HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/19/1970 !i)~ ,I 'j)' ~ l!;_~~ l'lt;""__L~L.iUi RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 89 Minutes of 1.l:~GJLtJ:1 Meeting COLUMBUS BLANK BOOK CO.. COL., O. - Form No. 1097 Held __ ___________ _ _ ______n_________nn__________nhnn________h hhnh_.JA.LUARY__________.19______________ __ __ _____ __19 __7_Q__ Tl~,<3 r8.1':ular Tw-}etino of t11") Dublin Villa.?:e Council vms held at (3 :00 p.: at th.o ~:::urli c i na 1 Gu i '\vi tl1 ~;.'_:ny.or J a C~( Prar:-j~)8 s ~]re s icl illg . The T'Ta;lor theYl S\,"Iore irl G-eralcl ::jH~~k:lin. l'oc)(Jrltl:r elect c.1 Counaillilan. Roll Call Vias held as follo;;Ts: DeDney,prosent,Dixon,prosent,Karrer,Dresent, 'inckl:i.n, pr''lS8nt,S chontz lor, Dresent and Ulrey, present. T~e minutes of the ~reco8d l'?eet were res.d and QDDroved. \. The following; bills were sunmittecl for Franklin County Her; ions.l :-'lan Shell Oil HodDe;)" Sheldon -.1 otth inf:~t on l!ard1sare F11QnJ.::lin Count~l Troas. Dona lei. Hose jCilbury Ins. J c;:n I. Thomas pa:IPent : Hill. 00 1970 Si.r, C) "".0 . ..L<.... '-' Qer C8.'.JJ,-ca 42.36 cruiser ~as 20.00 snow olowing 36.73 Misc. sUDolies 30.00 Cindors 630.20 solicitor foo r;o.T'old I{ose 93.00 Bartds L::8.~.ror & Clork 22.86 cruisor renair 2~-:'. 5 r8.il~':'CCi8.t ro-ir-J)UrSJ~J3nt /v~n8 s ]rO'.'m 0n hJ \..., . ~urCD2S8 of d.rill I "r. 1)i=(C;11 caovcd, 88 CO?}Cl.en ",vas lJ.naninl,CUS. lr. '~cklir t~at -t118 bills be 1)[~5_d. Vote tl1oreon Da'\rid r:'8adle8 t.he :Jresent refuse contractor for t}}/3 -oIillap:e anDoered ;.;8for8 COlJ.l1.cil to disCllSS the re-.r-"I~lS8 l:usin.css It r l~\J'EL'_._'lbes a"'---()ointed ]'.)'". Di.x:o~1. Stli_d IT. Karror to }':tak:e a stud~:: or'.. .'l~llc~ trD.S}-'t 0011tract vthich ;7fG ;,vill ne ad\Tertisin.~ ir1 the near fi),ture. A rezoninG request ~:r8.S rC3c~in\led fl-'OITl lr'. Sa~-_l fiilcGuX'er and LIr. J\.'lackli.Jl raoveci t.!.18.t t~'-' r8q-!,lest be f'.)l'lNo.:CQ.:-;c.l tel ~~~l" '-' -::lar:.~~~_irlp~ (,: i-~onillrs GOYrFrlission, for t:-_Leir . re cOIc1ende.t ion. \Tot,.:; 011 E'ction -';(~[) ur.nni:;~louS. ~ " . ix orl ~:,l"l.!'~rcd ue ,:jcl .";~"~-7(' c'.c s.l ".'ftth jl.(I~:t -~J i l"G~~_ asS 'tr c; ;,'j 'c Co Ircli s s i one T~-~8 Ordin8.n'.~:o ',VD.S ::''''u:~ C. ':.a firs-c '~ij:l3. I' . j~ r C:" ~J ':J OrL(~_ ':; , .1'. ~D.rrer to dis')cnst~ ;.~..rith t:l~3 t;:-~r(ju t i~:.-Ie r'30. :('ul':~. \~c~.a on -' OIl "lIe, S l'elani "lOUS ;::~:l~:. C"y:iftle Ordinal1.ce 1I!aS ~,J:Qar~lr,10tAS. 'r<r. Denne~,T illtrodlJ,ced OrdinaD.ce 04-70 d8alinp_~ 1.~Jith 11aT:1i~r~ Donald Rose as Solj.eitor for the '~Iilla.C:'8. 7Ye Or.ii:i18.11.ce ~,;"~8.S rnad for t!.18 first ti:::e. },~r. T'10'T8 , sODond;3c 'r. SG} -:~z18r to c.::~isr~ense -r,rrith the thrc8 tiF~8 reE_d ~v~ote on t>_o '-totion VIas un8.n~~:..iC:;1,lS ancl vote un "G~Y_~~7 Otc~ipan0e ''lIaS t:nani!_:io:)S. Dixo r')le Ji lotti3r -.~':D.S ::."eC)(3l'\TCQ f!'G" t~"l(J PlanniYl'" z (~O~~~..\jSSiOYl of DU~llil11"8oc~;"ond~'~1f~ that '-tLe '7il -t~n e ?ral~J(l i:c C cttn 2~011inf Resolu.tioIJ,s. iT-.-_ercl \',ras 3orr~8 d~~SC1).ssiorl on the >',at.t"~r ~)U,t no D.cticill ','rc,2 t~9.}_:_c;n. A 13t-\- r ryas recei.ved fr Jr8.rl,__~1 ~"r:~ :,'~O' '~D., lJ_S L (\'i st8.t t:het OUT' roque8.t~ for Is :~:;1,)C~ J?t1.Dr.ls -;:(,0j~:Gt S "T},i':)r'C-j riot c lc!igiblo, anu. t,l"Ct.!.~ ,:.re s:10u15 S1)'(:, ~J..\j [\lrt}}Or rC3quests i11 tllC YUa:(i:.; on-cn. T:':I_(;? ji-:-~-.II'c)nr iat J_ on Ord irU?l! :,JC: -1,nc. S 5_ s e11S .:~(jcL 1 ~ _ ,--'- ~'- \.' Vii 11 not 1)8 a8T:::)~J. U~CD ~).Yd~ j_l t .3 f'~..rst -no.:::t in '?e'n'uarv l~Y!O. ''-''f''I+':; ......"'-. rl ,:j.~ r .1y........,-,,.1