HomeMy WebLinkAbout19-99 Resolution RECORD OF RESOLUTIONS Dayton legal Blank Co", Form No" 30045 _._-~---.- ------- I, I i R l . hT 19-99 P d 1....: eso utwn 1 vO. - asse -. . ----, YEAR _._.....__.-~~~---- ~~___________~_ _0__- ~- I RESOLUTION OF INTENT TO EXCHANGE LAND I WITH WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP I WHEREAS, the City of Dublin owns land jointly with Washington Township known as Darree Fields; WHEREAS, the City of Dublin is preparing to expand Cosgray Park and provide parkland and recreational services to the residents of the City of Dublin; WHEREA.S, the City of Dublin has other land that is currently unused, undeveloped, and no longer needed for public purposes; WHEREAS, the City of Dublin finds that it is in the best interest of the City to exchange the above land for Washington Township's interest in Darree Fields. NOW, y"EREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by Council of the City of Dublin, State of Ohio, -L/J- of the members concurring that: Section 1: Council considers it necessary to exchange property with Washington Township, and the City Manager is authorized to execute and deliver to Washington Township all documents conveying to Washington Township all right, title and interest of the City of Dublin in the premises, described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto in exchange for the conveyance by Washington Township to the City of Dublin of its right in parcels known as Darree Fields, described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto. Section 2: This Resolution shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest date permitted by law. Passed this l r1 day Of~999. ATTEST: ~CZ-~ Clerk of Council J herel~v ferFfv that conies of 'his Onl' i City of Dublin in ocrord~"ce wit~ S fRlJ~/Resolution were posted ;n~th8 ec Ion 31.25 of the Ohio Revised Co n ~ ~ ~ ' ~TC' oiClo~n~lin, Ohio i i ! JRN.19.1999 3:33PM S Z & D EXHIBIT NO.54? P.5 I ''All " - , , ; , . S04e140~ . CQ~Q~Q~ 7, 1990 . . , ,. bS~cRIn:ton OF ." t)50 ACRES OF 1.ihNO I,ooA'tEo . , ON ~HE ~~s~~~t.Y S!CCE 0' ~lXI.,COX nOAP J\ltO uOJ\PJ.IJ~ or 'J,'U'J.1lI.1LE ROJ\D :!U '1'HE QX~~ OF DUDr",IN I , Qot)w~~ OF :t"RANKLXH, S~A~E OF onIO . s~t\la.t~r:1 ~n t.l)Q. sto.te of Oh~o, OC\11lt.y o~ F:i:-a.nk~in, city ot ~l!n, ~ein; ;!on Vi;ginic. Hil~t.t\J;y S\11NOY ~rd. 3004 and oont~ininq '.S50 ~~res of land, ~Q~e Qr 1~ss, ~ni~ 1.550 acree bein9 g~t of that 51~~B7 ~ere tract ot land dQQQ;1~o~ in ~o aeG4 to W11co~-Tu~tle Lim1ted Part~e~~h~~, cf ra~o~d in ottid!al ReQord ~415aK17, a$oorde~'s Office, F~~nX11n County, OhiQ, Ga14 1.550 ~a:Be ot l~nd b~iuq 2Qro p~~ticulnrl~ ~em~ribad ~s fQl~owa; , . 136iinn1ni at a rail::'QaC\ spike a.t an ~nglc poi.l\t. in the cantsrl n$ Of W!lco~ tc~d at the no;theaste%lY CQrner Qf said 51.387 a~re ~r~ot, t11Q 3a~~ bein~ the Go~theaata~~y co~r.er ot that 1.287 aQ~e ttbat of l~nd 4e5oriba~ in the dead tQ Ha~Qld U, O~od6s.nn~ Helen ~. DGN10de9, of r~Qord in Official R~Qord 0592~H06, Recorder's O~fice, Fr~~Xlin cQunty, Ou1Q, ~~i~ ~ailroad ap1~e bGin~ ~oc~te~ 1,l13.31 feet southorly from, a~ m~aGurQ~ alQn~ ~he ocnterlino of said wilcox Roud, ~n ~lum1num Clap in ooncrete (F::r.n;;.lin County Monumel\t rCGS"'4~12) o.t tha . 'o~ntB~lin~ interBao~ion ot Rin9s ~Qad and Eai~ Wilcox Ro~~' ~~endCl, ft'oln said );~ilX'Ql\cl spik.~, S"'5'45l00"~, a Qistanea Qf 268.0B t~~t to a p.~. nail, pa1~ p.k. nail bAing located U-G' 451 OQIIW ~ c.1ctanc~ of 11" S2a .14 feet frctu, am h\eo.fluro~ h1ol1~ tho a$nt.~%'~J,ne of said H11cox Road, an al~inUll1 etLp in oonorete (Fra.n'K~in CO\1nt~ ~tonlJ.ment: FCGS-2227) 0.1:. th,a so\\\;hoa$ter1.~ cot'nc~r of aa1d 51.3ij7 acre t~~c~1 , , ~haneQ, fro~ oo.itJ p,k.' n~11, s..a4':'HlI3f;jll,'i',' ~~rallal \-lit.b and aes. 00 fa~t FJout;ho1'J.i' trcl:ll., ~$ -;uoaGut'ed. ~t. %' c;rht ~nc:rlo~1 th'~ IlQrth9.l;'ly line of fHl.1'l pJ._38? aor~ t:; a. crt , , erO,$si,ng ~ ~/4".inph (I. D.) i-ron pipe in tho 'fl~Gterly ri91lt""o~"'way line of: sni<t . ~ilo~~ Road at c diat~noa ot,30,Ol faeb, a ~beal' diatanco of ll229.73 feet to a 3/~-in~h (~.D.) i~on pipe in tho wosterlY .1 no ot Bai~ SJ. t '3 S? ac.l."O trc.Qt, tJ1,e ti~U1C bein9 'in 'bhlJ ~~l3terly linG ct that 5. 032 ac~Q. t2;'act of :land. ti(\~ot"U::~od' in. tna c100d ~o tho WI;\.Dh11'1~tQn TOWf\:;Ihip T:t.'U~te~s, of record in Dceu, Book :1714 f P~9Q Gd2, ~GooraGr'~ or~ico, Fr~nXlin c=un~y, ohiol t;tlt\onQe n-!).~SI4G"HI "tj.tn tn12 WQI3t.Qrly 11nG of f;a.icl $1..307 ~or~ trnct an~ with tbQ Ga~to~ly line at oaid 5.002 nQr~ tract, a d1et~ncQ of ~Ge.oo ~Qot to a 3/4-inoh (I.n..) iron pipa nt'tne no~t:.hWBGt.erly Qot'ne~ at said 51.3B7 aerQ tr.a.ot, ~h(! ~ame bl3il,q tne northe~eterll corno~ of ~aid $.O~2 ~CrD tra~~, onid i~on pipe Alao bGing n tha oo~t~o~l~ l1no of that ~,10B nore traot of lnnd d~~e~l~ed in ths dood ~o Richar~ C. Ne~t1ng, of ~Qcor~ in ofticial Recor~ lS722D19, R~oQr4er'c Office, f~al~kli" county, -\" l _ ... JRN. 19. 1999 3:33PM S Z & D I5XH1BIT NO. 547 P.5 ~ JA\I - . . - I 6,IJ~B '~J:8 I ,. .' - . . . , ~O46).40'" ~oco~o~ 7, ~~gO DE5~RX~tON Qr 7.S5g Ae~$ O~ LAND (Oon~I~) ';ObQl1QG N-04.:SGt3GIlS, w:Ltn the )\02:ttl,Gl1Y J.1nG c:f 1::0.14 SJ..:.Hl7 acre t~~~t, with ~ho DQ~th9~~Y ~in' o~ oa 4 5.40$ 4c~e tracb, with the Qout~GrlY 1ina of ~h~t 5.4" apre tra~~ of lan4 4Qsc~!~ed in th,a de$c\ to Jaxo,QIiI c~ x..aytcn and ~cQ,nn t.f):t~Qn, at reoQrd 1n off1Q1~1 ~Beo~4 Q7496r12,.w1t~ thB &outhGr~~ line o~ that S.48~ aa~e traot o~ lana deso~ibed 1n ~ha ~ee~ to S~~~n ~, z~in, of ~eoQ~~ in o~tioia~ ~QcQrd OS400!~O, with ~hp BQuth~~ly linG Q~ ~ha~ 6.056 aQta traQt Qt land d~sori~ed in the Qead to Wibe:t H. B~ll an~ Ch~isbin8 s. ~~ll, of rGQQrd 'in Doed aQQ~ 3624, P~iQ SaG, ~l~ bcin~ o~ ~acor4 in ~ha Roooraer'~ affica, Fr~nklin eo~ntYt o~1o, ana w1tn the ~outha~ly 11~o ot oa1d 1.287 ~dre ~~aet, crQs~ing a 3/4.!~oh (1.0.) i~on ~ipG in tha weGtQ~l~ ~19bt.of-way lino ot Gai~ W~lQo~ RQ~d ~t ~ d gt~nQa of 1,~94,SG . feet, ~ total 4~Gt~neQ of 1,224.67 f~~t ~o t~a ~o1nt ~~ ' ~eqlnn1n~ and oontain~n9 7.550 aO~es of land. ~Q~~ or lGGQJ SulJ'j'ect to illl rishtE$...o:e...way I filaetQ~~ni;S ?nd 're:at..-ictiona, i~ any, cf ~t~viouo ~ocord, Also pu~jact to all l~gal hiShW~Ys. We ha~ebl et~t~ th~t the fore~oin~ deecription ~ns pre~ar.a f~o~ inform~t on optainad f~Qm ~n actu~l fi~l~ ~urvoy ocnd~c~od by Dauer, p~viclson &: H'"'t'C~Htn~, In(:. in Oeomnbe:r of: ),~~O. Al~ o~ the eu:r:v~~' lnar~e%'s not.ed. in the ~o'respinCJ dGSot1ption W$~~ in pln~a in Decemce~ ot 1990. . , ~ha ~8a;~pgB ~ivon in the fore9oin~ ~Qzoripbion ar~ vaoo~ on an ~O$ume~ ~erid1nn, Il{C, . , , , . . JAN.19.1999 3:34PM SZ&DI~ riO. 547 P.7 Situated in the Stat~ of Ohio, County 0 ran. In, ownship of Washington, being located in VMS 6748 and 6953, being all of a 1.931 acre tract and a 42,672 acre tract conveyed to Washington Township l30ard of Trustees and City of Dublin by O.R. 17936, Page J 10 and O.R. 13527, Page E]5 of the Franklin County Recorder's Office and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the sOUthwesterly corner of a 19,577 acre tract conveyed to tbe City of Dublin by O.R, 17936, Page 113, said point being THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; Thence easterly, a distance of 1081 feet along the southerly line of said 17.220 acre tract, said line also being the existing Dublin Corporation Line as established by Ordinanoe No. 04-98 recorded in Instrument No. 199803030047299 to a paint: Thence southerly. a distance of 1622 feet leaving said southerly line and along the westerly line 27.612 acre trnct conveyed to Subsidairy Development Corpora.tion to a point; Thence easterly. a distance of 975 feet leaving said westerly line and along the southerly line of said 27.612 acre tract to a point; Thence southerly, ~\ disLance of 84 feet leaving said southel'ly line nnd along the westerly existing right-of~w:'lY line of Cosgray Road (C-39), 60 feet wide, to a point; Thence southerly, a distance of 17 feet continuing along said westel'ly l'ight-of-way line to II point; Thence westerly, a distance of 1009 feet leaving said right-of-way line and along the northerly line of u 33.6 acre tr~Cl conveyed to Subsiduiry Development Corporalion to a point; Thence northerly. a distance of 17 feet continuing along ~he northerly line of said 33.6 acre tract to a point; Thence westerly, a distance of 1061 feet continuing along [he northerly line of said 33.6 acre tract to a point; Thence northerly, a distance of 1705 feet leaving said northerly line and along a portion of the easterly line of a 30.698 acre tract conveyed to Rodger J, Vowell and a portion of the existing Dublin Corporation Line as estnblished by Ordinance No. 04- 98 recorded in Instrument No. 199803030047299 Lo the trLle point of beginning and containing 44.6 ncres, mare or less. The above description was prepared from existing records py Tony W. Meacham, Professional Survey No. 7799 in September. 1998 for the purpose of annexation. ~D'::'WTJ.~~tpES.INC' ~ ~ W. Me~h.:. P:S. No. '- -