HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/05/1973 RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Minutes of VII,I.AJE (iF DTJ3LHJ COLUMBUS BLANK BOOK CO., COL., O. - 285 Meeting Form No. 1097 H ld 'TCT,l:H~'P r 1 Tl3 19 e ___.!-_._____':':_:__~::_.__2J_____c_~_______________________________ _______________n_ n______________________________ n__ n______ _____n_ Tl:e NoveJ;I'oer 5, 1':;7.3, Ii8St:;JlZ of the 1J5.l=-c.ge of Dublin v ouncil us." c'lJ e d to order l)JT }LJ_yor Joseph DiY~on. ~.()ll crLll c!.~-) fr):J_O"i'J8: G11~.'~r12o Cn~~1'r:10.11, l)~~s f)ent; L:nJ:ts Gease, T)re:!erlt; Ch~.rle:3 Hi(~.ks, ~,)I>cs,::?nt; Robert K~J.rrer, ~}r'e::,el1t; Ger"'.ld H:'Gklin, absent; T15-lbur Ulrey, present. TIle r:;j.ri:"1.t(~r~ of tIle Octo:) 'J.~ l(j F~',:.ct=;_!]g "Acre re'"<1, K'~_r~';?r i01T"'>) p=.::.,~O.,.\T~~'l, Cr)f'''r-~_an ;_E.'conded, 2.'1,J_ f1re"-:f:?nt "':Tot.sd .2PT!:rcr~T'-~l ni' th.e L.:..:rr\J.t~.~s. TIle Tfli111r:c:-;J o? t':"~3 ~.~~~)C;C-- ial !~eeting of @8t~b~~TA-..' i 1,ere r>'(~., Cof+'J"Qn ,'ovad ~LniI'o'r,.l, Krrrer ~':eeond:'d, all 1';1""0 ~-'.E:nt ;ro;~;~~ ~l ~__n f" "':Tor or ['_~!:1I'0'\rnl. Tl;18 r-.. Ol.J_Ow:tl1G- bil ~3 lTere :.:'U!Y ii~:.~.t.'2d '~or ':.n-~,~-)rovnl: Harcld Tlose 1)(iliee 30/~_.0:3 R.icl19.:--d Ha:y-s Josl:..uo.. 'lance If 2/~/ .77 C:ha~les Pre' :-~ley. Sllerrrlan Srleldorl v_ l ~_ [;.(lCi 390.0U He,'lo1ce Refu;38 PGn'~T T'Yv:n~;hi;) c1L,p 120.n~ St'Jtc of Ohio Contr'1l C(;iT'nmic".t~0ns l"c;;air l!~. bu JOE;peh D-1::-:o,-; il~Tl'ric~Ln F':lI;:il~t Life ns :-21.50 Robe~...t l::-'C'j:.r Ohio BelJ. Telenhcme ::;:~ .90 Ohio Ban Tole ShGll_ 0+:'.1 Co g,':'.SO 37. se:l }Io~1{~~rle11, Li-:~3 no ~~culp Cllb BUl~ces;; ,'Lnd n_ple 80g::.n 6q1 .7:3 Stn.ndl.,'d Oil Co J?.ck Haxton Chev truel: r"p 4'J4.05 Electric Co R.obert Eg,-:;r rand 'Tork l/f.C D'Llbl;n,4.uto P'lrts COl'.ll'loia G""s 16.~26 I:oodys visc King SCluip1'8nt n'::vJ e,]uiI) 1/;,:211.0 TLP. Police::o,uL-, ShalGo Chemcial SUD lies JS7.90 Balouin and Sours 1nli te Acres parts ,::.-. ./f5 Oe.Jens .3tone Go S9.nd:', Inc hot f,ix 25.50 Mini tHan Clr 'J?~sh ,Jill ie Bowehs police 168.00 Ralph McNemar police Ge'3e:;e r.lOvc~d payrlent of the bills, K').YTer ,;'.:cond."d, all D'8 ent voted -r;olice rO::lr 2/:.6.70 "_;2l..98 :;OJ l 1097.25 , , >. !~~ -:'1 c~ n ...: . -, ~.' - ... ::_nc tx: r2~_!fb cr-")ll (~}: bldg jnsl"") ,-':'SO '...0 ;,j,3.CO no Y't S un5_f trfc li Lj6d ':' I .., ('\ ._ ,,.:,{_. I .J .., C.OO 9.75 .3~/t-.L~.O rep 1.3.41 3.43. OJ 69.91 J2.72 80.90 78.80 3.78 5.25 457.50 .'n fac'Or. Ordinance /,,9-73 dellling 1,'1i. th ~;'rage sales u' s reo d for the second time by the clerk, a long discussion fnlhled l'li th sever::1 residents spe~lking in a-i',osi tion to the ordinance, in particulor in ODTJosi tion '0 the number pemi tred ,:md the sign restriction. T\.!o ~Il~:':>~l.Y:; sho])8 owners spoke in f'i'vor. Ordiannce 50-73 de31ing Hi th increasing the salary of Charles T Pressle;;r to $3.75 per hour starting Jrmut'::Y 1, 1971; ,.ras introduced by Coffman and -ead by the clerk. K3.rre r F'O-iTe d to dispense 'i th the thr'-"e time r'-"'lding rule, Hicks seconded, all pre ;c:ent vo~cd in r'r.ror of t:1e motion and the orc1incmce. Orc1iannce 51-73 dealing 10Ji th srJo2cifying November 20, 1973 ,g.t the date 0: for the sel.Jer b'Y'Jd :issue V,9.S 5.ntroduced by Ks.rrer 'lnd re"'G by the c16rk, TIoved and Co '-'fman second'~d to dispense Hith the three time re<1ding rule, voted in f':nmr of the motim and the ordinance. !lote Ulrey all Re zoning request from Charles Johnson for a Tironerty on South Riverviel.J street 1.12,5 re"c'I by the clerk, Ulrey moved and Coffman seconded to DaBS 'x. request to the Planning and Zoning?orrJT1i~ion for study"'nd re conm.endp.tions. meeting adjolJrned at 9:4~ PM. ~ 72J~J ~hf Richard TerT<'e,~r, Clerk /