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Columbus Blank Book Co., Heer Printing Ce., Cols., O. .~ Divisions of ~ Form No. 2806-A
-~.- -- --~._-_._--~-~
Ordinance No._ t I J'i __m n_ Passedm___m mn____ _mm_ _m_m m_ ___19__n___
r""" WHEREAS the Village is in need ot a new Dump Tl"Uok:
.~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Counoil ot the Village of Dublin, state
of Ohio, (p ot the eleoted members oonourring:
SECTION 1. That the Village Administrator be, am he hereby is, authorized
aM direoted to advertise for bids tor a new Dump Truck, cab and chassis
with dump body, to be used with front mounted snow-plow and rear mounted
spreader, having the following speoifioations:
1. 1974 Ji>del
2. G. V.W. Rating 24000 poundl".
3. Wheelbase- 72 inches from rear of cab to center of axle.
4. Front _le- minimum oapacity 7000 po\Ulds
6. Rear .&xle- minimum capaoity 17000 pounds
6. Front Springs- 3425 pounds '::~ '....
7. Rear Main- 10600 pounds with auxiliaries
"".. 8. Front Shooks- heavy duty
9. Senioe Brakes- heavy duty no.-hydraulic with frame mounted booster
....... and 16 x 6 shoes &.rid reserve tank.
10. Engine- 360 oubio inches (or larger) V-8 heavy duty
11. Color- Omaha Orange cab with Blaok trame and undercarriage
12. Cooling System- heavy duty inoreased oooling radiator to allow proper coolin g
with installation of orankshaft mounted P.T .0. (To be installed, as was in-
talled on the Village's 1973 Truck, whioh is: available tor inspeotion, and
prospeotive bidders oan contaot Mr. Sheldon tor inspeotion appointment)
13. Frame- heavy duty frame with inverted L frame reinforcement
14. Battery- 70 amp. hr. heavy duty
16. Alternat'br- 60 amp. heavy duty
16. Mirrors- 2 - West Coast 7 inch x 16 inch (adjustable)
17. Fue 1 Tank- 2 step tanks with guages, Dual 50 gallon oapaoity eaoh,
mounted on frame.
18. Transmission- automatio- 4 speed forward
\..,. 19. Windshield Wiper- variable sp~ed eleotric with 1I'8.shers
20. Cab- equipped with all standard equipment, with individual seats, passenger
and. driver; dual sun visors
21. Trailer Hitoh or Pindel hook on rear- 2 hooks front
22. Heater- deluxe fresh air heater
23. Gauges- oil-e.mp- fuel (dual), temperatures are to be furnished (no lights)
24. steering- power steering
'~""""""(~"",.'::iJ.~~~~ TI~uM~ ~~""'"
Columbus Blank Book Co., Heer Printing Ce., Cols., O. ,~ Divisions of ~ Form No. 2806-A
Ordinance No .__m__.mn_m___uu Passednnmmnnnmmum__m_nm_ _m_____19_______
25. Wheels- oast wheels with 700T rims
26. T.ires- 900 x 20 ply nylon oustom Hi-miler or equiTelent
~ 27. Crankshaft-, shall be drilled and tapped to aooomodate a front-end P.T .0.
providing adaptor pIa";;e on end of engine orankshaft and sheet metal mod-
- ifioations. Shaft flange yoke shall be drilled and tapped to aooomodate
spioer flange yoke No, 1-2-39. ( To be installed.. as was installed on
the Village' s 1973 Truok, whioh 1& availab,le for inspeotion, and pros-
peotiTe bidders oan contaot Mr. Sheldon for inspeotion appointmerrt)
28. Dump Body- (Garwood or equiTelent) shall be 9 teet long and 7 teet wide-
with at lea 1Ft 23 inch sides and 29 inch entil. Cab is to be protected by
a ene-halt ooverage cab shield. aterial ohute to be installed in oenter
of tail-gate. Latching hardware to be over shot design{to allow mounting
of spreader box), hoist to be 8 inch oylinder twin arm class No; Fifty.
The color shall be forest green with black frame and underbody. All lights
and refleotors to be installed in accordance with state code: mud flaps to
be furnished with body.
29. DeliTery date to be' specitied in bid, and must be within thirty (30) days
after aooeptanoe ot bid.
All bid, shall be sealed and shall be tiled with the V'illage .&dminiltrator,
Village of Dublin, Ohio betore 12':00 noon meS.T. mMM J...\~' i , 1974
at which time said bids shall be opened. All bids- shall be _oompanied by
bond or oertified cheok in the amount of . 100.00. The Counoil ot the Village
ot D'ubliJl reserves the right to reject any and all bid..
""... SECTION 2. That this Ordinanoe be, and the same hereby is, deolared to be an
emergency measure necessary tor the immediate preservation of the public
.... health and Safety for the reason that a new Dump Truck is presently needed
to proteot the health and satety of the residents of the Village, and this
Ordinance shall take effeot and be in toroe immediately upon its passage.
Passed this ~ day ot .- , 1974 ;j~L~re
clerk-T reasurer
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