HomeMy WebLinkAbout040-89 Ordinance Amended
National Graphics Corp., Cols.. O. .... Form No. 2806.A
Ordinance NO'm__~<:>'-=~~nnt.t\Inended) Passed____munn .m__ _um_ .nm_m_m_m_ ___19___n__
WHEREAS, in a short time the Police Division will become a 24 hour full
service agency with the addition of communications and computerization to
the agency; and,
WHEREAS, to ensure that the agency remains fully operational during times
of electrical outages, the Police Division must purchase and install a
free-standing generator that will enable them to "power llP" when conventiona
powe.r supplies are inoperative; and,
WHEREAS, as a full service police department, the Dublin Division of Police
carnot afford to "power down" the equipment during power outages; the
organization must be able to provide law enforcement see/ices to the City
of Dublin regardless of conditions, hence the purchase 0' a backup genera-
tor is essential; and,
WHEREAS, an addit iona 1 concern that warrants the purchase deals with the
City's commitment towards disaster planning; and,
WHEREAS, Section 8.02(B) of the Dublin Charter enables Council, by ordinance
or resolution adopted by a vote of at least two-thirds 0:: its members, to
authorize without advertising and competitive bidding, contracts and
, expenditures for any purpose where the statutory or common law of Ohio does
I not require competitive bidding; and,
WHEREAS, Section 735.051 of the Ohio Revised Code enables the legislative
authority of a city to authorize, by a two-thirds vote of its members
elected thereto, the City Manager, or other duly authorized contracting
authority, to enter into a purchasing contract without formal bidding and
advertising, when a real and present emergency arises in ~onnection with
the operation of any department, division, commission, bureau or board of
the municipality;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Dublin, State
of Ohio, 7 of the elected members concurring:
Section 1. That the City Manager be, and hereby is, authorized to enter
into a contract for the purchase and installation of a 4h KW gas generator
at a cost not to exceed $20,000.00 without formal bidding and advertising,
pursuant to Section 735.051 of the Ohio Revised Code.
Section 2. That this Ordinance be, and hereby is, declared to be an emergency
measure necessary for the preservation of the public hea~th, safety and
welfare and, therefore, this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force
immediately upon its passage.
Passed this 1st day of May , 1989.
J~ ~iFhA-' I.hereby ce~i~ that copies of this Ord:llance/Resolution were posted in he
CIty of Dublin m accordance w:th St'~:t:o!') 731.25 of the t':io Revised Cod
c1erk of Cou ci JM....<'~ ~. ~
/ CI!!rk of (ouo : . Dub in. Ohio
TO: Timothy C. Hansley, City Manager
FROM: Chief Ferrell
SUBJECT: Back-up Emergency Generator
DATE: April 25, 1989
Attached, you will find a staff Report which we have been working on
for some time. The topic addressed is a back-up power generator. We
thought we had given ourselves ample time to address this issue. In
February when we moved into Discovery, we began gathering data on
back-up power. The need to move the generator to a new facility in
approximately three years slowed down our responses and has created a
need for immediate decision making.
I apologize for the immediacy as I had tried to prevent emergency
legislation on this project. Changes in lease purchasing has also
necessitated a change in our approach.
My budget was formulated with consideration to a one year lease
purchase of this generator. As you can see the overall price tag is
$18,000. That route was taken because I knew we would need the time
not to bid which until recently you could do with leases.
We anticipated budgeting the pay-off in 1990 budget cycle. Now
because of auditing changes, we can not rely on lease/purchase to keep
us from bidding. I am asking that you recommend to Council to pass
legislation that enables us to:
A. Lease purchase immediately the generator identified in Lt. Geis'
report. We would pay the first year lease in 1989 and budget for
the pay-off in 1990 as planned. Legislation must include a
waiver of bidding procedures mandated by the shortage of time to
install (30 to 60 days); to accomplish a start-up date of June 1,
1989 for dispatch.
B. Same as A except the entire purchase is in 1989 in lieu of lease
purchase. Contingency money would have to be made available if
this option is exercised.
We have stated from the start of our plans for dispatch that this
equipment was needed (and in actuality is needed without dispatching.)
The emergency sirens have added another reason to have such equipment.
I would recommend that the legislation set a ceiling of $20,000. for
this project and that bidding be waived due to time constraints. I
have checked and based on prior experience, this seems to be a very
competitive bid.
I believe we can accomplish this objective if immediate action is
DATE: APRIL 25, 1929
In a short time, the Police Division will become a 24 hour full
ser'lice agency. The addition of communications and
computerization to our agency will, for the flrst time, all.ow us
tc functic>L at that level. Wi t~1 this :ncreased serVlce level
comes the added responsibility of making E.ure our agency can
f~nctlon uai~terru?ted regardless of c:mditiol1s.
To ensure our a';;ency l:emains fully opera t: iO;lal during times of
e:ectrical outages, we must purchase and install a free standing
generator that wlll enable us to "power up" when co:: ven tional
pOI'ler s'_lpplies are :!..ncperat:ive.
.Z\t the pl.~esen t ~lme OUI: faClllty does not have a back-'_lP power
sllppl y , should nor:11al electrical power be disrupted. In tl1e pas t
four years, Columbus and Southern OhlO Electric has reglstered 28
pO\'ler outages of v2.rying time in the fermer police facility on
Coffman Road. This has not been a crltical issue in the past as
He :lld not do our own radio dispatching and our agency was not
computerized. In the very near f'lture: this agency will have
both these functlons. :.v i tl1 the purchase and lnstallatlon of the
communicatlon and comp~ter equipment cc'meE' a" lnternal
uninterrupted powe~ sou~ce protector with a maxi:num of fifteen
minutes back-up rower, This feature pr:)tects botl1 pieces )f
equipment from Donentary power losses or electrical surges that
are e\'e1' present in comme:-c i al p0wer. This lnternal back-up power
SOlree lS a safeguard to allow the user ample time to "power
down" equlpment so as not ~o damage equipment or lose any data
tha~ '..vas beir_g accessej at the time. HOvlever, y.le , as a full
servic:'? p:)lice department, cannot afford to "povler down" 01.11'
equipment durlng power outages. Our organizatlcn must be able to
provide law enfor,::emen t services to this comrnunlty regardless of
c':mdi tiol1s. To e~1sure that this agency can remain fully
operatl.ona~ durl.ng -::imes when :J.ormal power is non-!~Xl.ster..t . the
purc:lase of a .:;ac.i\.-Up generator 1S esse:1tial.
;'.n addit:.onal ccnce::.-n t11at warrants this purchase dl~al 5 Wl tll the
city's commic:ment towards dl.saster planning. .Do. portable
generator capable of supplYl.ng :?ower to the police department
..lh:..ch SErves -co tr1e pr:;"mary emer,}ency Jperatiolls center :..s
~ssential if _1""'; ..=. ccmm'.ll1l. ty is tc have =. workable d.:.saste:.: plan.
-". -
He currently jo not poss'?ss this capability.
In an effort to remedy this si tuatl':)l1_ - started exp:oring the
genel.a to.:.- market ~," jetermine what ty~e w.)uld b'?st suit our
needs. Criterl.a established to gu:.de in trus process included
portability, cost, and compatibility ~ith existing electrical
c ir':ui try at our fc.cility.
An assessment relative to equipment and electrical needs was
performed by Buckeye Power Sales Company and Mid city Electric
respectively. Based upon their preliminary anal:!sis, it was
determlned that we needed to install a 30 KW d1e:3el generator
with a sub-base fuel t .an}~ at an appro:.:ima te CC1E: .: of S14,OOO.
Inl:- t alIa t iOll HI": 1 Ld:..ng '.rlir 1ng and the COIl': l-e te pad ....nll total
al.Jpro:uma tel:/ 24.0CO. Total cost fer t:l1is proJect is estimated
at S1E,OOO. ':'Le :: :JIT,plet l.01l of tlus p:..-oj ec: w::uld prov:..de t11'"
Di'.'lsicn of Folice a reliable 30'.11'':: e :If b aCK-- up power to
EnsurE: tUi:ltsrrup:.ed serVlce shculd our normal pOT_"~r supply bE.
This pres2r:t3 JS \-,i tl-:. several dlff-::rsr:t options- as ou t:... inej
- .. [0 11(>tl1:'~1~ .
.l.\dvc?n t ages: Frem our perspectlve, there :ire LOllE. It
could be s~ated that we \-J 0 u 1 C. bE saving m':ll1ey, but,
realls,:ically, money :..s not an :'5 sue Wl. th tIu s specifl.c pH:blem.
t'lsadvan':ages: pollce facllity would be left wi tho;..! t
the capabili t~, .:>f power beyond the fifteen ( 15) min'.1tes supplied
by the internal ur~ 1n te:..-rupteci po..,e ::: sot.i.r.::es wi thln the computer
and communicatlO:1S systEom. The police facilit{ could not
f'...~nction as o-ur :;Jr l.ITEl.ry emer<;ency opel-ations c,O'nter. Quite
slmply after the :irst f1fte'?n : 15; minutes witho~t power, tl-, Eo
D1Vlsion of Folice would cease to fl,nction.
2. Eely on the internal uninterrupted power s-)urces within
the conmunication and computer systems.
Jl.dvantages: Would allow us the opportunity to "power
dOI.;r. II our systens so that memory loss and equipment damage wculd
not occur.
D1.sadvantages: Would still not allow the Div1.sion of
Police to remain operational beyond that first fifteen ( 15)
minutes of power loss. 'tie still could not rely on the facility
tc serve as our primary emergency operatlon site.
3. Purchase a generator with the capability o~ powering up
cur communications system, computer system, and other operational
components within our facllity.
Advantages: Would allo"" the Division c'f Police to
remain fully operat1.ona~ and responsive to the conmunity needs
even when normal power to the facill ty has been dis2~upted. Would
also allaw the facility to functlon as our pl-lmary emergency
operations center durln:;J times af crisis whether normal power
exists or not. The generator installed would be such that it
could be relocated to our permanent facility that i:3 proj ected to
be built wlthin the next three years. Should it he determined
t~1at this generator was not large enough to support our power
neejs ~n the ne",,] building: vIe could relocate this generator tc'
City Hall so that bac}:-up power would then e:ns t at that
Dl3adv~ntages: Inltlal c:)st of plTc.lasinq a genera::')r
that would supply our curren1: needs 1.5 approximately $14:000. In
addltiol1, elEctrical wOl-k associa1:ed with lristall.3.tion of this
1:'a'-:;):-u) p:)wer syste:r. is estimated at $4,)00. It Cdn be assumed
th3. t tile total cost fer the proj e~.:t \l'/ould be appr:-zimately
-:'TJS ID:::p..u:r:=Ot'S :
Tl1e Ll'.'lsion of ?:,l::. :-e 15 nc\-! 3- full serV1ce twen::y-fOUl" 110 ~..12..-
faClllty, responslble for :-o2c e i v ll1r; and - -
ell spo~ 1n9 OJ: eme 1.- ;ren,:y
3ind sel.-V1.ce re:]:ue5::::: =or :pollee aSslsta.nce from the cener-3.1
publ::..c. We n,ust be ab 1 e t::. ren'.a lL fllly :peI'ational wi tl"2. or
wlthout normal power supplies. Should normal powe~ supplies be
Glsn:pted, a pel-table generator wlth the capacity to power up our
f a,~ 1.1 i t Y for an indefinite perlod of time i ,- the onl.y reasoI1ab~e
solution t,) this potential problem. While the total expense f ,....,-
the purchase and insta11ati~n is appl.:oxima tel y $18, 'J CO, I bel1.eve
it to be ITcney well spent.
If this proposal lS approved. it would take approximately 30 to
60 days to ha'.re tl1lS proJect completed and back'-up power 1.n
place. The Division of Police has budgeted in lts 1989 Operating
Budget the funds necessary to pay the first years lease on this
equ1.pmer:. t. Our 1990 Operatlng Budget would then be figured to
reflect the payoff of the remalning balance.
Based upon the necessity for our facility to remain fully
operational at all times, regardless of the aVdilability of
normal power supplies. I recommend the purchase of a 30 KW
sub-base diesel fuel generator from Buckeye Power Sdles with the
installation to be done by Mid city Electric.
Data collecticn and the needs assessment pe:rforml:d by Buckeye
Power Sales took mucr" longer than originally planned. The
on-going ~nstallation of computer and communica::ions systems
along with the inabillty to obtain relevant information from the
vendors prevented me from completing this report in a more timely
Because it is very importailt to have back-up power available at
the time our new communications center becomes fully operational,
I would recommend waiving the bidding requirements on this
purchase and acquire this equipment on an emergency basis.
Lt. Rob Geis
Operations Eureau Commander