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National Graphics Corp., Cols., O. Form No. 2806-A
Ordinance No._____ 51-86-_ (Amended) _______19_____
Passed - - - - - -
WHEREAS, a quotation has been received for Bikeway planning, and;
WHEREAS, the Parks and Recreation Committee has reviewed same and
made specific recommendations, and;
WHEREAS,Ordinance No. 31-86 requires that Council approve design
cost quotations;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the Village of
Dublin, State of Ohio, 7 of the elected members concurring:
Section 1. That the quotation of Trott & Bean Architects, Inc. for
the preparation of Bikeway Standards and Plan-Phase I in the amount
of $5,000.00 be, and hereby is accepted.
Section 2. That there be appropriated from the unappropriated balance
in the GENERAL FUND to account A01-03-3B-2510 for Capital Improve-
ments for Parks the sum of $5,000.00 increasing said appropriation
from $72,161.12 to $77,161.12.
Section 3. That the Village Manager and Finance Director are hereby
authorized and directed to enter into contracts with said firms for
these services.
Section 4. That this ordinance be, and the same hereby is, declared ~
to be an emergency measure necessary for the public peace, health
and safety and for the further reason that it is the desire of the
Parks and Recreation Committee to initiate these projects as soon
as possible and therefore this Ordinance will take effect and be in
force immediately upon its passage.
Passed this 7th day of July 1986.
Mayor - Presiding Officer
~ . r~~u~,
Clerk of Coun it
Sponsors: Parks and Recreation Director
Parks and Recreation Committee I hereby certify that copies of this Ordinance/Re olution
were posted in the Vi~lage of Dublin in accordan a with
Section 731.25 of the Ohio Revised Code.
G~~'~C.G~ `'4'~
Clerk of Council
~~~~~f~ i~
June 16, 1986 #10009
Dublin Parks & Recreation Department
6665 Coffman Road
Dublin, OH 43017
ATTENTION: Ms. Janet Jordan
SUBJECT: Professional Planning Services
Dear Janet,
Trott & Bean Architects, Inc. is pleased to submit this proposal to pro-
vide planning services for Indian Run Meadows Park, Llewelyn Farms Park,
and the formulation of a village-wide Bikeway Standards. We are quite
enthusiastic about working with you on these projects.
As we have discussed in our previous meetings, Trott & Bean is prepared to
begin this work immediately and to work within your time schedule. I will
be acting as project manager for all work, to insure efficiency of communi-
cations and organization. Further, both Rob Grinch and myself will be
producing all of the design work which will aid in design consistency.
Following your review of this proposal, please feel free to contact me to
discuss details or to answer any questions that you may have. I am confi-
dent that the planning approach_..presented here is the most .appropriate and
w,.. cost effective means of achieving your goals.
Thank you for your time and consideration concerning this matter.
Brian P. Kinzleman, A.S.L. A. `
Landscape Architect
cc: Robert Grinch
June 12, 1986
Ms. Janet Jordan
Page 3
fee until more detail is developed. We will pass along the
site engineering fee to the Owner at our cost.
B. Indian Run Meadow
~h The fixed fee for the design and construction documents for
~~"~~y Indian Run Meadows would be $7000. Again, we estimate that
q -
{ site en ineerin would be an additional $1800
the required g g
$2500 depending on the extent of storm water engineering
required. We will again pass along the site engineering fee
at our cost.
C. Bikeway System
The fixed fee for the development of the written and graphic
standards as well as the Bikeway Plan would be $4250.
D. Combined Fee Proposal - The total proposed fees for the
three. projects is $18,100 plus engineering costs. Because
of the efficiencies realized by having all three projects
we would propose a fee of $16,695, plus final engineering
costs, for all three projects.
Thank you for your consideration and we are looking forward to
working with you.
Sinc rely,
i Keith A. Myers, ASLA David H. Kin , AIA
Accepted by: Date:
June 12, 1986
Ms. Janet Jordan
Page 2
1.) Document and analyze existing site conditions.
2.) Meet with Parks and Recreation Committee, local
residents, and other interested parties to develop
and determine a design program and initial budgets
outlining opportunities, concepts, and requirements.
3.) Develop an appropriate design concept and refine it
as required to meet the Owner's satisfaction.
4.) Jointly present, with Owner, the design solution to
appropriate public and private groups.
B. Construction Documents - represents the necessary docu-
ments required to obtain competitive bids and build the
1.) Develop final plans, details and specifications
required for fair ,competitive bidding and construction
by local contractors.
2.) Evaluate bids with the Owner and help select the
best and most complete bid.
C. Construction Observation - is comprised of visiting the
site and inspecting the work in progress on behalf of the
l.) Site visits and field reports will be generated
periodically to insure compliance with the construction
i 2. Bikeway Plan - We would propose that the Bikeway Plan be broken
into two phases of service:
A. Guidelines and Design Standards - is the development with
the Owner of graphic and written design and development
standards to guide future bikeway development.
B. Bikeway Plan - develop a graphic plan of the bikeway system
within the Village indicating the existing system, identify-
ing future connections, opportunities and constraints.
The following information for the fee proposal is shown for each of
the proposed projects.
A. Llewellyn Farms Park
7, ~
The fixed fee for the design and construction documents for
Llewellyn Farms would be $6850. We estimate that the required
site engineering would be an additional $500-$750 dollars,
although it is very difficult to determine an exact engineering
~ ~
horne, king, rauh a.i.a.
r architects
June 12, 1986
Ms. Janet Jordan
Director of Parks and Recreation
Village of Dublin
6665 Coffman Road
Dublin, Ohio 43017
Dear Janet:
Horne, King, Rauh, Architects and Keith A. Myers, Landscape
Architect, are pleased to submit this joint proposal to provide
the professional design services for the development of the parks
at Llewellyn Farms and Indian Run Meadows. We have also included a
proposal for the development of guidelines, standards and plans for
the bikeway system within the Village of Dublin. Our assumptions,
services, and fee proposal are outlined as follows.
1. A survey showing topography, existing buildings and road
locations, major trees, property boundaries, etc. will be
proviced by Owner.
2. The implementation of the plans may be phased over an
undetermined length of time. The various phases will be
determined by the Owner.
3. The base materials for the proposed Bikeway Plan will be
available and no further survey work will be required.
4. Any final printing and/or reproduction costs of the
Bikeway Plan will be provided by Owner.
1_ Llewellyn Farms/Indian Run Meadows Parks - We would propose
that these projects be completed in three phases of service.
A. Schematic Design - documentation of existing conditions
and development of an acceptable design concept with
the Owner. This phase includes the following steps:
1. Indian Run Meadows and Llewelyn_Farms Parks
Master plans are to be prepared for both park sites which will identi-
fy specific locations for all recreation activities, structures, and
infrastructure items. Development phasing and probable construction
costs of each phase will be identified. Construction documents and
specifications are to be prepared for the determined first phase of
implementation, and construction contract administrative services pro-
vided through the course of construction work.
2. Bikeway_Standards
Research and review all pertinent technical information concerning the
state-of-the-art in bikeway safety, design and construction. Prepare
new bikeway design and construction standards to govern the develop-
ment of a village-wide bikeway system.
1. Indian_Run_Meadows_and_Llewelyn_Farms_Parks
a. Programming:
The first step of the planning process is to define plan objec-
tives and to establish, in as much detail as possible, the facil-
ities program. The program will list facilities and activities
to be developed in each park, including sizes and numbers of spe-
cific items. This step also further establishes the lines of
communication between the Director and the Consultant which are
of extreme importance throughout the design process.
b. Inventory/Analysis:
An inventory of the physical site and analysis of the natural
attributes and constraints found is the essential next step of
the process. Also at this time, will the code requirements gov-
erning development be researched. Only after a study of these
existing conditions can the feasibility of the previously devel-
oped program be confirmed. The site analysis will consider soils
and hydrology, topography and drainage, vegetation, microclimate,
solar orientation, utilities, zoning, development standards, etc.
c. Concept Studies:
Utilizing information from the Programming and Inventory/Analysis
steps, actual design studies of the sites are to begin. Concept
studies will explore the critical relationships among the various
component parts of the program, and will develop alternatives to
the layout of facilities. Advantages and disadvantages of the
various concepts will be identified. At this point, the Director
and Consultant will review the alternatives to discuss prefer-
- ences and changes to be incorporated into a final concept plan.
d. Master Plan:
Following the formulation of the final concept, refinement of
that concept is to result in schematic design plans, depicting
all proposed facilities roughly to scale. This level of detail
will allow for the preparation of an estimate of probable con-
struction costs. This estimate will be continually updated with
every step of increased plan refinement, ending with completion
of contract documents for first phase of construction. Following
the review and discussion of the schematic design and its associ-
ated cost estimate, the final master plans are to be prepared to
presentation graphics quality, with individual facilities and
construction phasing identified. Upon completion of these Master
Plans, the Consultant will be available to explain the plan
recommendations and cost estimate to any group the Director may
desire. Fees are based on making one such presentation.
e. Construction Documents:
Following acceptance of the recommendations put forth by the Mas-
ter Plans, design development of the first phase of implementa-
tion is to begin. This design development will further refine
the design suggestions of the master plan to an engineered level
of completeness represented in the construction documents. Items
addressed in this step are site layout, grading, cut and fill
calculations, storm drainage/storm water detention, site utili-
ties routing, detailed plans and sections, planting design, and _
construction cost estimate updating. Following review of the de-
sign development in working paper form, these items are to be
finalized into construction document form, along with technical
and general specifications, bidding requirements, and final con- ~
struction cost estimate.
f. Bidding:
With advertisement of the projects for public bidding, the
Consultant will be available through the bidding period for con-
" saltation in clarifying any unclear issues of the proposed con-
struction which may arise. Further, the Consultant representa-
tives will personally be on hand for the opening of the bids,
will tabulate all acceptable bids, review, analyze and make
recommendations to the Director as to award of construction
contract. Should all bids be rejected and re-bidding become
necessary, this process is to be repeated until an acceptable bid
is attained.
g. Contract Administration:
Following the execution of contract between the Village of Dublin
and the successful bidder, the Consultant will conduct a
pre-construction conference with the contractors representative
and the Director to establish lines of communication to be
utilized throughout construction, review project requirements,
procedures and deadlines. The consultant will observe construc-
tion as necessary throughout the course of work to insure compli-
ance with the drawings and specifications. These services will
include review of all applications for payment submitted by the
contractor to insure completeness of work billed, pre-final site
inspection and tabulation of a "punch list" of items not yet
completed, and final site inspection with issuance of a certifi-
cate of substantial completion,. and release of final payment to
contractor. It will remain the responsibility of the Village of
Dublin to monitor contractor compliance with wage and hiring
2. Bikeway_Standards
a. Research:
Research and analysis of existing documentation as may be
available, is the first step in the formulation of bikeway
guidelines. Such documents are existing and proposed subdivision
plans, previously prepared bikeway plans, traffic studies, stan-
dard construction details, zoning map, and any proposed re-zoning
information. Additional reference materials to be utilized are
available through Mid Ohio Regional Planning Commission, City of
Columbus, ODNR, ODOT, AASHTO, MUTCD, and other data as may be
The issue of liability as it relates to bikeways and their con-
struction also needs to be defined to give meaning and purpose to
the whole idea of bikeway standards and guidelines. This re-
search is to be done through many of the sources listed above, in
addition to the National L_aw_ Reporter and similar sources. The
above documentation is to be supplemented through discussions
with not only the Director, but also the City Planner, City
Engineer, City Manager and Divisions of Police and Fire for their
valued input as to location, design, construction, maintenance
and surveillance. On-site review and evaluation of existing
bikeway facilities in the area is also to take place at this
b. Guidelines Formulation:
With analysis of the above information, and direction gained from
interviews with the officials mentioned, definitive standards as
to application options, easements, construction, definition,
etc., are to be created for insertion in the City Code. This
code addition is to be supplemented by Standard City fingineering
Drawings which graphically portray construction techniques and
materials tailored to the quality image of the Village of
Dublin. These standards are then to be tested for credibility
against such criteria as funding possibilities, legal and liabil-
ity issues, maintenance, developer responsibilities, code
enforcement, emergency and surveillance issues. These standards
are then to be translated from technical terminology into
light-concept public information text for utilization in
publications aimed at educating the community as to usage,
statutory requirements, bikeway types, etc. of the proposed
Village-wide system. Such publication preparation is not a part
of this contract.
The above process describes the necessary groundwork which would
logically precede physical bikeway planning. The guidelines, stan-
dards and direction developed here are to act as the program for the
physical planning to follow under a separate exercise.
All information as may be necessary for the conducting of services
previously described, such as soils investigations, boundary and topo-
graphic surveys, utilities information, etc. is to be provided by the
Village of Dublin. A nominal allowance has been made to brief any
sub-consultants on the scope of planning being undertaken. However,
should the Director deem it desirable for all such sub-consultant work
be procured and coordinated by Trott & Bean, such service will be pro-
vided as additional and outside of the basic scope described in this
All original drawings, specifications and other documents are to re-
main the property of Trott & Bean. However, a color rendered mounted
.copy of each park master plan, along with three (3) black and white
copies, are to be provided as part of the basic services. Any addi-
tional reproduction will be provided and is to be considered part of
reimbursable expenses.
a. Programming
b. Inventory/Analysis
c. Concept Studies
d. Master Plan
e. Construction Documents
Fixed fee amount: $ 21,500.00
f. Bidding
g. Contract Administration
Billed hourly with estimated total: $ 3,300.00
a. Research
b. Guidelines Formulation
Fixed fee amount: ~ 5,000.00
Reimbursable expenses such as travel, printing, etc. are to be
billed as they are incurred on your behalf at a multiple of 1.1.
Trott & Bean is prepared to begin both planning projects immediately
upon notice to proceed by the Director. We are committed to devoting
the necessary professional attention to these projects. We anticipate
the park planning, through construction documents, to take three (3)
months to complete from notice to proceed. Bidding and Contract Ad-
ministration services are impossible Lo judge at this time, as they
are outside of the control of the Architect. Bikeway planning
services, as described above, are anticipated to be completed within
two and one-half (2-1/2) months following notice to proceed.