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Columbus Blank Book Co.. Heer Printing Ce., Cols.. O. .~ Divisions of ~ Form No, 2806-A
Ordinance N 0 ,---l~~~j----------- P assed_______ ___n ____________________________________19______
".... WHEREAS, The Village is in need of a new Snow Plow:
....... NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINg[) by the Counoil of the Village of Dublin,
State of Ohio, Ip of the elected members ooncurring:
SECTION 1. That the Village Administrator be, and he hereby is, authorized
and direoted to advertise for bids for a new Snow Plow having the following
The Snow Plow shall oonsist of a moldboard that is straight,power reversible
and is to be ten (101) feet lOB~ with a outting swath of eight (8') feet
when angled to thirty fhe (36') degrees. The moldboard is to be 42 inohes
high with a built in defleotor to oontrol flow of snow. The plow is to have
eight (8") inch hand-adjusted oastors whioh shall be spring oushioned. The
cutting edge or blade shall be one-halt(1/2) inoh by six (6") inches wide
by ten (10') feet long with punohing oonforming to A.A.S.H.O. standards.
Curb shoes shall be provided for eaoh end of moldboard. A safety trip, spring
loaded, shall be provided to protect plow by tripping and raising over obs-
truotions and then returning to normal plowing position. )i)ldboard shall be
reinforoed by six vertioal ribs of one-half (1/2) inch by three (3") inoh
steel oontinuously welded, or equal.
Power reversing shall oonsist ot two double-action hydraulic oylinders ot
tour (4"') inch diameter with piston rods no lesl than one and oDe-halt(l 1/2)
....... inohes in diameter, or approved equal. bhese oylinders shall be oapable ot
r~rsing the plow trom a thirty-tive(36 ) degree angle right to a thirty-tive
(35 ) angle left and allo be oapable ot holding the plOW in any desired positi on
... without the use of pins or other looking devioe. The hydraulic power ahall be
suffioient to ohange plowing angle while the truok is plowing snow at full
The hitoh shall be a tront mounted type designed to transmit plowing, torces
directly to the truok side rails. JIlterial shall be of the prop6r strength
and adequately braoed to insure proper operation. The hitoh shall'be 80
designed as to support and protect a tront mouuted pUllp &lid power take-off
assembly. The top angle of hitoh shall be of sufficient width to mouut snow
plow driving lights.
The sucoessful bidder shall turnish and install the plow, hitoh, and the
hydraulio system on the Village t 8 D8W Dump Truck.
The pump drift assembly shall be a No I 2641 Chelsea, or approved equal,
heavy duty front mounted orank sh&1.'t driven, speed reduoing type with throw-
out _ohani8ll operated by way of a flexible push-pull oontrol oable looe:ted
inside ot truok cab wi'thin easy aooess to driver. The pump drive assembly
is to be driven by the engine orankshaft flange through a needle bearing
universal joint.
The hydraulic pump shall be Webster 7Yl-4YD56. or approved equal, heavy' duty
,.... oonstant running gear type dual flow with a min1mUDl delivery of 25 G.P.M.
at 1500 R.PM. and 1000 P.S.I. on high side and 16 G.P.M. at 1600 R.P.M. and
1000 P.S.I. on other side.
Control valves shall be Gressen )t:)del 26 C.P., or equal, of seotional bal-
anoed spool type with integral relief valve. The valve shall have a capaoity
of 35 G.P.M. with a 1660 P.S.I. relief setting. The valve shall have enough
sections tor plow left, plow reverse, and dUDlp body. The 25 G.P... side of
pump Ihall be plumbed from pump to inside of oab to sup~y power for material
spreader. The valve sections shall be mounted in oab be een the seat, and
within easy reaoh ot driver or rider. No oables or remote oontrols will be
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. . ~ Divisions of national Form No 2806-A
Columbus Blank Book Co., Heer Prmtmg Co" Co Is" O. .~ HQnlP.!l!!:S .
Ordinance N 0._______.________________ Passed_______ ________________________________._________19_______
The hydraulio lines and fittings shall be of adequate size and .tre~h to
aooomodate the volume of oil witpout undue heating or oavitation. All high
pressure hose shall 'De two-wir4lt braid reinforoed. All hose tittings shall
~ not be ot the olamp-on style.
..... The plow hoist shall be single aoting hydraulio ram of not leu than three
(3") inohes am designed to lif't plow 12 inches from the ground. The ram
piston shall be hard ohrome plated.
Hydraulio oil supply tank: shall be 20 gallon oa.paoity and be equipped with
primary strainer and baffle. The tank: shall haft a drain plug and two and.
one-half (2 1/2) iDoh diameter hand removable vented oap.
The piping of dump body hois-t is to be done by' the plow supplier.
11' the oab floor 01" sides are out for the installment of lines, eto., the
edges shall be tiled smooth and a rubber shield shall be fitted around lines
to insure that dust and other elements '11IAy not enter the oab.
>>e11ft17 date to be speoified in bid and must be within sixty (60) days
after acoeptanoe of bid.
All bids ahall be sealed and shall be filed with the Village Administrator,
Village of Dublin, Ohio, before 12..00 Noon E.S.T. M~)., , 1974
at whioh time said bids shall be opened. All bids shall be aocompanied by
bond or oertified oheok in the amount of . 100.00. The Council of the Village
of Dublin reserves the right to rejeot au,r and all bids.
..... SECTION 2. That this Ordinance be, aM the same hereby is, deolared to be
an emergenoy measure neoessary for the immediate preservation of the publio
..... health andaafety for the reason that a new Snow Plow is presently needed
to proteot the health and safety of the reBidentsot the Village, and that
this Ordinanoe shall take efteot and be in toroe. iDl1llediately upon its
Passed this -4 day of ~ , 1974
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