HomeMy WebLinkAbout041-88 Ordinance r ... RECORD OF ORDINANCES National Graphics Corp., Cols.. O. ~ Form No. 2806-A Ordinance N 0 ._____":I___~~__m_m P assed____m ______m___ _m_m_m___________ ____19 m_ AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE .,.. PURCHASE OF PROPERTY LOCATED AT SOUTH HIGH STREET, CITY OF DUBLIN, FRANKLIN COUNTY, OHIO, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY WHEREAS, Council has previously authorized the City Manager to enter into a real estate purchase contract to purchase property known as 25, 27 and 29 South High Street, Dublin, Ohio; a brick single story building (Parcel #273,000037) and a brick and frame two story building (Parcel #273,000062) plus the lots upon which said structures are situated. WHEREAS, sufficient funds for this purchase have been specifically allocated within the current capital improvements budget. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Dublin, State of Ohio, 7 of the elected members concurring that: Section 1. Council hereby authorizes the expenditure of the funds necessary to purchase the above referenced property at a cost of $190,500.00 as set forth in the previously executed real estate purchase contract. Section 2. That this Ordinance be, and hereby is, declared to be an emergency measure necessary for the preservation of the public safety and welfare and, therefore, this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage. Passed this 4th day of April , 1987. ~~ Mayor - Presiding Officer Attest: /7 . 0~ ~. t4-~ C erk of Coun 1 . J hr.>rtlhv rn"'r/ t'oat r' ( t'. ~ ,. / . '.. ." .'. ..c .o!le~ lJi ~liS uramc!nce Resolution were posted in the Sponsor: City Manager City of Dublin In accordance vdJ Sacf;on 731.25 of the Ohio Revised Code. /? J/t47W~4"hJ. t!~ Clerk of Council, Dubli~ Ohio ..' ., I ~ --"" ........... "'.... _.' Real Estate Purchase Contract ~20 vI,:, Bridge St., Dublin, OH 43017 rn @[ffi) Adoplorl hv Tho Columbu'i 1:l0,lId 01 !leallo" BH9-0808 8I1cJ by 1 he COlumbus Odr ASSOClal.on It IS recommended that all parhes R[ALlOfl' be rep.esenled by legal ~ d~d_.193i'_ T'.I' \lnde'S'lInf( Buyer agrees to buy and the undersig',ed Seller agrees to sell, through you as Bro~er. upon the lerlTlS hereinafter set 'orth, Ihe 'ollowing real estale 10, al.,-t 'n the Slate cl OhIO, County 01 _Franklin__ __. ._._. __.._..__.. . : Known as 25, 27 and 29 South High Street, r), 11:>1. in , Ohio, consisting of a brick single story building (also known as Parcel #273-000037) (1I1d a brick arxl frame two story building (also known as Parcel #273-000062) plus the lots \:J on hi1i.ch said structures are situated. I On lhe lOIlN.'nll t.rm.: Puchase price to be One Hundred Ninety Thousand ~llars ($190,000.00) ('ilsh at closing. This offer is contingent uron the following terms: T, . I~\ lycr to conduct an inspection of said premises to his ~atisfaction within 7 days fran the dilte of acceptance of this offer and to waive this contin0ency in writing in the said 7 days. Buyer to review all leases and/or agreerrcnts between Seller and present tenants to his sat is- filction within 7 days fran the date of acceptance of this offer or this contract is void. ;.. . (,lrr.LstopheJ~ Cline is acting as the legally authorized agent fer an undisclosed Buyer in this U' an:3;rctioIl, and the Buyer shall take ti tie in a nane to be detennined. L' . 'J'J Ii s oontract is subject to Seller's ability to obtain court approval (if required due to the death of R:.chard Royce) wi thin 5 days fran the date of acceptance of this of fer or this contract iB void. rights which are month to month tenancies. 2 Po.....,or' Subject to tenants' 3 Evlde"c~ 01 TltI.: Seller shall lurnish and pay for an owners tllle insurance comml'menl /lIId pol.cy IALTA FOlm B (1970 REV 10.17-70 & rlEV. 10.17.I\4)),n the 8"II)'.Jnl o' It'. PUlct"lse price, With Copy of subdlvis.on 01 Condl.>nllnlum plat. The 'IUe ev'dencl' Shilll bt> c81"h."llo '.....Ih.n 30 da;s pllor to clos'ng Wllh endorsemenl as ot II 00 A '.1. c,n IIll' O'JSlne','; day pilOt '0 lhe dale 01 clOSln{), all in accolljance w"h Ihe slanaalas ollh" Columbus Flar AssoclahOn. ano shall show in Seller mlllketable IllIe .n 108 s'''ple Irl'e and cle ,. 01 all liens and encumbrances except: (al those crealed tly or ossumetl by BlI~er; (bl those speCillcally set forth In this contracl: (C) lonlng ordInances; (ft 11'';1,,1 ""l""'~Ys, and (e) covenants. restrictoons, ",C'nd,l'ons a"d easemenls of record wh.ch do nol un'. ';onably (/I'p'lere wilh presenl lawful use. Buyer shall PIlY Bny R.:,1,1'('I'." C,)S'S Incu'red in conneCloon wl,h mor1gagee Insurance ISSUI'P lor Ihe prOll!l"lton of Buyer 5 lentll'r If Uuyer desllllS a survey, Buyer Shall pay the cost thereol " I' lie 10 all or ".111 o. the real estate is unmarkelable. as dele'm,ned by 01110 law Wl'h re'er"n~fllq Ihe O~"O Slale Bal As~oclahon's Sla/ldards of Tille F..amination, or 'S f,1'!'i"ct '" Ioens. I'nCI mbrances, easements. conail.ons. rpsllicllons VI f'nCloachm"nls olhe, lhan Ihose e'''f'pled In lhlS conflaet. Seller shall w,lhln thlr1y (301 days after w"nen ""'"e "".'eol rp.m"lyor r"move any such Oelect. I,(m. enculllbranct!. easement, cOlldll'Ol1. rest"ctlon or encrvachmenl or obtain 1,IIe InSUlance wllhout excepllon therelor. AI ch'~"Q S"lIeor shall 5'91'1 an ell.davil w.lh respect 10 oll"I''''o'd 11111' m?lIers ''1 accordance wllh Ihe comrnur1lly cllstom. 4 Deeod: Spill" shall COrrv8! ro Buyer markelable hlle in fee simple by tran'i1prable and rpco,rjable general wallanty deed, wllh release 01 dower, II any, or 'iduciary doed. a,; apll'~lp"al(', free 1110 clear 0 all hens and encumorances not excepled by Ih.s contract. ana e.cepllng Ihe lollowlng: S. Till" .nd .......mente: Al closing. Seller shall pavor cledll on purchase pllce "II dehnQuel'l1 taxes, inr;ludlng penAlly and inWest, all asse.,smenls whiCh ale a hen , 0" 'he 'ldlE' 0' COlltlllCt and all 3gllcullu.al use la' recoupmenls lor YCllrs pllor 10 the ye,lr 01 elosl"g At CI(lW'T S"lIel shall elro payor cledil on the purChase polc.e all olher UOllflH1 'E'alll~I~le la.es whIch all' a hen lor y'pars pllor to clos.nrj and a p0l110n of such taxes and ilgncullural ~IS'.l 'n 'I!eouprnenls 10' year ot clOSing prolaled t"rough dale 0' c1v'; "9 an<1 baSI'! on 365 day yea' lind, ,f undelermlned. on mosl reCl'nt avall.lbll' lax rOlf' i "Ii valwalion. g.v.ng ellecllo apphcable exemptIOns, recenlly voted mllla98. ~I'a"o'" .r' .aldal,on. eolC , whethilr or nol cer1lhed. ~'~'Ie' ..allMt! Il1al no imp,ovements or sprvice~ (s,te or arl'll) haye bopn Installed O' IUllll'ihl"1. or IIOI,I'C<:IlIon received 110m pubhc authority or owners' Issociallon 0' 'L'ure 1I";lrOV"ITIt!I'I'S of ...hlCh any part ~ the costs may be assessed 8gall'sl the rC1l1 eslale. e.cepl tho follOWing' _. . -~ .---..-----.-.---.---.... -.- .--.---.--- ........... _ ...._...._._...... __._.__INone.ilnolhinginSer1'ld.) 6 Rental.. IntN..t, Condominium Chllges.ln.uranc~. Utilities and S~curlty DeposUs' ArlJllsllllent5 511all bp llli1de through dale ot c10sII1g lor: (a) re"lal~: Ibl inleresl on a"y """19'"l''' i1! !iurned by Buyer; fC) condon,.n,um or ottler aSSOClill.on pellodlc cl1~'gp.s. .'"0 (dl Irallsfe.atl1e Insurilllce pol,clps, II Buyc' so elects Sellllr shall pay, through dnle Of p,'ssesslon. all accrued utihty charaes anO any other chalges Ihat a,e 01 may bccome II hen Sp.cullly depoSIts shall be translerred 10 Buyer. 7 o.m.~e or ~.Iruetlon 01 Property: Rls~ of loss 10 thp. real estate and <tPPUllo'nanr.es 'ihall be bomc by Sell'!r unlll clos.ng prowled thal.l any proper1y covered by t",s co..." "IS .all bE' ~ubstant,ally damaged or destroy~ belole Ihls transaction's clos,'d. Buye' maV la) procecd wl'l1lhe Ir8/1s'\cloon and be en lolled 10 alllnsurClllce monl!Y. II any ~'~):ilJ:ollo ~"lIer unuer all polrcles covellllg Ihe p.opelly. O' (~) resCind Ihe "'onlraCI. ilnu Itl(',p.by rele.Fe all parties Irom I ,1~)I!"Y hercunder. by g.v.ng wlltten /1olore to S"lIer and Brl'~l!r WI Ith,n len (10) days alter Buyer has w"tten noloce 01 such damage o. aestrucloon. Faolure by Buyer to so nOllly Seller and Broker stlall constitute an ele.:100n 10 procppd w"h Ihe 'ranSacl;0n 8 FI.turea .nd Equipment: The conslderat'on shall Include any li.lures. .nclUIJln9 bul nOIl"n'led10 bUilt", apr'ianCI''i. hel1lin9. c('nlral all COlldlhollillg. and humld"y,ng e1lulprl'elll and the'r <:(lnlrol apparatus; stal.onary lubs. pumps: ....\Ier sollen,ng eQulp"'ent lunles~ fl',l',ed): rool anlel'lnap.; allach'.ld wall.to.wall carp(:lln~ alld allar-hed floor r.c,ye"ngs: curta'n r;os and WIndow covellngs e.c!ud.nq drape"es and CU'1alns allacl'eo Inll,ors "gill. b"lh,oo'" and layalory '..lures: sIo'ln and s,=reen doors and WIndows. a.....""\I~. !Jilnds. ar li Window eltr Cond,honers. whelhl'l now In 0' on the prl'lnlSeS or In slorage gil.age door ope'''~rs and conlro1s. altaclled hreplace equipment; secu"ty sy~l.ms and conlrcls (unless leased): smoke alarms; salHlllle TV recephon sySlem and compOll"nls. all exlenor plants and trees; and tile follOWing. Th~ lollowlng !han b-. e~cluded: _..alL.I:er.sonal. property of the tenants. ....__ - .- -..-- _._-~...-.__. . '.' -.--- ---. .-.... -. ...--- -.-.- 9 'napectlonl\: Belore closing, Seller shaillurnlsh Bnd pay for. la) a rE'porl on F'1A VA approved form. bv an OhiO Cer1lfied Pest (Termite) Conlrol APP"c.ator stat.ng whether based upen an InspectIOn of the areas v,slble or ar.cess'blf'. Ihp. InspeCIO' dlsco,elen any eYldence 0' .nleslahon or damage by telmlle~. Inle~tahon and resu!l'ng d.l",ao:jtl by lelmile', or Olher wood deSlrOy'ng Inseelsf.~ ~II ~c t'~I'l'e8 81 d I fl~ OIlS III l=:e'IEI 1 ~'I._'j('; I>'(-jf'(j "I(tl~ "t8-~ ~l ~epll" ~_~d, ...,.. of tho, pur;.~~ fJlfCP.';' Seller m~y Ip'mln8!~ thiS conlract unless .Buyer agrees 10 pay'.e cost of such 'ep.1!l If'l e Jr.s& 81 I". elthe 1l~'cA.'lMl-f>'~~. (bJ a wnlten guaranty hom a gas "ne repall company or B IICBnieO plumber guaranteeing Ihe transfer 01 035 s",,,ee 10 8u~er. 111(III'III'g all rfo'po1'lS llna allerallons 10 gBS lines. valves. melcrs. venls. appliances wId ..,'h It'l! prp",''iOS. and ,,'SIO(ahol'l of p.emlses (e.cludlng grass. sh'ubs & trees) np.ces~.aIY 10 aClx'mrllst, tile I'an<"'r. .".0 lei e /.IilleR 118nIlIl1il811arl~&fl ~1l9 'IAll ," 86"ljA8e ~M-~"rwell-~I J;lA &118 88OVB!!' 91&Jllltil' ",'18_"'II~;lI""l ~11Q"i1AO~~-iH'geI~Nl"'a. Saller wauanl&-II1;iHll-tm~~'V:Wfl\4lf iso- ~~~19' III, (j,giAa.) '-I\&kjilti'~ to Home M..nten.nc. PI.n: Sener. at Sener's expense. shall p.ov'de . N/A .' (Not applicable II plan nome nol inscrled I II Depo,'t: fluyer has deposllEld with Broker the SUITI rerelpted lor below. v.h'Ch !>h,lllt.>e 'r>luII'cd to Bl'ypr. IIpOn BlIyer'~ request. It no conllaet sholl havll bellO entered "'to. Upon acceplaocll ot th.S contract by both pal1ies. BrO~l'r shan dppo~" such arwlllnlln I'S Ilflsl Rccount 10 Of' dISbu.~"d, sublocl In collo.cllon by B.o~I" S dl'fJO~'lory, as fOllOWS (<I) If Selle' lads or reluses \0 perlorm. 01 any COllling,'nry '5 '101 sall!>l,pd or v.,',vnd. ,,,,) I'"PO'", ~."oll bf! ,ntulncd: tbl deposl' Shall be apphed on purChosp pileI' or rrlurned to Buy tor v,'.ton Irlln~llrl'()n is cIOS/ld. (c) II Buver 1~.ls 0' 'I'I"S(\~ 10 pello'llI U", III'pO$11 ',"all bll PI''',' 10 S"lIn.. which paylnp.lIl. 01 t"o acceptllnce therf'I)'. shall nol '" ally "/lY pre,udlc" tne "ghlS 01 Seller or Bro~erlS) In any actIOI' lor damage's or sp',elllr. pcllorl11ollce. In thl! evenl 01 a dlsput8 overlhe disposlI.on of Ihe depo$". BrOker shall ,ela.., Ihn df'poSII ullIII (Ii Buyer and Sp.ller have settled the dispute: (iiI dlspo~.hon has been orde'tld ry a final ( )l.Jrt order: 01 (III) Bro~er depOSIts sa,d onlr)Ullt With a COUll pu'suant 10 npp"r'MJle r.ou.t p'ocf'rtu'ns 12 MI.c.".n'~ou.: Buyer has e_amined all prope~ Involvcd and. In mR~lng UlIS o"e'. is reIY"'a solelv upon such '!xam,oal1on WIth 'el/llence'o the condlhon. charatlef IIId s::e of land 8f',j improvements and hlures. II any. hIS c~""'ar.t COnSI"u'('S Ihe l'n:llc ao'el'l11en' ilnd Ih"re all' no rep'esrmtahons. oral or "",tlen, whICh haye not bpen I.....corporall'd ho'e,r T.me is or (I,e essence 0' all prOVisions 0' th,s contrac' All P'OvISI"ns oluIIs COlllraCI s"all SU'VIYC Il.e Clos.ng. In comphance "'Ith lall hOUSIIlg laws. no p.lrty sh~!lln any "tsrmer dlscramlnate agalns! any purchaser 0' p\,i'ChR~els bc..'(ilUSP. of race, creed, !.e)( or ':lAt1onal oogln. t3 Dur.tlon ." Offer end elo.lng: This oller shall be open for ac~"plance to ",,,'n'g'" , !-arch 24th -.~. . . -- . ,1988. __.. __.. ThiS (. nl'nrt .,na!' tll! p..rlormed And Ih.s t,ansachon C'IOS('d....QUr~'r .3J... :"938 tI~aher if' pt.tnce h~'~of unlcs, Ihe p. 8uyer ae no i9"~"O ,", - - . ~_ C~ . ne_, -'~~~l)___ f.o~aI.1_~i~}.~s~~.~~Yel (BUyer) .. ,....-..-"- ---.-..-.-.---- Adrlrl'SS 37 W. Bridge St., DubR~ _Oft. d. _ ... "'_h ._._.. Ol'ed to . _...- ..... ." _. -- -,. -- ~_.- -~.__._-___~_ _ __._ _..... _.O_"h._.O__..__ . C~i5itpl?~~Cl ;ne -.-------! ---- Nu' . _, ,1OY The unrjl'lSlgl1l'd agloes to and ar.cepts the 10regOlng oller. Sdlcr shall oay a blo~e'ilge fee 01 $7,000.00.. _.______ _.______._ 01 Ihe purchase pnce In COl1nechon wllh Ih:s lransachon. /..q;.~~'i:e::; @J Atlrl,f'sS ~n~ Slgn"r' this c:1..:!J d~ _. . . . - .: ~~-!f~-~ . . . ....; .. . ..