HomeMy WebLinkAbout32-76 Ordinance VILLAG[ OF DUBLIN, OHIO ORDINANCE NO: '3,).-110 PASSED: Apfl.,,- ,"\ )"'\1\0 . AN Or.DINANCE ACCEPTI\I~ THE LO\vEST A~JD PEST PID FOr. "DilPLI\I PARK DE\!ELOP~'1ENT-COFF'1AN ROAD-PHASE II: A~m DECLARING AN P1ERGENCY. ':!HEREAS, pursuant to Ordinance No: 26-76 bids have been received for said" Dubl in Park Improvements". and \fHERfAS, Counci I has determined that the bid of CoWNVI.J~ ~^~,...f'I"ltlror the GE'lERAL CONTRACT in the amount of l' . ct:,"/~.-l~Q,0.2 , and the bid Ifor Alternate G- I "Tenn i s Court Lighting" in the amount of $/~,5't'J9,OO, and the bid f10r III Alternate G-2 "Pasketba II Cour~" in the amount 0f '> '1,'11'1,02 , and the hid ~nate G-3 "1 ntcr i or SiC1ht LiihtinC1" in the amount of ,<1:; '~t.t.,O: , and the .. ... - - .. -.... " I' .. hld~or , Iternate G-4 for Pond Development In the amount of $ ~~o.~ are/is the lowest and hest hid! hids: \10''1, THEREFOf,;E, BE IT ORDA I~IED hy the COllnci I of the Vi! lage of Duhl in, State of Ohio,--=1-of the elected memhers concurring: c.o\"JM.")~ ~fI~ oJ hI/Ale. SECTION I. That the hid~of'~ . A ~ for said Improve- ments in accordance with the specifications presently on fi Ie in the office of the Clerk-Treasurer be, and herehy is/are accepted. SECTION 2. That the Vi I lage Administrator and the Clerk-Treas- urer he, and they herehy are, directed to execute a cont~ in the n arne of the \! i II age wit h t he sa i d C4;H"C:. ~"'~7 -4-. ,..... for said improvements in accordance with the specifications pr'esent ly on fi Ie in the office of the C lel~k-Treasurel"', a~~.~~.~ . in accot'dance \oJ i+h the sa i d r. i dlb- i ds of G~)\,,"'.> A-1>>~~~ "i-~. SECTIO~ 3. That this Ordinance be, and the same herehy IS, dac I ared to he an emer'gency measure necessary for t he I ~m- ediate preservation of the publ ic peace, health and safety for the reason that these improvements are needed to make this Park avai lable for use hy ViI lage resident~ as soon as possihle, and that this Ordinance shal! take effect and he In force imm~dia+ely upon its passage. ~; / Passed this I'\. day ofAoa.,,,- , 1976 -'~~4:;..I...-/V\.A.1 PI e.~iJ~..t P. T~I.~6""€ FKcs;i/ ;";0; OFFlc,Etf:. ~ayor-presiding officer A(~~ ~:J ~~J Clerk Treasurer ,AIIIAliF IJo./c. The hid/bids of Lo",,,)r'VJh, A-:.()t~'ltI i \.for said imppove- meots is hereby approved. fi~~~ Vi I la6e Administrator ..