a long chord distance of 530.51 ft. to a point of tangency; thence and continuing with said easterly line of CLUB ROAD, and the westerly line of the herein described tract, North 26 degrees 06 minutes West 1307.39 ft. to a point of curve; thence and continuing with said easterly line of CLUB ROAD, and the westerly line of the herein described tract, and with a curve to the right, having a radius of 782.54 ft., North 15 degrees 18 minutes West, a long chord distance of 293.27 ft. to a point of tangency; thence and continuing with said easterly line of CLUB ROAD, and the westerly line of the herein despribed tract, North 4 degrees 30 minutes West, 10.24 ft. to an angle point marking the northeast corner of said CLUB ROAD; thence South 85 degrees 30 minutes West, 30.00 ft. to a point in the centerline of said CLUB ROAD: said point also being the southeast corner of a certain 16.80 Ac. Tract: , ......,i thence and with the easterly line of said 16.80 Ac. Tract, and continuing with the westerly line of the herein described tract, North 1 degree 39 minutes 06 seconds East, 463.32 ft. to a point marking the northeast corner of said 16.80 Ac. Tract and the northwest corner of the herein described tract: said point. also marking the corner of the aforementioned PARCEL TWO, in the County Line between Delaware and Franklin County: thence and' with part of said County Line, a north line of said PARCEL TWO, and the north line of the herein described tract, South 89 degrees 15 minutes 15 seconds East, 1682.98 ft. to a point marking the northeast corner of both, said PARCEL TWO and the herein described tract; T -695 - . - ~-_._~ - - . tt ... . , .. . , ". thence and with part of the easterly line of said PARCEL TWO, and the easterly line of the herein described tract, S9uth 0 degrees 54 minutes 52 seconds West, 2309.11 ft. to the place of beginning, and containing 73.208 Acres, more or less, and subject to any deeds of easement. ,.." Being the same property acquired from DONALD J. DuRIVAGE as Parcel 2 of a deed recorded in Deed Book 1805, Page 132 et seq, excepting -- therefrom certain parcels conveyed by The Grant-Long Co. to Eugene Hay and Betty Hay (Deed Book 2152, Page 202), to Fred E. Clements and Martha A. Clements (Deed Book 2220, Page 513 and Deed Book 2233, Page 487) to Lawrence K. Schaefer and M. Yvonne Schaefer (Deed Book 2237, Page 654) to Juan H. Crawford and Caroline Joy . . Crawford (Deed Book 2747, Page 385) and to K. Alan Chi1-Cote and . ' Eleanor L. Chil-Cote (Deed Book 2747, page 579). . . . , ........ , . T -695 ---- - . , . C0 " I ~I: ,.'- . liii I I .. I ': i .. - i; I i , I I 0 ~ I m , 0 I I r ,-, ,~\ > ;; I ~ ~ I , > ""- I :u m , . r . -. - , .,1 i I . ~ -! . ; ., r I . i : . . . . -1.\ . C''''.I " ... ,.,.,. ..... ....... ,... ,....., . ,ct. .-~ , , , . \ \ \ ...... a.........'I'.... i ~ (. ! ii , , ,.,.,. < - . I n .. .,.,.. ,. .. .. ....... :I I 0 I ..- ........ ...- ,_. I ...." " I c ; : ! ~ J z .: . r I -1 ! -- =f - I I ! -< i . " i I I 5 - :- I . .~ I : I . it '. I' I I . " . -' . . . I . : ! .. : .s . i .. . . ~ I i .. : . i . ~I I .. I .-........ ....... ,.. ...-..... .. ,.,..- .._..t .. . . I ....... W . 1 - . . ___ I.. ...... ....." .... , ..........,..." i I ,,,,.,t .....,... . I ..... i I .- .. '- f . '. I I . I ii ; U I . I I j - .. , t .i. I I n ~m ~- , I . : ::~ . 8 ig~ I :o'U .,' i ...1 :"'MO iS1 ~ to:::c I' z :::"n~h ':0 ' , . <: ~O'Jt:- Z .......-- ,-< -......1. . A!.,::c"""'" . : ~ .. 1_.'. _ .. ._~~"'__.'_~.___~."'''_'~'''''''''C'''''''''''>''''''..>~'~." II 'f'l . ",,; . . AS SUBMITTED TO COUNCIL . , l 4I~);c? FOR MEETING ON ~h6/9~ RECORD OF ACTION I DUBLIN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION FEBRUARY 4, 1993 CITY OF DrBLl~ The Planning and Zoning Commission took the following action in the application below at its regular r meeting: l 7. Rezoning Application Z92-017 - Wedgewood Hills ~ Location: +200 feet northeast of Club Road and Summitview Road. ~ Existin2 Zonine: R-l, Restricted Suburban Residential District. Reouest: PLR, Planned Low Density Residential District. Proposed Use: 97 single-family homes. Applicant: Boston Development Company, c/o Robert E. Blackburn, Bird and Bull, Inc., 2875 W. Dublin-Granville Road, Worthington, OH 43235. MOTION #1: To approve this revised application as presented at the meeting with the following conditions: 1) Submission of tree survey for all trees over 6 inches in caliper (located outside the right-:<>f-way ~d no-build zones) and identification of proposed utility service connections to mini:mize tree \ \ disturbance prior to any building permit application; \ J 2) Submission of additional information regarding tree preservation proposal and sit~ layout procedur~s to maximize protection of wooded areas; 3) Approval by the Parks and Recreation Director of the park location(s); 4) Provision of appropriate walkwaylbikepath and vehicular connection to the property to the east (Guzzo); 5) Submission of updated text to incorporate recent revisions and minimum development standards; 6) Verification of off-site access points, coordination with adjacent proposed street and utility systems, and approval of same by City Engineer prior to preliminary plat; 7) Submission of complete proposal for sanitary sewer service, subject to the approval of the City ........, Engineer, including location, future Dublin connection, if appropriate, identifying easements, resolving funding and future connection issues; 8) Submission of traffic analysis and appropriate implementation strategy by a registered traffic engineering consultant as requested by and subject to the approval of the City Engineer; 9) Design of proposed water distribution system to meet requirements of the City Engineer and the City of Columbus, including proof of adequate pressure; and 10) Design storm water management program to meet MORPC and Dublin design requirements and be subject to the City Engineer's approval. *The applicant agreed to these conditions. VOTE: 7-0 RESULT: A recommendation was made for approval, and this application will now proceed to City Council. It will be scheduled for a public hearing and later for a final vote. A twO-thirds vote of City Council will be necessary to override the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Page 1 of 2 "'~-~-'-~~=~~=' -- - '. ~C;ORD OF ACTION .. DuBLIN PLAN1\TJNG AJ\!1) ZOl\"lNG COMJ\lISSION " FEBRUARY 4, 1993 . 7. Rezoning Application Z92-017 - 'Vedgewood Hills (Continued) MOTION #2: To recommend to City Council that the City purchase the available parkland from Mr. Ruma. VOTE: 7-0 ,... RESULT: This recommendation to City Council was approved. '"",,- , STAFF CERTIFICATION: ~~~n l~jJ~ Barbara M. Clarke . Planning Director .' .1..' . \' " , f . "'-- .,...,_,._~.--,o~__""_""~~. ~ . - . "" , Dublin Planning and Zoning Commission " " Meeting Minutes - February 4, 1993 AS SUBMITTED TO COUNCIL ~ Page 13 ~/II /18 FOR MEETING ON g/;5/tj~.:. I ! I I Report dated February 4, 1993. Mr. Sutphen seconded the motion. The vote was as follows: Mr. Rauh, no; Mr. Manus, no; Mrs. Stillwell, no; Mr. Fishman, no; Mr. Peplow, no; Mr. Sutphen, yes; and Mr. Geese, yes. (The motion failed 2-5.) Mr. Fishman then made a motion to table this application. Mr. Rauh seconded the motion. The vote was as follows: Mr. Geese, no; Mr. Sutphen, no; Mr. Manus, yes; Mrs. Stillwell, yes; Mr. Peplow, yes; Mr. Rauh, yes; and Mr. Fishman, yes. (fabled 5-2.) Mr. John Ferrara, Tamarisk Court, said he was here to oppose this application also. "- Due to several Commissioners misunderstanding the previous action, it was requested that this i application be reconsidered. Mr. Geese made a motion to reconsider this application. Mr. Sutphen seconded the motion. The vote was as follows: Mr. Peplow, yes; Mr. Sutphen, yes; Mr. Manus, yes; Mrs. Stillwell, yes; Mr. Rauh, yes; and Mr. Fishman, yes. Mr. Geese made a motion to disapprove this application due to the four bases cited in the Staff Report dated February 4, 1993. Mr. Sutphen seconded the motion. The vote was as follows: Mr. Sutphen, yes; Mr. Peplow, yes; Mr. Manus, yes; Mr. Geese, yes; Mrs. Stillwell, yes; Mr. Rauh, yes; and Mr. Fishman, yes. (Disapproved 7-0.) 6. Fmal Development Plan - 'V~'andotte Woods - Section One : : : ~ \ 1 Ms. Clarke said the applicant asked that this application not be beard tonight. This case was on the agenda and was published in the newspaper, but notices were not sent to the: contiguous property owners. Mr. Geese made a motion to table this application. Mr. Sutphen seconded the motion. The vote was as follows: Mr. Fishman, yes; Mr. Raub, yes; Mr. Geese, yes; Mr. Peplow, yes; Mr. Sutphen, yes; Mr. Manus, yes; and Mrs. Stillwell, yes. (fabled 7-0.) ~,,,,~..' 7. Rezoning Application Z92-017 - Wedgewood Hills Ms. Clarke presented the Staff Report. She said the site is 80.9 acres and the density has been dropped to 1.11 units per acre. The request is to rezone from R-1, Restricted Suburban Residential District to PLR, Planned Low Density Residential District, and this will be a 90-10t subdivision. It was discussed at length last month. Most of the issue had centered on the appropriateness of the land set aside for parkland. ParkIand in the northernmost reaches of the property with the largest trees was preferred by many. A subcommittee of the Planning Commission was appointed (Mr. Fishman, Mr. Manus, and Mrs. Stillwell) and they met four times during the last month. The subcommittee recommended that the parkland be relocated from the corner of the north/south road and the Delaware County line to a more recessed area in the extreme northeast corner of the subdivision abutting the Guzzo property. The proposal requires 6.63 acres of parkland. There will be over 10 acres of parkland which includes 6.8 u ~. _.__ ._ '_'_'__'___'_~"___~""-~~. '-_~M" --",-,. 1 -1lillIii . .. , Dublin Planning and Zoning Conunission " " Meeting Minutes - February 4, 1993 , Page 14 / acres which is Block 4 of O'Shaughnessy Hills and 3.5 acres at the northeast corner. The plan on the board has not been viewed by Staff. Mr. Ruma has agreed to leave the offer on the table to 'sell the City up to 20 acres in the northern portion of this site. This offer is pending at City Council. Staff recommends approval of this rezoning application subject to the following conditions: 1) Submission of tree survey for all trees over 6 inches in caliper (located outside the right- of-way and no-build zones) and identification of proposed utility service connections to ," minimize tree disturbance prior to any building permit application; 2) Submission of additional information regarding tree preservation proposal and site layout procedures to maximize protection of wooded areas; 3) Approval by the Parks and Recreation Director of the park location(s); 4) Provision of appropriate walkwaylbikepath and vehicular connection to the property to the east (Guzzo); 5) Submission of updated text to incorporate recent revisions and minimum development standards; 6) Verification of off-site access points, coordination with adjacent proposed street and utility systems, and approval of same by City Engineer prior to preliminary plat; 7) Submission of complete proposal for sanitary sewer service, subject to the approval of the City Engineer, including location, future Dublin connection, if approp~ate, . ,\ identifying easements, resolving funding and future connection issues; , . 8) Submission of traffic analysis and appropriate implementation strategy bY a registered \ \, \ , traffic engineering consultant as requested by and subject to the approval of the City t Engineer; 9) Design of proposed water distribution system to meet requirements of the City Engineer and the City of Columbus, including proof of adequate pressure; and 10) That the storm water management program be designed to meet the MORPC and Dublin design standards and be approved by the City Engineer. ..- Mr. Charlie Ruma, applicant, said he is in agreement with all of the above conditions. He said it is his intention to build a lake/pond (including detention) in the 6.8 acre of parkland in Block "*$,~ 4,. This area will probably have cascading water. He said there is now a park in the northeast area and in the Block 4 area which satisfies the vast majority of the requirements of the area. He said there is a possibility of combining the northeast quadrant area with the preservation area in the Guzzo tract. Mr. Fishman asked if there is an entrance in the new park. Ms. Stillwell asked what the total acreage is. Mr. Ruma said there is a cul-de-sac right up to it and the access is right on the street, and said the acreage is approximately 3.6 acres. Ms. Stillwell asked how many lots are now in the development. Mr. Ruma said there were 97 and now there are 90 lots. Mr. Dick Loveland, 8159 Riverside Drive, asked if the Block 4 area will be developed into lots or remain an open area. Ms. Clarke said it will remain as parkland. He commended Mr. Ruma Dublin Planning and Zoning Commission . , . Meeting Minutes - February 4, 1993 . " Page 15 . . for making this project something that will work for the neighbors. Mr. Bob Pappas, 8444 Riverside Drive, said he wants to see the cul-de-sac stubbed into the west property line with utilities available for future development. He said it makes no sense to develop the remaining 22 acres north of the creek from Riverside Drive. Mr. Geese made a motion to approve this application with the following conditions: '", 1) Submission of tree survey for all trees over 6 inches in caliper (located outside the right- of-way and no-build zones) and identification of proposed utility service connections to minimize tree disturbance prior to any building permit application; 2) Submission of additional information regarding tree preservation proposal and site layout procedures to maximize protection of wooded areas; 3) Approval by the Parks and Recreation Director of the park location(s); 4) Provision of appropriate walkwaylbikepath and vehicular connection to the property to the east (Guzzo); 5) Submission of updated text to incorporate recent revisions and minimum development standards; 6) Verification of off-site access points, coordination with adjacent proposed street and utility systems, and approval of same by City Engineer prior to preliminary plat; 7) Submission of complete proposal for sanitary sewer service, subject to the approval of the City Engineer, including location, future Dublin connection, it appropriate, \ \ identifying easements, resolving funding and future connection issues; I 8) Submission of traffic analysis and appropriate implementation strategy by a registered ~ traffic engineering consultant as requested by and subject to the approva1:'of the City Engineer; 9) Design of proposed water distribution system to meet requirements of the City Engineer and the City of Columbus, including proof of adequate pressure; and 10) That the stormwater management program be designed to meet the MORPC and Dublin design standards and be approved by the City Engineer. ,~ Mr. Fishman seconded the motion. The vote was as follows: Mr. Manus, yes; Mrs. Stillwell, yes; Mr. Sutphen, yes; Mr. Peplow, yes; Mr. Rauh, yes; Mr. Geese, yes; and Mr. Fishman, yes. (Approved 7-0.) Chairman Manus thanked Mr. Ruma for being sensitive to this area and in working closely with the residents, Staff, and the Commission in creating a plan of which Dublin can be proud. Mr. Ruma thanked the members of the subcommittee for taking the time to work out this application. Mr. Rauh made a motion to recommend to Council that the land that Mr. Ruma has available is purchased by the City for a park. Mrs. Stillwell seconded the motion. Mr. Manus said Council is the only body that can appropriate the funds to facilitate this purchase of land that :Mr. Ruma has agreed to set aside if the City decides to purchase it. The vote was as follows: Mr. Geese, yes; Mr. Fishman, yes; Mr. Peplow, yes; Mr. Manus, yes; Mr. Sutphen, yes; Mrs. ------,-,. -'--'--~-~ Dublin Planning and Zoning Commission , . Staff Report - February 4, 1993 . AS SUBMITTED TO COUNCIL \ Page 13 .31~/93 FOR MEETING ON ...!{I;~/9 3 ,: CASE 7: Rezoning Application Z92-017 - Wedgewood Hills APPLICANT: Boston Development Company, c/o Robert E. Blackburn, Bird and Bull, Inc., 2875 W. Dublin-Granville Road, Worthington, OH 43085. REQUEST: To rezone 80.9 acres located to the northeast of Summitview Road and Riverside Drive, extending north to the Delaware County line and including Lots 1 through 31 of Block 4 of the O'Shaughnessy Hills ~ Subdivision, from R-1, Restricted Suburban Residential District to PLR, Planned Low Density Residential District for a 90-lot single-family subdivision. , J' BACKGROUND: Two former development proposals by a previous developer were considered in October, 1991 and January, 1992. The first was a rezoning request for 123 single-family lots plus 38 cluster housing units (density 2.0), and it was tabled. The second was for a concept plan with 120 single-family lots (density 1.5), and it was disapproved by the Commission. That application was never forwarded to City Council and was withdrawn. This rezoning application was reviewed and tabled at the November 5, 1992 .\. meeting and discussed very briefly in December. It was then discussed:"at length \. ~ at the January 7, 1993 meeting. A sub-committee of the Planning and Zoning , ! Commission was selected to work with the developer on revising the plan, and the developer has since revised it. The sub-committee has not met since the :last revision and will present its findings at the meeting. The major part of the site is an unsubdivided woods, but the area close to Riverside Drive is subject to the recorded O'Shaughnessy Hills subdivision plat. While it is zoned R-1 which requires a 40,000 square foot minimum lot, the area rfI1"'" was platted as a 198-lot subdivision with 50- to 60-foot wide lots. There is no sanitary sewer service as yet; most of the subdivision streets are not yet constructed, and there has been only sparse development to date. Part of this applicant's proposal is to vacate a portion of the existing subdivision streets. The PLR, Planned Low Density Residential District commits the developer to the density, minimum lot size, development standards, park location and acreage, and basic street pattern. The area will be subject to filing preliminary and final plats at a later date. Following a recommendation here, a public hearing will be held by City Council (2nd reading) on the rezoning ordinance. Subsequent to the hearing, Council will vote at the third reading. As a rezoning application, Council can only override the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission by a two- thirds vote. On a related matter, vacating a portion of the existing road system of O'Shaughnessy Hills will require a separate ordinance. The existing streets were never constructed, but they are included in a plat of record. The new street system will go through the platting process at a later date. While a preliminary plat . ".. .-----.-,......-.... ~~-_._-~~ n - , Dublin Planning and Zoning Commission , Staff Report - February 4, 1993 '. . , Page 14 . . d.rawing has been filed, the Law Director's office has advised that the rezoning application must be considered separately and prior to any plat. CONSIDERATIONS: 0 The subject site was annexed to Dublin as part of the 1,679 acre annexation in 1973. The general area is zoned R-1, Restricted Suburban Residential and characterized by large lot, single-family residential development, mostly along the arterial streets. ,-''Ill 0 The O'Shaughnessy Hills subdivision was platted during the 1920s. Relatively few houses have been constructed over the years. The Health Department requires a minimum of 40,000 square feet for each new residence because no sanitary sewer service is available yet. This requires the consolidation of several lots. There are 27 property owners involved in the overall subdivision. Most own a number of contiguous lots, but there are scattered ownerships. The City and homeowners will work together on several code changes in the near future which will help assure low density residential development over the long term. 0 The recently adopted sanitary sewer plan for the northeast quadrant specified a density of six persons per acre to the north of Summitview Road, or approximately two dwelling units per acre. The sanitary system and lift stations will be engineered to handle that density. ,\, \ 0 The sanitary sewer service is not a straightforward issue. Due to' the ,\ topography, the best sewer alternative would be to the north through the " .1 Wedgewood development into the Delaware County system. Sanitary , service by Delaware is considered likely for this site at least for sor:ne time, perhaps even as a permanent measure. In the meantime, the plans need to show the future connection to the Dublin sanitary system. This should include the location, appropriate easements, additional connections by others, and the funding scheme. 0 The site is mostly wooded, with the woods becoming thicker to the north. Several ravines cut through the land, and much of the site has rolling topography. It has unusual beauty and tremendous potential for residential development. The applicant has submitted a partial tree survey (northern part) and has placed the other larger trees by aerial photography. Information on the caliper and species of these trees is not known. The developer will conduct a thorough tree survey after the street construction, for areas outside of the no-build zones, to assist in individual site layouts. 0 There are no utilities to the site as yet, but water is available. The O'Shaughnessy Hills road system has not been developed. Several streets appear to be private gravel driveways but are public unimproved streets. Several owners on Arrowhead Drive have requested that their street be vacated. They wish to maintain it privately. 0 The property to the east is also under consideration for development in the near future, and the potential developers were also pursuing approval of Delaware County sanitary sewer service. That site presents an unusual design challenge. It was used as a borrow pit, and the pit is to be re-used - _..~--~~------- .,..-,.~--~...' ,.~ - \ Dublin Planning and Zoning Commission . Staff Report - February 4, 1993 Page 1 5 . as a 27-acre lake for a residential development. Since both proposals are currently in the design process, planning for both is preferable. The engineering issues including storm water management would be best handled as a unit. 0 Storm water run-off is an area of great concern to the residents located downhill from this site. Several along Riverside Drive have experienced flooding repeatedly and the O'Shaughnessy Hills subdivision has no storm sewer system, and areas show signs of storm water damage. 0 The plan has seven fewer lots since the last review and currently shows 90 -... lots. Many neighbors have expressed support for that proposal. The gross density is now 1.11 units per acre. The lots are 100 feet or wider and have substantial no-build zones. The applicant has submitted extensive design guidelines to manage the layout and construction of the homes. 0 The street system proposed vacates a portion of Club Road. Site access will be through the Wedgewood development to the north in Delaware County, and through the property to the east (Guzzo) to Summitview Road. (See letter from Howard Adams.) No direct access to Riverside Drive and no street improvements within O'Shaughnessy Hills are proposed. The City Engineer has requested a traffic study of the intersections of Riverside Drive and Stratford Avenue (in Wedgewood), Riverside Drive and Summitview Road, and Summitview Road and the southern entry road (on Guzzo , (, .." property) due to increased traffic from proposed development. Ttiis should \ \ include analysis of need for left turn stacking lanes at these points and , signalization of the Riverside Drive/Summitview intersection. . 0 The park is required to be dedicated as a platting requirement, and ,90 lots necessitate 6.63 acres of park. The park shown consists of 9.881 acres in two parcels, including Block 4 in its entirety of O'Shaughnessy Hills (6.8 acres) and another parcel in the northern area with the largest trees (3.251 acres.) The Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee voted unanimously on December 28, 1992, to approve the previous proposal, and the park has #',., been expanded since that time to include one of the northern woods. Additionally, it was their recommendation to City Council to purchase additional land in the northern area where the most mature woods exist. (See attached.) 0 A tree preservation plan will need to be prepared which will retain major portions of the woods. It is a goal of the community to preserve the natural assets, and the woods is clearly one of these. Large no-build zones are shown on the plan, and utilities will all be placed at the front of the lots. These measures should help to preserve major groupings of trees. Staff feels additional work should be done on a preservation plan. 0 Staff has been encouraging the property owner to the east of the subject site to file an application so that development in this area can be better coordinated and various impacts better addressed. That developer is not ready at present to submit a plan for review, but his proposal is schematically represented. , Dublin Planning and Zoning Commission . . Staff Report - February 4, 1993 . Page 16 . STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff feels this application will provide for compatible and appropriate development of the area. The developer's plan does preserve major portions of the woods, and it takes advantage of the beauty of the site for low density housing. Staff is recommending approval with a number of conditions: Conditions: 1) Submission of tree survey for all trees over 6 inches in caliper (located #- outside the right-of-way and no-build zones) and identification of proposed utility service connections to minimize tree disturbance prior to any building permit application; 2) Submission of additional information regarding tree preservation proposal and site layout procedures to maximize protection of wooded areas; 3) Approval by the Parks and Recreation Director of the park location(s); 4) Provision of appropriate walkway/bikepath and vehicular connection to the property to the east (Guzzo); 5) Submission of updated text to incorporate recent revisions and minimum development standards; 6) Verification of off-site access points, coordination with adjacent proposed street and utility systems, and approval of same by City: . Engineer prior to preliminary plat; \ ~. 7) Submission of complete proposal for sanitary sewer service, subject I to the approval of the City Engineer, including location, future Dublin connection, identifying easements, resolving funding and fu~ure connection issues; 8) Submission of traffic analysis and appropriate implementation strategy by a registered traffic engineering consultant as requested by and subject to the approval of the City Engineer; and 9) Design of proposed water system to meet requirements of the City ....<' Engineer and the City of Columbus, including proof of adequate pressure. Bases: 1 ) The proposed development, as modified above, will extend compatible low density residential development in the Scioto River Corridor. 2) The proposal is, as modified above, consistent with the Community Plan. 3) The proposed development is designed to promote the protection of the woods. -, h .~~" ~'!II;iI;l;io'ii ~ , Dublin Planning and Zoning Commission , Staff Report - February 4, 1993 " Page 17 . ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: It must be noted here that there are several major engineering issues which are not completely resolved. The applicant's preliminary plat will not be processed until 1) all of the issues regarding sanitary service to the site have been satisfactorily resolved and 2) the City Engineer has received the traffic study and all other pertinent information regarding access to the site, assessed same and given his approval. Access and utility service substantially impact on the plan. Until both are I""- determined to be acceptable, this plan cannot logically progress beyond the rezoning phase. j : ~ \ , , : -~~ '') ,"i' . -. '. .. C.,/ ",,-...-(_-. . < " .. ~ . " {.\S SUBMITYED 10 COUNCIL , .fOR MEETING ON 4/~f'J3 . CITY OF OlBU;'{ Deparlnunt Df DevelDpnunt Division Df P/.anning ,,,...... RECORD OF ACTION ~ DUBLIN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION JANUARY 7, '993 . The Planning and Zoning Commission took no action in the application below at its regular meeting: 1. Rezoning Application Z92-017 - Wedgewood HiUs " location: .:f:.200 feet northeast of Club Road and Summitview Road. Existina Zonina: R-', Restricted Suburban Residential District. Reauest: PLR, ~Ianned Low Density Residential District. ,~; I" Prooosed Use: 97 single-family homes. : . . '...\c .- ' Aoolicant:., Boston Development Company, c/o Robert .E.' Blackb'urn; Bird' anc:f.'..:_.. (.~:: I Bull, Inc., 2875 W. Dublin-Granville Road, Worthington, OH 43235. . .- I MOTION~' To table this application to allow further coordination with Staff and a Planning and Zoning sub-committee (Warren Fishman, Jim ~anus, and . Judi Stillwell). f . -:" VOTE: 6-0 RESULT: This application was tabled. The Planning and Zoning Commission particularly questioned the size and location of the' park in the northern section of the site. The subcommittee will meet to discuss park, tree preservation and layout alternatives prior to the next Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. . . STAFF CERTIFICATION: ~111.~ Barbara M. Clarke . Planning Director . ~ " . I 5131 POll RoU, Suitt 1120 Dub/ill, Oh~ ~3Dl1 Telt/I,Ollt: C6U) 761-6553 FAX: C6U) 161.6561 . .. .... , ' .'. '.' .'. . . . , . \ ,Dub!in Planning and Zoning Commission ..... . . Meeting Minutes - January 7, 1993 " Page 2 AS SUBMITTED TO COUNCIL ' -3((93 FOR MEE11NG ON a/t:19.;s. 1. Rezoning Application Z92-017 - 'Vedgewood Hills Mr. Manus made a motion to remove rezoning application Z92-017 from the table. Mr. Fishman seconded. The vote was as follows: Mr. Rauh, yes; Mr. Sutphen, yes; Mr. Geese, yes; Mrs. Stillwell, yes; Mr. Manus, yes; and Mr. Fishman, yes. (Motion approved 6-0.) Ms. Clarke showed slides of the site and presented the Staff report. She said this site is 80.9 acres located to the'north and east of the intersection of Riverside Drive and Summitview Road. The site itself has no frontage on Summitview Road and the only frontage on Riverside Drive !II/f1I'I>' is through Block 4 of O'Shaughnessy Hills. Club Road is a platted-but-never-constructed road that runs north and south. The application has been formally revised to request the PLR, Planned Low Density Residential District for a 97-lot subdivision. It is currently zone4 R-l. There have been a couple of previous applications for this same site, none of which was favorably reviewed by this Commission. The PLR establishes the density, minimum lot size, development standards, park location and acreage, and the basic street pattern. The preliminary plat cannot be considered until after approval of the rezoning application. There is currently no sanitary sewer in the area. The site can be serviced by the Delaware County sewer, and currently negotiations are underway. The City would like the site engineered in such a way that it can eventually hook into the Dublin sanitary system which will be extended through this quadrant. There are 27 existing property owners in O'Shaughnessy Hills. Many of them own contiguous sites. Currently, this subdivision requires assembling lots to build a house because .\ there is no sanitary sewer. The health department requires a minimum of 40,~ square' feet 1\ ... of lot area for a septic sewer system. Regarding the sewer alternatives, the City' believes that '. \ . this plan should include the location, appropriate easements, and additional information regarding . , funding and later connections to the system by others. The site is heavily wooded and there have been a number of discussions about tree surveys. A partial tree survey has been done in the northern section. The balance of the trees have been placed by matching up the topographical map with an aerial photograph of the site. The developer has agreed to do a thorough tree survey for the areas that are outside of the no-build zones and the street right-of- way after street construction. This will be used in conjunction with their design guidelines in ,.,w- order to help place the house on each lot. The property to the east is owned by Mr. Guzzo and will be used for the main access into this subdivision. This plan will also hook into the subdivision to the north (Wedgewood). Mr. Ruma said, on a previous occasion, that this subdivision also will be called Wedgewood. There will be no direct access to Riverside Drive. The park that is shown is in three parcels: a parcel along the north property line which has many of the landmark trees (over two feet in diameter), a section of the ravine of approximately one acre, and Block 4 of O'Shaughnessy Hills. This application was considered at a special meeting of the Parks and Recreation Committee on the 28th of December. That group unanimously recommended approval with several conditions. A second motion was passed by the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee advising that City Council acquire additional wooded property at the very north of this site. A section of proposed Club Road would be vacated by this plan, and this will take place by a separate ordinance. Additionally, at the time of the preliminary plat, a dedication of right-of-way will be needed for the main access through the Guzzo property. The City Engineer has also requested that a traffic study of the intersections of Riverside Drive with Stratford, Riverside Drive and Summitview Road, and the new entry road. It should analyze the need for left turn stacking lanes and possible signalization. This site has I ,Dublin Planning and Zoning CommiSsIon ~ , 111 " . I....r (au . . Meeting Minutes - January 7, 1993 . . Page 3 , . a tree preservation plan which, in the view of the Staff, needs to be augmented. There are no- build zones established on the rear of all lots. Staff recommends preservation which incorporates fencing along the right-of-way during the construction and an arborist on site. It has been the Staffs experience that tree preservation is difficult, and a tree preservation plan should be in place before development. Staff recommends approval of this application. It permits additional low density (1.2 units per acre) housing to be constructed in the Scioto Corridor. The following conditions are requested: 1) Submission of tree survey for all trees over 6 inches in caliper Qocated outside the right- - of-way and no-build zones) and identification of proposed utility service connections for. each lot to minimize tree disturbance prior to any building permit application; """""e 2) Submission of additional information regarding tree preservation proposal and site .layout procedures to maximize protection of wooded areas; 3) Approval by the Parks and Recreation Director of the park location(s); 4) Provision of appropriate walkway/bikepath and vehicular connection to the property to the east (Guzzo);" 5) Submission of updated text to incorporate recent revisions and minimum development standards; 6) Verification of off-site access points, coordination with adjacent proposed street and utility systems, and approval !Jf same by City Engineer prior to preliminary plat; 7) Submission of complete proposal for sanitary sewer service, subject to the approval of the City Engineer, including location, future Dublin connection, identifying easements, ~ resolving funding and future connection issues; . \ \ I 8) Submission of traffic analysis and appropriate implementation strategy by a registered , traffic engineering consultant as requested by and subject to the approval Qf the City Engineer; and 9) Design of proposed water system to meet requirements of the City Engineer and the City of Columbus, including proof of adequate pressure. Staff believes that with these conditions that the proposed development will be compatible and will promote the preservation of a major portion of the wooded area. In addition, there are two major engineering issues which are not completely resolved at this time: the sanitary sewer and the traffic study. Staff will be unable to process a preliminary plat for this land until both of these are resolved. Mr. Geese asked Randy Bowman if the applicant will meet the detention requirements. Randy Bowman said the applicant will design all storm water management according to MORPC guidelines. The calculations and construction drawings will be reviewed when submitted. Mr. Ruma, applicant, said he has met with residents on a number of occasions. He said the residents were concerned with storm water detention, erosion along the river, density, tree preservation, parkland, utilities, and access (opposing access along Riverside Drive). The previous developer proposed a road going through block 4 of O'Shaughnessy Hills and creating a whole new street with access onto Riverside Drive. The original intention was to create a road that would parallel where Club Road intersects Summitview Road, but visibility onto Summitview Road was very limited. He said he obtained an easement from Mr. Guzzo , lJublin Plannlllg and Lomng CommiSSIOn , '. "Meeting Minutes - January 7, 1993 . Page 4 , . (property to the east) to provide joint access for both properties. There will be no houses along the boulevard entry, only open space. The prior developer's application was for two units per acre which was unacceptable to the residents. They wanted one lot per acre. Wedgewood is developed at 1.25 units per acre. Mr. Ruma intends to extend the Wedgewood development as it is currently developed into Dublin on this site. Wedgewood will continue uninterrupted along the main road which enters this site and will continue to have the same quality and size of homes that are being built in the Wedgewood area at the present time. Some lots could be larger. The minimum size lot is 100 feet, and some are as large as 125-150 feet. The residents and Mr. Ruma agree that 1.2 units per acre is acceptable. He referred to stormwater management and said the site has been broken up into four drainage areas. One of the drainage areas has a run going through it from east to west and has been the cause of most of the problems to the homeowners along the river (the Mastellers). This stream goes under Riverside Drive and runs by their house. Mr. Ruma said that in order to solve this problem, this water will be collected at the westernmost site of the proposed park area in a retention pond. The plan has seven cul- de-sacs and one minor loop that will extend into the boulevard from Summitview Road into the Guzzo property. This point on Summitview Road has the best and safest visibility both east and west. In terms of utilities, there is a 12-inch water line on Summitview Road and adequate water pressure. They have been completed and reviewed with the City of Columbus and the City of Dublin Engineer. There is gas, electric, telephone, and cable available at Wedgewood and along Summitview Road. The sanitary sewer has been the major problem. When the Wedgewood area 'Was developed, a force main and pump station was developed at the northwest .' corner of the Wedgewood site. This site is one of the lowest points in Delaware ~ounty along . . the Scioto River. The sanitary sewer is expected to be at a 30 to 35-foot depth when it intersects \ \ , with this property. This will permit a gravity sewer on this site, and all of this site will drain .. to the Delaware County sewer on a gravity basis with no pump station. Delaware (:ounty has already approved this concept, and Dublin Staff has also preliminarily approved it. He said the final details deal with who is paying what tap fees, who will be the inspecting agency, etc. He said that in the Parks and Recreation meeting last week, there was substantial discussion about tree preservation and location of park. Modifications have been made to the parkland, of which the majority is passive and will be in block 4 of O'Shaughnessy Hills. He said this piece is heavily wooded, but the trees are not as mature as in the north part of this site. It eliminates 31 potential lots and sets the groundwork for O'Shaughnessy Hills to do some replatting. Lot #62 (in the middle of the site along the ravine) has been eliminated to create another park area. A lot was also eliminated along the heavily wooded area along the north property line to save a lot of trees. He said 40% of this site is in a no-build zone. The installation of utilities will be as minor as possible and will be in the streets if possible. The tree inventory was completed with the use of an aerial photograph and the major trees can still be seen. Most of the trees are along the property lines and to the south along the creek lines. To the north, there is a heavier abundance of trees with more no-build zones. He intends to proceed with development, and hopefully before the streets are in, lot designation changes can be made. This will minimize the impact of building on major trees. He said the Parks and Recreation Committee has made a recommendation to City Council for them to appropriate money to buy land in this area. He reviewed the nine conditions for approval. He said he doesn't know where the request for a six- inch caliper tree survey arose. It started at 24 inches, then went to 10 inches, and now it is six inches. He said he would only commit to a tree survey of 10 inches. He said he will comply with condition #2 to do whatever can be done in terms of tree preservation. Mr. Ruma said he ",...... , --.... - .-.......b ~..- -.....b --...... ----- ilIllIiIiI Meeting Minutes - January 7, 1993 Page 6 . , . end of the creek where there isn't a lot of growth. The trees will not be destroyed to any great . . degree. If that need arises, it will be reconfigured onto adjacent lots. Mr. Randy Roth, President of East Dublin Civic Association, 6987 Grandee Cliffs Drive, said the applicant has been very cooperative. He said the association is pleased with the repositioning of the parkland. He said he prefers PLR zoning over R-2 zoning, but still prefers PUD zoning. He said this site and the Guzzo site should be looked at together. There is not as much danger there of having the citizens' worst fears realized if this is down zoned by the City. He said the Parks and Recreation Committee supported that City Council acquire additional parkland in the hardwood forest up north. He asked that this last hardwood forest be preserved. Mr. Roth said the residents' consultant and the applicant's engineer are far apart. Ms. Marcia Wood, 4300 Bright Road, said the Parks and Recreation Committee has recommended to City Council that the City purchase at least +20 acres of the forest in the northern tract from the developer. This recommendation passed unanimously because the importance of preserving this natural treasure is recognized. This will not be a forest when development is finished. She said that open space preservation has a positive impact on a community's economy. Communities with well thought out land protection may improve their bond ratings. Unlimited or mismanaged growth can threaten the communities fiscal health, while land conservation and sound planning help to sustain it. Conserving land also allows nature to do its valuable work. Woodlands hold fragile soil in place on steep terrain when they . are left undisturbed. Too often these slopes are cleared for development, eroqing soil and . .\ . . clogging streams, lakes and drainageways. . \, \ \ \ . . Bob Pappas, 8444 Riverside Drive (Reserve C of O'Shaughnessy Hills) said his property backs 1 up to this property. He prefers that the City acquire it as a park, but otherwise he s,uggests that tree preservation and access be seriously looked at. He said if this project is coming, road and utility access is desired. The other residents of O'Shaughnessy Hills don't have any interest in being connected to this project. Mr. Pappas said Mr. Ruma told him he is willing to stub the cul-de-sac into Mr: Hutchins' property. He also addressed the tree preservation program and said more protection for the trees is needed. Running a road through the north section is the worst thing that can be done to the ravine and will destroy the best stand of trees. Mr. Ralph Halloran said if this application is approved for stormwater, Guzzo should be approved at the same time. Mr. Guzzo is still responsible for maintaining storm water on his property to the lOO-year level (five inches in 24 hours.) He suggested that stormwater facilities be planned to include Guzzo. He said when the developer brings in an application, they are estimated differently. He feels they are trying to make the storm water detention fit their development. He said there are 8,000 acres to the west of this site, and if each one is given a variance, there will be a large problem in the future. He said the system is just 1/3 of the volume requested. The City Engineering Staff said this is incorrect. He said it cost the City $450,000 to correct a past mistake at Indian Run, and it cost the developer over $1,000,000 to correct a mistake that had been approved by the City Engineer. He said there are no sizes shown on the plat plan for intake or discharge. He said the acreage that was assigned was not ,well defined. There are six detention ponds on the plat plan and only four calculations. No -----...--~---.....-.--~--_..',- ...."'...-.-..-..- ..........~-,._,~~~'" I lJUO.lm t'JanJ1ll1g ana LOnlng \...ommlSSlOn ~ ,'Meeting Minutes - January 7, 1993 " Page 5 . , . has the Park Director's approval of the park locations. He said that regarding condition #4, . there is a walkway to the east to the Guzzo property. He was unclear about a reference to updated text to incorporate recent revisions and minimum development standards in condition #5, but he believes it means that the book he put together be incorporated into the text. He said he will do this with the understanding that the declaration of covenance inserted in this book is for Wedgewood in Delaware County. Provisions will be made to include Wedgewood - City of Dublin. In reference to condition #6, he said he owns the site to the north and the section that comes to this site has been approved from an engineering standpoint and the plans are currently being bidded out (Wedgewood Section #7) and will be under construction this year. The access point to the south has already been discussed in terms of Guzzb and there is a letter on file indicating their approval of the joint development of this site. Mr. Geese asked who owns Club Road. Mr. Ruma said Club Road is a dedicated right-of-way that belongs to the City of Dublin. Mr. Geese asked if it is the same as with Westbury and Maumee? Mr. Ruma said yes. The only portion of Club Road that might be vacated extends through the park area. Ms. Clarke said there has been much concern about what will happen to the balance of O'Shaughnessy Hills when sanitary sewer service becomes available. She said there are a variety of mechanisms that are available to the City through overlay districts or additional regulations that would be more consistent with the underlying zoning which is R-l, rather than . the plat for 50-foot and 60-foot lots. The City feels there are a number of diff~rent ways to .\ preserve this area as a low density residential district. She said these 31 lots in Block 4 do not \- I. . present any better or worse alternatives than any other block there. Whatever development , standards that the City would adopt to apply to Blocks 1-3 and 5-7 could also be us~ to apply to Block 4. She said it is not expected that 31 houses will be built there if it is not a' park. She said the area should make sense for park purposes. If the objective is to avoid construction of a large number of homes, there are ways to do this. She said there will have to be a significant effort on the part of the Staff, Planning Commission, and City Council, as well as the involvement of the area residents, in order to devise and adopt an appropriate set of development standards. Mr. Ruma said he commits not to build in this area. He said condition #7 for a submission of a complete proposal for sanitary sewer is being worked on. He said the submission of a traffic analysis (condition #8) is new to him. With a subdivision of 1.2 lots an acre and 97 lots, a traffic study is not required. A study has been completed for the intersection of Stratford and Riverside Drive and will be made available. He has not discussed this with the City Engineer. He said he meets the test in terms of initial investigations for the design of the proposed water system to meet the requirements (condition #9). Mr. Geese asked Ms. Jordan about condition #3, and if she has accepted the parks. She said this was the subject of a special meeting of the Parks and Recreation Committee. The location of the park was approved at this meeting. She said the Committee discussed many issues but was probably not knowledgeable of a detention basin would be near lot #62. Mr. Ruma said the retention basin was there on the original stormwater plan. He said this area is in the lower ''''" - ,.uUUIIIl J:'Janlllllb dllU L.UIIlIlg LUIIIIIIC>~IUI1 Meeting Minutes - January 7, 1993 . ~ Page 6 , . end of the creek where there isn't a lot of growth. The trees will not be destroyed to any great degree. If that need arises, it will be reconfigured onto adjacent lots. Mr. Randy Roth, President of East Dublin Civic Association, 6987 Grandee Cliffs Drive, said the applicant has been very cooperative. He said the association is pleased with the repositioning of the parkland. He said he prefers PLR zoning over R-2 zoning, but still prefers PUD wning. He said this site and the Guzzo site should be looked at together. There is not as much danger there of having the citizens' worst fears realized if this is downzoned by the City. He said the Parks and Recreation Committee supported that City Council acquire additional parkland in the ~ hardwood forest up north. He asked that this last hardwood forest be preserved. Mr. Roth said the residents' consultant and the applicant's engineer are far apart. Ms. Marcia Wood, 4300 Bright Road, said the Parks and Recreation Committee has recommended to City Council that the City purchase at least + 20 acres of the forest in the northern tract from the developer. This recommendation passed unanimously because the importance of preserving this natural treasure is recognized. This will not be a forest when development is finished. She said that open space preservation has a positive impact on a community's economy. Communities with well thought out land protection may improve their bond ratings. Unlimited or mismanaged growth can threaten the communities fiscal health, while land conservation and sound planning help to sustain it. Conserving land also allows nature to do its valuable work. Woodlands hold fragile soil in place on steep terrain when they , are left undisturbed. Too often these slopes are cleared for development, eroqing soil and , \. clogging streams, lakes and drainageways. \, ;' Bob Pappas, 8444 Riverside Drive (Reserve C of O'Shaughnessy Hills) said his property backs up to this property. He prefers that the City acquire it as a park, but otherwise he suggests that tree preservation and access be seriously looked at. He said if this project is coming, road and utility access is desired. The other residents of O'Shaughnessy Hills don't have any interest in being connected to this project. Mr. Pappas said Mr. Ruma told him he is willing to stub the cul-de-sac into Mr; Hutchins' property. He also addressed the tree preservation program and - said more protection for the trees is needed. Running a road through the north section is the worst thing that can be done to the ravine and will destroy the best stand of trees. Mr. Ralph Halloran said if this application is approved for storm water, Guzw should be approved at the same time. Mr. Guzzo is still responsible for maintaining stormwater on his property to the lOO-year level (five inches in 24 hours.) He suggested that stormwater facilities be planned to include Guzzo. He said when the developer brings in an application, they are estimated differently. He feels they are trying to make the storm water detention fit their development. He said there are 8,000 acres to the west of this site, and if each one is given a variance, there will be a large problem in the future. He said the system is just 1/3 of the volume requested. The City Engineering Staff said this is incorrect. He said it cost the City $450,000 to correct a past mistake at Indian Run, and it cost the developer over $1,000,000 to correct a mistake that had been approved by the City Engineer. He said there are no sizes shown on the plat plan for intake or discharge. He said the acreage that was assigned was not well defined. There are six detention ponds on the plat plan and only four calculations. No - Dub.lin Planning and Zoning Commission _m-r_. " . Meeting Minutes - January 7, 1993 . ' '. Page 7 , . . det~ntion was shown in the volume of the pond at Riverside Drive. If this is to be a wet pond, there must be some volume for retention also. Mr. Manus asked Mr. Halloran in what field of engineering he specialized. Mr. Halloran said aeronautics. Mr. Tom Jacobs, 4383 Forest Hill Road, said he understands that the detention pond in Section 4 will have water in it constantly with a waterfall and asked if this is true. Ms. Jordan said she expects the develo~r to meet high aesthetic standards, but it is not yet designed. He asked what ,.... the plan is for parking. She said this will be worked out. The major access to the park will be from the internal part of this development. Ms. Clarke said Mr. Jacobs is correct when he says that both Maumee and Westbury Streets offer this City an opportunity to build wnatever vehicular access is needed for this area. Parking for 100 cars was too big for a seven-acre park. This will be a passive space and she estimates that there will be a nominal amount of parking for 10 cars. Mr. Jacobs said he is concerned because he owns property across from the park. Ms. Clarke said the City involves the area residents in park planning. Mr. Jacobs referred to the sewer line down Woodland for a future tap into Dublin and asked why Woodland was chosen because that is the most heavily wooded part. Randy Bowman said nothing has been approved yet. This is only a concept plan with regard to a future connection into the sanitary system south of this development. ~. Dr. Barbara Swecting, 4380 Woodland Avenue, Powell, asked that City Council.consider the .\ Park and Recreation Committee's recommendation to acquire some of the virgin forest land. \- , I She said this will be a beautiful development but the forest will not survive. The original forest . with the 300-year-old trees should be maintained. Mrs. Denise King showed a video tape of the area. She said many of these trees are between 200 to 300 years oJd. She is in agreement with Mr. Ruma's idea of not building a road and funneling the traffic onto Summitview Road. She suggested finding another way to solve the 31-10t issue other than by putting the parkland there. She said stormwater can remain at the ~ location shown on the map in Block 4. She said the Park and Recreation Committee's decision about this development was based upon the need to resolve the issues of stormwater, roads, and the 31 lots. She said this Committee has received many letters regarding these issues. She said this Commission's decision was not based primarily upon resource management or the parkland dedication ordinance. She said the parkland dedication location must be made in the interest of Dublin as a whole. The Parks and Recreation Committee also recommended that the City acquire acreage in the northern part of the development and Mrs. King endorses this, but she questioned whether funds were available. She said the parkland should be moved out of Block 4, and low density residential development should be created. Her video of Block 4 showed it as a thicket. Mr. Ruma disputed whether this depicted Block 4. Mrs. King said there is a choice between a quiet, open forest with magnificent trees that is easy to walk through, or an immature forest that will some day be magnificent and is currently almost impassible. She asked why the no-build zones include detention basins. She said the reason the Parks and Recreation Committee made the decision they did on the Lot #62 was because they were using a map that does not reflect detention ponds. She asked that the parkland be moved to the north to lots #44 through 51 or lots #31, 36 and 40. She also asked that the O'Shaughnessy Hills problem be - :LJUUIIII t"J<HlIIIJIj:; allU LUllJJlj:; '-UIJlIlIL:);'IUII , > ...:..._.~ . . .. Meeting Minutes - January 7, 1993 , " " Page 8 , . solved through creative leadership and rezoning. She said another alternative would be to use lots 31, 32, 33, 34, and 35. She said that another way that the trees could be significantly preserved is to connect the road to the north and the road could be brought in through lot #52 down to the second cul-de-sac to the south and swung over as it presently is shown. She asked that these alternatives be reviewed. Mr. Jim Stoycheff, 4540 Arrowhead Road, thanked Mr. Ruma for his wonderful project and for the present location of the park. He said Mrs. King presented something that many of his neighbors do not agree with. He noted that he gathered many signatures on a petition that asked I" " that the parkland remain in place. He said the Civic Association discussed parkland in addition to Block 4. He said there would be no blasting in Mr. Ruma's development. I Mr. Geese asked how many acres are in Section 4. Ms. Clarke said 6.92 acres of park are required and 6.844 acres are in Block 4 and 2 acres in the northern woods. Mr. Sutphen asked what is the City's access to lots 1-3, lot 8, lot 37, lot 33, and lot 32. He said these lots are where the detention basins are and there are no easements to them. Mr. Ruma said there will be utilities easements all along. He said Club Road backs up to the detention basin so dedicated right-of-way is there. He said engineering would not let him do that. Mr. Sutphen said he has a problem with putting detention in the park when it is only 6.8 acres. Mr. Ruma said the parkland that he is giving exceeds the total without the water and 1 detention area. He is two acres over the requirement. Mr. Sutphen said he would like to see parks to which people have easier access. He said the parks, with the exception oflot #62, have , . a fair amount of frontage on the main road. Mr. Ruma said there is Riverside Drive and the .> . court which extends into the park. He said in the text it is stipulated that there will b~ a 35-foot dedication of roadway from that cul-de-sac into the park area and he will be paving a 20-foot roadway about 35 feet into the park. This commitment has been made with the Parks Director. Mr. Fishman asked if moving the park is a problem. Mr. Ruma said yes. He said he met with the residents of O'Shaughnessy Hills three formal times. They reviewed his proposal and were in agreement about the parkland in this area. He commits not to build on the 311015. He said there are several residents who have sent letters of support. He suggested that if the City wants additional parkland, it is available at a reasonable price. Mr. Sutphen said the size and amount of trees in the proposed parkland area are treasured and he wants to see them saved. Mr. Rauh said the first priority is that we have a mature forest on the north. He said a decision has to be made about Block 4 as to whether it will be developed or be additional parkland. He also said the storm water plan should be reviewed by Engineering because the plan is not clear. Randy Bowman said he met with Jerry Turner earlier this week, and the preliminary calculations Mr. Turner submitted appear to be performed according to MORPC guidelines. Mr. Manus said the entire community should be served. He said he has received phone calls concerning this large mature stand of trees to the north. He said the park should be moved to the north, if possible. He said the road should be continued north into the Wedgewood development. More land is needed in this area in order to save the trees. He said he doesn't understand the Delaware/Dublin sewer arrangement. He asked if sewer line will be removed ~"'". .1JUD.l1/1 .Planning and Lonlng ComnusSlOn " liiiIiIiii . '. Meeting Minutes - January 7, 1993 . .. Page 9 , . after the temporary, hook-up to Delaware County. Mr. Ruma said at the time that the Dublin sev,'er is connected, it will block the other pipe. Mr. Kindra said this information will be forthcoming when other drawings and details are prepared. Mrs. Stillwell said the forest should be preserved at the north. She doesn't support this plan as presented. Mr. Ruma said he has complied with the Code and now has a park where the residents want it. He said he has 40% in a no-build area, is at a low density, and has the utilities solved. He said he is definitely not moving the park. He asked how he can change the park to get this application approved. He said if the north side of this property is needed, the l'.... City must buy it. . Mr. Geese said the neighbors do not want access on Riverside Drive. He asked if the ~oad at Wedgewood matches up so it is right in the center of the trees. He said the plan reflects that it is. Mr. Ruma said there is a break in the trees. He said the east area is where the parkland should be. Mr. Ruma said he eliminated lot 62 to allow for the parkland on the north side, and this took into consideration the largest stand of the 24" trees. Mr. Geese said there are seven lots to the east of the road where there is a significant wooded area. Mr. Geese asked Mr. Banchefsky for direction on this rezoning, land use, what the action has to be, and how long this can be continued. Mr. Banchefsky said the action would be a recommendation to' City Council. He said there are time requirements in the Charter and the . Code that will be complied with. If tabling is requested, it is part of an agreert;lent with the \, applicant. This application must be reviewed as it stands. \ '. t . .. Mr. Ruma said he has the approval of the Parks and Recreation Committee regarding the location of this parkland. Mr. Geese said the Commission will approve or disapprove this application as submitted. He said there still is a large gap in agreement of parkland location. Mr. Fishman suggested that the City purchase additional parkland to the north. Ms. Clarke said it must be assumed here that City Council will not buy the property. She said what needs to be reviewed is if this parkland proposal can stand on its own. Mr. Fishman said he is bothered that Mr. Ruma's proposal for parkland location has been approved, and now tonight Staff is changing their decision. Ms. Jordan said Staff has worked with Mr. Ruma and has stressed the importance of the preservation of trees at the north end of the property. She said Staff has never wavered that the larger trees are a very valuable part of this development. The Parks and Recreation Committee's opinions were more ambiguous than those heard this evening. She said Mr. Ruma has stated his position about parkland and the Commission must act accordingly. :Mr. Ruma asked what will happen to the property aJongO'Shaughnessy Hills. Will there be a road through it to Riverside Drive. Can a cul-de-sac at that length be put into that property? Mr. Sutphen said yes, that is less than 1,000 feet. Mr. Ruma said it is substantially more than 1,000 feet. Ms. Stillwell suggested reducing the density by not building to the north of the second cul-de-sac to the left of the current park (the lots around the two cul-de-sacs.) Mr. Ruma said that is not the answer. ".".,.. - --,,,",,,"..~""'" -~ ,Dublin Planning and Zoning Commission -Meeting Minutes - January 7, 1993 . '. Page 10 , . . Mr. Ruma said he is willing to remove two lots out of the court to the west and at least two lots out of the eastern court. He said by having fewer lots, fewer ten inch and six inch trees will be eliminated. Mr. Banchefsky asked Mr. Ruma if he agrees to tabling. Mr. Ruma said he wanted to settle this tonight but if he must table tonight he will. Mr. Banchefsky suggested that this application be tabled in order to discuss this with Staff. Mrs. Stillwell suggested that a Commission sub-committee be formed and that a meeting be held /"'" with Staff and Mr. Ruma to discuss this. Judi Stillwell, Warren Fishman., and Jim Manus will be the members of this sub-committee. Mr. Ruma requested that this application be tabled. Mr. Ruma said he will work with the sub- committee to put land where trees can be saved. He said he will eliminate at least seven lots. Mr. Manus made a motion to table this application. Mr. Rauh seconded the motion. The vote was as follows: Mr. Fishman, yes; Mr. Geese, yes; Mr. Manus, yes; Mr. Rauh, yes; Mrs. Stillwell, yes; and Mr. Sutphen, yes. (Tabled 6-0.) 2. Preliminary Plat - Wellington Place/Sheffield Place . ,".. Ms. Fierce presented slides of the site and the staff report. She said this application involves \ ~ . 60 acres located on the north side of Brand Road, across from Coventry Woods. The site is t zoned PLR, Planned Low Density Residential District, and the plan includes the extension of Coventry Woods Drive from the Brandon subdivision to the Coventry Woods subdivlsion. The west side of Coventry Woods Drive will be the Wellington Place subdivision, and on the east side of the road will be called Sheffield Place. The minimum lot area for the 130 lots is 10,000 square feet. There is a six-foot side yard on one side minimum with a total of 14 feet of side yard. The density of 2.1 units per acre is consistent with the surrounding development. There is also a 1oo-foot no-build zone along Brand Road and a 25-foot no-build zone along the lots which abut the northwestern park. One park is about 5.7 acres, and abuts the Brandon park (sinkhole). A second park includes the northeast and northwest comers of Brand Road and Coventry Woods Drive. Those park areas include two wet retention ponds totalling four acres. The City will own and maintain the wet ponds and the storm water structures. The other areas within those parkland areas will be maintained by a homeowners association. The applicant has been very cooperative throughout this whole process. Staff is recommending approval with the following conditions: 1) That privacy fences be prohibited along lotS which abut all park areas and plan and supporting text reflect same; 2) That the retention pond areas be designed to provide for pleasing appearance, acceptable level of park use and proper maintenance, subject to approval by the City Engineer and Parks Director; .3) That the applicant submit plans for tree preservation, street tree program, and entry features with construction drawings; ,. . .- - . . AS SUBMITTED TO COUNCfnh ~FOR MEF:f1NG ON:3 5':. 8 CITY OF DrBLl~ .I...~ . ,......,.. Dtpartm.tnl oJ Dtvtlop11Unl ..~. DivisWn oJ PltuuUng .~ ..-. 0" ........ STAFF, REPORT DUBLIN PL~~'!JNG A1\'D Z01\TJNG COM:MISSION January 7, 1993 ~ \. CASE 1: Rezonirig Application Z92-017 - Wedgewood Hills \, \ , , APPLICANT: Boston Development Company, c/o Robert E. Blackburn, Bird and Bull, Inc., . 2875 W. Dublin-Granville Road, Worthington, OH 43085. . REQUEST: To rezone 80.9 acres located to the northeast of Summitview Road arid Riverside Drive, extending north to the Delaware County line and including Lots 1 through . 31 of Block 4 of the O'Shaughnessy Hills Subdivision, from R-l, Restricted Suburban Residential District to PLR, Planned Low Density Residential District _ for a 97-10t single-family subdivision. BACKGRO~'TJ): Two former development proposals by a previous developer were considered in October, 1991 and January, 1992. The first was a rezoning request for 123 single-family lots plus 38 cluster housing units (density 2.0), and it was tabled. The second was for a concept plan with 120 single-family lo~ (density 1.5), and it was disapproved by the Commission. That application was never forwarded to City Council and was withdrawn. This rezoning application was reviewed and tabled at the November 5, 1992 meeting and discussed very briefly in DeCember. The application has been revised, and PLR zoning is being sought. Additional information on the existing trees has been submitted, and the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee has r~mmended approval since the last meeting. The major part of the site is an unsubdivided woods, but the area close to Riverside Drive is subject to the recorded O'Shaughnessy Hills subdivision plat. While it is, zoned R-l which requires a 40,000 square foot minimum lot, the area was platted as a 198-lot subdivision with . 5131 rOIl Roo4, SuI/I 112(J Dublln, Ohio ~3011 Tcltphont: (61.() 761-6553 FAX: (6U) 761-6566 tP"'" .... ..~iJublin .Planning and Zoning LommlSSlon ....... , , , SUifr Report - January 7, 1993 " Page 2 . 50~ to 60-foot wide lots. There is no sanitary sewer service as yet; most of the subdivision streets are not yet constructed, and there has been only sparse development to date. Part of this applicant's proposal is to vacate a portion of the existing subdivision streets. The PLR, Planned Low Density Residential District commits the developer to the density, minimum lot size, development standards, park location and acreage, and basic street pattern. The area will be subject to filing preliminary and final plats at a later date. Following a recommendation here, a public hearing will be held by City Council (2nd reading) on the rezoning ordinance. Subsequent to the hearing, Council will vote at the third reading. As a rezoning application, Council can only override the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission by a two-thirds vote. On a related matter, vacating a portion of the existing road system of O'Shaughnessy Hills will require a separate ordinance. The existing streets were never constructed, but they are included in a plat of record. The new street system will go through the platting process at a later date. While a preliminary plat drawing has been flIed, the Law Director's office has advised that the rezoning application must be considered separately and prior to any plat. CONSIDERA TrONS: 0 The subject site was annexed to Dublin as part of the 1,679 acre annexation in 1973. The general area is zoned R-l, Restricted Suburban Residential and characterized by 1 large lot, single-family residential development, mostly along the arterial streets.: '\ The O'Shaughnessy Hills subdivision was platted during the 1920s. R:elatively few \, 0 \ . houses have been constructed over the years. The Health Department requires a ! minimum of 40,000 square feet for each new residence because no sanitary se,wer service is available yet. This requires the consolidation of several lots. There are 27 property owners involved in the overall subdivision. Most own a number of contiguous lots, but there are scattered ownerships. 0 The recently adopted sanitary sewer plan for the northeast quadrant specified a density of six persons per acre to the north of Summitview Road, or approximately two dwelling units per acre. The sanitary system and lift stations will be engineered to handle that density . 0 The sanitary sewer service is not a straightforward issue. Due to the topography, the best sewer alternative would be to the north through the Wedgewood development into the Delaware County system. Sanitary service by Delaware is considered likely for this site at least for some time. Additionally, the plans need to show the future connection to the Dublin sanitary system. This should include the location, appropriate easements, additional connections by others, and the funding scheme. 0 The site is mostly wooded, with the woods becoming thicker to the north. Several ravines cut through the land, and much of the site has rolling topography. It has beauty and interest and tremendous potential for residential development. Most of the Staff has walked the site. The applicant has submitted a partial tree survey for the northern part of the site. The balance of the larger trees are located by aerial photography. Information on the caliper and species of these trees is not known. The developer will conduct a thorough tree survey after the street construction, for areas outside of the no- build zones, to assist in individual site layouts. ........"" -~"--'._"~~~'~~"~ ~~-_._,."-,..'..,.._",- ,'-' --,-- J<<lif") - Dublin Planning and Zoning Conunission - . . . Staff Report - January 7, 1993 . . , '. Page 3 . 0 There are no utilities to the site as yet, but water is available. The O'Shaughnessy Hills road system has not been developed. Several streets appear to be private gravel driveways but are public unimproved streets. Several owners on Arrowhead Drive have requested that their street be vacated. They wish to maintain it privately. 0 The property to the east is also under consideration for development in the near future, and the potential developers were also pursuing approval of Delaware County sanitary sewer service. That site presents an unusual design challenge. It was used as a borrow pit, and the pit is to be re-used as a lake for a residential development. Since both proposals are currently in the design process, planning for both is preferable. The engineering issues including storm water management would be best handled as a unit. 0 Storm water run-off is an area of great concern to the residents located downhill from this site. Several along Riverside Drive have experienced flooding repeatedly and the O'Shaughnessy Hills subdivision has no storm sewer system, and areas show signs of ; storm water' damage. 0 The plan shows 97 lots, and many neighbors support that proposal. The gross density ..;: is 1.2 units per acre. The lots are 100 feet or wider and have substantial no-build zones. The applicant has submitted extensive design guidelines to manage the layout and -- construction of the homes. 0 The street system proposed vacates a portion of Club Road. Site access will be through the Wedgewood development to the north in Delaware County, and through the property to the east (Guzzo) to Summitview Road. (See letter from Howard Adams.) No ~irect access to Riverside Drive and no street improvements within O'Shaughnessy Hills are \ proposed. The City Engineer is requesting a traffic study of the intersections of ~ { Riverside Drive and Stratford Avenue (in Wedgewood), Riverside Drive and Summitview Road, and Summitview Road and the southern entry road (on Guzzo property) due to increased traffic from proposed development. This should include analysis ~of need for left turn stacking lanes at these points and signalization of the Riverside DrivelSummitview intersection. 0 The park is required to be dedicated as a platting requirement, and 97 lots necessitate 6.92 acres of park. The park shown consists of 8.94 acres in three parcels, including .:.. Block 4 in its entirety of O'Shaughnessy Hills (6.8 acres) and two smaller parcels in the -~ northern area with the largest trees. The Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee met -; on December 28, 1992, to consider this proposal and recommended approval .~ unanimously. Additionally, it was their recommendation to City Council to purchase additional land in the northern area where the most mature woods exist. (See attached.) 0 A tree preservation plan will need to be prepared which will retain major portions of the woods. It is a goal of the community to preserve the natural assets, and the woods is clearly one of these. Large no-build zones are shown on the plan, and utilities will all be placed at the front of the lots. These measures should help to preserve major groupings of trees. Staff feels additional work should be done on a preservation plan. 0 Staff has been encouraging the property owner to the east of the subject site to file an application so that development in this area can be better coordinated and various impacts better addressed. That developer is not ready at present to submit a plan. The overall plan submitted here shows a possible concept for developing the Guzzo site, but it should not be considered as anything more than a strictly schematic representation. -","" Dublin Planning and Zoning Conm1ission , r-~.'JI-1Iiiiii T " . . .. Staff Report - January 7, 1993 " .. ~ '. Page 4 . STAFF RECOM1\tE.I\'TJ)ATION: . Staff feels this application will provide for compatible and appropriate development of the area. The developer's plan does preserve major portions of the woods, and it takes advantage of the beauty of the site for low density housing. Staff is recommending approval with a number of conditions: ' -.. . -. Conditions: 1) Submission of tree survey for all trees over 6 inches in caliper (located outside ,.,...... the right-of-way and no-build zones) and identification of proposed utility service . connections to minimize tree disturbance prior to any building permit application; 2) Submission of additional information regarding tree preservation proposal and site ",""".. layout procedures to maximize protection of wooded areas; l .' 3) Approval by the Parks and Recreation Director of the park location(s); 4) Provision of appropriate walkwaylbikepath and vehicular connection to the property to the east (Guzzo); 5) Submission of updated text to incorporate recent revisions and minimum development standards; 6) Verification of off-site access points, coordination with adjacent proposed street and utility systems, and approval of same by City Engineer prior to preliminary plat; 7) Submission of complete proposal for sanitary sewer service, subject t~ the \, approval of the City Engineer, including location, future Dubli!l connection, , identifying easements, resolving funding and future connection issues; ,\ . .'... , ,J - 8) Submission of traffic analysis and appropriate implementation strategy by a , registered traffic engineering consultant as requested by and su~ject to the approval of the City Engineer; and 9) Design of proposed water s)'stem to meet requirements of the City Engineer and the City of Columbus, including proof of adequate pressure. Bases: 1) The proposed development, as modified above, will extend compatible low density residential development in the Scioto River Corridor. 2) The proposal is, as modified above, consistent with the Community Plan. 3) The proposed development is designed to promote the protection of the woods. ADDmONAL I1\"FORMA TION: It must be noted here that there are several major engineering issues which are not completely resolved. The applicant's preliminary plat will not be processed until 1) all of the issues regarding sanitary service to the site have been satisfactorily resolved and 2) the City Engineer has received the traffic study and all other pertinent information regarding access to the site, assessed same and given his approval. Access and utility service substantially impact on the plan. Until both are determined to be . acceptable, this plan cannot logically progress beyond the rezoning phase. - I ":I~ . . . . , . ..~ . . . . ~ " " " " " ". ". "" , . 'f~ ::.:~::':;~:::~:~~.~~:F.'.( '. ...... , .. .:;.'.~:,.: ~': , . ~':fi~ ..~,:,;:~~i~~~ ,~ .. - -. ,- ;$ o;i -..., > -" "~,'!i:;~~' . ~ ~~iili . i ~.r R ;. ,...:, :..,.'..~_."",.. 1. . ii~:):~ :~i~~\;~:.~~1~;~:f " '. ,.... o''"!':'' ,'e,: ...~.:~t;.~. ~. ::.~ . ;.~'~i.:; , ' . Q" J." ~; . ~ '," ~-"1~$' ,,,.~.,,. '. ,t al.1-1 J '." :-:; ;~:~ ~ ~: .. .0' .' ~~.:~ ~ r_ .' . .. , ' l':....:., ~ .... ..4 ~ . ., .' . 4..... .' " Application Z92-017 Rezoning ... ~.:. 1:' " "0 ,. i.I,' .. \'t . ..... ,.. " , . ..... .. .... Wedgewood Hills :.0 o. , . .~........ _. -.. . - . I , . -- .-...-. L \ \ I J' 7~ ? ...,..- , '.' pJ 0 ' .' ",' \ \ - I( t: '. ~' ~/~ ) L.-\ . (~,' I ~ \\ ., V . . I ~~-'V ~~~ l\ 1 ' : ~ ~~\1-... '\ \ f ~. ~ ,-"",,- , \ \' - \Y:i \ . . . ' --- ~::;\. \. ' . ~ ~ \~ --: \ ~ \' . ,.... \ PUD ~ . ~,.. ~2 · Site Area ;' :,,_0 ~_; .~ _~ '~_~ ~_ C 0 U~TY ',0' ,~, . \ _i ~ P\..lir.~ ...o"!\\\-- ~/' T' . . ~\. .".. \' \\ ~ -/ 01 ~- r ~ .' ,. R-.t",'" ~.~..~,. .1 r ~- ~ . 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III n... .., 1 ;:: '- .Lt fI- l ~.....-:::: ~ ~L,\ ~~ ' - ifi ,- g R-I "l.I; R-I R~2'..l) R-4 ~ 0'\" ''1 ~ ~ /1~- ~ ili R-I ;;.- r-- \ ~ ) r: J ~ PU 0 '= f\ '"'::h . . I '.- - ' 1 ._ ~ ..---: . ~\' .. I .... .... , " R ~~~ r,\ ' ~ ~ ....... "" ~. I PUD - / ~ I -- "'l~~~-t-- ~. ./', I ~ \ so =:; ~ ~ --- ~ - -:;; ,.." . ~~ . ~ 1 -' 1 I ~ . . D .... iii l. '>uft L1 '\- ., , I IRe Z 0 n I n gAp pile at ion Z 92 - 0 1 ~ , ~:!;: sc . lLl ~~,. r~R~ .' , - V(YJI ~ ~.~.~.B~W\=:::~~~~~.~_~_... c-.~ .... .- 4i'",""'-"., /. .. ==",,^,u,=,~~ T""}3f """'"'- HOWARD S. ADAMS, INC. 8445 GULlANE COURT DUBUNt OHIO 43017 . (614) 889.2108 : December 28, 1992 Ms. Barbara M. Clarke Planning Director 5131 Post Road, Suite 120 Dublin, Ohio 43017 De.'U'Ms. Clarke: , This is to confirm our conversation concerning the proposed street that will se~e as the joint \. \ ."_00 I entry way for the Guzzo property and the Ruma et.a1. property located on the north side of Summitview Road. .- We have agreed with Mr.Ruma that the properties should be served by such an entry way and that it will be located on the Guzzo property as shown on a plan designed by James Bassett Associates. ,......., We have further agreed that in the event the Ruma property is developed prior to the Guzzo property, :Mr. Ruma will have the right to enter upon the Guzzo property to' construct the proposed street. . Yours very truly, % -f c -~. - ~ Howard Adams ~ Iha . We~l.t..l>od. . ~". ~4.~t"\\. Q,ec!~ . . .. ... ; .' . .' .. #,'-4". ~ ---- -'-'>-',,,,,,~.'~...."'-"'" ^_...~.....".'"'"'- ~--~ ~-'.-fil .-'j?"''iIiiiiiIIi_ " . " '. . . - . , " . . . UT\' OF Dl'BU;\ ?\.10TION - \Vedgewood Hills PARKS A1\1]) RECREATION ADVISORY COM~lITTEE CITY OF DUBLIN, OHIO .....,. DATE: December 28; 1992 . 1\10TION: Parkland dedication is accepted as presented with the following changes per the December 7, 1992 re\'ision plan. (see att.ached) . 0 . 0" VOTE: 1 - RESULTS: . . Appro\'ed ..~-O . ''. . ~ ': . - I . , .. ... C01\'T))ITIONS: (see attached) .. . - . BOARD MDfBER: VOTE: . Kirk Hurto yes ~"'-"\t_ Kent Underwood yes Ted Ingalls yes Marcia Wood yes George Bell yes Bill Chambers yes Janet Jordan yes Signature of Staff1\1ember in attendance, certifying that the outcome of this Motion was as reported above: 9qrt/~#{~4~ ~ a e Date tVe..J~elVCOJ p~x~ see; Re.~. (\O~~. '1~ "'"'" .--- . . - . - , - . . . . '. CO!\'l))ITIONS - 'VEDGE\\'OOD HILLS DECE.\1BER 28, 1992 . - r 1). Taking the bulk of where the 24" caliper trees are located at the noJ!hem perimeter of \ the proposed development and reworking lots 47,48,49 & 50. Removing lot #47. as shown and L making that area dedicated public parkland. .- The stated goal is to preserve as much of the native woodlands (high quality mature trees) as we can on public space. ..... 2). ~ Lot #62 is to be converted to public parkland. . 3). Eliminating 1.07 acres -shown as park in the north eastern. section and .~roughi back in as a lot and/or lots to be developed. - . .. : 4). No changes to existing 7.417, however committee recommends good aCces~ to that park. Sugge.st~ access to be off the cul-de-sac from lo~ #18 through 24. .~ . ! - .. .. 5). We support no egress of Riverside Dr. .. . . . - 6). strong desire that we get good legal clarification on the no build zones. . . . 7). . . Access to the park for those residents in O'Shaughnessy Hills and. 'Yell as those on Riverside Dr. W~~e.LUod P~rk'S ~ Rec:..~c:>'liI...~ 2.l:, ".......-.~~"'-~....... . "..~...^.~~. T .. ~ 'i"'" iiiil_~ - - , " , '. . . . . , . CITY OF D(BLlN :MOTION - Purchase of parkland r PARKS Al\"D RECREATION ADVISORY C01\.L\llTTEE . CITY OF DUBLIN, OHIO t i DA TE: December 28,1992 . \..." . 1\!OTION: The Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee recommends to City Council tbat tbe purchase of additional parkland in the historical forest area of 'Vedgewood Hills be considered. - . .' . - - . . . .' - RESULTS: VOTE: "1 ,\ \ ~O . A pprove~,. . . \ . . ,\ . .. t f COl\'T))ITIONS: . . .' . BOARD :ME~fBER: VOTE: Kirk Hurto yes . Kent Underwood yes ,,"" Ted Ingalls yes Marcia Wood yes George Bell yes Bill Chambers yes Janet Jordan yes Signature of Staff Member in attendance, certifying that the outcome of this Motion was as reported above: ?/ ~ ..:Jf~ ~ ~ ~v Date Tame , uJecl~\L)d ~"'\~s:~ ~ 0~ ~(~ 1"""'" -- - --- =-,",,~ r"_ . uuuun XlalllllUt; <lIJU Lonmg \....UIlUJa.:>"'Ull - :Meeting !\1inutes - November 5, 1992 , " Page 6 . Mr. Rauh said that unless there is a very definitive architectural design guide or square footage, arid styles and types of houses, this plan may fail. If typical tract hou s are built without: r trictions, the appearance will suffer. pbell said he appreciated the presentation. Mr. Fishman . d as in the older neighborhoods that were ft ~ red in Mr. Myers' presentation, steep roofs and ne fronts are needed. Tract housing wi a brick front and aluminum on three sides will not ren the same effect. r s sense. The design is very credible', and she . Mrs. Stillwell said Mr. is glad that the applicant is a . ng on to the d to the north. She wants to see an additional r '~ condition to read, "If there wou be an~ anges that would be called for in the revised total 'Southwest Area Plan, that the appli s plan would need to be changed to be compatible with whatever is recommended in the pI e feels Staff and the Commission need time to review the changes presented this eveni . ""- Mrs'- Stillwell made a mo' n to table this applicatio o the December 10, 1992 meeting. Ms. Jordan said w e this application is tabled, an issue be reviewed is the parkland dedication. Sh said it appears that the parkland is 3/4 ac less than in the previous presentation. Mr'- Le er seconded the motion. The vote was as follows: Mr. Manus, yes; r. Fishman, I yes; . Geese, yes; Mr. Rauh, yes; Mr. Campbell, yes; Mr. Leffler, yes; and Mrs. (Tabled 7-0.) : 3. Rezoning Application Z92-01'- \\Tedgewood Hills . Ms. Clarke said this is a new rezoning application. This site involves 80.9 acres and the request '"". is for the R-2 zone. The applicant has also submitted a preliminary plat, and this plat shows only 97 lots. The applicant has been working with the area residents, and their comfort level has increased substantially. There are several unusual facts about this site. It abuts O'Shaughnessy Hills and part of this submission is a request to vacate a portion of a platted, but never built, road called Club Road. The site could get sanitary service from Delaware County. , It naturally is tributary to it. There might be a temporary or permanent diversion for sanitary service for this site through Delaware County. This site is heavily treed and has ravines. Staff has requested a tree survey to determine areas for preservation, etc. Most of the Staff, members of the City Council and this Commission have walked the site. Most have agreed that this is a very beautiful site. This site has no direct access of its own. There is a northern access shown, which is a tie-in to the Wedgewood subdivision in Delaware County, and there is an access point shown that goes somewhere to the east that would eventually connect with Summitview Road. The major parkland area is a long fmger of land that extends to Riverside Drive, which is Block Four of O'Shaughnessy Hills subdivision. There is also a small park site which is internal to the site. A number of area residents are interested in preserving the northernmost section of this site, which has a number of quite mature beech trees. The current plan does not incorporate those items. She said the applicant agreed today to amend the application to use one of the City's planned districts. 1>~~~~ "y\oo: C;, ( 2- ~3 r- .....,~- ~ ~ .uUUIlII .I. lal1llllJ~ allu LUIUllt; \...U1I11I1L:l::>IVU . - . 1\1'eeting :MJnutes - NOYembei 5, 1992 , Page 7 . ~ Mr. Kindra said at this time, there are no engineering comments. At the time of platting, there : will be comments. , - Mr. Geese asked about the concern of using a force main into Delaware County. Mr. Kindra said this is still being worked out. Mr. Bill Denk, representative of the developer, said this development will be a continuation of the Wedgewood subdivision. He said there have been several meetings with Staff, residents of the area, and representatives of the East Dublin Civic Association. He said the majority of the large trees are on the northern end of the site, and some no-build zones can be used. Some lots I will be lost in order to save some of the trees. He said they are in the process of working out ~ a sewer agreement with Delaware. It will be a gravity sewer, not a force main sewer. He " asked that a tree survey be limited to trees over 24" in caliper. He said a zoning is desired other than POD, perhaps Planned Low Density Residential. He will meet with Staff to discuss a revision of the plan to show all surrounding properties and the connection to the arterial street system. He said the park meets the requirements and he feels the Civic Association approves. He said the neighbors are concerned with the detention/retention ponds and the swales or the ravines that run through the site. The plan is to run them through the rear yards, and no-build zones will be established around them. Ms. Marsha Wood, member of the Dublin Parks and Recreation Committee and the East Dublin Civic Association, and resident of 4300 Bright Road, asked that extraordinary care be taken .. when developing this area due to the sensitive nature of the large trees. Healthy frees preserved \' , _ in housing developments die 'young, sometimes' within five to ten years. She asked that the l green space requirement for this tract be taken along the ravine to the north where most of the old growth forest lies. She also asked that all residences bordering this area be at least one acre. She asked that the no-build zones on these lots be very precise. The ravine that runs through this forest has taken a lot of upstream developmental runoff as witnessed in the undercutting of the stream banks. There is also a great deal of debris in the stream bed. Many of the small streams and wat~ays are now showing runoff damage several years after development. If the /'" debris could be removed and the bank stabilized at the time of development, it would. go a long way to preserving this area. A complete inventory of trees on this tract over 24" in diameter is needed. This would be in keeping with the "Landmark Tree Program. being developed by the Tree and Landscape Commission. Ms. Kathy Boring~ representative of the East Dublin Civic Association, residing at 8227 Glencree Place, said this should be POD and not R-2 zoning. She said the Association's items of ~ncern that were communicated by letter should be included in the text. Mr. Ralph Halloran, said he is working with the neighbors of this development, David Ruma, and Jerry Turner to work out the storm water detention/retention. Mr. Leonard Rivenburg, 8400 Riverside Drive, said he attended the recent meetings with the developer and the Civic Association. He said many of the verbal agreements, however, did not appear in this proposal. He, said R-2 is inappropriate for the 97 units discussed. Mr. Geese asked Mr. Denk if he received a copy of Mr. Roth's letter. Mr. Denk said yes. W~~~ j::>+-l. r,~ Y1oU: 5, ('1 L ?-/3 "'~''''''''e,"__ UUUl1Il r Ii::1U11lUg anu LUlllllg '-UlIUJ~~lUn ~. -. I . !llr ;l;l.......-.... r _- - - w- .... . l\feeting Minutes - N'oyember 5, 1992 .... Page 8 . Mr. uffler Said a PLR, as a minimum, should be considered here. He said he is concerned that the plan shows no road connection. Although the applicant cannot speak for the property owner to the east, this s~ould be considered before this application moves fOIV.'ard. The stormwater concerns and engineering issues should be addressed for both. ' ' Mr. Manus said when this plan was previous reviewed, there was a major concern with storm water in the area. This project as proposed will just add to this problem. Mr. Fishman asked if the park has been moved to the platted area of O'Shaughnessy Hills. He ,..." said this is the least beautiful area. He asked if the GUz.zo property has a park requirement. ; Ms. Clarke said ev.ery residential development has a park requirement. Mr. Fishman said he I wants to see the Guzzo property and this development together and have the park in one place. . .'-y, .. , Mr. Jerry Turner, engineer for the developer, said the application should have reflected PLR '. zoning. 97 lots are shown now, but there may be fewer. The tree survey was started but .. incomplete. He has been working with the residents regarding stormwater management to remedy the Masteller's problem. He said Mr. Ruma owns the Wedgewood property, and Section 7 will be developed soon with the tie-in to the north. If Mr. Guzzo develops at the same time as this site does, his boulevard will be utiliz.ed. If not, the. boulevard connection to Summitview will be built by this developer. Mr. Rauh said these trees will be difficult to save. The large beech trees off of th.e street right- of-ways,. or setbacks will n<?t survive. , In the. ~ackyards they might have a chance, and the t' . . . , suggested larger lots to accomplish this. - 1 . Ms. Clarke said there are clumps of 10. caliper trees and these should be considered in the tree survey. She said if the developer doesn't want to consider the 10. trees on the northern end, that is acceptable, but in the younger woods to the south, a closer inventory should be taken. _. ---... Mrs. Stillwell made a motion to table this application. Mr. Leffler seconded this motion. The _0. - - -, vote was as follows: Mr. Fishman, yes; Mr. Campbell, yes; Mr. Geese, yes; Mr. Rauh, yes; :r'" ;2- Mr. ~anus, yes; Mr. Leffler, yes; and Mrs. Stillwell, yes. (Tabled 7-0.) '. Conditional Use Application CU92-004 - Midwest G~'D1Dastics Ms. . Tee said Staff recommends approval with the same conditions that were imPQs e last time this eard as a Conditional Use. She said the change is basically in on only. The bu~in'ess hours, size of the tenant space, and the operation itsel e not changed. 1) 2) W~ ?+Z:~~~ Y)CV7S} 'qL 36 .r Dublin Planning and Zoning Commission ~-->..,.~ ,I,. . Meeting Minutes - December 10, 1992 . , . Page 7 . 2. ' Rezoning Application Z92-014 - 'Vedgewood Hills . - M~s. Stillwell said that since the tree 'survey and tree information is nofavaiJable to the Commission, she suggested that this application be tabled~ Mr. Ruma' said the tree .planwassubmitted. . He said it is impossible to do a tree survey at 10. caliper on thi~ site without spending $50,000. He said this tree survey is an extreme hardship. . Mr. Geese made a motion to take this application off the table. The motion was seconded. The vote was ~ as follows: Mr. Campbell, yes; Mr. Fishman, yes; Mr. Geese, yes; Mr. Leffler, no; Mr. Manus, no; and Mrs. Stillwell, no. (Denied 3-3.) I Mr. Leffler said the master plan for the sanitary sewer is needed. Mr. Ruma said those have been submitted. Ms. Clarke said the applicant submitted plans within the last few days which layout the utilities and show the area that was surveyed for trees, the street layout, areas set aside for parkland, etc. The Commission has not seen them before tonight.. Mr. Ruma said it is impossible to get this off the table if a tree survey is required. Mr. Geese said because he hasn't seen the plans yet, this application should not be heard. Mr. Ruma asked the Commission if he comes back next month with everything but a tree survey, will he be heard. Mr. Leffler said the Commission is willing to be flexible. Mr. Ruma said the north end of the site was surveyed. He said one survey was 24. and above and the other was 10. and above. There are many 10. and above on this site that it is impossible to read the writing. . ~ ", \ Mr. Manus asked for more information, but said he is not forcing a tree survey.. Mr. RU'ma said be will ,\ be back at the next meeting. . . . . 'OJ , , . . Mr. Campbell said the general concern at the last meeting was that there is a number of vety large trees (24. caliper and above) on the site. He asked if it is appropriate to demand a 10. caliper tree. Ms. Clarke said that the larger. caliper trees are in the older forest and getting those that are 24. and above is appropriate. In the younger forest, the southern portion of the site, there are no 24. trees, but it is still a wooded site. A lower threshold should be used to determine where the trees are so it is known, r- given the topography, wbat trees can be saved.. Typically; 6. caliper and above are surveyed. Mr. Campbell said boundaries for caliper determination should be set, i.e. 24.iri the nonhero half, and 10. in the southern half. Mr. Ruma said this site is probably the last best wooded site in Dublin, will be named Wedgewood, and have the same standards. The'tree survey is best served after the roads are in, excluding. no-build zones. W~~~J. ?+1: t;Vl"~ ~. lOI<fl.. ,... --"-"-"~ ---, " [-_r?1 -_, . . . .- , ,; ~BMmmTOCOUNCIl . fOR MEETING ON -1//113 January 4, 1993 To: The Dublin Planning and Zoning Commission I""'" From: The East Dublin Civic Association I Re: The rezoning application for the Wedgewood South development Dear Commission Members: The officers and trustees of the East Dublin Civic Association met on January 3 to discuss several zoning cases that the' Dublin Planning and Zoning Commission will hear on January 7. We would like to share the following concerns: \, Re: The extension of Hard Road, Sawmill Partners '. '- s. The EDCA would like to request that a tree-survey be completed on the major wooded areas on the applicant's site. The survey would include several areas through which the Hard Road extension will pass. Marcia Wood, a trustee of the EDCA, will speak to that concern at the hearing. Re: The revised stonn water plan, Sawmill Partners The EDCA would like to request a careful review of the revised plan. We have no objection in principle to the replacement of detention basins by storm water pipes. We wish to be certain, however, that the system will decrease the flow into Billingsley ditch, as promised in the initial zoning. We also notice that the proposed storm water system for the northern reaches of the 489-acre tract empties into an existing stream and culvert under Riverside Drive that currently flood several times a year. We fear the new system will make that situation worse. Mack Parkhill, the vice- president of the EDCA, will speak to these issues. ,,~ -"~~..-.""",,~---"'--.-,">-<~ - ----~"~ ,- -. ~~__-.;i ~- -- . , Re: The Wedgewood Hills development, Charles Ruma and Associates . We are happy to say that with your help and the cooperation of Mr. Ruma we have resolved a number of issues raised in our letter of October 20. We appreciate too your support of a tree-survey on the site, which helped the Parks and Recreation Commission improve the location of the one-acre park north of the ravine and secure an agreement with the ,"~ developer that the City of Dublin will enforce agreements concerning the maintenance of no-build zones. The following issues remain: 1. We still believe that the rezoning application should be filed as a Planned Unit Development. We are pleased that Mr. Ruma has withdrawn his request for an R-2 zoning and has submitted a request for a PLR zoning that restricts the site to 97 homes. But we are uneasy about the lack of architectural reviews and of other reviews that would accompany a PUD rezoning. We would not like to set a precedent that would authorize PLR rezonings throughout East Dublin. " As we noted in our letter of October 20, we believe that the Wedgewood development should be studied in the context of the Guzzo " ., development to the east (which is now going forward) and the O'Shaughnessy Hills subdivision to the west. We believe that the " Wedgewood South development is fundamentally sound, but its success depends on downzonings and road closings in the O'Shaughnessy Hills subdivision, and on roads, storm water basins, and bikeways in the Guzzo development. We like what we've heard about Mr. Guzzo's tentative plans for his property, but he has yet to file a rezoning application. We would ~~~:<.y' appreciate it if the staff, the Council, and the Planning and Zoning Commission could study the area as a whole, so that we can be certain the individual developments will fit together. Ideally, we would still prefer to consider the Guzzo and Ruma developments as a single Planned Unit Development Gust as we considered the Homewood/Rubin/Schottenstein properties to the south), so that we could optimize the location of parkland and design a comprehensive system of roads, bikepaths, and storm water management facilities. 2. We would appreciate it if the Planning and Zoning Commission would consider a resolution endorsing the recommendation by the Parks and Recreation Commission that additional parkland be purchased by the City """'" 0__'-""-'" ~ - -,-- -. - ~ ] r ~-- 1 . , in the hardwood forest north of the ravine. As you may know, Mr. Ruma , and his associates have indicated their willingness to sell additional land to the city, and a donor is willing to contribute 16 acres to the park contingent on the city's acquisition of additional land. We appreciate the Dublin City Council's willingness to enter negotiations with all parties, but recognize that the City has many other pressing capital projects. Your support would help our effort to persuade the citizens of Dublin that preserving our city's last hardwood forest is a top priorjty. i 3. We would appreciate it if you could review carefully the language of the \- rezoning application, particularly on architectural standards, amenities, and no-build zones. The EDCA has not worked with a PLR zoning before, nor has the city arranged to supervise a no-build zone before. Any suggestions you could make for clarifications or improvements would be appreciated. 4. We are eager that discussions concerning storm water continue between the developer, the city staff, and Ralph Halloran, the consultant hired by several East Dublin residents to review the applicant's. storm water plan. The EDCA would like to solve the area's storm water problems once and for all. ,. .. ~ 'It 5. As noted in our letter of October 20, we believe that the success of the Wedgewood South development and of other developments in East ,Dublin depends on major transportation improvements in the area in addition to the westward extension of Hard Road. We hope that the City of Dublin will participate in the effort by Delaware County to build a major connector between the O'Shaughnessy bridge and a widened Powell Road, and that it will work with COTA to develop a decentralized system of Park-and-Rides - in northwest Franklin County, with lots placed at the New Market Shopping Center, the Olde Sawmill Shopping Center, the proposed Schottenstein's shopping center, etc. We would appreciate if the Planning and Zoning Commission would consider at this or a future meeting a resolution support the EDCA on these improvements. Our thanks again to you and Mr. Ruma for your willingness to work with us. Randy Roth, President, EDCA ... .~._"..~...-",~,,~..",."",.>~<~.~ >...,.__..."_.^...._._w."',.......,"-""'"'-"""""~~_=~..,""-""....,~""',,_~._~............~"'~"'~"" ,_ ..~"'~.,~~~.,....,,'=....'....,~~~_~.""""'"'C..A..'''''''-c.;~.....-"'''''',.'"'''~.,....,~"..~=.~"',~..;~.__.:......""~""-''-+-.~__~~.,. . . . Deeelllber 9,1992 He: Rezoning Appliea.tio!! Z92-017- ~iedge~'JOod Hills ~l0se land owners and/or residents support the original plan of having Section 4 of ~IShaughnessy Hills be set aside ",,- ~s. P;(;;.fv~)/V ?.:2- "] 7 A ~ ~..-<. ~ I ~, J:r<Jr 9?-'7 ~~~ (2f\;1~ 1M t+ 3 Jivf~ nO\ . . Io h.~ Reeve 4.~ . 1I~ g-zo / R~4 4" - ,.. · ()~~ifJrl~ g~o / l(~cIflt .' , 5' · k. ~ (ll~ , ...... l5 2lJ r ra~ ~l ,\!i.~ 7. a~/~ 8~/' t?~ ~. R I Coho. rcL B r 0.. "'-<:l Ol\.. '/, '1id.w~ Ar/~G0/6 1/510 (/~/lGwh.a.J. f2tI... 9 ')?d-d'>~ g{)15~V"\.- 10 R C\ r:!\ ~ 1),$.3 (\,""H'l;.. ~r. I f ~;..Q ~ ~ ~ tz:z$ R",><CA...~\'O~ ()'jL. /1.. Y-k' L.ul' a~ d (2!:>+-!i . it&.v 4 Lf I ~ ~ If'i' .e. <;, z:://, I ( 13, ~~. ~ ~'-U'r 8 2.'10 ~ $)A... ~. ...> - C-.'- ~ji un -i*~" . .. , . Planning and Zoning Committee City of Dublin 5131 Post Road Dublin, OH 43017,. December 1st, 1992 r We wish to express our concerns to the members of the Planning and Zoning Committee regarding the proposed Ruma -..-- .-' -. I development Wedgewood Hills (rezoning application Z92-017). V>; We are residents adjacent to this area. While we have met '-" 1 with Mr. Ruma and voiced our concerns we feel that additional action is warranted. We feel that the area of old woods to the north of the ravine should be more protected. He has stated he has included in his plan a 100-150 ft No Build Zone along the ravine with the added condition that indigenous flora must remain. We appreciate this very much but believe this will not preserve the woods. We have been told by Mr. Ruma that he is going to mark the large trees and change property lines to accommodate them. We are concerned that these measures will not save many of the large trees, some of which likely constitute the only . remaining birch forest in Dublin. This is one of the ,last -, remaining tracts of large trees in Dublin. ,,\ ., We request that the Planning and Zoning Committee re-consider the possibility of acquiring some of the area for park land in order to protect it as it deserves. , Requests by various parties such as the East Dublin Community Association for park land on the east side of Dublin have been unsuccessful in the past and thus this area has not been given its due compared to the rest of Dublin.. There will be few or no more occasions for this type of request in the future since these areas will all soon be gone. We strongly urge the committee to support this. Thank you for your attention, . ..- - - . th.,~~ 'I 3 'i'O WooJ. (0.. "" J. '" vc. U ~2~ I-~~ . - " "'....-. ~."'c., .~"""'" -~'~_''''''-''''''''''"'''-'';'''''-~''''-~;.''''''''''- "--~.,._.~~,--~.._-~-,~.~~- . ,: , ~ . EARL N. MERWIN Attorney at Law BETH A. MERWIN 1085 Fishinger Road SUSAN M. PIERCE Associate Columbus, Ohio 43221 Of Counsel (614) 457-4211 November 20, 1992 Ms. Barbara Clarke City of Dublin 5131 Post Road Dublin, Ohio 43017 Re: Development 78 acres lying between Summitview Road and Wedgewood. Dear Ms. Clarke: I am writing on behalf of Woodland Hills, a partnership, which owns 41 . lots lying to the West of the 78 acres now being sought to be developed. It is our understanding that the developers appeared before the Planning and Zoning Committee and that one individual suggested that the proposed park now to be located in Block 4 be changed to another location. The partners of Woodland Hills support the location of the park in Block 4 as proposed by the developers. .~ The developers had several meetings with all the neighbors in that area invited. The developers made several changes on the recommendation of those in attendance. I understand that the individual who wants to move that park location, as proposed, was in attendance at those meetings. In fact, I saw the lady at the meetings. Those in attendance at those meetings was quite pleased with the park being located in Block 4. No objections were made, within my hearing, during the open meeting where all matters were discussed. We believe that the Block 4 park location is ideal and most appropriate as did those that I heard speak at those meetings. On behalf of Woodland Hills, we support the proposed park to be located in Block 4. rr;\-~ @" ~ 0 W ~1~11 tltll!-<'~-~--r"; '. '! <: ' ' 11; , ' \ i r' NOV 2 3 1992 ,U ' ; } '. !. ~_..=,.. .' , . , " L. _.' ",___,_,__,",._"~___~Jl ;-. : -(,t Dc_r./'_~"":. r-': ;';-JL - . '''-',~ ..' - ".. -~ .'.~~-'~'~~"''';''~-'~'~>'-,-''~~'--~"'''-''~'''''. ~ . November 20, 1992 Page 2 (Woodland Hills - Block 4 Park Proposal) Will you please see that members of the Committee receive a copy of this letter. f" Sincerely yours, f C~/L~ \.- Earl N. Merwin ENM/amd cc: Mr. Al Ritcher Mr. Bob Jones Mr. Robert Ramsay cc: Mr. Charles Ruma 1152 Goodale Boulevard Columbus, Ohio 43212 ~ ,.""'~'" , ,~ "', . November 19, 1992 ",.,.... Mr. Ronald Geese Planning & Zoning Commission , City of Dublin ~ 5131 Post Road j Dublin, Ohio 43017 Re: Rezoning Application Z92-017 Wedgewood Hills Dear Mr. Geese: At the last meeting of P&Z (11/5/92) an unexpected speaker (Marcia Wood) spoke on changing the park location. Had the audience known this was going to be a topic several people would have request~d to speak against moving the park. '. . This letter is being sent to indicate that the owners and/or residents of the homes on Arrowhead Road support the original plan of having , Section 4 of 0' Shaughnessy Hills be set aside as parkland. I Keep in mind that if Section 4 is used as parkland it eliminates thirty one (31) of the undersized lots in this dedicated, but unimproved subdivision. The following are the residences on Arrowhead Road: .....' 4540 Arrowhead Road. . . . . . . (-)'~""A- (l. '~~1-{'-P.# ; ///.'i'~ I ~ 4555 Arrowhead Road. . . . . .. //~ ' 4600 Arrowhead Road. . . . . . .\~;' . ~ltt'>4i: - t31t...c4 8206 Riverside Drive whose ~~ ct2 ~ access is from Arrowhead Road .. .' .- _. $rl-<,~ . _. ? /" _/ Copies to: Barbara Clarke -, Planning Division V (.. ..--' Bill Denk - Boston Development Company Note: In addition to the above copies were sent to all Council Members, Planning & Zoning Commission and Parka & Recreation Committee. RECEIVED NOV 24 1992 ,f..t~:'~i\\ ;j CITY OF DUBLIN .~, . ,J " 1'*'" . , ...~,......,,--;.,,"--- -'~".- .", , , ~~~o~ ; . . - . ' - . .. r'-\1 . ~ October 20, 1992 To: The Dublin Planning and Zoning. (\II"mis~i\ll1 From: Th~ East Dublin Civic Assocbtiun Re: The rezoning application for the Wedgewood South development ~ Dear Commis~ion Members: The East Dublin Civic Associ:ltion met on October'18 to discuss the rezoning application of Charles Ruma and associates for an SO-acre tract north of Summit View Road. We are grateful for Mr. Ruma's efforts to work with our association and his willingness to address issues uf concern to our members. We would like to ask, however, that Mr. Ruma specify in greater detail features of the development to which we have agreed. We would also to ask Council to l'on~iuer several issues that have 11\lt been ;lddre~~C'u hi IIll" lull ~ali~I;ll.ti\ln \II our llh:IIl!l\.'I':-.hip, . We would like to ask Mr. Ruma to note in the text of his applic:nion the following items to which we have :Igreed: I. Th~ storm wCiter m..nagement facility in the 7-acre park bordering on Riverside, Drive will be \ a rl!ft!/UioIJ b~lsin. not a detention basin. and it will use a waterfall rather than a fou'ntain for , , aeration. r 2. Existing trees will. be left standing in the other storm water basins to be b~ilt on the site. J. Th'e locntion of the major trees on the site will he mapped. as required hy the Duhlin City . Code. We :Ire conl.'c:rneu that :IS many trees be saveu ;IS Pl)ssible. p&lrticul:,rly in Ihe uni\.lul' beech forest on the northern edge of the property. ""..., 4. Th~ size. sh&lpe. ailcJ ch:mlcter of the no-build zones along the ravine and :Idjacent to the I- . acre wetland p&lrk will be specifieu. We would like to preserve the original Ilora and prohibit . ......... th~ use of herhicidc:s. We woulu like to ensure that the no-build zone is large enough to presc:rve the ravine ..nd :IS much l)f the beech fqrest :IS possible in its natural state. 5. The ravines on the property will be cleared of debris so that erosion from storm water runoff can be minimized. " 6. The direction and volume of storm water flows will be specified. so that we can be certain of the development's effect on ravines and resiuents to the south and west. Given th~lt the ravine .g: th:lt drains the southern portion of the tract to the west suffers from a natural flooding prohlem. w'e would like to exceed MORPSE requirements for s~orm w;lter detention in '~hat watershed. 0/ - 'f D fE ; sk the Council and the Planning and Zoning Commission to discuss EG: . It 1 . " no:. ,-!r I'. "5 \;~~L_~2 11~i!!J . 1jJ~~ !11llJ . ~.j..:ll Y OF D U BU N ,~ z,o ;P"'~" -.'...._.-._' - n - . .' -' - , . . ~ ,.. r I. ,\V~ bdi~v~ Ihallhc rczoning. ;q)plk;llion should b~ likd as ;1 Plann~J Cnil IJc\d\lpmcl1l. Th~ tract is large enough to warrant such an appli<..'atiol1. The EDCA has ..greed to Mr, Ruma's plan to build 97 homes on the site. hut his npplication calls for a rezoning to R-2, which would allow 160 units on the site. If the Wedgewood South development were to fall through, the area would be faced with an R-2 zoning: a zoning that the residents, the Community Plan, and the Planning and Zoning Commission have already rejected. 2. We helieve that the wetland park and the no-build zones along the ravine nnd in the beech forest on the northern portion of the property should be enlarged. The Wedgewood South r development encompasses the 1.lst major stand of beech forest in Dublin as well as the last undeveloped tributary to the Scioto River. The EDCA identified the area five years ago as one t of three areas in East Dubli'1 it would like to preserve as parkland. We would like' to find a cr~ati\"e solution that woulJ prC's~:I"\\: ;,:0. mu\.'h 0,"111\,' ar,:.\ :1:0. Ihl:o.~ibl~ in ib 'lI'ig.il~;t1 ,t:lk, 3. We believe that bikepaths are necessary in the Wedgewood .South development, p~lrticl:l13rly , along the parkway that will carry traffic to Summit View Road. We would like to connect the area north of Summit View to the aren south of Summit View. 4. We believe that the' Wetlgewood South tleveIopment should be studied in the context of the Guzzo development to the east (which is now going forward) and the O'Shaughnessy Hills subdivision to the west. We believe that the Wedgewood South devetopmen't is fund<lmeritaUy sound, but its success uepends on downzonings and road closings in the O'Shaughnessy Hills subdivision, and on roads, storm water h.lsins, C1nd bikeways in the Guzzo development. W~ like what we've heard ahout Mr. Guzzo's tent~ltive plans for his property. but he has yeJ to me a r~zoning appli<..'atilln, We would apprcl...j;II\.' it il Ihl..' ..1.111. Ihl.." <. '\lUI1I..'11. alld Ill\' Pbillllll;! .1111..1 " ,t Z\lI1ing Commission <..'ould study Ih~ ar~;i ;\s ;1 whol~, so lh;\l w~ .;;tn be: .:e:rl;\in th~ inJi\ iJu;\l developments wiJI fit together. Ideally, we would prefer to consider the Guzzo and Rum:! developments as a single Planned Unit Development Gust as we considered the : Homewood/Rubin/Schottenstein properties to .the south). so that we could optimize the locati\ln of parkland and design a comprehensive system of roads, bikepaths, and storm water management facilities. ' ,-, 5. We still believe that the success of the Wedgewood South development and of other. tle:vdopments in East Dublin depends on major traJ?sportation improvements in the area in :iddition to the westward extension of H:lrd Road. We hope that the City of Dublin will ......... I participate' in the dfmt by Delaw:lrc: County tn build a majnr (,'onnector hetween .the O'Sh:lul!.hn~sJ.iy briul!.C' and a wi\.klll.:'d P\l\\'dl K\lau. allu Ih:lt it will wurk \\'ilh <. 'OTA hI dl..'\dOfl --. - a decc::ntralized system of Park-and-Rides in northwest Franklin County, with lots placed at the Nc:w Market Shopping Center, the Olue Sawmill Shopping Center, the proposed Schottenstein's shopping center, etc. I ' '. Our thanks to you and Mr. RumCl for your willingness to work with us. Yours, R~ndy Roth PrC'siucllt. F LX ./\ . .- . . , .