Council Minutes 11-01-2010RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Minutes of nt thlin City Col incil Meetin November 1, 2010 Mayor Lecklider called the Monday, November 1, 2010 Regular Meeting of Dublin City Council to order at 6:30 p.m. at the Dublin Municipal Building. Present were Mayor Lecklider, Mrs. Boring, Vice Mayor Salay and Mr. Keenan. Ms. Chinnici - Zuercher, Mr. Gerber and Mr. Reiner were absent. Staff members present were Ms. Grigsby, Mr. Smith, Mr. McDaniel and Mr. Harding. ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION Mayor Lecklider moved to adjourn to executive session for discussion of land acquisition, legal and personnel matters. Vice Mayor Salay seconded the motion Vote on the motion: Mayor Lecklider, yes; Mr. Keenan, yes; Mrs. Boring, yes; Vice Mayor Salay, yes. The meeting was reconvened at 7 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Jeff Noble Commander, American Legion Post 800; Lee King Commander, VFW Post 10691; and Kevin McKee Adjutant, American Legion Post 800 led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Present were Mayor Lecklider, Vice Mayor Salay, Mrs. Boring, and Mr. Keenan. Ms. Chinnici - Zuercher and Mr. Gerber were absent (excused). Mr. Reiner arrived at 7:12 p.m. Staff members present were Ms. Grigsby, Mr. Smith, Mr. McDaniel, Interim Police Chief von Eckartsberg, Mr. Harding, Mr. Hahn, Ms. Crandall, Mr. Earman, Ms. Kennedy, Mr. Thurman, Mr. Somerville, Mr. Edwards, and Ms. Adkins. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The approval of the minutes of the meeting of October 25, 2010 was delayed until the November 15, 2010 meeting. SPECIAL PRESENTATION /PROCLAMATIONS • Veterans Awareness Week —November 8 through 15 Mayor Lecklider presented a proclamation in recognition of Veterans Awareness Week to Jeff Noble, Commander, American Legion Post 800 (Wesley G. Davids Post); Lee King, Commander, Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 10691; and Kevin McKee, Adjutant, American Legion Post 800. Commander Noble thanked Council for this recognition, noting they hope to see everyone on Thursday, November 11 at the Grounds of Remembrance at Dublin Veterans Park at 11 a.m. for the ceremonies in honor of Veterans Day. • American Red Cross Lifesaving Awards Scott Gerding Manager of Health and Safety Services of the American Red Cross of Greater Columbus introduced their Chief Executive Officer, Michael Carroll who will make the presentation to three Dublin lifeguards who saved a life at the Dublin Community Recreation Center. Michael Carroll, CEO, American Red Cross of Greater Columbus noted that saving another's life is a selfless act, which deserves appropriate recognition. He presented the American Red Cross Lifesaving Award for the Professional Responder to Dublin staff members Jessica Vurginac, Morgan Lewis and Courtenay Chaffin. He briefly described the rescue efforts, which took place on March 2, 2009 and resulted in saving the victim's life. He added that American Red Cross teaches professionals and citizens the skills to save a life. Last year, the Columbus Chapter enrolled 40,000 citizens in first aid, CPR, AED, and water safety classes. They urge businesses and individuals to contact the American Red Cross about becoming trained in lifesaving. He congratulated Jessica, Morgan and Courtenay for their heroic actions and presented them with the awards. RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Minutes of niihlin City Cou ncil Meeting November 1, 2010 Page 2 Mr. Earman thanked everyone from the American Red Cross in attendance tonight. The results of the Red Cross training programs are proven. He acknowledged the other DCRC management staff present — Joe Fabick and Kim Wigram — as well as Tracy Moore from American Red Cross. Mayor Lecklider congratulated the staff, and thanked the Red Cross for recognizing them tonight. • Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies (CAPRA) — Dublin Parks and Recreation Accreditation Mr. Earman noted that this accreditation process has been underway for the past two years. The memo in the packet announces that the City of Dublin Parks and Recreation Department is now accredited. Staff attended the National Parks & Recreation Association conference in Minneapolis last week, at which the Commission for Accreditation of Parks & Recreation Agencies was held. The Commission is comprised of professionals from around the country, dedicated to establishing and adhering to standards and best practices of the profession. Dublin was commended for meeting every standard for accreditation. On behalf of the Department, he thanked all of the City departments who assisted in this effort. He recognized Barb Burkholder, Recreation Administrator who coordinated the accreditation efforts and Gabe Laubacher, who assisted on a part-time basis. He thanked Council for their continued support. This benchmark helps the Parks & Recreation Department to measure their success in achieving an enhanced quality of life in Dublin. Mr. Hahn added that when the review team came to visit Dublin, they commented that the level of offerings and the diversity of the parks in Dublin was that of a much larger city. They also relayed that to the panel as a whole. It is a great compliment to the community and the recreational opportunities Dublin offers. He thanked Barb Burkholder and the many staff members who provided the documentation and detail needed to secure this accreditation. Mayor Lecklider congratulated staff and all who contributed to achieving this accreditation. He asked for clarification, noting that there were 144 standards and Dublin met all of these. Is there a minimum number that must be met for accreditation? Mr. Hahn responded that there are 36 fundamentals that must be met, and of the remaining, 85 percent must be met. The panel also commented that it was very unusual for a community pursuing an initial accreditation to achieve 100 percent of the standards. Mayor Lecklider noted that only 90 agencies in the United States have achieved this distinction. Congratulations! CORRESPONDENCE The Clerk reported that two notices to legislative authority have been received: a new D5 liquor permit for Creekside Entertainment Company, NW Corner Bridge Street and N. High, Unit 2 and a new D5 liquor permit for Bento Koco, Inc., 5691 Woerner Temple Road. Vice Mayor Salay asked if staff has any information about the timeframe for opening of either of these establishments. Mr. Smith responded that he can provide information at the next Council meeting. The Clerk will forward these notices to the Division of Liquor Control, noting there is no request for a hearing from Council. CITIZEN COMMENTS There were no comments from citizens for items not on the agenda. RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Dublin City Council Meeting Held November 1, 2010 20 Page 3 LEGISLATION SECOND READING /PUBLIC HEARING - ORDINANCES Ordinance 39 -10 Amending Chapter 35 of the Codified Ordinances to Revise the Fee and Service Charge Revenue /Cost Comparison System and Establishing a Schedule of Fees and Service Charges for City of Dublin Services. Ms. Kennedy stated that there have been no changes made to the document since the last reading. Mrs. Boring clarified some comments made at the last hearing regarding senior fees. She was concerned last year about the rate proposed for senior recreation center memberships. Council also approved a fee change for senior citizen activities and programs. Staff had noted that these fees were not consistent with the City policy of having two rates, resident and non - resident. Council approved raising the non- resident fee to $20. When staff met with the Senior Board, the Board expressed concern. Therefore, this year the fee split is phased in. She wants to clarify that there are two senior- related fees at the Rec Center — one for the Rec Center membership and one for the Dublin Senior Citizens membership. Vote on the Ordinance: Mr. Reiner, yes; Mr. Keenan, yes; Mrs. Boring, yes; Vice Mayor Salay, yes; Mayor Lecklider, yes. INTRODUCTION /FIRST READING — ORDINANCES Ordinance 40 -10 Adopting the Annual Operating Budget for the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2011. Vice Mayor Salay introduced the ordinance. Ms. Grigsby stated this is the initiation of the 2011 operating budget. As referenced in the memo, Council workshops have been scheduled for Monday, November 8 and Wednesday, November 17 at 6:30 p.m. The second reading /public hearing is scheduled for the December 6 Council meeting. Ordinance 41 -10 Authorizing the City Manager to Execute an Agreement with Sawmill Partners Investment Company ( "Sawmill I "), Sawmill Partners Investment Co. No. II and Sawmill Hard Center LLC, Whereby Sawmill I Will Transfer to the City Certain Real Estate in the City Of Dublin, County Of Franklin and State Of Ohio in Lieu of Reimbursing the City for Certain Costs to be Incurred by the City in Connection with the Future Improvements to the Intersection of Sawmill Road and Hard Road with the City Paying to the Owners the Difference Between the Appraised Value of the Land and the Calculated Costs of the Future Improvements. Mrs. Boring introduced the ordinance. Ms. Grigsby stated that this ordinance will provide the City with 7.2 acres of parkland that the City has long had interest in. As part of the Kroger Centre development, Sawmill Partners was required either to construct certain improvements at the intersection of Sawmill and Hard Road or to reimburse the City for what the estimated costs of those improvements would have been. The City requested that they make a cash contribution to the City and that the City would do the ultimate intersection improvement, which is currently scheduled for 2013. As discussions continued, an option was identified in lieu of the cash payment to the City for the improvements Sawmill Partners was required to construct or contribute to. This option was to exchange the 7.2 acres of land Sawmill Partners owns on the north side of Hard Road in lieu of a cash contribution. This agreement provides for the transfer and conveyance to the City of the 7.2 acres of land, with the City paying the approximate difference to the Sawmill Partners between the appraisal of the property at $580,000 and the value of the improvements at $448,500. The City will receive the transfer and conveyance of the 7.2 acres of land. This land includes the large oak tree, which RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Dublin City Council Meeting November 1, 2010 Page4 resulted in the realignment of the roadway years ago. This property abuts the existing Riverside Drive Park and will allow access from Hard Road instead of Riverside Drive. Staff recommends this be held over for second reading /public hearing on November 15 and adoption at that time. INTRODUCTION /PUBLIC HEARING — RESOLUTIONS Resolution 52 -10 Appointing the Chief of Police as the Representative for the City of Dublin on the Central Ohio Interoperable Radio System Governing Board. Vice Mayor Salay introduced the resolution. Interim Police Chief vonEckartsberg stated that this resolution amends the title of the representative to the Governing Board from Deputy City Manager /Chief of Police to Chief of Police. Vote on the Resolution: Mayor Lecklider, yes; Mrs. Boring, yes; Vice Mayor Salay, yes; Mr. Keenan, yes; Mr. Reiner, yes. STAFF COMMENTS Ms. Grigsby reported that an informational memo was included in the packet regarding bedbugs. There is also an Engineering project update, which was distributed on the dais tonight. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS /COUNCIL ROUNDTABLE Mr. Reiner noted that he spoke to Mr. Hahn today about the potential of utilizing the parkland south of Post Road on a temporary nature for a possible cyclocross and mountain biking area. Columbus Cyclocross is considering a move, and he is interested in attracting the group to Dublin. Accommodating this use would be inexpensive, requiring only some topsoil and bulldozing work. Perhaps the City's landscape architecture staff could be used to assist with this, if there is interest from Council. He understands that a long -term plan for Coffman Park has been developed, but is not certain of the funding in the CIP. Ms. Grigsby stated that there is funding for this plan in the 2010 budget. Mr. Reiner stated that this project could bring visitors to the City to stay in the hotels and would not be costly. Vice Mayor Salay responded she is curious about the impact of this event on the natural aspect of the park. She would want more information before considering such an event taking place in this natural setting. Mr. Reiner responded that a portion of the site is currently farmed as a soybean area, and the remainder has a spoilage area about 50 yards in length. This is the area south of Post Road used for the Irish Festival, and consists of 30 acres. He does not believe this land will be utilized in the near future, and it would accommodate this use in the short term. This is in keeping with the Healthy Dublin initiative, encouraging people to exercise outdoors. This group practices approximately once per week. The City of Cincinnati has a permanent cyclocross site. Cyclocross is a fast - growing sport in Europe and the U.S. It is challenging and fun, and is an inexpensive amenity to create on this land. Eventually, it could lead to a regional or national championship, bringing hotel /motel tax revenue. Vice Mayor Salay asked if staff could bring forward a report regarding details of the event, some alternative sites, how many people would use the site, and where they would park. Mrs. Boring asked if this proposed use would require a zoning review. Ms. Grigsby responded that if any permanent changes are to be made to the site, there would be Planning & Zoning Commission review, because this land is in a PUD. Mayor Lecklider asked if any portion of this land is leased RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Minutes of n iffil in (` Cnunril Meeting November 1, 2010 __ Page 5 Ms. Grigsby responded that the City currently owns all of the land. Part of the land is farmed and some is not, and so specifics would be needed. Mr. Reiner stated that this area could be contoured with mounds in such a way that it has an aesthetically pleasing view from the freeway, with the cyclocross course behind the mounds. Mrs. Boring summarized that staff will provide a report, including the impact on the environment and the zoning process, how much land would be needed, the parking needs, etc. Vice Mayor Salay stated that she would be interested in hearing about other sites in the City that would be available for this use. Mr. Keenan stated that perhaps Glacier Ridge Park could accommodate this. Mrs. Boring stated that: 1. The "green" roof is being installed at the Rec Center, and it is quite attractive and colorful. She encouraged everyone to stop by and view it. She thanked Ms. Crandall and Ms. Adkins for their work on this project. 2. Tomorrow is election day, and she encouraged everyone to make a difference by voting. Mr. Keenan noted that: 1. The PRAC annual report mentions the issue of Sunday hours at the DCRC. He asked if staff could provide some figures for the next packet about what is occurring in terms of Sunday attendance numbers. 2. Veterans Day is on Thursday, November 11. There will be a special ceremony at 11 a.m., conducted by American Legion Post 800 and the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 10691 at the Grounds of Remembrance at Dublin Veterans Park. The ceremony will feature a wreath laying and flag lowering. A complimentary breakfast for Veterans will be hosted by La Chatelaine in Historic Dublin from 9 to 10:30 a.m. There will be a bagpiper at La Chatelaine who will lead the guests from the breakfast to the Grounds of Remembrance. The public is also invited to join the Veterans at the ceremonies at the Veterans Park at 11 a.m. Following the ceremony, visitors are invited to walk the grounds, read the inscriptions on the dedication stones, and leave mementos at the Memory Wall. 3. The government class from the high school who are in attendance tonight picked a good night to attend in terms of the short agenda! Vice Mayor Salay noted that there are also young women in the audience who are members of the District Championship volleyball team from Dublin Coffman High School. She wished them luck in the state championships! Mayor Lecklider welcomed the students, too, adding that they were indeed fortunate in selecting such a short meeting to attend! ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:39 p.m. -/.O; , - �� Mayor — Pr i ng Officer C CU O Clerk of Council