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Minutes of
Form No. 1097
Held __ ________________u_________hUn__n__n__n_________________ __________________ ____n__nn____ ________ __h___n__ ___ ____ __19 __ ______
The regular meeting of the Dublin Village Counoil was held at 8:00 P.M. at
the municipal building with Mayor Jack Frambes presiding.
Roll oall was held as follows: Denney,present,Dixon,present,Karrer,present,
Maoklin,present, and Ulrey ,present! o.".~? J.:U;,-/~-j ,
The minutes of the preoeeding meeting were read and approved.
The following bills were presented for
Columbia Gas
Rodney Sheldon
Phillip Goldslager
Donald Rose
Phillips oil 00. of Ohio
Burgess & Niple
Blue Cross
Sherry York
Jerry Johnston
218.89 gas
115.00 8treet labor
42.38 R.E. taxes
460.00 .olioitor fees
256.93 street repair material.
344.74 engr servioes
47.70 Hughes ooverage
300.00 Summer Reo. Director
120.11 street labor
Mr. Karrer moved, seoonded by Mr. Sohontzler that the bill. be paid. Vote
thereon was unanimous.
Mr. Doug Cotterman of the Columbia Gas Co. appeared before Counoil to explain
the gas billing prooedures and to explain the high billing reoieved by the
Vill~ge in the .pring. The explanation appeared suffioient enough to .ati8fy
Mr. Sohontzler introduoed Resolution 12-10 dealing with the method of publio-
ation and posting of Village Ordinanoes,Resolutions, eto. The Resolution was
read for the first time. Mr. Maoklin moved, seoonded by Mr. Ulrey to dispense
with the three time reading rule. Vote on the motion was unanimous and vote on
the Resolution was unanimous.
Mr. Ulrey introduoed Ordinanoe 22-70 dealing with the establishment of a
Dublin Auxilary Polioe Foroe. The Ordinanoe was read for the first time.
Mr. Karrer moved, seoonded by Mr. Denney to dispense with the three time readi g
rule. Vote on the motion was unanimous and vote on the Ordinanoe was unanimous
Mr. DeJmaY'i': (; introduoed Ordinanoe 24-70 dealing with the appointment ot
Danny Sells as "::R6aeriarfolioeman. The Ordinanoe was read for the first time.
Mr. Sohontzler moved, seoonded by Mr. Karrer to dispense with the three time
reading rule. Vote on the motion was unanimous and vote on Ordinanoe was unaniJ OU8.
Mr. Denney introduoed Ordinanoe 25-70 dealing with the appointment of Roger ~lr8
al a reserve polioeman. The Ordinance was read for the first time. Mr. Sohontz er
moved, seoonded by Mr. Karrer to dispense with the three time reading rule. Vo e
on the motion was unanimous and vote on the ordinance as unanimous.
Mr. Denney introduced Ordinanoe 26-70 dealing with the appointment of Lawrence
Tras~'as -. reserve p~lioeman. The Ordinanoe was read for the first time. Mr.
Schontzler moved, seoonded by Mr. Karrer to dispa~se with the three time~eadiJ~
rule. Vote on the motion was unanimous and vote on the Ordinanoe was unanimous
Mr. Denney introduo~d Ordinanoe 27-70 dealing with the appointment of Lawrenoe
Minutes of
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Form No. 1097
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Held __ _ ______________________________________________._ ________________________________C_4~...,-:~------:-:"---'---c-c-"~~ ______c., ,:"
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Mr. Maokliri:'~troduoed':ordinanoe t31-70 dealing w~h ...ut~rlti:lJ.g 'the\L~~,~ tc
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a~''';t~ori)~g/1the ~~r to'.emp16ta ~eor.tary !.'Of the, reserve POol~o~>:~r~e ,
The~~QR'J.~(l,e;t~s rea<3>!,~!,: the"fitt;jt 'b;Lme.~. De~ey m~~d, seoon'~d b'y,\Mr_~~;.
Ulre~. .~:..d1~.fe~".... 'Wi-t. ~""th. ~'.,~ ~~f-~ t~JD!)rea~h.n~ .~).l;~\VO. tIe on th,. e ~i~".~a. 1\ \
unan!tIq~:,.axld,-,VQ,teQn th~\ UNhnan6ewa~~;Lnr?1l8.,:\~ .-.___-,A'.,-'- '~! \~
counoil'~~o~iz-td theplfx.ohase ''''o:~.';t;ew Wl,'Sh~un fort,he nrfi;~h:re
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Minutes of
Form No. 1097
July 20 19 10
He ld__n_______n_ _ nn_________n __________n__ndn______________ ____dnnn____h _n____n____nn__n____nn____ n__ _ n____ ___n___
o on inued:
Mr. Denney introduoed Ordinanoe 30-10 dealing with the appointment of Wilbur
Miller 1.1 a reserve polioeman. The Ordinance was read for the first time. Mr.
Sohontzler moved, seoonded by Mr. Karrer to dispense with the three time readin
rule. Vote on the motion was unanimous and vote on the Ordinanoe was unanimoul
Mr. Maoklin introduoed Ordinanoe 31-10 dealing with authorizing the Mayor to
employ reserve polioemen as substitute or supplementary polioemen of the
Village and authorizing the Mayor to employ a Seoretary for the reserve Polioe
foroe. The Ordinanoe was read for the first time. Mr. Denney moved, seoonded
by Mr. Ulrey to dispense with the three time reading rule. Vote on the motion
was uhanimous and vote on the Ordinanoe was unanimous.
Counoil authorized the purohase of a new Riot Shotgun for the Police Cruiser.
The Village Clerk Treasurer reviewea the first half of 1970 expenditure8 with
the Village Counoil, and oautioned Counoil that it must not base its spending
habits on the un-sure thought that we are getting a Sewer Contract from the
City of COlumbus, whioh will create a building boom, therby inflating our
reoeipts from Real Estate Taxes to a tremendous figure. The Clerk further
pointed out that even at the best possible estimate(bearing in mind that we
dont even have a oontraot as yet) the Total Village will not have Sewer.
prior to 1976 and further stated that even if we do have a building Boom
that it is very doubtful that we will see any measurable increase in Real
Estate taxes prior to 1979 or 1980. To illustrate the Clerks oonoern in this
matter,:in reviewing the first seven months expenditures for 1970 it was found.
that the previous high for any prior seven months period was $ 20,089.00
in 1~68 and that for the lame period in 1970 this figure il in exoess of
t 36,000.00. Unless there is a substantial inorease from Looal Government
Funds for the year 1~71, the Village may find that it may be in serioul
finanoial difficulty in the ooming year.
Meeting adjourned.