HomeMy WebLinkAbout15-90-B Resolution
National Graphics Corp., Cols,. O. t1j~~ n~8P.W~ Form No. 6233-A
Resolution No. 15-_90(An1e_Il<l~d)_ Passed 19u
WHEREAS, it has become necessary for the City of Dublin, in order to
prevent overflows, to make improvements to the Sanitary Sewer Lift
Station; and
WHEREAS, the approximate cost of these improvements will be 1.5 million
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Dublin,
State of Ohio, 7 of the elected members concurring:
Section 1. That the proposed improvements to the Sanitary Sewer System
would include a series of additions and upgrades at the main pump station
and the installation of a new larger force main across the river to the
East Branch Collector at an approximate cost of 1.5 million dollars.
Section 2. That it is the commitment of this Council to appropriate the
necessary funds to make the above mentioned improvements.
Section 3. That this Resolution be, and hereby is, declared to be an
emergency measure necessary for the preservation of the public health,
safety and welfare and, therefore, this Resolution shall take effect and
be in force immediately upon its passage.
Passed this 19th day of March , 1990.
J~~. Z(~
Clerk of Council
I hereby cert:fv t"'lt (O'1'p.s of t'.:s '1! ,. .-- /.,"'ol"r ed .
. . . "' ';,0".. on were post In the
CIty of Dublin m accordance with Section 731.25 of the Ohio Revised Code.
Sponsor: City Manager J~ ~. ~,
Clerk of (ound , Dublin, Ohio
v~ -. ",,'." *,. ..... . . . - . "
Paxe 34 Dublin VilIaxer April 16, 1990
. . ---
Notice is given that in pursuance of Resolutions No.1 Notice is given that in pursuance of Resolutions No.
4-90 and No. 10-90 of the Council of the aty of Dublin, I
adopted on January 29,1990, and February 12, 1990, ! 3-90 and No. 9-90 of the Council of the aty of Dublin,
respectively, there will be submiUed to a vote of the ' adopted on January 29, 1990, and February 12, 1990,
electors of the aty at the election to be held therein on respectively, there will be submitted to a vote of the
May 8, 1990, at the regular places of voting therein, the i electors of the aty at the election to be held therein on
question of issuing bonds of the aty in the amoWlt of May 8, 1990, at the regular places of voting therein, the
Four Million Five. Hundred Thousand Dollars question of issuing bonds of the aty in the amount of
I ($4,500,000) for the purpose of paying c:osts of acquiring Thirty-Four MilIion Dollars ($34,000,000) for the pur-
real estate and interests therein for parks and reaea- pose of paying c:osts of improving the vehi<:ular trans-
I tional purposes. I portation system in the aty by constructing, recon-
structing, extending, opening, improving, widening,
The maximum number of years over whidt the grading, draining, aubing and dtanging the lines of
principal of the Bonds may be paid is twenty years. municipal roads, highways, streets, bridges, sidewalks,
The estimated additional average annual property I bikeways and viaducts, acquiring real estate and inter-
ests in real estate therefor, and providing lighting sys-
tax levy outside the limitation imposed by Section 2 of terns and all other necessary appurtenances. ,
Article XII of the Ohio Constitution as estimated and
certified by the County Auditor is .76millsforeadt one The maximum number of years over whidt the
dollar of valuation, whidt amounts to 7.6 cents for eadt principal of the Bonds may be paid is nineteen years.
one hundred dollars of valuation.
The polls for this election will be open at 6:30 a.m., The estimated additional average annual property
tax levy outside the limitation imposed by Section 2 of
and will remain open until 7:30 p.m. of that day. Article XII of the Ohio Constitution.as estimated and
certified by the County Auditor is 5.86 mills for eadt one
dollar of valuation, whidt amounts to 58.6 cents for eadt
one hundred dollars of valuation.
, The polls for this election will be open at 6:30 a.m.,
By order of the Board of Elections I and will remain open until 7:30 p.m. of that day.
of Franklin County, Ohio By order of the Board of Elections
1 ~. of Franklin County, Ohio
I ~)
"/~/(J(>'\ 'e:
, ,"-,.' . '..-- "/~ \~t
Director of Elections i ' ,"-..' "-'
Dated: March 30, 1990 J Director of Elections
Dated: Mardt 30, 1990
36A DUBLIN NEWS April 11, 1990 ,
'. -
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Notice is given,that in PllI'suance of
Resolutions No. 5-90 and No. 11-90
I Legal Notices of the-Council of the City of Dublin,
. adopted on January 29, 1990, 8Ifd
! February 12!h, 1990, respectively,
there will be submitted to a vote of
NOTICE OF ELECTION the electors of the City at the elec-
OF ISSUE OF BONDS FOR THE tion to be held therein on May 8,
CITY OF DUBLIN 1990; at the regular places of voting
thel'fin, the quastion of issuing
Notice is given that in pursuance of bonds of the City in the amount of
ReSOlutions No.3-SO and No. 09-90 Seven Million Donars ($7,000.000)
of the Council of the CitY of Dublin, for the purpose of paying costs of
adopted on January 29, 1990, and providing additional facilities at the
February 12, 1990, respectively, Coffman Park MuniCipal Complex
there Will be submitted to a vote of for the conduct of municipal govern-
the electors of the City at the elec- ment operations by constructing,
tion to be held therein on May 8, furnishing and equipping a new po-
1990, at the regUlar places of voting lice facility, and acquiring real eatate
therein, the question of issuing and interests in real estate and mak-
bonds of the City in the amount of ing site improvements thereon.
Thirty-Four Million Dollars
($34,000,000) for the purpose of The maximum number of years over I
. paying costs of improving the vehic- which the principal of the Bonds I
ular transportation system in the may be paid is twenty years.
City by constructing, reconstruct- .
ing, extending, opening, improving, The estimated additional average I
widening, grading, draining, curbing annual property tjlx levy outside of ~
and changing the lines of municipal the limitation impOSed by Section 2 !
roads, highways, streets. bridges, of Article XII of the Ohio Constitution
sidewalks. bikeways and viaducts, as estimated and certified by the I
acquiring' real estate and interests in County Auditor is 1.17 mills for each rl
real estate therefor, and providing one dollar of valuation, which :,
.. lighting systems and all other nec- amounts to 11.7 for each one hun- I
llssary appurtenances, dred dollars of valuation.
The maximum number of years over The polls for this election Wilt be
which the principal of the Bonds open at 6:30 a.m.; and. win remain
' m~y be paid is nineteen years.. open until 7:30 p.m..ofthat day,
. The estimated additional average By order/Of the Boafd of Elections
annual property tax levy outside of of FranllJin County, Ohio
, the limitation impoSed by Section 2
: of Article XII of the Ohio Const(tution Frederick Romire
,as estimated and certified by the Director of Elections
' County Auditor is 5,86 mi.lls for each
lone dollar of valuation, which Dated: ~arch 'SO. 1990
amounts to 58.6 cents for each one
I hundred dollars of valuation, 'APRIL 11. 1990
; The POlis for this eiection will be Lost and Found
open at 6:30 a.m., and' will remain .
open until 7:30 p.m. of that day. LOST; I
C I T Y 0 F 0 U 8 L I N
April 6, 1990
Dublin Villager
P.O. Box 636
90 S. High Street
Dub lin, Ohio 43017
Please publish the attached "Legal Notic~' for the City of Dublin regarding
"Notice of Election of Issue of Bonds for the City of Dublin" in the next
edition of the Dublin Villager, and send to me the appropriate Proof of
Thank you.
J~/J;' ~
Frances M. Urban
Clerk of Council
6665 Coffman Road · Dublin. Ohio 43017 · (614) 761-6500
Dub II n where yesterday me e t s tomorrow
C I T Y 0 F 0 U B L I N
April 6, 1990
Dublin News
P. O. Box 20921
Columbus, Ohio 43220
Please publish the attached "Legal Notices" for the City of Dublin regarding
"Notice of Election of Issue of Bonds for the City of Dublin" in the next
edition of the Dublin News, and send to me the appropriate Proof of
Thank you.
J~ ~'l(~
Frances M. Urban
Clerk of Council
6665 Coffman Road · Dublin, Ohio 43017 · (614) 761-6500
Dub Ii n where yesterday meets tomorrow
Notice is given that in pursuance of Resolutions No. 3-90 and No.
09 -90 of the Council of the City of Dublin, adopted on J~nuary 29, 1990, and
February ...:.~ 1990, respectively, there will be submitted to a vote of the
. electors of the City at the election to be held therein on May 8, 1990, at the
regular places of voting therein, the question of issuing bonds of the City in
the amount of Thirty-Four Mill ion Dollars ($34,000,000) for the purpose of
paying costs of improving the vehicular transportation system in the City by
constructing, reconstructing, extending, opening, improving, widening,
grading, draining, curbing and changing the lines of municipal roads,
highways, streets, bridges, sidewalks, bikeways and viaducts, acquiring real
estate and interests in real estate therefor, and providing lighting systems
and all other necessary appurtenances.
The maximum number of years over which the principal of the Bonds may
be paid is nineteen years.
The estimated additional average annual property tax levy outside of
the limitation imposed by Section 2 of Article XII ~ ~e Ohio Constitution as
estimated and certified by the County Auditor is.8 mills for each one
dollar of valuation, which amounts to 58.6 cents for each one hundred dollars
of valuation.
The polls for this election will be open at 6:30 a.m., and will
remain open until 7:30 p.m. of that day.
By the Board of Elections
of Count , OhT)
~ /
\ ,/)
Dated: ~ , 1990
. -
Publish in at least one newspaper of general circulation in the City
of Dublin, Ohio, at least once on or before April 27, 1990. The newspaper
must be of general circulation within the meaning of Section 7.12 of the
Revised Code.
Notice is given that in pursuance of Resolutions No. 4-90 and No.
10 -90 of the Council of the City of Dublin, adopted on January 29, 1990, and
February 12, 1990, respectively, there will be submitted to a vote of the
electors of the City at the election to be held therein on May 8, 1990, at the
regular places of voting therein, the question of issuing bonds of the City in
the amount of Four Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($4,500,000) for the
purpose of paying costs of acquiring real estate and interests therein for
parks and recreational purposes.
The maximum number of years over which the principal of the Bonds may
be paid is twenty years.
The estimated additional average annual property tax levy outside of
the limitation imposed by Section 2 of Article XII of the Ohio Constitution as
estimated and certified by'the County Auditor is .76 mills for each one
dollar of valuation, which amounts to 7.6 cents for each one hundred dollars
of valuation.
The polls for this election will be open at 6:30 a.m., and will
remain open until 7:30 p.m. of that day.
Dated: ~b .3b , 1990
Publish in at least one newspaper of general circulation in the City
of Dublin, Ohio, at least once on or before April 27, 1990. The newspaper must
be of general circulation within the meaning of Section 7.12 of the Revised
--- -
Notice is given that in pursuance of Resolutions No. 5-90 and No.
lL--90 of the Council of the City of Dublin, adopted on January 29, 1990, and
February 12t,h 1990, respectively, there will be submitted to a vote of the
. electors of the City at the election to be held therein on May 8, 1990, at the
regular places of voting therein, the question of issuing bonds of the City in
the amount of Seven Mill ion Dollars ($7,000,000) for the purpose of paying
costs of providing additional facilities at the Coffman Park Municipal Complex
for the conduct of municipal government operations by constructing, furnishing
and equipping a new police facility, and acquiring real'estate and interests
in real estate and making site improvements thereon.
The maximum number of years over which the principal of the Bonds may
be paid is twenty years.
The estimated additional average annual property tax levy outside of
the limitation imposed by Section 2 of Article XII of the Ohio Constitution as
estimated and certified by the County Auditor is 1.17 mills for each one
dollar of valuation, which amounts to 11.7 for each one hundred dollars
of valuation.
The polls for this election will be open at 6:30 a.m. , and will
remain open until 7:30 p.m. of that day.
Dated: Vi~ 3D 1990
Publish in at least one newspaper of general circulation in the City
of Dublin, Ohio, at least once on or before April 27, 1990. The newspaper must
be of general circulation within the meaning of Section 7.12 of the Revised
,~.. -