HomeMy WebLinkAbout23B-72 Ordinance
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Ol1DINANCE NO, ~J.-7 ~/
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Section No. S~~jc~_t Page
1 Sta tement of Purpose 1
2 Definition of Tenns 1
3 Cornpliance with Order of Police Officer 5
4 Hesisting Arrest 5
5 Enlergency Vchicles to Proceed Cautiously Past 5
Hed or Stop Signals
6 lUc1ing3 Driving3 etc. 3 Anin1als Upon Roadway 5
7 Use of Private Property for Vehicular Travel 5
8 IVIayor's Authority - Traffic Hegulations 5
9 Traffic Control Signals 6
... 10 One - \\T ay Traffic 6
11 Stop and Yield Hight of ViTay IntersectiOl~s 6
12 Turns at Intersections 6 .
13 Through Houte s 6
14 Through Truck HOlltes 6
15 Pedestrian Crosswalks 7
16 Bus Unloading Zones 7
17 Business Loading Zones 7
18 Traffic Lanes: Overtaking and Passing Zones 7
19 No Parking Areas 7
20 No Stopping Areas 8
Section No. ~~12-tc~~t_ Pal;c
21 Lirnited Parking l\ rc8.S 8
22 Mayor's iluthol'ity -- Procedure 8
23 Boarding' or A lightin[; F1'orn a Vehicle 8
24 Procedure at Yield night of vVay Sign 8
25 Prohibited ]'n1'n at Intersections 8
26 Traffic Control Devices J\1ust be Obeyed 9
27 Signal Terrns, and Lights: A pplica Uon 9
28 Pedestrian - Control Signals 10
29 Flashing T'rclffic Signals 10
30 Unauthorized SigllS~ Signals~ etc., Prohibited 11
31 A Hera ti on~ HCJ1l ova l~ etc. ~ of Device or Sign, etc" 11
32 Operation of Vehicle 'Nhile UncleI' the Influence _ 11
I Pena lty
33 Hecklcss Operation of Motor Vehicle 11
34 Speed Regulations and Limitations 12
35 Slow Speed 13
36 Speed Hegulations on Bridges~ etc. 13
37 Enlergency Vehicles Excepted from Speed Limitations 14
38 Vehicles Shall Be Driven on Right Side of. Roadway; 14
39 Drag Racing 14
40 Vehicles Traveling in Opposite Directions 15
41 Rules Governing Overtaking and Passing of Vehicles 15
42 OvertaI;:ing and Passing Vehicles in I\1arked Lanes of
Traffic 15
43 Driving to Left of Center Line Pernlitted, vVhen 16
44 Driving to Left of Center Line Forbidden, vVhcn -... - - --- 16
Section No. S~l~E~~_ Page
45 HazardoLls Zones 16
46 Rule:=:; Applicablc to Driving in J\larkcc1 Lanes 16
4t'1 Vehicles ShaH Not be Driven Over Curbs or all 16
Sid c'\valkE".J
48 Dmnage to Curbs, Sidevralks, etc. 17
49 Space Bet'\vcen J\'loving Vehicles 17
50 D ivicl eel Higlnvays 17
51 Driveways on Streets Having Center Parks 18
52 Civic or 1\1ilit8.ry Processions or Parades 18
53 Funeral Procession Has Right of \Yay 18
54 Rules Governing Turns at Intersections 18
55 Bacl;:ing to Turn and U-Turns 19
56 Care to be T~xercisecl in Starting and Backing Vehicles 19
57 Rapid Acceleration of }\1,otor Vehicles 19
58 Signal to be Given \~Then Turning or Changing Course 19
or Speed
59 Hand and A 1'11'1 Signals 20
60 Right of \'lay at Intersections 20 H
61 Right of \Vay \~11en Turning Left 20
62 Right of \\Tay at Through Higlnvays; Stop Signs; 20
Yield Signs
63 Highway Right of \Vay Prevails Over Private Road, 21
Alley, etc.
64 Road of \Vay Yielded to Emergency Vehicle s 21
65 Stopping for School Bus 21
66 Pedestrian on Crosswalk Has Right of \Vay 22
67 Blind Pedestrian to Have Hight of \Yay 22
68 Right of \Yay Yielded by Pedestrian, \Vhen _....."~_.~"- 22
Section Ne. ~u bj_~;_~_~ Page
--_.._---.'------ ----
69 Pc c1 e ~') t1' i~Ul E:; 22
70 Use of \\' alk~; ~ etc. b,y Ped c stl' ians 23
71 Soliciting J\ide~; or Hic1inr; on Outside of Vehicle 23
72 AppJication of Law to Bicycles 23
73 Operation of Bicycle or JVIotoreyclc 23
71 Attaching Bicycle, Slid, etc. to Vehicle Prohibited 24
75 Riding Bicycles, etc. 24
76 Signal Device, Lights and Heflectors Required on 24
Bicyc Ie s
77 Rernoval of and hnpounding of Vehicles 24
78 }')arking Prohibited, Places \Vhere 26
79 Parking Ncar Curb 26
80 Parking Obstructing Traffic 26
81 Truck, Bus, Boat, House Trailer, Trailers __ 27
Night Parking
82 Truck, Bus and Trailer Parking Linlited 27
83 Parking - Displaying -^dvertising 27 "
84 Parking - Selling frolD Vehicles 27
85 Parking in Front of Entrance to Church, Theatre, etc. 27
86 O\vnor Prima Facie Hesponsible for Illegal Parking 27
87 Vie\v of Driver Shall Not be Obstructed 28
88 Driving on Closed Highway Prohibited 28
89 Following Emergency Vehicle or Parking Near Fire 28
Apparatus Prohibitor!
90 Driving Over Unprotected Fire Hose 28
91 Placing Nails, etc. or Injurious Material on Highway 28
92 Operation of Unsafe Vehicles Unlawful 29
. --
Section No, S ~~~j_(:5:~_ trt~~~,
93 Lighted Lanlps ncquirccl~ \\Thcn 29
94 Hc ad J.Jcun p;3 29
95 Tail I J~U[Jp: LJicense Plate to be I1lurninatecl 29
9G Heel ncflectors Hcquireel, \Vhcn 30
97 ObE3cnrec1 Lighh; of Vehicles 30
98 Heel Light or l<lag Hcquirccl on Projecting I-,oael 30
99 Display of Light::; on Parked Vehicles 30
100 Lights on Anirnal Drawn Vehicles~ etc. 31
101 Spot 1,8n1 p: j\ uxiliary Driving Larnps 31
102 Cowl~ Jl'enelcr anel Back- Up Ligbh; 31
103 Two Lights Dis played ~ \~Then 31
104 Head Light l1cquil'CDlents; Beanl Indicator 32
105 Lights of Le S8 Intensity 32
lOG NmYlber of Lighted Driving Lan1ps; Direction; 32
Reel Light::; J Flashing Lights
107 Regulation of LarYlps on Snow He1l10val Equipnlent 33
108 Lights lVlust be ]::Jroperly Focused 33 ,.
109 Brake Equipment 33
110 Horns, Sirens" \Varning Devices, etc. 34
111 Mufflers, Excessive Smoke or Gas, Motorcycle Muffler 34
112 Rear View IVTir 1'ors 35
113 Windshields to be Unobstructed, Equipped with \~Tipers 35
114 Safety Glass Requ ired 35
115 Heqllirenlents fOl' Vehicles Tran~;porting Explosives 35
116 Load Extension on Left Side of Vehicle 3G
117 Load s Shall not Sift, Leak, etc. 36
Section No. SL11..:~jccl Page
118 Tovling ncquircD1ents and Hcgulation:=; 36
119 Heavy Vehiclcs 36
120 Police to Direct Traffic 36
121 Unattended Ve]]icles 37
122 DriverTs License Hequired 37
123 DriverT s License Uses 37
124 Operc=ding Motor Vehicle ,"Vhen License Suspended or 38
125 Display of License PletteE-; 38
126 Counterfeit }::>latcE'; 39
127 Talnpering with Motor Vehicle 39
128 Vehicular Identification Nurnber 40
129 Accidents, Failure to Stop After 40
130 Penalties 41
131 Disposition of Fines and Forfeitures 41
132 Effect of Invalidity of Any Subdivision 41
133 Repeal of prior Ordinances 41 ~
134 Effective date 42
TO OJ( }j'\;CONS1STEN'1' I:fEliE\VITll
BE IT OHD,[\INJ<:D by the Council of the Vilb.ge of Dublin, State of Ohio,
___L- of t118 e]ected nleHlbcrs concurring:
SECTION 1. 1"hi8 ordinance shall be 1;:nown and cited as the Traffic
Code of-the Vifiagc of Dublin, Ohio.
SEC'rION 2. DEl"}NITION OF TEHl\1S. The following word sand
phrases \vhen used in t}ljs-or-c1il)~~.Jlc-c~unlc~;s otherwise provided, shall have
the meaning ref3pcctively ascl'j1)ccl to thcrn in this section:
VEHICLE, Every device in, npon, or by which any person or property
is or may be transpol'tecl or clra\vn upon a high-v/ay, except devices other than
bicycles rnoved by hun1an pmver.
MOTOn VEIIICL1~, Every vehicle propelled or drawn by other than
ll1uscular power except road rollcrs,traction cngines, power shovels, power
cranes ancl other equipn1cnt used in construction 'work ancl not designated for
or c1nployecl in general higlnv8Y tr8.n~;portc:ttion, hole digging n1achinery, well
drilling n1achinery, ditch cl igging 1nachinery, farn1 n18.chinery, thre shing
machinery, hay bailing machinery, and agricuHural tractors and 1nachinery
used in the production of horticultural, floricultural, agricultural and vegetable
products, and po\ve l' la\'ln n10we 1's.
MOTOnCYC,LE. Every n10tor vehicle having a saddle for the use of
the operator and designed to travel on not n10re than three wheels in contact
with the ground but excluding a tractor.
having a motor of 5 horsepower or less and having a seat for the use of the
operator and designated to travel on two \vheels in contact with the ground.
El\tlERGENCY VEHICLE. Fire Departn1ent, police, and State Highway
-Patrol vehicles, ambulances,vehicles of salvage corporations organized under
Ohio Revised Code 1709.01 to 1709.07, emergency vehic]es of municipal or
county c1eparbnents or pubJic utility corporations when identified as such as
required by lcl.\\', the Ohio Iiircctor of Higll\vays, or the Safety Dire ctor, n10tor
vehicles \'/hen co,mrnanc1eerccJ by a police officer, and 1110to1' vehicles when used
by volunteer firen1en responding to erllergency calls in the Fire DepartInent
service when identified as required by the Director.
",-'"=',''' ""'~-"""'-'--'"~'i~"':: '","''' .,." ~,:L.,.,.
SClIOOL BUS. Every 1l1oLor \'c]liclc '\\'hich is being operated exclusively
for the tl'ansportc,tiol1 of E.~c]lOo1 cllilc1i'cn io or 1ror:o a, school session, at' to OJ'
frorn 8. school function, and '\',hich ir; n)~-'.cI,cc.1 011 both front and rear with the
words ItSCITOOL BUST1 in plain Jc;Hc,.rin~~ not Jess tllcl.n six inches ill height.
BICYCLE. A tv/a-whee 1 veIl i(:le, propelled by Inunan power, having a
tanclenl arrcllloenlC11L of wheels e(luipl):::~cl '\'.rith tires either of \vllich is over
. c) ~ J. .1.
twenty inches in dicu11cLer.
COMlVIEHCIA L THi\CTOH. Every rnotor vehicle having motive power
designed or used for ch'cl.wing other vehicles and not so constructed as to carry
any load thereon, or clcsigrJcc1 or used for drc1\ving other vehkles \vhile carrying
a portion of such other vehicle or vehicles, or the load thereon, or both.
AGHICULTUHE TIU\CTOH. l'~very self-.propelling vehicle designed, or
used for drawing other vehicles or wheeled nl(lchinery but having no provision
for carrying loacls of such other vehkJe~;, and used principo.lly for agricultural
purpose s.
'I'HUCK, Every IDOlaI' vehicle, except trailers and selDi-trailers, designed
and used to carry propcl'ty.
BUS. Every 1110tor vehicle designed for carrying more than nine
passengers and used for the transportation of pcrE.;ons; and every motor vehicle,
( auto-for-hire, or funeral car, other than a taxicab, designed 8.nd llsed for the
\ tranE;porb1tion of persons for com PCl1E;o.tion.
THAILEH. Every vehicle designed or used for c8.rrying persons or
property wholly on its o\vn structure and for being drawn by a nlotor vehicle,
and means and includes any such vehicle when fornled by or operated as a
combination of a '13e1'ni-trailer11 and a vehicle of the dolly type such as that
conlnlonly known as a "trailer dolly". ,.
SElVII-TRAILER. Every vehicle designed or used for carrying persons
or property, with another and separate Inotor vehicle so that in operation a part
of its o\':.'n \\'cight or that of its load, or both, rests upon and is carried by
another vehicle.
POLE TRAILER, Every trailer or senli-trailer attached to the towing
vehicle by means of a reach, or pole, or by being bOODled or otherwise secured
to the towing vehicle, and ordinarily used for transporting long or irregular
shaped load s such a s pole s, pipe s, or structural menl.bers capable, generally,
of sustaining thenlselves as beams between the supporting connections.
EXPLOSIVES. Tl t ' , 1 . " , , 1 ' , I h d
le ernl. exp OSlVCS or exp OSlve w enever use
in this ordinancc shall be: held to nlcan and include any chemical cOlnponno or
Inechanical rnixturc that is intended for the purpose of producing an explosion,
1 that contains any oxidizing and cornDustible units or other ingredients, in such
- 2 -
proportions, gUcl1lti tic s or p:.~cLillg ih:.ti an ign1 U on by fi 1'(;, by friction, by
concl1~)~)ion, by pcrcu~c;E.~ion, or by clct,Ul1c'.lOl' OJ any,part of the COlllpouncJ or
lnixtul'e rnay CclU~;C such c:' E3L1Clr1l;n genel'ation of highly heeded gases that the
reEnlltanl gaseous pl'c:3E,llres c'..rc caF~.1)]c of pl'oclucing destructive effects on
contiguous objects, or of c1estl'oying life OJ' ]irnb.
For the purpose of thiE'; orclinance manufactured articles shall not be
helel to be explosivcr~ when the incli'dc1ual units contc:dn explosiveE; in such
lilnitcc1 quantities, of such nature, or in ;:;uch pcJ.cking, that it is ilnpossible to
procure a sirnultclneouf; or a clcstcucUvc explosion of such units, to the injury
of life, lirnb or property by fire, by friction, by concuss ion, by percus sion,
or by dct011cl.tor, such as fixed cunmunition for snlall arms, firecrackers,
safety fn se 11latche;:;, etc.
FLAl\1]\/lABLE LIQUID, Any liq uicl '\vh ich haf; a fl8.sh point of 70
Fahrenheit, or less, as deterrninccl by a tabJiabue or equivalent closed cup
test device.
GHOSS \VEIGIIT, The weight of a vehicle plus the '\veight of any load thereon
PEnSON. Every natural person, firrn, co-partnership, association or
c orpor 8. tion.
PEDl~STnIAN , Any natuI'8.1 person afoot.
\ ' DHIVEH on OPEIU\ TOn. Every person who drives or is in actual
physical control of a vehicle.
If there is five hundredths of one per cent or less by weight of alcohol in the
defendant's blood, it shall be presLlnlec1 that the defendant is not under the
influence of intoxicating liquor or alcohol; if there is in excess of five hundredths
of one per cent but less than ten hundredths of one percent by weight of alcohol
in the defendant's blood, fJUch fact ;:;h211 not give rise to 8.ny presumption that
the defendant is or is not under the influence of intoxicating liquor or alcohol,
but such fact shall be consiclered with other CODlpetent evidence in determining
the guilt or ilmocence of the defendant; and if there is ten hundredths of one
per cent or more by weight of alcohol in the defendant's blood, it shall be
presumed th8.t the defendant is undcr the influence of alcohol. Evidence of
chen1ical analysis of defendant's blood, urine, breath or other bodily substance
may be achniUed for the purpose of showing the amount of alcohol in defendant's,
POLICE OFFICER, Every officer of the Police Departn1ent or any officer
authorized to direct or regulate trclffjc and to n1ake arrests for violations of
traffic reg:ub,tions,
STHEE l' 0 n IIlG H\V;\ Y . The entire wiclth between the boundary lines
of every way open to the USe of the public as a thorofare for purposes of vehicular
travel. Such term shall include any bridge used by the public for vehicular travel.
- 3 -
ROAD\\'A Y. That por'tion of a higl1\vay or alley, irnproved, designed
or ol'dincu'ily used for vchicu)e1f travel, exclusive of t),(~ bCl'ln or shoulder. In
the event a highr,'e),y includes t\'/o or rnorc ~;erl,l.rate' ro,Lclv,'ay,c; the terrn "roac1v.ray"
as 11 sed here in sl1e[l1 rcIc r to e1.ny such rOel.cl'\vay ,c;e pal'atc Jy bu t not to all such
roac1way~; collectively.
SIDE\\' 1\ LE. 1'hat portion of a street bcbveen the curblines, or the
lateral lines of a roadway, anc] the adjacent property lines intended for the use
of pedestric!11,c).
LA NED lIlG lJ\VA Y. A hig:;hway the roachvay of whicl1 is divided into
two or 111 ore clearly rnad.;:ec1 lancs for vehicular traffic.
THHOUGH HICTJ\V../\Y. Every biglnvay or portion thereof at the entrance
to which vehicular traffic fro:(n intersecting highways is required by la\v to stop
before entering or crossing the E;an1e.
STATF~ HOUTE. Every highway which is designated vdth an official
state route l1l1l11ber and EJO n1arked.
INTEDSECTION. ']'he area ernbracecl within the prolongation of the
lateral boundary lines of two or 1110re highwCl.Y~; which join one another.
CnOSS\V 1\ LK, (a) 'I'hat part of a roadway at an intersection included
within the connections of the lateral lines of the sidewalks on opposite sides
of the high'\vc.l,y measured f1'01n the curbs, or in the absence of curbs frorn the
edge s of th e tra versa.ble roachvC1Y.
(b) Any portion of a roachvay at an intersection or elsewhere, distinctly
indicated for pedestrian crossing by lines or otber n1arkings on the surface.
BUSINESS DISTI\ICT. The territory fronting upon a street or highway,
including the street or highway, between Successive intersections within H
municipal corporations '\vhe1'e 50 percent or n10re of the frontage between such
Successive intersections is occupied by buildings in use for business.
RESIDENCE DISTHICT. The territory not comprising a business
TBAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES. JUl signs, signal, marking, and
devices not inconsistent with this ordinance placed or erected by the official
having jurisdiction for the plll'}Jose of regulating, \varning, or guiding traffic,
including signs denoting names of streets and higlnvays.
TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNi'\L, Any device, whether manually,
electrically or 111echanically operated, by whidl traffic is alternately directed
to stop, to proce eel, to chanee d j t'ectj on or not to change cl ire ction,
RIGHT OF \Nl~ Y. The right of a vehicle or pedestrian to proceed
uninterruptedly in a lawful manner in the direction in \vhich it or he is moving
- 4 -
'''--'--_'~'''''~'"~'~:.'. .:..... :......~.......__~~;':';'~;::=",-":"'''''"~'';"''..v''--'~''''''''''''~ J . ",
in preference to Clnolher vcJlicle, or Ix~clcstrj,l.n c1.pproaching frOln a different
direct.ion into its or llif; pcdh,
Any v-,rorc1 or plu'a:=:c not (rUler-wise defined in this ordinance s}Jc1.11 have
the D1eaning ascribed to it by Section ~~i11. 01 of the Ohio l1evised Coele.
-.-----.-----,.-.------. ----. .---------. -- -_..___._..__~u___.__~___.~..._.__~__~_ ~_.._. .io ____.___._ ~_____________._~___.__
(a) No pCTE;on shall f8,jJ to cornply with ClllY 1cn';rful order or direction of
any Police Officer.
(b) No person shan opcrcl.tc a Jnotor vehicle so as to willfully elude
or flee a police offic'cr c1Jtcr J'ccciving visilJlc or audible signal frOlJl a police
officer to bring his n10t01' vehicle to a stop.
..-----~._---___..r__ _._ ________~_._. .._______ ____..
\Vhocver re:=d,sts, hinc1cr~), obstructE3 or abuses any police officer or
other official while attcrDpting to arref;t offenders under any of the provisions
of the traffic code, or interferes in any way with any perSOll charged under
the provisionE3 of the trclffic corle with the enforcerncnt of the lay'! within the
Village of Dublin shall be fined as hereinafter providecl.
The driver of any elTIergency vehicle when responding to an en1ergcncy
call upon approaching reel or stop signal or any stop or yield sign shall slow
down as necessary for safety to traffic bl1t 11lclY proceed cautiously past such
red or stop or yield sign or signal \vith due regard for the safety of all persons ~
using the street or highwcJ.Y.
Every person riding, driving, or lead ing an anin1a1 or animals upon a
roadway shall be subject to the provisions of this ordinance applicable to the
driver of a vehicle, except those provisions of this ordinance which by their
nature can have no application.
Nothing in this ordinance shall be constructed to prevent the owner of
real property used by the public for purpose of vehicular travel by permission
of the ovrncr and not as a n1atter of right f1'o1'o prohibiting such use or frolll
regulating ~;Llch Llse as nl8.Y scern best to such O\\'llCl'.
In order to avoid those hazards incident to public travel and to protect
- 5 -
the mcrnberr; o[ the general public 'while in the use of strcct:~ and highy,rays~ the
Mayor i:::; cnlpuv/ercc1~ authorizccl ~1.11cl directecl to rnal,c and en[orce regulaticHls
neccss~1.ry to rna1:e effective the provision:,; of this, ']'1'8Jfic Cocle and to Dlake 8.ncl
enforce tClJJpOl';.'Jl'Y rcgl1Ll,tions to covcr C1J1CJ'~):cncieE; or special conditions 8.ncl
to establish ancl 111<:1.1'1: t1'c:tffic control c1.l'eaE:; as provided in the following sections.
--~-_._---------, -----~- ------ -~_._-------"-~~--------.__.-
The Mayor shall eE3tabJish anc1 dcsigncl.tc traffic control signal
interscctionf~~ at 'which intcl'E:ection:; shaHlw maintainecl traffic control signals
to regulate traffic. The 1\T~l.yor shall have all necessary authority to install
at such locations any lawful traffic control signal '\vb(;n in his discretion it is
nccesE,ary to expedite travel 0.nc1 prornotc public E;c1JCty.
SECTION 10. ON}; - \\'1\ Y TrU\ FJ"IC
-----..--------. -.-.---- -~--._-~-~-----_._-- -----.---------
The Wlayor sha1] cl etc rrnine cmcl des igna te E,treets, parts of streets or
alleys~ or specific lanes thereon upon which vehiculaj,' traffic shall proceed in
one direction only cl.nr1 shall pLlce and InaintC:tin appropriate rnarkjngs~ signs,
barriers or othe l' device s to g lVC notice the reof. T'he Mayor D1ay crect signs
ternporarily designating Janes to be used by traffic lTIoving in a particular
direction, rcgarcl1css of the ccnter linc of the roachvay.
The Mayor shall cstablif;h and clc;:;ignate stop intersections including
4 way stop intersections ancl yield right of '\'lay intersections, at which
intersections shall be rnaintainccl the appropriate traffic control devices to
regulate tl'affic and pronlote public safety. The JVlayor shall have all necessary
authority to erect, or cause to be erected, appropriate ancl legible signs or
markers, upon which sha11 be clisplayed the word "stop"~ at all intersections H
designated by said 1\/layor as stop intersections or the \vord "yield II, at all
intersections designated by said 1\iIayor as yield right of way intersections.
The lVlayor shall place rnar'kers~ buttons~ or signs within or adjacent to
intersections indicating the course to be traveled by vehicles turning at such
intersections, and such course to be traveled as so indicated may conform to or
be other than as prescribed by la'\v or ordinance jn order to expedite travel.
The Mayor shall designate certain routes whjch shall be designated as
through routes and shall be adequ0tely signed, '\vhen said designated routes
attribu te to 0C C'e Ie l'a te tll e nO\': of trc1.l/e 1 ancl prorn ote pub lie safe ty.
The IVlayor nlay establish certain routes which shall be designated as
- 6 -
through truck rOllteE; for thoE:;c vehicles \vhich arc designed to haul or carry
prop2rty with a load ccuTying' cclp(lcity of one ton or rnoJ'c; pro v i c1 c d, h 0 VI eve r,
that such vehicles nlcl.j llE~(~ other stl'cetE~ and 2JlcyS \vhen the E3:..~m,c is required
,/ to load 01' unload pr()pcrty or to tJ'avcJ to or fron1 the uE;ual plc-lce of storage of
the vehicle.
----~- -- -- --_.'-_._--~---'~' .-.----..... -_.~.__._--_..- --.------------ ".----- -----
'1'11e IVI8yor E;lwll cE:;tabliE~h c1.nc1 dCE.~ignatc by appropriate devices, D1arks
or line s upon the surface of the l'oaclwclY; CrOE;S\VaJlcs at intersections where in
his opinion there is particuJar danger to pedestrians crossing the roadway, and
at such other places as he nlClY deem neceE;sary in the interests of public safety.
-----~------_._------..- _.__._---~ --.---. -.-~~.- .---. ._~- - .._-------~
The lV1ayor 511a11 rnark or cause to be rnarked, by appropriate sign or
other device, all are,lS used for loading and unloading passengers in connection
with the operation of rnotoI' bUE~ E;ervice for the protection of pasE3engers and
peel e S'lr ians,
--------~--,-------_..- ._~--------~---_._------_._---_._--_._-,,--
The IVTayor D12Y est~lblish loading 7,Onef-, for the loading and unloading of
passengerE~ or rnerchanclisc, or noth, when in his juc1grnent the operation of
business in the area justify and tt'affic conditions pern1it.
\ '
The 1V10.yor lnay:
(a) Mark lanes for traffic on street pavelnents at such places as he
Inay deern aelvisable in the interest of public safety; and
(b) Detel'lnine those portions of any street where overtaking and
passing other traffic or driving to the left of center ~ or offset center, or
center line of the street or roadway would be especially hazardous, and may,
by appropriate sign~; or rnarkings on the street or roadway, indicate the
beginning and end of such zones, Such zones shall be so designated in the
follovling manner, to-wit: an auxiliary yellow line placed parallel and to
the right of the nonnzd center line or offset center line.
The Mayor n1ay establish no parking areas \vhere parking any vehicle
is prohibited and no person shall park a vehicle therein unless in compliance
with the direction of police officer or a traffic control device and SL1ch no
parking arectS shal] be dCf;jen;1tcc1 by approprbte signs to give notice thereof.
- 7 -
-_.-------- -.~.__.---~. ._------.._------~.-. _ -. ~--_._*. -_._~.*.-._..-.-._._- .------. --.. --, ..--.---
The Mayor rIle:.Y c~;tIL]if:ll no ~~~opping' (Jr'cc~s when E3topping or standing
any vc])iclc, ,vlJcthcr atlcnc1'c.1 OJ' l1nattcllclc:cl, is prolli1)itcc1 and no perf]On shaH
pernlit a'vehicle to E:iop or ~:Ll]1C.1 tllc;)'(~in nnlc:-;;:-: in COlJlplicH1CC \viih Ute
dil'cctioll of a police oHicc1' or tnlffic control device ~I,ncl E;nch no stopping
arcaS shall be c.1e~;i~);n:1tl:cl by ctpjJi'opriatc signr; to give notice thereof.
S}I~crrJOT\I 21. J.-iT1Vn'TED r)t^,rn<I1\'G fll\FAS
__._~ .._._. _. .___.__..._...__.._______~_ _.___._.._.____~__..__ ~ _ ...._ ____._..' _.__._ ~ _'_. ~_____"__.n_ ._.__
The ]\l1ayo1' 111ay ef;tablish limited parking areaf~ where parking is lin'litcd
Hnd no persall s11;:111 pctl'k a vehicle therein in exces~~ of said lirnit unless in
conlpliancc \yith the c1ir'ection of a police officer, and f3Uch lirnHec1 parking
areaS sh,.1.11 be clc E; ign8. tc c1 h,) appl'opr j~ltC s ignf; to give noticc the re of.
__._______._._.___~___.~_~.____~._,,_~J_______ _.~.____._._ _ ,__6-.__- ~__.___~.~______~________
The 1\1ayor slw]] announce hiE~ intention to act pursuant to and under the
authority granted by Section 1 through 21 thereof by filing notice thereof with
the Village Clerk. Such action :-~hall thereafter beC01"11e effective at the date set
in the said notice and rcnlc:1in effective t11ereaftel', until subf)eqllent action is
taken by thc Mayor or COL1l1C j 1. A 11 traffic control signals, one -way traffic
~ stl'cet and alleys, pedestrian Cl'OS~3\Valks, bus unloading zones, stop inte rsections,
no parking areas, no stopping areas, and lirnitcc1 parking areas are hereby
approved as Pl'esently 111(11'kcc1, and :=;ha11 rcntain effective until other action is
taken by the lVIayor or COl1neil.
-----------~-- ---._------~_..~-_._-----~----------~~-
(a) It shall be llnla\vful for any person to bOClrd or alight from any
vehicle \vhile such v(:hic)(; is in nlotioll.
(b) It shall be unlawful for a driver or paf3senger of any motor vehicle"
to leave or enter such vehicle or to opcn any door of tl)e sante on the side next
to a moving lane of traffic unlcf3s SUell n10vCTDcnt can be n1ade in such a manner
as to yield the right of way to all vehicular traffic in the lavrful use of the street.
\\Then yield right of \'/ay signs arc erected uncleI' the authority of this
Traffic Code at or near the entrance to any intersection, every operator of a
vehicle in obedience to a yield right of way sign shelll yield the right of way to
all other vehicles, conveyance s or pedestrians approaching fron1 a different
direction into his pet th, except when directed to proceed by a police officer or
traffic control signal.
; __________n__ _~_ .......~_____.______~__.. ___~___________~___~ __.___. _______
The operator of any vehicle is prohibited fron1 rnaking a turn at any
- 8 -
interscction whc~rc i:;ign~; pl"chibj 1.lLl'Ll:' h:',\'c l)con cJ'Cctec1 in accorclance '\vith
tll i;~ Tr c1Jfi c C oel c .
_._----- --_._,~-----. ._-------- -. -----------~-_.-..--. _.- - ~-_.~. -.. -.--- -". ----...~ ".--.. .-...- ---- -."._- .__.~.. ~-_.- -*-.... ~ -----~~_._~- -.----.-------------
(8. ) No pcc1c;::;lTi;:,n or' driver of a vc]!ic]c f;}lall c.lif;obcy the inf;tcl1ctions
of any traffic cont1'oJ device pL'lccc1 in c1,ccon1cu'1ce ,,'lit11 the provisjonf~ of this
orcJ inc-l.J1c C, unlcf)~3 at the tiniC oL11Crv;.'j~)c directecJ by a police officer, vVhen both
traffic control signells c:llel ::;top ;:; ienf; e1. t'C e rc cLcel at an intc ,t'S cc tion,. traffic
sllaJl be governcd by the tr;-I,ff'ic control f;ignal while it i::; in operation.
(b) No provi:3ion of tliif; orclin;:'1.nce for ,\Tlhich signs arc required shall
be enforced 8,gaillf;t Zlll edlegcd vio]atol' jf at the tiTJ1C and place of the alleged
viola bon an offic i ell fj ien i;e; not in prape r po;.) ihon and s uffici cntly legible to be
seen by all orc1incl.rily ob~;el'Vcmt person. '\Vhenc\"er a particnlar section does not
state f3ign;:; a,l'e required, f3LlCh r;echon E;haJJ be effective even though no signs
are erected 01' ill pbcc,
----------_.----~~--~ _.~- ----------~._~-_._.-_._--~------~------_.._-~-----~---------~-_.-
\Vhenevcr traffic is controllecl by tt'affic control signals exhibiting the
\\'0 I'd s 1 " " " '. " "stop" or exhibiting differellt colored lights successively
go , cantlon ,
one at a hnlc, or with arrov,Ts, the follO\ving colors shall be used and said tern1S
and lights E;hall incl i Ce1,tc and apply to opera tor s of vehic le sand ped e str ians as
followf) :
(a) G 1 ""
1 rccn a one; or go :
1. Pec1e;:;triClnf3 fachlg the signed rnay proceed across the roachvay
v;,rithin any Dic:.rkcc1 or unrnarkec1 crosswalk,
2. All other traffic facing the signal except as provided under ~
Section 54 rnay proceed straight through or turn right or
left unless a sign at such placcprohibits either such turn,
but such traffic shaH yield the right of way to vehicles lawfully
within the intersectioll and to pec1estrians lawfully within a
crosswalk at the tinIe such signal is exhibited.
(b) Yellov/ alone or "caution" when shown follo\ving the green or "go"
1. No pedestrian facing such signal shall enter the road\vay.
2, All other traffic facing the signal is thereby warned that the
red or "stopll signal will be exhibited imlnediately thereafter
and tll;} t peel c stri ans proce eel ing in ac corel ance with traffi c
conlt'ol sign:tl 811:-:,11 h:lvc t11c right of v,ray,
- 9 -
(c) 1 1 ", I!
nee a one 01' SLOp:
1. No pedestriall facing f:;uch signal shedl r:ntcl' the r03.el-way.
2. All ot11er txaffic f~!cing the ~;ignal shan stop before entering
the intersection Clnd ~;hal1 l'clnain stopped until authorizcd to
proceed by a h'clffic control devicc,
(cl ) Traffic control device authorizing turn with reel or "stop" signal:
1. No pcdcstdan fc'J.cing sue}) signal shall enter the roadway.
2. All other traffic facing such signal rnay cautiously enter the
intersection only to rn ake t1Je 1110VC}nen'L ind lea tcd by the traffic control
device, but shaH yield the rig11t of way to pedestrians lawfully
within a cro;:~;:;\\'al1,- and to other tr8.ffic lav/fully using the
inte l'secti on.
(e) Green arrow alone:
All traffic facing such signallD8.Y enter the intersection only to
DlaJ.;:e t11C 1110VCJ11enL inelicatecl by such arro\v but shall yield the
right of \Yet)' to pedestl'ians lawfully within a cro;:;swalk and to other
traffic lawfuHy using the intersection.
(f) Any traffic lawfully upon the roo.dw'ay within an intersection at the
tin'le a traffic contl'ol signa 1 change s n'lay continue cautious ly through
the intersection \vHh due regard for the safety and rights of all
,persons using tbe rOcLclway,
~-- --_._----~-_.-~----_._--
\Vhenever special pedestrian control signals exhibiting the \vol'cls "walk" w
lIdon't walk" or "wait" are in place such signals shall indicate as follo\vs:
(a) \^/8. 1 k . Pec1csteians facing such signal nl.,-:Y pl'oceed across the
roachvay in the direction of the signal anc1 shall be given the right
of \vay by the operator of all vehicles.
(b) Don't \Yalk or \Vait. No pedestrian shall start to cross the roadway
in the direction of such signal.
\\Thenever flashing red or yello,,/ tr8.ffic signaJs arc used they shall
require obedience as foJlo"n:;:
1. Flashing red (stop signals), Operatol.~s of vehicles shall stop before
entering the intersection or at a Unlit line \vhen n'larkecJ and the right to proceed
shall be subject to the rules applicable after making a stop at a stop sign.
- 10 -
2. Flasl~ing yelloy/ (caution ~)ignal). Opc~ratol's of vehicles rnay proceec1
throl1[';h the intersection or paE::;t ~;uch ~;jgn~d only witl1 caution,
~ SEC'jJ9N _3_~,~__l}_0' L^,-~T~L'}_~gJ\} 7J~_1:?_~~(_~~~!.._~~~N:;~}_~~!~~~~~c:'~:'2 PH 9ITIB1TE1)
-~---_. .-
(a) No person 811:1,11 placf:, In cd nt::-:,in , or c1i~;pl8.Y upon or in view of
any high'\vay <1ny l1n~ll1thc))'j/",ccl ~;ign, ~;ign3.1, nlarldng, or device \'/hich purports to
be or is an irnitation of or rcsc)llblcs a tr;:l.f[ic control device or railroad sign
or f;igna 1, or which attcrnph; to Cljl'cct the Inovernent of traffic, or \\'hich hicles
fron'l vie\v or interferes Wi[11 the cffcctivcncr;s of any traffic control device or
any railro3.d sign or sign:..!J, and no person sha11 place or In8intain nor shall any
public aUUlOl'ity perrn it u pOll clny h ighwC1.Y any traffic sign or signal bearing
thereon any con'ln1eJ'cial ac1vcrUE';jng, This shan not be clecrnecl to prohibit the
erection upon private property adjZ1.ccnt to hig]w.'c~Ys, signs giving useful
directional inforrnation and of a type that cannot be rni staken for traffic cont.rol
(b) Every E;uc:h pr 0]'] ibi teel sign, E3ignal, marking or device is hereby
declared to be a public nuisance and the dcpartnlcnt of public safety is hereby
en1pcnverecl to renlOVC the sarne 01' cause it to l?e rcrrlOvec1.
----_.~----------_._--_..-- ----~._..__.._--_.~ ---~---------
~ PHOIHBl'rJ,:n
---,----.---.- -_._-~~_._---
No person shall \vithout b,\\'ful authority aHernpt to, or willfully alter,
deface, injure, knock do\vn, or re1110Ve any tl'affic contr'ol device or any signal
or any inscription, s11jelcl~ or in~;ignia thereon, or any part thereof. This shall
be so construed as to include the driving upon or across any freshly painted
center line, lane line, letter, nll1nbcr or synlbol on the El..lrface of a roadway
while the paint is in an unclricd cond ition and is rnarkcd by flags, markers~ or
other devices intended to protect it.
---------_._-~.. -_._----_.------~--------------
(a) No person who is under the influence of alcohol or any drug of abuse
shall operate any vehicle, within this DlunicipaJity,
(b) No person shall knowingly anc1 willfully permit a vehicle owned by him
to be operatec1 by a person \vho is uncleI' the influence of alcohol or any drug
of abuse \vithin this rnunicipa1ity,
(c) Every person who is convicted of a violation of this section (a) or (b)
shall be punished by a fine of not rTIore than five hund t'ed dollars, or imprisoned
in the County jail for not nlore than 30 days, or both, together with the costs of
(c1 ) No person sh3.11 consmllC any beer or intoxicating liquor in a motor
vehic le.
(a) No person shall operate a vehicle on any street or highway without due
.. ' .-' .~;.'.... "
regard for the safety of persons or property.
(b) No person shall Dpcrate a vehicle on ariy public or private property
other tha11 the streets and higlnvays \vithout clue regard for the safety of persons
or property.
(c) This section clocs not apply to the COll'1pctitive operation of vehicles
on public or 'private property when the owner of such property knowing~y perrnits
such operati on thereon.
(cl ) Every person who is convicted of a violation of thj.s section (a) or (b)
shall be punished by a fine of not 11'10re than five hundred dollars, or ilnprisoned
in the County jail for not rnore than 30 clays.. or both.. together with the costs of
prosecution. /'/
(a) No person shall operate a 11'1otor vehicle.. or bus in and upon the
streets and highways at a speed greater or Ie ss than is reasonable or proper,
having due regard to the tl~8fficJ surface and width of the street or highway and
of any other conditions then existing.. and no person shall drive any motor
vehicle in and upon any street or highway at a greater speed than \vill pernlit him
to bring it to a stop within the aSE:;ured clear distance ahead.
It shall be prima facie lawful for the operator of a motor vehicle to
operate the Sanle at a speed not exceeding the follo\ving:
Fifteen lniles per hour on all alleys.
Twenty D'1ile s per hour when passing a school building or the grounds
thereof-during school recess and while children are goin.g to or leaving school
during the opening or closing hours.. and when appropriate signs giving notice
thereof are erected. #
Twenty-five miles per hour in all other portions of this municipal
'corporation.. except on state routes and on through highways outside business
Thirty-five miles per hour on state routes or through highways within
this municipality outs ide busine S5 d istrict5 exec pt on controlled -acces s highways,
expressways and on state routes outside urban districts.
Fifty nli1es per hour on controlled access highways and express\vays and
on state route s outside urban districts,
Sixty Dlilcs per hour at all times on free\vays \vith paved shoulders
except fifty ill ilcs pc r' hour at all tinles for operators of trucks and commercial
tractors weighing in excess of four thousand pounds empty weight and school
It shall be prima facie unlawful for any person to exceed any of the speed
limitations in this or in other sections of this ordinance. In every charge of
- 12 -
. ,.,.._o.~,..~...."""__"-~,,~""""_'''"'.,,_,w.~......,,_.....'''"'~'''''._.''''.'''''':''^;.~~-'"'..".----~"-:..7'.7.-. .,;,.: '^"_"":"""~"""""':""'~.':-::':"~';~;;;F
violation of this section the affidavit 8nd \Varr8nt shall'E;pecify the tinle~ place
r and the f3pcecl at \vhich the defendant is alleged to have c.1riven~ also the speed,
lj if any, whici} this section declared shall be prin1a facie lawful at the tunc and
place of such 81lcgec1 violJ.tionJ except that in affidavits when a person is alleged
to have driven at a grec1,tcr speed than \vill perrrlit hirn to bring the vehicle to
a stop \vithin the assured clear distance ahead, the affidavit and warrant need
not specify the speed at v{J}ich the defendant is alleged to have driven.
(b) \~'hencver council shall clctennhlC upon the basis of an 'engineering
and traffic investigation that the prilna facie speed pennitted under this
ordinance on any part of a highway uncleI' its jurisdiction is greater than is
reasonable and safe uncler the conditions found to exist at such location, council
may by resolution request the Director of lIighways of the State of Ohio to determine
and declare a reaf;onablc and f;afc prirna facie speed Unlit thereat. If said Director
shall alter the prin1C1 facie speed 1irnit~ then such altel'ed speed limit shall
become effective only \v11en appropriate signs giving notice thereof are erected
at such location by the local authorities.
(c) Council may in its discretion~ but subject to subsection (d) of this
section~ authorize higher prinl8. facie speeds tllan those stated in this section
upon through highways or l1pon highways or portions thereof where there are no
intersections or between widely spaced intersections provided signs are erected
giving notice of the authorized speed, but council shall not have authority to Inoc1ify
f or alter the basic rule set forth in the first paragraph of subdivision (a) of this
( section or in any event to authorize a speed in excess of fifty Iniles per hour.
(d) Alteration of prinla facie lhnits on state Toutes by Council shall
not be effective until sLlch alteration has been, approved by the Director of Highways
of the State of Ohio. Upon the withclrav.'al by said Director of his approval of any
altered..prinla facie speed linlit whenever in his opinion any altered prinla facie specl
become s unreasonable, such altered prima facie speed shall become ineffective H
and the signs relating thereto shall be inl1necliately relnoved.
No person shall operate a vehicle at such a slow speed as to irnpede or
block the norn1al and reasonable n10VClnent of traffic except when reduced speed
is necessary for safe operation or in compliance with law.
(a) No person shall operate a vehicle over any bridge or other elevated
structure constituting a part of a highway at a speed which is greater than the
maximum speed ,vhich can be rnaintained with safety to such bridge or structure~
when such structure is sign postecl as provided in tbis section,
(b) Thc Dcpartrncnt of Highways of the State of Ohio upon request 'from
Council shall, or upon its own initiative nlay~ conduct an investigation of any
bridge or other elevated structure constituting a part of a highway, and if it
- 13 -
. '.l"(ij.,.~'\'-"l{"/;i!l;:"':;-~,' ~~'! /. i'r:j;~~.~f:'~.:r;t;'
shall thereupon find that snch f;tructure cannot '\vith safety withstand traffic
traveling at the speecl ol11er\','isc; pcrrnif;~;iblc under this ordinance, said
Deparln1cnt shall cletcrrnine and declare tIle nlaxilnmn speed of traffic '\vhich
such structure can withstand, and f;118.1l C:J.l1SC or perJllit suitable sign;:.i stating
such 111axinlunl speed to be crectccl and rnaintainecl at a distance of at least
100 fcet before each end of t;uch structure,
(c) Upon the trial of any person charged 'with a violation of this section"
proof of said detenninatioll of the InaxinlUlTI speed by saiCl Departrrlcnt and the
existence of said sign~; shall con~;titute prinl8. facie evidence of thenlaxinlunl
speed which can be rnaintained with safety to such bridge or structure.
---.' ------~-----Li1\~11~7\;i~j. C5N S --...----.--.'
The prinla facie f;p~~ed lirnitationt; set forth in Section 34 shall not
apply to ernergency vehicles wilen responc1ing to clnergency calls and the drivers
thereof sound audible signals by bell) siren, or exhaust whistle. This provision
shall not relieve tile driver of any enlergency vehicles fron1 the duty to drive
with due regard for the safety of all persons using the street or highway.
------.------ .-.----------------.-----.---.---------
i Upon all roadv-/ays of f;ufficient width a vehicle shall be driven upon the
right half of the roadway, except as fo11o'\vs:
1. vVhen overtaking and passhlg another vehicle proceeding in the
same direction or when HJaking a left turn uncler the rules governing
such lTIOvelTIents;
2. V\Then the right half of a roadway is closed to traffic;
3. Upon a roadway divided into three or more marked lanes for
traffic under the rules applicable thereon;
'4. Upon a roadway designated and sign posted for one way traffic; or
5. Vi/hen othe rvrise d irectec1 by a police officer or traffic control device.
(a) Drag racing is defined as the operation of two or nlore vehicles from
a point side by side at accelerating speeds in a competitive attempt to out-distance
each other or the operation of one or 1'nore vehicles over a common selected
course, frorn the sanle point to the sanle point, \,,"herein timing is made of the
parUcipating vehicleE; involving conlpetitive accelerc"'-tions or speeds. Persons
rendering assistance in any manner to such cOlTIpetitive llse of vehicles stall be
equally charged as the participants. The operation of two or lTIore vehicles side
- 14 -
It ;. .:.d;.J,.t_ f'J,):.t'~',i?;"?c ",<1, r~. ~'1~~T,\~...~,.~,'l!7-~,~!
by side either at speeds in excess of prinlCl facie lct\vful speeds established by
divi~;ions (/\) to (G), incll1;.;ivc, of Section 4511.21 of the 11eviscd Code or
(- rapidly ~,ccelcrating frOln a C011111.1.0n stclrting point to 8. speed in excess of
such prin18. facie lavlful speec1s shall be pl'iDIC1 facie cviclence of drag racing.
(b) No person shall partidpate in a drag race as defined in division (a)
of this section upon any public road, street or highvlay in this lnunicipality.
(c) \Vhoevel' violates this section E;l18Jl be fined not more than five
hundred dollars or irnprisoncc1 not rn01'e than six 111ont11s, or both.
--~-- -- --.__.__.--_._~-------~'---_._- -----_._---~_.--------------- --. ~-_._---~
Operators of vehicles proceeding in opposite directions shall pass each
other to the right and upon roac1wayf; having \vicHh for not 1110re than one line of
traffic in each direction,each operator shall give to the other one--half or as
nearly one-half of the rnain traveled portion of the roachvay as is reasonably
;. --~ vi,~ lTrc Li~s---'
The follo'\ving rules shall govern the overtaking and passing of vehicles
( proceeding in the saIne direction, f;ubject to those limitations, exceptions,' and
l. special rules hereinafter stCttcc1:
(a) The operator of a vehicle overtaking another vehicle proceeding in
the same direction shall signal to the vehicle to be overtaken and shall pass to
the left thereof at a safe distance and shall not again drive to the right side of
the roachvay until safely clear of the overtaken vehicle.
(b) Except when overtaking and passing on the right is permitted, the
operator of an overtaken vehicle shall give way to the right in favor of the
overtaking vebicle on an audible signal anc1 shall not increase the speed of his
vehicle until con1pletely passed by the overtaking vehicle.
(a) The operator of a vehicle D'lay overtake and .pass upon the right of
another vehicle \vhich is D1aking or about to make a left turn.
(b) The operator of a vehicle may overtake and, allowing sufficient
clearance, pass another vehicle proceeding in the same direction either upon the
left or upon the right on a roac1\vay \vith unobstructed paver11ent of sufficient
width whenever such r08.c1\vay 11as been divided into four or 11101'8 clearly 'marked
lanes for rnoving tcaffic, or whenever 'within the rnunicipality traffic is moving
in two or n1.ore substantially continuous lines in the same direction, 'provided
- 15 -
such nlOVCHlcnt C8,n be mack in safety, No person shall drive off the pavelncnt
or upon the shoulder of thc roac1v.'ay in ovcJ.taking or passing 011 the right.
---.-----..-~\\Tn r:~rr------~--..------------------
No vehicle shall be driven to the left of the center or center line of the
roadway in overtaking and passhlg traffic proceeding in the same directi.on
unless s'llch left side is clearly visible and is free of oncorning traffic for a
sufficient distance ahead to pen'nit such overtaking and .passing to be con1pletely
made 'Nithout interfering with the safe operation of any traffic approaching from
the opposite direction or any traffic overtaken, or unless said roadway is
designated and sign posted for one-'\vay traffic.
----------V\T{n<~ N'-..'-----
(a) No vehicle shall, in overtaking and passing traffic, or at any other
time, be driven to the left of the center or center line of the roadway under the
following conditions:
l. VI/hen approaching the crest of a grade or upon a curve in the
highy/ay, where the operator's view is obstructed within such a
distance as to create a hazard 'in the event traffic might
approacl1 fron1 the opposite direction;
2. V\Thcn the view is obstructed upon approaching any bridge;
3. V/hen approaching within one hundred feet of or traversing any
intersection or railroad grade crossing, unless compliance
':. with this section if; hnpossible because of insufficient road1,vay
(b) The foregoing li1nitations shall not apply upon a one-way roadv..ray
or upon a roadway where traffic is lawfully directed to be driven to the left side.
'. When the Departrnent of Highways of the State of Ohio shall determine
those portions of a state highway where overtaking and passing other traffic or.
driving to the left of the center or center line of the roa?way would be especially
hazardous and shall by appropriate signs or markings on the highway indicate
the beginning and end of such zones and when such signs or markings are in
place and clearly visible, every operator of a vehicle shall obey the directions
thereof, notwithstanding the distance set out in the next preceeding section hereof.
\ \Vhenever any roadway has been divided into three or more clearly marked
lanes for traffic, or wherever within the n1unieipality traffic is lawfully moving
in two or more substantially continuous line s in the Same direction, the following
- 16 -
, .'
rules, in addition to all other;-] consistent herewith, shall apply:
( (a) A vehicle 8h8.11 be c!l.'ivcn af; nearly as practicable entirely within
a single lane or line of traffic and shall not be lTIoved frarn such lane or line
until the driver haE; firf~t asccriainccl that snch lTIOVernent can be Dlac1e with
(b) Upon a roadway \vhich is divided into three lanes, a vehicle shall
not be driven in the center lane except when overtaking and passing another
vehicle \vhere the roadway is clearly visible and snch center lane is clear of
traffic within a safe distance, or in preparation for a left tnrn or where such
center lane is at the tirne allowed exclusively to traffic 1110ving in the direction
the vehicle if; proceed ing and is sign -posted to give notice of such allocation,
(c) Official signs 111ay be erected by the IVlayor directing Slow-moving
traffic to use a designated lane or aJlocating specified lanes to traffic moving
in the same direction and driv'crs of vehicles shall obey the directions of every
such sign,
----------. --
OR ON SIDE\~i.t^\ J-IK8
The driver of a vehicle shall not drive such vehicle over any curb; nor
shall he drive across or upon any sidewalk, or within any sidewalk area, except
( at a pern1anent drivevlay. No ternporary driveway crossing any curb, sidewalk,
\ ,/ or sidevlalk area, shall be constructed or used unless P?rlnission in writing to do
so has first been obtained fr0111. the IVlayor,
"No person having charge of any vehicle shall run the same into or
against any curbing or sicle'\valk, allY trees or shrubbery, or any electric light ..
standard, water hydrant, or any traffic signal, or danger signal or warning sign
or standard thereof along any street or public way, thereby cracking, breaking
or otherv/ise injuring the SalTIe or shall crack or break or otherwise injure or
n deface the same by unloading or thro\ving upon the san1e' in a hasty or careless
manner, any stone, iron, building material, or other heavy body or substance.
The operator of a motor vehicle shall not follow another vehicle n101'e
'closely than is reasonable and prudent, having due regard for the speed of such
vehicle, and the traffic upon and the condition of the highway.
~' \Vhenever any highway has been divided into hvo roadwa'ys to an inter-
vening space or by a physical barrier'or clearly indicated dividing secti011 so
constructed as to ilTIpedc vehicular traffic, every vehicle shall be driven only
upon the right hand roadway and no vehicle shall be driven over, across, or
within any such dividing space, barrier, or sectiol1~ except through an opening,
crossover or intersection therein established by public authority. This section
- 17 -
shall not prohibit the occnp:J.Ilcy of such dividing space, barrier or section for
the purpoE3c of an C1Y1C1'gcncy stop or in c0111pliancc with an orcJer of a police
------------,_._-~--------- --..._-----~-._-- ._-_._----~_._----------~-~.-_.._- ------ -
Each driveway of a street h~1.v5ng hvo driveways, se parated by a park or
other space shall bc~ a one '"'lay driveway only. All vehicles shall be operated or
driven over the drive\vay to the right of ~lUch parkway or space as the saIne Inay
appear to the opc rator Ol~ cJ r 5ve r in tbe c1 ire ction in which he is proceeding,
--- ~---_._--------_. _._---~--_.~ --.--_._---_._---~-----
(a) No person or organization shall conduct or be concerned with any
street parC:l.dc, procc~;sion or lnoy5ng asscm11Jlage, other than a funeral procession,
upon any street or pub1ic thol'ofare without first obtaining a permit frOl11 the
IVf ayor . Applic:J,tiOlUj for such pcnnits shall be rnadc in such f01'111 8.S the J\1ayor
shall prescribe and sha11 bc filed with the JVlayor not less than five days before
the tilne intended for such parade, procession or assen1blage.
,The 1\1ayor sha] 1, in such pcnnit or in an order accompanying it,
designate the places of gathering or fOl'lnation and of dispersal of such assenlblage,
parade or procession, the route of nwrch or travel and the streets, public
thorofares or parts thereof which rnay be llsed or occupied for su ch parade,
\ procession or assen1blage,
(b) During the pCl.ssage of any civic or Inilitary procession, all vehicles
of every description f';hall, after notice being given by the 1\1ayor, or a police
officer, be taken off the street occupied by such procession,
(a) Excepting enlergency vehicles proceeding in accordance with "
Section 37, or when directed otherwise by a police officer, pedestrians and the
operators of all vehicles shall yield the right of \vay to each vehicle \\'hich is a
part of a funeral procession, \Vhencvcr the lead vehicle in a funeral procession
lawfully enters an intersection, the ren1aincJer of the vehicles in such procession
may continue to fo11o\'/ such lead vehicle through the intersection, notwithstanding
any traffic control devices or right of way pl:ovisions of this Traffic Code,
provided the operator of each vehicle exercises due care to avoid colliding with
any other vehicle or ped e str ian upon the roadway,
(b) No person shall operate any vehicle as a part of a funeral procession
without having the headlights of such vehicle lighted and without displaying a
purple and white pennant in such a manner as to be clearly visible to traffic
approaching from any direction,
The driver of a vehicle intend ing to tLlrll at an intersection shall do
- 18 -
" . ~,"_;-~.""',;.'\:; 'j,ii'W"fi.. ',~~l'l\ ; :"'" c. ,.r-"., ','~ .. '1 .o,:; ~':$.,,~:',!::~i"l,~l'
as follovfS:
(a) A pproach for a right turn and a right turn shall be rnade as close
r as practicable to the right hand curb or edge of the roachvay.
(b) A t any intersection \\'here traffic is perIn ittcc1 to move in both
directionr; on cach roadway entering the intersection, an approach for a left
turn shall be 111ac1e in that portion of the right hctlf of the road\vay nearest the
center line thereof and by pas~;ing to the right of snch center line where it
enters the intersection and after entering the inter;:;ection the left .turn shall
-- be n1acJe so as to leave the intersection to the right of the center line of the
roachvay being ente red. \Yhenever practicable the left turn shall be made in
that portion of the intersection to the left of the center of the intersection,
(c) A t any intersection \vhere traffic is restricted to one direction
on one or n10re r08.(1\vay;:;, the driver of a vehicle intending to turn left at any
snch intersection s11a11 approach the intersection in the, extrenle left hand lane
lawfully avail,J,ble to traffic rnoving in the direction of travel of such vehicle
and after entering the intersection the left turn shall be made so as to leave
the intersection, as nearly as practicable, in the left hand lane lawfully available
to traffic moving in such direchon upon the roadway bejng entered.
I The driver of a vehicle shall not back the sanle unless such movement
i can be n1ade with reasonable safety and \'fithout interfering with other traffic,
nor shall a driver of any vehicle turn such vehicle so as to proceed in the
opposite direction upon any street within the Village. rrurns commonly known as
U -turns arc prohibited.
(a) No person shall 111.0Ve a vehi.cle which is stopped, unless and until
such n10vement can be n1acle with reasonable safety.
(b) Before backing, operators of vehicles shall give ample warning
and while backing shall exercise vigilance not to injure person or property.
- --
It shall be unlawful for any persoi1 to operate any motor vehicle in such
a manner that the vehicle is rapidly accelerated or started frOlTI a stopped position.
.. .
counSE on SPEED
(a) No persoll s11all turn a vehic Ie fron1 a direct course upon a highway
unless and until such person shall have exercised due care to ascertain that such
- 19 -
-'-;C:-'-';;~Ii .,,~ ,.,';'4~1;!!~'~jh\"~i4;_#n':!!i~j!t'(!';~'
~novernent can be Inade with reasonable safety to other users of the highway
and then only after g'iving a clearly audible signal by souding the horn if
(' any pedestrian may be affected by such ll'lOVeDlent or after giving an appropriate
I signal in the event any traffic rnay be affected by such movement.
(b) ^ signal of intention to turn right or left shall be given in, sufficient
tirne in 'advance of the n10vement indicated to give alnple \varning to other
users of the highway who would be affected by such movement.
(c) No person shal1 stop or suddenly decrease ttJC speed of 'a vehicle
without first giving an appropriate signal to the traffic imnlec1iately in the
(cJ) Any stop or turn signal when required herein shall 'be given either
by means of the hand and arm or by a signal larnp 01' lan'lps or n1echanica1
signal device, but when a vehicle is so constructed or loaded that a hand-and-
arrn signal would not be visible both to the front and rear of such vehicle, then
said signals rnust be given by such a lan'lp or lanlps or signal device.
All signals herein required when given by hand and arID shall be given
from the left side of the vehicle in the foll::nving Dlanner and such signals shall
indicate as follows:
~, 1. Left turn - hand and arm extended horizontally.
2. Right turn - hand and arrn extended upward.
3. Stop or decrease speed - hand and arrn extended downward.
The operator of a vehicle shall yield the right of way at an intersection #
of two or more roads or highways which cross each other to a vehicle 'approaching
from the right, except as provided in section 62 of this ordinance.
A t an intersection at which onc or Inore roads or highways meets but
does not cross the others, the operator of a vehicle, traveling on the dE;ad-end
road or highway shall yield the right of way to any vehicle'" traveling on the road
or highway which era S5 es the intersection, unless otherwise directed by a
traffic control device, or as provided in section 62 of this ordinance.
The operator of a vehicle intending to turn left shall yield the right or' way
to any vehicle approaching from the opposite direction.
The operator of a vehicle, intending to enter a through highway, shall
- 20 -
yield thc~ right of \vay to <:1.11 other vehicles on said through bigJ1\\'Cl.Y, unless
othcrwise directed by a trclffic control sign:tl, or as Pl'ovided in this section.
,.....- The operettol' of a velJiclc s}lall stop in obedience to a stop sign at an
,r intersection and 811;,'1]1 yield the right of way to all oiller vebieles not obliged
to stop, or as provic1ccl in tLi s E:cction.
The op8r<::1.to1' of a vehicle in obedience to a yield f;ign SheiH yicld the
right of 'way to all other vchjclc~.; or pedestrians approaching fron1 a different
direction into its or hi spath.
The operator of a vehicle transferring frolll one traffic lane to another
on entering a througb highway fJ'orn a rarnp or entrance, shall not do so until
the driver has first aE;ccrtainec1 that such I110VC111ent can be llladc with safety.
-----------.-'j~ O^J)~'--^J~j-j;fY:-E-;Tc-~----'-------~'
-~----------.--_..---- -- - --------- ---- --- .-----
The operator of a vehicle about to enter or cross a highway frolD a
private road, driveway, alley or building shall stop and yield the right of way
to all traffic approaching on saiel higlnvay,
----------~_..~-,-------_.- .-._-----~ - -_._--_._----------_._----~-----------
(a) Upon the approach of an en1ergency vehicle, equipped with at least
( one flasl1ing reel light visil)lc under norrnal atnlospheric conditions from a distance
r of 500 feet to the front of f;uch vehicle and when thc driver is giving audible
signal by siren, exhaust \vhii';t1e, or bell, the driver of every other vehicle shall
yie Id the right of w<.).y and E;haJJ in111) ed ia tely drive to a position para11e 1 to, and
as close as possible to, the edge or curb of the highway clear of any intersection
and sh~ll stop and relnain in such position until the en1ergency vehicle has passed,
except '\vhen otherwi~;e directed by a police officer.
(b) This section s11all not operate to relieve the driver of an emergency
vehicle fron1 the duty to drive with due regard for the safety of all persons and
property upon the highway.
(a) The driver' of any 1110tor vehicle upon a street, when n1eeting or
overtaking fro1'n either c1 irection any school bus which has been stopped on the
street for the purpose of receiying or discharging any school child, shall stop
the vehicle not less than ten feet fron1 such school bus and shall not proceed
until such school bus resmncs Illotion, or until signaled by the driver to proceed.
(b) 'Nhcre a street has been divided into hvo road\vays as set forth in
Ohio ncvi~;c:d Cock~ ~;CCtiO~l 45] 1. ::l5 > a driver of a vehicle proceeding on one roadway
of said stl'cct llr;cc1 not E;top y\'hcn approaching a school bus which has fltoppcd on the
other r02chvay of sZlicl street for the pLlr"pose of receiving or discharging ailY school
child. The driver of any vehicle proceeding on the Sallle road\vay of said street as
the school bus shall cornply with Paragraph (a) of this section.
- 21 - , .
(c) Sc1w()] Ln:;c~; Or;~~J'~ltji'2: (Xl c1i\j,ll;d ~;Lj'(:(;L~; (>1 un ~;in:;elS with fuLll' OJ'
more tr~lffic hlll(~~) ~:;k:,ll rcceive anrl (]j~;ch~).l'g(' cdl ~3ch()ol children on their
rc~)i(lcllCe ~;idc or the r;[)'(;ct,
(c1 ) No s c It 00 J 1) 11 ;; c1 r i ve r ;=; htl n f3 L ,u' t hi;c; b m; t1 n t jl aft ere v e rye h i 1 cJ W 11 0
may have ali[;hlcc1 ihCl't:fJ'Ol1j he'I,::; rt~aC11Cc1 Zl, place of sctfcty on his residence side
of the J'02r1.
--~'---'--'.---"--~-'~-----'-" .,-_., ------ ----.-----.- .--.------...---..--. -'- --+"----~----.-.--~-~._ ----____~ .__. __ ___n _ _.~____u_ ~____~__._______~______.___.
(a) It shall be the duty of L11e operator of any vehicle to yield the right of
way to a pc:cJcf;tl'ian la\\-fully cro:=;;>illg the rozlclway v/ithin any c1'osswa.lk.
(b) \\1hene\'e1' any vchjcle if; stopped at a nl~u'J:ed crosr;walk or at any
ul1nla,l:'1~ed Cl'O;':;:;waJk c1.1. an inh~n;cction to pc.'lTnit a pccle;,;trian to cross t11C
roac1w8.y, the opcr;:ltOl' of any other vehicle 8.pproaching fron1 the rear shall not
overtclke and paE":;s ~;UCJl stopped vehicle,
.--_._._._---_.._--~----------..._-"-----_._--- --.--~ - _.---- ---------~-~-- ---~~-_._~---- ----- -------------~--_.._---~.-----_._-
(a) /l.ny ot11Cr provision of the nevi~;ecl Code of Ohio or this ordinance
to the contrary notwithstanding, the driver of every vehicle shallyielcl the right
of way to eve ry bli ncl peel c ~;tri ~U1 guicl cd by a guid e dog, or carrying in a raif;ecl
or extended position a \vhitc: Cclne or white CClnc \'lith ,a reel tip.
(b) For the pl1.rpOf;es of thi~; act, the ten11 "blind person" or "blind
pedestrian" shedJ n1e(~I,n l1avin[~ (1) Dot l1lore than '/,0/200 vif;llal RCllity in the better
eye with correcting lenses or (2) vif;ual acuity greater than 20/200 but vrith a
linlitalion in the fields of vision such that the widest dian1eter of the visual field
subtenc1s an angle 110 greatcJ' than twenty degrees.
(c) It shaH be unlcr\vful for any person, other thc:.n a blincl person, wbile
on any public higl1w~l.y, street, alley or oihe r public thorofare to carry in a '.
raif3cd or extenc1ed position a white cane or a white eane with a red tip,
SECTION G8, R~~~lII~)F \~liY5IEL1~!~J~BY ~EDESTnIJ\N, \VnE~_
(a) Every pedestrian crossing a roachvay 'within the rnunicipality at any
point othe1' than \viillin a D1arkcc1 crosswalk or \vithin an unnlarked crosswalk at
an intersection shall yield the right of way to all traffic operating lawfully upon
the roadway.
(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, every opera tor of a
vehicle shall cxerci sc clue care to avoid collicJ ing \vith any peclestrian upon any
(a) Pedestrian:::; shalllnO\;e, \vhcnc'/e1' practicable, upon the rigl1t half
of crosswalks.
- 22 -
~--""_""';""..,,,..._-.. .-...~ '7;-~If~~~""""'" '-,.,...._..~
(b) PcC1C~;l.l'J:lll~; sh:-~Jl noL r;'Lcp inlo nor upon a ptlLlic l'cucl or hig'}l\v~~,y
witlJOlLt lookilJU in boLh C1il'CCi.iCyl};:: io ~;cc \,'h:i.l i;:; ~IPfJro:I,c:Lillg
~J!_(LIJ.Q_~,.'i Q:., ,__l} 0T:~~1 \~,_~~TJ.\}~lS~~,}~~ r.r\_~:_~_!,___]~!.T,_1~~::.1 ~!!~S:T!3Ii\j~~~~_
(Ed \Vhcre u;:;abJc \'o/c:.ll:s 01' path;:; pc,.J'c1.Jlcl the SL1'cct or hig.hway, pec1estriCi.ns
shall not \'/all~ in, clJO)};>; or' llpC)~) t11C vC'hicul:u' U'cl\,Tclccl portioil of f;uclJ street or
. c.
bighway, except a;:; Pl'ovic1cc1 ill this 0l'C1in~:ncc.
(b) \Vhere ur;c',ble wcJ.1k~; or paths arc not provided para]]cl to the street
\, or b ig}-1\vay, p:::~dcr)i.ri:).nr; nJay v/alk c:!long or' llporl the tj'avclcc1 portion of such
street or hi ghway and \vhc 1'8 pl'<.i.ctic (1) Ie f311 an f,JC e th C' approach ing tra ffi c, and
shan exerc i r.;c c1uc ca t'(: to avuid ('1,ppl'oach ing traffic,
(e) No peel c ~~ Ll'ian E-,:hall cro;:.; f; a roadY'/ct,)' ,vi Udn the In lm ic ipali ty at a place
ot1ler tlJan a cros:::y,alk execpL in CC:tSCS where crosswcdts <'tre an unreasonable
c1 istcll1ce apart.
--~---~-~~---_.-._-~- ~-------- .-----. -... --~_.-.- ---.- - -- - - - _..- - ------_._~------_._-----_. --'--'- -~- -+-_._~---------- --_.._--_#------~
PH OJ IIJ~] 'I'E n
---- --.-..-- ~-----~------- -. . -----
(a) No pcrf,;on, whiJe 011 or adjacent to a 1'0aclw8.y, shall solie ita rid e
froDl the driver of any vehicle.
(b) No pe1'::;on E;Jlall, ancl no operator shall knowingly pcrrnit, any person
to hang onto or ride on the onL=;ic1e of any rnotor \~chjclc while 111crving on a high\vay,
except rnechanics or te;:;t ellgJnecr;:; maldng repairs or acljl1.f;trnents.
---- -----------._----------- -.-.-- ---.-~- ------_.~~._---_.__._._-------_.,---- --.._------------
The proviE;ionE; of this orclinance applicable to bicycles shall apply \vhenever
a bicycle is operatec1 upon any hif',']l\yay or upon any paUl set asicle for the exclusive
use of bicycles subject to UJOf;e exceptions ;c;tatec1 hcreiil.
------------ -----._--'-----------------------~.._--------~---_._-------
(a) A person operating a bicycle or rnotorcycle shall not other than upon
the pern1anent anc1 regular seat attached thereto, carry any other person upon
such bicycle or rnotorcyclc other than upon a firrnly att~:J.chec1 and regular scat
thereon, nor shall any person ride upon a bicycle or rnotorcycle other than as above
(b) No bicycle or 1110torcyclc shall be used to carry n10re persons at one
thne than the nun1ber for \vhich it is designed and equipped, nor shall any I110torcyclE
be operated on a high\vay when the hanc1lebars or grips are more than fifteen inches
higher than the seat or saddle for the operator,
(c) No person Sh:-lll ()pc.~rZ'.tc: a rnotorcyclc on a hig1n'.'2.,Y, or be 8. p8ssenger
on a Ill0101'Cyclr:', unless Y:e~~.l'i~lg 2. protective hcln,lci.. on his he::1c1, v;ith the chin
strap properly fastened, and uE;ing safety glac~ses or other protective eye device,
Such he1n1et, safety glasses, or other protective eye device shall conforrn with
- 23 -
the legal Q\'.T1Cl' of E~llCli jlnpOlljl~1cCl vc~,jch 0:1 t}le cl~d[~ the ilnpoullchnent tooJ~
place. Such Ch,lq~C;; ;;}Ftll be pel.id to the Vj}l,'.gc of Dnblin a~: in the case of fine::>.
S)<;c'rJOj\ 7~~, T)f\,r~Vl;\:C r)]\()1111~ITJ,.~n, P LA CT; S \YTlTi: H l~
..._______..~_._~__.._~._ .__ _______~ __ _ _.. ________ _ .. ___~___...._._ ..~._ _" ._.___._~_____ _. _. _________.._ ___..._______.. __ ._ ....__u___._~_
N,o pCrE'jOn E;h,t11 f,tCl.r"cl~ 01' pad\' ct \-e hid e exc e p l when ne cef; sary to avoid
conflict \vith other l)'cl.fnc or y,.:itll the PJ'Ovif;iorlE; of tlJis orc1inallC'e~ or in cornpliancc
with the directions of a police officer' OJ' a tl'c:,ffic contl'01 device, in cnlY of the
following phI.CCE>:
1. On a siclc\vc1.1k, except a bicycJ c;
2, \Vitllin five fect of or in front of a public or private drive\vay or
garage entr[~jlC e;
3. \~Tithin an intersection;
4. \Vithin ten feet of a fil'e hydrant;
5, On a c ro~; ~.;\'/ ,)J1\';
G, \Vithin twenty feet of a C1'o;:;swalk Cl.t an intel';:;cction;
7, \fiTitllin thil'Ly feet upon 1Jlc <:.ppro~:.ch to 8,ny fla~31Jing beacon, stop sign,
or t l'C:J.ffic C ontt'ol d evi c e;
8. \Vitl1in fifty feet of the ncare~;t rail of a railroad cro~;sing;
9. Vhthin l\\'crd.y fcct of the elrivc\yay entrance to any fire station and on
'the sick of a str'eel oppo;:;itc t11e entrance to any fire station 01' \vitbin
scvcnLy-.fivc feet of E;aicl entrance when pr'opel'ly Sign-posted;
10, AlongE;ic1c or oppo;-;ite any street excclvc1,tion or obstruction \\'hen snch
standing or p8rking wOlllc1 obE".;truct trclffie;
1l. A J ong:-;i c1 c any vell ie l(~ E; topped or p:u'h:ecl at the eclge or curb of a street;
12, l.Jpon ('my bricl~~c or other clevatpcl strnctnre upon a highway;
13, At any place \vheJ'c E;jgn~; prohibit ;:;Lopping;
1t1, \Vithin one foot of another parl\'ccl vehicle.
--~-- -~... ._------- -_.---- _._-~-~~- -_.------
(a) Except where angle par1\:ing is pcrrnittccl, every vehicle stopped or ~
parkecl upon a rOc',chvc;,y \vhere t11Cre is an acljacent curb shall be stopped or parkeel
with the right hancl wheels of such vehicle parc:dlel \,-'ith and not nlore than twelve
inches f1'0111 the right h::-11H1 cLlrb unless it is inlpossiblc to approach so close to the
curb and in such ca~;c the stop sha11 be as close to tl1C curb as possible anel only for
the tinle necessary to clischarge and receive paf~SellterS or to load 111crchanc1ise.
Provid cel, hcnveve r, ' on anyone -\vay roadway vehicle S 111ay be parked with the left-
hand wheels adjacent to and within twelve inches of the left hand curb.
(b) No vehicle shall be stoppecl or parl;:ed on a road or highway with the
vehicle facing in a direction other than the direction of travel on that side of the
road or higlnvay,
It sho.11 be unlaY.-fnl for 8ny driver to stop, stand or pet rk any vehicle upon
. a strect or allcy ~ in such rnctnncr or uncleI' sLlch conditions as to leave available
lcss than ten fect of the wichh of the roac1v,'oy for the free movernent of vehicular
- 26 -
, ~). " ,-;,,...,..
G. Any vehicle opcl'aiccl by c~ny person \vllCJ hct~~ f:.lilcd to fc~top in caf3C
of :,'ccic1cnL;
7. Any vc'hic]e opCl'atcc1 by any pcr.:;on Y/}lilc engaged in or connectecl
\\'jtll the C Uj ;1)11 i :;s j on of Cl fe: lony;
8. Any \'cLjc)c CJIWI'cl,icc1 by;') pCl'f:Ol] \T/Hhout :.:'J.n operator!f; license, or
c1Lll'in['; a pc r i orl of 1'Cvo(: cd:i on or ~-:;t1~; pen;:; ion of f; uch license;
9. Any vehicle oJ')o1';1.l.cc1 by a pcr~~on wlw refuses to obey H1C instructi"on
of any police officer c1fLel' ~;uch pCl'f30JJ has bccn placed uncleI' arrest;
10. Any vehicle opcr'atc'cl 'by any person who is arrested for reckless
(b) The rernovoJ and stor;:l.ge of a vehicle irnpoundcd, and the payn1cnt of
the exp811sc of rcn10val and stOl';I.gC of a vehicle ;::;0 irnpoundcc1 shall not release the
owner, clJa uffcur, ell' ive l' or otlle l' pc I'S on in charge of su eh veh icle fron1 penalti e s
imposed for vioLttion of any ol'ClinancC' of the Villace of Dublin or any other traffic
ordinances or rule.
(c) The 1'en10vc',] by a police officer' of a vehicle for any of the reasons
111 entiollccl in Section (a) }lel'eof ;::~11a)J be at t11e risk of the mvner or person in charge
thereof and there shed1 be no 1i~;Jd]ity on the part of the Vi1lage for any dalnage
caused by such rem oval. 'rhe ~)tO)' age of any vehic le \\'hen irn pound ed by the Village
sba n be at the risk of the chauffcur, driver or owner thereof, and the Village
shall not be liable for' darnagc of any nature or the tl1Cft or destruction by fire of
any vehicle so irnpounclcel.
( (c1 ) The cxpcn~;e of rern oval, conveyance or tmving of such vehicle and the
expense of storclge thereof 'when rcrnovecl to any inlpouncling place designated by the
Mayor ;::;h;ll1 be Lorne by the OYI11e1', chauffeur, ch'iver or other per~]on in charge
thereof and s]wll be paicl to tl1e VillcJ.ge of Dublin as in the case of fines before the
vehicle is released.
- (e) If, at the expiration of twelve hours after any vehicle has been impounc1ec
the o\\'ner, chauffcur, driver or other person in charge 'thereof, has not prcsented
hilnself at the autor-nobile and vehicle pound to clailn the vehicle, it shall be the duty
of the officer who authorizecl such in1pounding to notify in \vriting, the owner,
chctUffeur, driver 01' other pcrson in charge of the seune, at his last knOVil1 place of
residence, inforrning hin1 of the nature auel circun1~;tances of the violation on account
of \vhic11 such vehicle has been irnpoullclecl, anel also the an10nnt of charges for
redelivery. \V11cn the O\'/11er, chauffeur, drivel' or other,person in charge of the
vehicle irnpounclcc1 presents hiln~;elf at the autoTnobile and vehicle pounel to clailn hi~
vehicle, he shall furnish E~atisfactory proof of his right and title thcrefor to the persc
in cl1arge,
(f) No vehicle in1poundecl nndcr the provisions of this section shall be
ren10veel frOln such pounel except upon t1lc payn1ent by the o\\'ner, chauffeur, driver
or other person in charee of snch vehicle, of a service charge of ten dollars, and
a storCtgc ch;:::tl~ge of on c doll a1' pc l' clz"y for cach t\\'cnty- four hours, or fraction
thereof; and fu cthc r p t'o\"ic1 ed t11a t the 2.C ctU1H1 b.tcd n1.axi1'n urn E;to rage charge to be
collected on zu....y Ci.utornobilc or vehicle shall not exceed se\-enty-'fivc clollars.
Provided, 11o\'..c\'er, that no storage charge ;:;11all be rnac1c or collecteel for the first
twelve hours such vehicle is held and irnpounc1ecl, and further that no storage or
service charge shall be 11lacJe or collccted f1'on1. the owner if such person was not
- 25 -
regnl:1.t]UllS prc;3cribcc1 and prOjlHliLaLcc1 11)1 the Dil'ccLoJ' of lIiglw/ay Safety of Hw
State of Ohio,
c' I" C 'J..'J'(y,'1 '{;1 ^ 'J""J" ^ (' I '11 r<' (' )) '] (' ,\7 C" J. "I" ~ J' 1,']) 'J',' rJ 'C" 'J',,, \T1"l TJ C-' I E
~:1, / ,_.1 ~_ ...'." _.I ',.__.. j \.. ".:.." ~ ~:_l ,._ ,)...,::__J_,. .,___:.",_~__,-="." ~ ".'.-_:'--~~':_'~--~_h' ~_:_.____.::_,~
----'--, '- ',- ~ pn OJ fUn'J 'J'; j)
-------- ---..-._.- .-- -- ~ - --~-- . -~
(a) No pcrE:on l'icling ujJon ~.lny bicycle, nlotorcyclc, CO:1stC1', roller skates,
sleel or toy vch jcle E;}I~JJ <tU<.lcll tl] c E;~nn c: 0 r 11 irn sc H to emy '.lehi c lc upon a rO;l.(hvay,
(b) No opcr:ttor shaH kno\'/ingJy pel'rnit 8,ny person rjding upon any bicycle,
coaster, roller sk,~.te~;, sleel or toy vehicle to ai.tach the sarnc or hirnself to any
veJlicle '\vhi1e nlovint; upon <:1, rOeHl-v.'ay, pro\'ic1ing, however, that it shall be lawful
to ten',' any di;:;abl(~d vehicle.
--------_.~.---------_._._-- -. ----~._-------- _._._-~--_.._~----_.- --~ ._.-- --- -'- - ~--
Persons riclin,g 11icye)cf; upon a rO;:Hl\'.'ctY shall ride single file except on
paths 01' pad;:; of road\'/aYE3 f;ct 8.f;ic1e for the exclusive Uf";C of bicycles.
----p---'-----'-.---...-..---nT,;-(~ [] IY~Ej j ()J\f' };rC'~-ciy5,;------_. - ., -----
--.----..- ,---. --.-------.---------.-.- - -- -- ----~---
(a) No person shaH ride a bicycle unless it is equipped, with a bell, or
otJler device eap8.blc of giving an aucHbJe signal, except that no bicyc)c shall be
equipped with nor sl1011 any pel'E;On use upon (l bicycle any E3iren or \vhistle.
(b) Evel'Y bicycle, when in use at nigJlt, shall be equipped with a light on
the front which shall E)110W a while light Vif3ibJc froD!. a c1iE;t:J.nce of at least 500 fect
to the front.
(c) Eve 1'y Licyclc, '\vhcn in use (:l,t night, shall be equipped with a red
reflector on the rear which shall be visible for at lt~8.E3t 300 feet when directly in
front of the headlanlps of a nlotor vehicle, and [;uch reflector shall be at least N
two inches in dianleter.
----~_.~------_._-- ----_._-----_.----._~--------
(a) Any police officer is auLllOrizecl to 1'C1'11ove frorn the streets, sidewalks
or public ground sand in1 pound:
1. Any auiolTIobile or vehicle '\vhich is parkeel, left standing, or
abandoned in violation of any of the ordinances of the Village of Dublin
2. Any vehicle '\vhic11 fails to conlply'\vith the provisions of any
ordinance of the VillcJ,gc of Dublin;
3. Any veJlicle for \vhich hvo or n10re citations for violations of any
ordinance of the Village of Dublin have been issued and the o\vner or
operator thereof has failed to respond to such citations;
4. Any vehicJe V.-llich ha:=-; been stolen, or frorn \,.-hich the driver or
OpCl':/LOJ' La.:; been l'crnovcd due to ilIne:3;:-" injury or intoxication;
5. Any vehicle '1l,'hicll is wrecked or so disabled that it is not capable
of being ope 1'<1 ied;
- 24 -
C'J,'C'J'J'(-)"\T 01 ')"l"'-:(.'1" 'J'~i C '1',.-,,'.. '1 1.f(\"L',(,:],'1 'J't"J\IT 'j"J" ']')'[\11' 'l"'l)~ -'.'
~?_~__,____...___~}____~U~~I._.____._. _ t.l; "'.'. ".-, )",', ._)\_J. ~ .'. , _1"-. ~_..:~:_..:..~""-__:.::.l_:___~_.__~__~_.~\_~_w___~_-~.j._~_~....~~~_l_~::.___
NJ(~] j'1' 1) ,'\ .Ii '.1;< C;
.. '. . -- .'.. . ----
No l"110COr tn1C:l;, l)l~~;, bu~dj hcw~' 'tr'c<i1cl', iTailcr f3}JClH be p~1.rkC'(l or Jcft
standin'" on ~~nv [;trccl OJ,~ ,<]lev il'l the: ViU of DubljlJ )CJllb'fCr than [;ix hours, bet\,,'cl
to) J ~
the hOllt'S of 10:00 olc]ock I). I\1. ~Jncl G:OO o'clock .;:^'..l\'1, of the follc)\ving day, unle~;f;
a spe cia] pc rIll i 1 if; Liven by thce Police n C }i(:1'lrn c:nt.
SEC TIOJ~ n ~. _ _rl'~~ l~S~~~.!_J)~]~._!),J':~~!__'.J-'L~;0JJJ~~_~~_~-~~2"~}iIN~i J_.Jll~~I:tl0~L
--..---------..- .-.__._---._.- -----. - - - .
No person \'/J JO i E; t1J(~ Cl\vnc r or cJ l' hrc r of a tJ'uck~ bus, trc.l.ctor~ traile r or
seDlitrailcr shzdl lcr~vc ~;aicl ve:l1icJc lxlrLcc1 or stanc1in,g on any street for a period
longer than one honr. Pruviclecl, howevcl', thcl,t this ~;cction shall not apply to truc}~
or tr~t1lcn:; UE';CcJ for COl1\'cyine the ncceE;f;c1.ry too] sand HwterialE; to prerniE~es where
labor~ lwing f.;ucll toolE: c1.nc1 r:nz!.lcriz;JE;, is to be pr-rforrncc1 cluring the actual tirne of
parting E;uch trllckf; or tr:d1cn3, nOl' to mOlor h'l1ckf; or busc~; conveying passenger:
to any public 1YJcctinp;, af;E;crnlJJy, cllurc]l, convention or cntert0.imTIcnt during the
actual ~;cf;sio]} of c1ny sUc}J public 1l1ecting, cIJ;~-;Crilbly, church, convention or
cntertainnJcnt, nor to the aclu:tl tirne clL1l'ing \'.'11 ich a nioior truck~ 1110tor truck t1'ac
trailer or scrnitrailer ib being ]ozlc1cd or un]o:J,ded or used to deliver or hoist propel
or nlerchanc]i::;e for cornplctiolJ of delivery.
--- - ---.--- ---- _._-----. ---. -~-_._,----, ._~_. .__._..~~---'- -----~.__...-- ----- -.--- ---~._-----------_.~-~-------
No vehicJe to which is attached cH1Y advertising sign or placard not painted
on the body thereof shaD be p:u'l:.ccl on any strcet for a period longer than thirty
\ lllinutes.
------- ,.. ~.~--'-'--.--.- . ---_.-.-.-- - - ~-----_. --_. -----_. ---_..-------~--~----_._-~---~_._--_._--_._----
No cars or ve11ic]e~; frOln \vhich anything is offered for sale shall be pcl'nlitt
to stand in the street fOl' a period exccecling fifteen r:ninutes~ excepl when special
pc rIn is s ion of the J\1<.'lYoJ' has been granted,.
No vehicle E;hall be penl1ittecl to pell'k or stand "\\'ithin a space twenty fect
in length along the c'ul'b line in front of the nlain entrance to any church, theatre,
hotel, bank, 1l1ortl1::1.1'Y, hospital, or state, count~ or lnunicipal building; said
space to be design~decl by t11e 1\1ayor, anc1 caused to be Hlc.1,rked or indicated by
markings on the sidc\valk or curb, or by stancb.rds or signs, during the time in
which such build ing is u:')ed or occupied, exec pt for the purpose of stopping to
take on) or let off paE;scngcrs, or for loaning or unloading n1crchanc1isc, and
then only for a sufficient length of tin1c to accOlTIplish such purpose. Signs or
standards usen as markers in front of any private building, as provided in this
section, shall onJy be erected upon direction of the 1\'10.yor, and shall be erected
at the cxpcn sc of the propc 1'1.y m":nc 1', or ten :::nL
If any vehicle is found upon a street or highway .in viola Hon of any provision
- 27 -
of Hdfj oJ'dillancc r'cguLlli i1 ) :,' :-:;[ '- ~;l':rlljllg OJ' parLing of vehicles, ,tnc1 iJJ e
identity of U1C clJ'jvCJ' C~:.JIUCI~ 1:(' c1(l;~J'Jlli, ' (] ) t> ~~ O\'.'1lC: l' or pc l'f,on in whof; e nu rn e
sueJ! vcJJielc i;; rc[';L'~tc;n:cl E;]!:.1Jh, ILL] IlJ'i;'l' facie J'cf;porlf:;iblc foJ' such
viol ,-.,1. ion .
----------,-~--~----. ----~. ~---- __._h___~.~..__ --,----.----, -- -------~ . -..- -_ ._.___. ...__...__ "'~----'-----'~--._____~__d_ ___________ ~______
No pCJ' f;on f';Jw.n dl iv c a vc:hi e Ie '\vhcn ji if] SO 10:::1(1 ed, or whe n the re arc
ill the front seat f;uch IH1FJ1Jcr of pC:1'sons as to ob;;truct the vie'\v of the driver to
the front 01' sides of UIC vehicle or af, to interfere '\vith the driver's control of the
vehic le.
-_.._-~~--..._---~---- ---- '--_.._~ -. .- -._-_.__..-._-~- -."'- -_._--_.._-~--.-- --'- --...------ -'-_._.-~--- -.-- _._--_..._---_._--._-~--~._--
No person sl]~.l] c11'ive UpOll, alon~ or ~~,Cl'OSS a E;trect or highway or any
pal't there of wILi ell h~LE'~ be en c 10:; C (1 and po;; lecJ \\' ith ap pt'opria te signs, '\vhile in the
prOccsf:; of conE';trL1ci.ion, l'ccCJjJ;;tJ'LlC,;tjO]L or repair', b.'/ the aL1thority having'
jllriE';dicUOll to clo;;c such higln'izl,Y.
--,--------- ------,- - NJ ~~'~\-]?-j;'T1il-~' .L~i) ]->}\ Tf-r;;i l ]-8'-1=>],i ()fiYi:;'] ;f;-1~f5--- --------
-------.--_..._ -___ __ 4. .________'___'_.___~_'~______________._.______.______,_________
The driver of any vel1iclc, other than arl crnergcncy vehicle on official
businef.:;s, E',;hal] not follo'\\' c:,ny ernergcncy vehicle trave1in~ in response to an
alann closer than five Jmncll'cd feet OJ' drive into or p:ll'l.;: such vehicle within
the block '\\'h(; re fi l'e Zl.pp~:.l'a tu s In s stopped in ZUlSwe l' to a fire ala nn un Ie 8S
I directed to do f:;0 by a police oHicer or firernari.
-----_.-----------------~----_._-~--------------~------_._- ..-------------
No vehicle SIEllJ be driven over any unprotected hose of a fire departlnent
when laid dmnl on any street, In'ivate drivc-\\'ay, to be used at any fire, 01' alann
of fire, without the COllSC~l1t of the fire depactrncnt official in conH11and, or of a .
police officer in the ,t1J;:;cncc of zl.ny fire dcparLnlent official.
----_._._----~. - ----~- _. ---_._---~~--.._------- _.-.---- -----~------ ---------- ---,-- -------- - -
----- ----------------~-----
(a) No person shall place or knowingly drop upon any part of the hig]nvay,
lane, road, street or alley, any tacks, bottles, wire, glass, nails or other articles,
except such substcJnce~; th,Jt JJlcJY be placed there by proper authority for the repair
or construction thereof, vI'hich In8.)' cJcl1nage or injure any person, vehicle or anin1al
traveling zllong or upon such highv,'ay,
(b) Any person who drops or permits to be dropped or thrown upon any
highvlay any destructive or injurious Inaterial shall in1mediately remove the san1e
or cause it to be rernO\TC'd.
(c) .c'\ny person c~,utllOl'i/:ec1 to relTlO\'C a \\'l'cc1~cd or dan1agccl vehicle, frOlll
a high'\vCl.Y shall rernovc any glass 01' other injurious substance dropped upon the
highway fronl such vehicle.
- 28 ,-
(cl ) N 0 pc: j' ;:; 0 n : ; 11~: 1'1 J) J ~: ( ' ~:);y ol,:'::-w'ji()1j in 01' upon a t-;ll'eeL or hig}]\,,'ay
\",rithoul J>1'oI)l~l' cLuthuI'jt).
S)';C 'J'I O;\; 9?, ()l)J'~nt\rJ'J()\ 0.\' ljJ':~-;\l"E: VJ':liTCLCS UNIJ^Vn'UL
___~_____,r___ ,~___"_.___~.__._______.~__..._ 4___'.' ..,-. _._-- -- ----.--- - - ---_..__._-_._--_._._-_.__.__.~.~--~.~
(<.1) 'No p~r;:;on ;:;11;1]1 CI1.i\ \.' 01' liJO\'C' 0)' cau;:;c 01' l<:llc)\o:,ringly pcrrnit to be
driven or rnovecl on '-tHY hirh"\','c1,y c'ny vc1!iclc: 01' conlbin~Lhon of vehicle;; \vhLch is in
IV ,l "-
sl1ch l1Jls(tfc condition Zl,S to encbngcI' c:ny person.
(b) Nothing COrJi;linccl in t11i;:; orclinance ;:;hzd] be conf;lt'l1ecl to prohibit the
u;:;e of 8.clclitional P,-ll'Ls c':ncl ;::;_c('(:s:)oI'ic;:~ on C"ny vehicle not inccm;:;istcnt with the
provisions of this orc1 inculcc.
(c) The provi;:;ion;:; of t1li S orclinancc \'lith respect to equipn18nt on vehicles
shall not apply to iniplcnlc:nt:'-~ of hL1~;b;lnr1J'YJ l' 0 ~l cl rn ~~ chi n (' r Y J roacl rollers, or
agricultlll'~d trC1.ctol'f; except c1,;:'; hcrein rnCJc1c applicct1ilc.
SECTION S13. LIC~nT}'~n LA1VIl)S nEQ1Jn~ED, \Vnl'~N:
.....___.______... ..._ _____ .._...__.._____ ____"____ ._.___._ _ _,.. _ ___ _ ._ ._____ J'._ _ _......._._.__ -------------.- .- ------.----.~ --'---~ -----.---.-
(a) l<~vc 1'y veh jeTe u 1'01'\ a 11 ie}}\yClY open to traffic \\' ithin this In unic ipali ty
during the tilnc frollJ onc-h~t]f 110~H' elfteI' f:lln;::~et to o11('--h('df hour before sunrise, and
at any other tiTI}(, when 11Jc1'c i:-, not f;ufficicnt n,'ltLH'cl.l light to render discernible
person;:~ J vel1iclcs ancl f;ubstantic,J objects on the 1!ig1w,Tay at a c1istance of five hunclrcc'
feet aheacl s11ct11 cli~:play lightecl h1.mp::; ('"nel il1urninC'l.-Ling devices as hereinafter
re;:jpcctively requil'cd for different eL-',s~~es of vehicle::;, f;l1bject to exceptions \vith
re;:~pc:ct to parl-\C'cl vchjclc~; a;:; hercin~l.ftcr shttccl. ,
(b) \Vhenever a req n j )'ern ent is he rcjna rte l' cl ec larecl a f; to the d iS1.8J1CC f1'on1
\vhiel1 certain larnps and devices f;}lClll be visi1JlcJ ;:;l1ch clif:;tancc shall be rncaslll'ec1
upon a straight lcvelllnJightcc1 higlJway under norn18.1 atn10spheric conditions unles~)
a different conclition i~; cxpres::~l'y ~;taLccl.
(c) \Vhencver <:1. rcquircnicnt is hereinafter declared as to the mountecl.
height of lanlp;:.; or devices it f;hall n1C8.n frorn the center of such lan1p or device to
the level ground upon \vhich the vehicle st(,Ulc1s.
SEC'l'lON 9'1, lIE}\' D LA 1\1P8
(a) Every n1otor vclliele, other than a rnotoreycle, shall be equipped \vith
at least two hcaclhunps "'Iith at least one near each side of the front of the IDotor
vehicle which heac1hunps shall con1ply \vi th the requircrn ents and liD) itati ons of this
(b) Every motorcycle shall be equipped with at least one and not nlO1'e than
'two hcadlamps "which shall con1ply \vith the rcquirernents and lirnitations of this
SECTIO~~ 9~, T :". ILL i\ 1\1 1) : LTC1-;:;\SE PL/\'fE 'f'Q BE ILLUl\II~!\TED
--~- ~_._--_.....---_.--- - .--.---- ~--- ~-----~----'._-- ----_. -------- _.------ ------------- --~--~------
(a) Eve I'y IllataI' vehie 1e, traile 1', SCllli -trailc r, pole traile l' or any other
vehicle whieh is being dra\vl1 at the cn('l of a train of vehicles shall be equipped with
at least one tail larnp 1110nniccl on the rear \vhich, \vhen lighted as hereinbefore
- 29 -
"-'.~;;,- >I"'''~~'"",~''--:''''''''~-
rcqLli l'Cel, ~;h;l n Cln i! a recl 1 ighL vi~' i1.11c f j'() ~! cii;:;tancc or five huncll'ecl feet to the
real', providecl, tk!'; in the: C::J:C~C of ,I. ll',;jjl of vl']licl(~.:.; unly tl!e i~lill;nnp on the
real'jll(J~.;t \chic:]c: ])(e:l be vi~;j111(' f1 um tJ,C' ~:j<'cjfj(:(1 cli~;L:)Jcc.
(b) }':il1:Cl' ,I. t:]j) J;:nl]! OJ' ('. ~~'(:lnl'(ltc: bTi':jl ~;}j;l,ll be [,;0 constructed 2,ncl
plc=J.cccJ aE'; In illu(ilin:ILc: \,'jLh ;', \,,']!jl(~ light th~ J'(:::I1' l'Ci),i~;tt'::J.Liun plate, \'."11cn snch
regj~;tl'cd.ion pl(~t(: j~; F'Cll1j)'c:d, ,11](1 J'C'rJClcl' it )cf)blc fl'OHl a c1isL;ll)cC of fifty fect
to the rear, ^ ny 'l:l il ] ;~-i ':-\ p C;1.' le' il 1 a HJ p~: , iogcthcJ' ""j ,1.ny sc p;U'C1 te L1Tllp for
illu.rnin(l.ting the rc,u' l'Cf~j~:lf'(lLi(liJ plate, E';h;I,)] be E';O \,it'c;cl aE; to be )ig}lted whenevcJ'
the hc,l.cll::lnlp~',; or au:,:ili,>l'Y c1J'iviug larnJ);::; (',1'(: ]ip;htccl, cxccJ"}i \','here f~CpcU'Cl.tc
lighting ~;.Y~;tc}n;) ,!,rc pl'ovjelcrl fut, trailcl'~; for Ute pLlrpo;::;c of iHurninating such
rcgistrcttion p1;.-,1;C.
SEe TICYN ~) G. HED H)';F Ll':CTOn~; nEC!UTHli~ n, \VTJEN:
_..~ -_.'---'--~' --.----..-.-. --.--.... .....--- --"'-'-~-.'~'---- ."-_. _.._-_.~--_.__.._- ....-_. --......--... .---.-.---- -... ~----~_..- .--'--'.
(a) Ever.y nc\'.' rnotor vc}!icle hercaftcl' sold cLi1cJ operatec1 on a highway, ot11c r
than a cornrncrci,:l tr:JClO1', to which cl. It';JilcJ' OJ' semi-tl'ailer is aH8.checl, shaH
c a I' r y 8. i t} J ere (I. )' , e i tll (:J' ,I S Cl pel J'l of t1 J C t~dl I arn ps 01'SC p,'.1' c-t tc ly, tw 0 l' C c1
reflector::; meeting the reclui )'clllcnU; of tlli;; E;ection, C'ycept that vehicles of the
type rn cntioncc1 in L1 Ci J ~~, 0 Ci of UlC nevi E:;(' c1 C Oel c of iJ lC S1;ctte of Oh io shall be equipped
\'lith reflector;; a;~ rcquit'ccl in t11eJ;,~:seci.jon;; applicable thereto.
(b) Every ;;llch }.ef1ector ;;11al] be of EJl1cl! f~ize and characteristics and so
maintained af:; to be yiE'd})le at nigi!t frorn all c1isLl.ncc;; \'/it1Iin three Imnc1recJ feet to
fifty feet frorn Ealch vehicle, c:~cept that yisi1)ility freml a greater distance is
bcreinaftcl' requirec1 of ]'eflccton; on certclin tYPCE3 of ve11iclcs,\vhen directly in
I front of a rnotor velJicle clif;pJaying hnvfully IjU)lled hcac1lan1}1;3 as provided in
section 103 hereof.
__"~'~ _._._. __.___.____.._~___ ____ _+._' .~_._ _____._______._.___ _.._.~.._.__________ __.____J'-_~________ ----
\Vhenever Dlotor and other vehiclcf; are oper,1.tec1 in cornbination during the
tirne that lights are required, any lanl}), except tcdl larrips, need not be lighted whicl-
by reaSon of its locatioll on a vehicle of the conl.birn.tion would be obscured by '.
anothcr vehicle of the co1'11bination but this shaH not effect the requirernents that
lighted clearance l~!Tnps be (liE:-;pl;:~'yccl on the front of the forelnost vehicle required
to have clcanulcc l;:unp;" or that all light::; required on the rear of the rearmost
vehicle of any cOIl1bination shall be lighted.
-~---~----- ._--- - -----------.--.----+ ------ ~~_.~-~ ----_._--_.~-----------------_._---
\\Thenever the load upon any vehicle extends to the rear fOllt' feet or Dlore
beyond the bed or body of sllch vehicle there shall be displayed at the extrell1e
rear end of the load, at the tirne~; specified in section 93 hereof, a red light or
lantern phlinly visible froD1 a distance of at least five hundred feet to the sides
and rear, The reel light or lantern required uncleI' this section shall be in adc1ition
to the reel rear light requirec111pon every vehicle. .A t any othe r till1 c the re shall
be displayed ;-It the cxtl'e1!le l'e:-u' end of such l02,c1 a reel [Jetg or cloth not less than
sixteen inc11e~; ;3qtW..l'C.
Except in case of an eDlergcncy, whenever a vehicle is parkeel or stopped
- :iO -
1 ., ~.-" . . J l' . " 1 . J . , j,l .{ L "
upon :') rO:>(I\'.:L)' 01<']) Tel dc~!JJC OJ':; l(l,1 (Ie)' .!(:(:Cl1L 1. \(~J'CLOJ \VI1CLI,C'.I' ;1.l (Tl(le~) or
uH:.tLlenc1ccl cluJ'illW Enl(:~'; CJJtiUlJCcI in cLiun C):JJ H:cJ! vcldele ~J]:'J,n lw cquipII(:cl
witl) ()11(: OJ' Inure 1::);11;: \"]I}C)1 ::I!:~Jl ("Jliiljt:l hill' J It (l1t the l'O()(1\\';:,y :=:iclc
vi~;jl)lc 1J'U;11 ;:, eli;;[:ul('( (I; Li\' LU1! ;lcc1 feel t() L1w fJ'(uL of ~:l1c:1J \chiclc, cl)tcl CL
reel li~iht vJ~jhl f)'oJiJ ;:. c1i,cL:::IU: of fj\(' ]il1ll']"C() re:ct tn the 1'C,-1I', lTO\\C\'Cl'J no
Jie]1U: llC:'cd be: el} pJ Up'YJ; ~;Ll .]1 VC}ijCJ(: \'.'l\c)1 ~:LOl'pl>el OJ' par1:ccl wiLllin tllc
lJH1niciplllit,Y \".']](:)'(: t1iC)'C i:; ;,\.Jfi('jent Jj It to r ve;:] :m)' pcr:::olJ or ~;llb~~tc:,Jlti;'.l
object \, ithi]l " c1i::LlICc of fi\'(: Jllln:1J'cel f'C(:t UpO!1 ;:llCJ: hi !\\CJY. .Any lighLed
beClcH:.:rnp;: upun Ci. p:jl'lJ~(l VC;'ljC]C ~'Jl~LJl be ch:prc~~:=-:c:(l or eliJi'lnJceL 'I'lli;, E;cction shaH
fr' .'.' r (' i' , J ~- r" 1 ' 1',
" not (: ccliJJe: l'cqll)l'Cll]Crll~: (11 .l~.T .10]].1;) 0, ti1J Ol'CiJr1(),]JCC'.
SECTION 1ClCl, L]ClI'J'~~ ON J\NJJV1/\L ))nt\\\,i\' VE1JlCLII~S, ETC,
---- --~._---- ..~ ----.- -. -----_.~--'-.- .." _..~ -' - ~..---- -.-- ----....._.~-~-...- ._---_.__._._----_._------------------~--
^ 11 v c 1t j c ) C: ;; J i n c ] u ( 1 j lJ L : ~ ':] i 1 n ei] - d 1':: L \ \' n v c 11 ic 1 c;::~ (l 11 c1 in c III cl in g t 11 0 S C' 11 0 t
hcrcinbcfoce :-;pc:cificaUy J't'qui tu 1)(: eCJuipped \'.'it]) ]anlp:::J shelll ::It the tirnc
and uncle]' the Cil'Cllln;:::l'!i1CC:-j ~:p(~C'ifi('cl in ~;c:ction ~J3 l:(:l'cof c1ispL.;,y cd lca~;t one:
. 1 I l' , . 1. . 1 .} ]' J ~L " . 1 I f ~ l' j, l'
hghte:e c:rll}J OJ' ;::~nLl'l'Jj C<Jl]U] l ,~. VriJ] LC1f': I VU,Jl) (: ronl a e lE:lcU1CC OL
appro~,jlu~l.tcly five hi reel fCC'l t() the f)'ont of Hl.C:ll vc]]jelc and \ViUl a l2H1P or
lantel'l1 c>:11jl)jtiiJg ,I. reel J \"iE:jLJc fl'Cqn ~l ciiE;t;incc of ;l,PPJ'oxirnatcly five
hundred feet to Hie n,'~lJ'.
SECTJ()j\; J Cl1. SPOT JI\1\11): 1\ l..T)~JL/\n-'{ nnIVE\"c; L-^l\'ll-:JS
--_.>' --~-----. ^ ~. .- --.--.- -- .--- _. _._-_._-_._.._-_.._-----_._------~---_. ---- ..-------" ---_...------"---_. .-- -_.__.-.--------~-----
(a) AllY nlotO)' vC}jic]c Hie')' be CqUip}'K:c1 \vith not tn exceed one spot larnp
and every lighteel ~;p()l LI.nip E;}1r1l1 he :=-;0 ~linlC(l and u;;ccl upon appl'oaching c1nothcr
vehicle t1],-:L no p~j,rL nf the ]]i intcn::ity portiuj[ of the bCll.rn will be directed to
the left of thc pJ'oJtion of fj(; C>ll'Clnc left E;icle of the vehicJc nor D10rc than
one }1unclrc:c1 feeL ;:d]C',lfl of the \'eJtjcJc.
(b) Any nlotot' veldcJc may be equippccl \'.'in] not to exceed three ClLlxj]jal'Y
driving Ll.lIJp::; nlomli.r:cl en the fl'onL of 1f]C vclJicJc ill the e:vent the elin:ctor of
higJwlay~~ of the of ()]]jo ::;h::,.l1 pl'c:;erilJc ~q)cC'iiic:."tionf: for :=;l1ch 1a)11p:=; and
regl1.]ation::; to f:aiel :::p:..:cific?Lic)j]::; ::tnc1 rC~~L1] ~;.
-~~ ------ ----_. - -- _.----- _._-~ ---~.- - ----- .--..-- -- -----_._-----~-----.---_._._- - - - -- -_. -.- _._--~_._--- .------ ------.-..----- ---- ~
(a) Any 1110tor vC}jiC]c nl:'I..Y lJC cqLlipp(~c1 \,-'ith f;icle co\\"l or fencler lamps
vlhich shall ern it ::: \':11 i tc or <JJnbc l' light wi ill on t [;Lu'e.
(b) 1\ny rnotol' vehicle L1:1.Y be equipped v.rith larnps on each side thereof
\vhieh s}w,}J elnit a \,-,hite or c.trn1Jcr ligJ)t without gl:-u'e.
(c) P,ny ID.otOl' vehiclc nlay be equipped "..ith bacL-up lanlps either
Sep8.r,ltc]y or in. cornbination with another brnp; except th8t no sueh back--up lanlps
shall be continuou~.;lv liuhtcd \\'hen the rn0101' vchiclc is in forward rnotion
v ~_) .
~ E,C T}~QL~_J_~_:~'_h'~ !~~~~~)~~l~~ T~rh~J:2L~~.~T_~~~YE ,1]_, . \, \TTT8 I\'
(a) :'\t (!,]J timc~: 111c:n:,io~'lC'(1 in, ~;cC'l C)~; ;::,t lC:'cE;t t\':o 1ightcc11anlps
sha 11 lJ e c1 i:c: pJayc d J Olle lle:~; l' c ~,c 11 ;:: ic] c of tll e f l'C)l] t 0 [ C: \'e ('.Y' rn ot01' ve hie Ie e xc e pt
when such vehicle is p~LrLec1 subject to the rcgulationE_; governing lights on
parked vehicle;:;.
- 31 -
"\...-' (1J ) The des,ir;n ancl u~:C' of ~;uch h.JJljJ;'; :::k~Jl cOLnply \vith f;l1ch r'cguLlhoru:;
as shall be pronwlg:llccl b,y the clij'cc:[or.
S}~C'l'IOJ\I lO/;. l]T~.i\n IJ(;lJ'f l~FC:LTnn';~,\ir\~NrJ'S; Bl;/\}VIINDICATOn
...-----~--,--,-----'- --..".-.------- .-. ---_.._~_.. --....-- .,---- - ,..-. --.-.' .__.~. ._--~. - --.. _.-.__.---._- .-.,-.,--------- - ...--_...~-----_.._---_.------------------------_._~-
(a) \Vhencvcr cl rnuJwr' vcbiclc i::; being op~_:rCltcd on a roachvay or shoulc1~r
acljcl.cent thereto clllrine the tiJDc::-; ::-;pccificcl in Section O:=l, tlw driver shall u::-~c a
c1 i s t J' 11) l! ti 0 11 0 f 1 i g h t, or cornpo:;ilc bC.';JiD, dire etc cl 11 i r-;h enough and of suffi cient
intcn::-;ity to rcv'eo.l pC:l';:;ons, vehicles c),nc1 subst,1l1Lial objects at a sc1Jc distaJice
in advance of tlw vehi.cle, ::-;llIJjcct to the follo\ving requircrncnts and linlitations:
(b) \Vhcnever the c1river of a vehicle appr08.c1lCf; an oneo111ing vehicle,
su e11 c1 1'i ve l' slJall Uf; e a c1 i::-.;txibu 1.ion of light or con'1 po::; ite be 8.1'n so ain1ed that the
glaring ray::-; arc not projected into the cyc~~ of the oncorning driver.
(c) Every In0101' vel-dele \vhich has Inultiple--bearn road lighting equipn1ent
shall be equi ppec1 with a bec1.111 incl i cator, which f;hall be lighted \vhenever the upper-
D10St clif.;tribution of light fr01n the hC8.c1b,nlps if~ in use, and shall not otherwif.;e
be Ii ghted. Said incJicatol' f;k:J.l be f30 designeel and located that when lighted it
will be 1'eaclil,)' visible without gLu'e to the driver of the vehicle so equipped.
-_._~--~------_._- .-- _.~-- ------- -- ~---"-----._-~ .-.----.- ----------- ~._-----..--_._-_.._------~---
Any n1010r vc11ic1c Illay be operated under the ccmditions specified in
SecU on 83 '\vhcn equ ippc;d with two lighted] an-IpE'; upon the front thereof capable of
revealing per::-3011f; and fJubf.;tantial objects scvcnty--five feet ahead in lieu of lanlps
required in Scction~H) pl'oviclecl, llcnvever, thclt it shall not be operated at a
speed in cxccs~; of twenty n1ilc~; per hout'.
-,--,-----..-" '.'-'--11EI Y' TT(;-lTTs~-I~'-L-:L\SlYn\fG' L]C;-1T~:'s--------------'-
(a) vVhcnever a rnotol' vehicle equipped with hCcld lamps as herein required
is also equipped with any auxili[u'y 1an11's or a ~;pot laHlp or any other larnp ,.
on the front thereof projecting a beanl of an intensity greater than three hundred
candle power, not 1110re than a tota] of five of 8.ny such larnps on the front of a
vehicle shall be lighted 8.t anyone tiD1C when upon a highway,
(b) Any lighted lcunp or illUlninating device upon 'a motor vehicle other
than heacllarnpf], spot larn ps, signallarnps oi' auxiliary driving larnps which projects
a bearn of light of an intensity greater' than three hundred candle-po\ver shall be
so directed that no part of the beanl \\'111 strike the level of the roadway on '\\'hich
the vehicle stculcls at a cJi~;tancc of n10re than seventy-five feet fron'1 the vehicle,
(c) No person shall drive or move any vehicle or equipn'1ent upon any
highvlay \\rith any lamp or device thereon displaying a red light 1110untecl on the front
thereof. No per~;on shall clriye or n10\re any vehicle upon any street '\vith cmy light
01' cJ e vice t 11 ere 0 n d i ;::)1) J::;, y i n ,f a b J II e 1 j u h t ,0 r a It ern Cl. t ere cl 8. n r1 bIll e fl a R h i n ,f Ii r) 11 t
1 .... --) '-~ 1:;:> .C)
lnountecl on ;:;ai.c1 vehicle. Thi~J p~lragr'apll s!l(-dl not apply to crncrgency vehicles,
school buses, traffic linc~;t)'ipcrs, snow plmvs and sirnilar cquiprnent operated by
governn'1ent au thoritic s.
- 32 -
(d) }i'la:c;hin['; reel lit]lU~ ci.;'C prohibiLccl on nlCJtor vehicles, except Cl:::; a
-' rncans fur inclicati ;:1 J') 1t OJ left tU1Tl 0)' cl~; E,~Lop )jthts. 'J'hifj l)cu'agl'aph shall
not apply to C1JlCl'gcncy vcllicJcE';, clis:l1Jlcc1 \TcJJicles, E,;chool husc~;, trc1Jfic line
stripcJ'~;, E:;no\'.' pl(}\\!~; Cinc1 ~:jrJ.li)c'.t' cqL1il)]]1cnL opc::ratcc1by government auiJlol'itie;],
-"------_._~---_._---_. _._--~---~-- ~_.-------- -.----_. ~ -- -----.__._-._-- - -_._.--- .---"-------.--------. ----.-...---- _._~---------
I E q U T J ) !VI J'~ l~ r f
~___ 0- .___.__._____~ 0'0 __ ____.__
It shall be unlawful to operate any E:;now J'enloval equiprnent on any higlnvay
unleE;E:; tlle hUllp::) cornply thcrcy,itll c~.l1cl arc lighted \vhen and as required by the
stanc1arch; and ~;pccifjccl.tion~; aelop[ccl by the })il'ectol' of Highways of the State of
---____-6--_-----.--_._------"----. _ .,~___ ___ __~__,~___.__._._._____.__ _____.________..____~______~________,_____
No person ;::;ha]] m'~e upon 0,ny rnotor vcldcle, traDer or sClni-tr8.ilcr any
lan1ps rncntioncd in thif; ()rc1in~U1cc unless E:;;:dcl hlnlps Zll'e equipped, n1.ountec1 and
adjuf;ted as to fOCUE:; and ain1 in ;:~ccordancc with rC,guLJtion::; which rnay be prescribed
by the Director of lligllwa'y~; of the SLltc of Ohio
(a )---B-l-,-i~l~-c(~(i-llTl;~J;-(~llt.-j-:(,(J. ~ II 'rc~cF-----
1. Every 1'noLo1' vchiclc,othcr than a rnotorcyclc, when operated upon a
highway shall be equipped with brcd:e::; adcqu:=d.:e to control the lllovelllent of 8.nc1 to
stop and hold such rnotor vehicle, uncleI' the condition;::; clefycribed in paragraph (b)
of this section including l\\rO ~;epc~rale rncan;::~ of applying the brakcs, each of '\'/hich
(" shall be effective to ztpply the brake~; to at )ecu:.~t two v\'hee)s. If these hvo separ8te
Dleal)S of applying the bJ'akeE~ cu'c connected in any way, they shall be so constructed
that failure of <Iny one p~l.J't of the operating mcch8,nisrn shaH not leave the r11otor
vehicle without brakE..:E: on at ]ca::.;t t\vo wheelE:;,
- 2. Every rnotorcycle and bicycle with rnotor attached, when operated upon
a highway, shaH be equipped with at least one adequate braL:e, which Dlay be
operated by hand or fool.
3. Every trailer or sc1'ni-trailer, except a pole trailer, of a gross weight
of two thousand pounds or 1'11orc, when registered in and operated upon the highways
shall be equipped v,cith brakef: adequate to contl'ol the 111.0Vernent of and to stop 2nd
to hold such vehicle and so designed as to be applied by the driver of the towing
D1.otor vehicle frorn it~ cab, and said brake::; .be so c1 e s igried and conne cted t11a t
in case of a breakaway of the towed vehicle,' the brakes shall be autornatically
4. In any cODlbination of 1110tor-drawn trailers or senli-trailers equipped
with brakes, n1eans shall be provided for applying the rearnlost brakes, In
appro:xi1l18.te synchronism with the brakes on the towing vehicle ano oeveloping
the required braking effort on the reanTIost wheels at the fastest rate; or means
shan be pt'ovic1ccl foJ' applying br2king e[[ol't first on the re3.rnlo.st brakes; or both
of the above 1'ncan::; capable of being used alternately rnay be ernploycc1.
5. One of the rneans of brake operation shall consist of a positive
connection froIn the operating lever to the orake shoes or bands and this brake
shall be capable of holding the vehicle or cornbination of vehicles, stationary uncle r
any condition of loading on any up or down gl'acle upon \vhich it is operated.
-, 33 -
G. The bl'<.d;c ;3h()=:~: cp J'<.tl \':iU,in or upon JL]12 Cll'l1rn;J on the whee];:]
of any 111ot01' vehicle lllZJ,)' b=~ u eel fUi' boiL :'~(~1'vicc and }Kl1'king operation.
(b) l"'Cl'f()j'nl~i.llC'c ,':1,j] i of 1)1'(1.1'(:
Every rnotor vclliclc 01' cOLnbinc'.hon of )])01.01'-c11'<.I\',1n vehicles shaJl be
capalJJe at all tilDe;:-; ancl unclcr aJl concJiLio2"J;; of 10Z1.cljn~J;, of being ;)toPI)(~c1 on a dry,'
SJnoot}l, leve] roc:'c1 fl'CC fro!}! 100;c:c rnatcrizll, upon application of the service
(f 00 t) bra L c, \v i t h i n 'UJ C c1j f:c: L\ n c c ;:; pee if i c cJ 1) c 1 cn \' , or ;:;}laJl be capable of being
decelerated at a ;lU;;t;,inecl j'c'.tc COl'l'cE-:punc1ing to these clif:;lcmcc;:J:
Feet to stop frOlll 20 rniles per III
V chi cIe s or C ornlJin=l.tions of vell i e le s hc1vinr; brake;c; on all whee Is , , . , . 30 feet
Vehicles or combination::; of vehicle::; not having l)J'akcs on all wheels. . 40 feet
(c) All brake::; ;;halllic rnaint:J.inc:c1'in ~;0()(1 \\'orking orcler and shedJ be
so adjusted a~3 to opel'ate Zl::; cquc1,Jly as pr;,cUcal)lc I'/ith respect to the wheels on
oppo::,itc sicles of the vchicL~.
~E ~~~~,~~Sl_G_2}_~:___}I q}~l-:S_~ ,___~I}_~~~~ ~, __~Y_:~X~~!J'2.Q_~~~ V!C~~_~~E rl~C2:.
(a) Every motor vehicle wIlen operated upon a hiff,hwC'l'y shall be equipped
with a Ilorn in f"ooc1 wol'l:jn~ ordcr and catx1.ble of en'1ittin(, .sounc1 auc1ible uncler
.> .L D
norrnal conclitions fr'OIt1 a c1istcnJcc of not le:::;s tlJ<.lll two IJL1ncJrecJ feet.
(b) No 1"not01' vehie 1e f:;ll;tJl be eq u i ppe.c1 v/ ith no r shall Ctny per~; on use
upon a vehicle 8,ny f:;iren, \'.'Jdf:c:'LJc, or be 11, except as otherwise perrnittec1 in this
ordinance, It is pcnni:::;,silllc but not required t11at any vehicle be equipped with
a theft alar1'n signed clevice wIlie}l j s so arranged that it cannot be used as an
ord inary warning ~;ign;:d, Every en1ergcncy vel)icle shall be equipped with a siren;
whistle" or be H, cCl.lnblc of elllitting sOLlnc1 under nOl'I1181 conc1itionf:; f1'orn a di;:;tance
of not les;:; than five.: 1tuncl1'cc1 feet and of a type apPJ'ovedby the Director of Hjghways
of the State of Ohio, but ~mch eC]uipnlcnt ;::;11a11 not be used except when such vehicle
is operated in rCE:;ponse to an, erncrgeney c~":.ll or in the in1l'nec1iatc pursuit of an actua:
or suspected violator of the lcnv, in which said latter events the drivel' of sLlch
vehicle s11a11 sounc1 such equiprnent when necesE~(:lry to ,\\'ann pec1estrians and other
drivers of the approc! ell t11(' rc of.
1\1 U }'}' LE Ii
(a) Every n10tor vehicle VI ith an internal cornbustion engine sha11 at all
times be equipped \vith a rnuffler in good \vorking ()L,der and in constant operation,
and no person shall use a Dluffler cutout, bypass or sin'1ilar device upon a
motor ven icle on a higlnvay, Every n10torcyclo lTIuffler shall be equipped with
baffle pJates.
(b) No pcr:=;on shaH o\','n, OpC1'c1te or h;:1vc in !lis possession any 1110tor
vehicle cql.lippc'cl '\\"it11 a c1ev"icc for producing c:xccssive sl'nokc or gas, or so
equipped as to pernlit oil or any other cbcrnical to slow into or upon the exhaust
pipe or n'1ufflel~ of such vehicle or in any 01he1' way to produce or en1it sn'101\.e or
- 34 -
cJ c1ng'c rOt' s or c'.lll1oyi ni~ SC~:....: frcyn PC.:<;CYl cJ E;I,~cll vehicle oEier flc111 'U1C
oJ'dinar.)' gcj~~C~; crnitt,~cl b.y the c.:1J:,u'::L of c"n illLcrnc:) ccr:l.lbL)~3UOn engine uncler
nornlcd operation.
SE C '1'1 ON ] L>', nE/~ r~ V] r: \v J\llJ(}~ un~;
----- - "_.~- -,-.--._-",---_._-, --- -'. -~ --. -'- ,. -- -- - -~- .-.- ._--,---_.~" ".----., -.~".....- -~- -_..- ,-----
Evcry rnotoj' vchic1c c:nd rno[oL'Cyc1e r;kt1] be cquipped vdth a nlirTOl' as
to reflect to the OpCJ'c:tor a vic\'/ of tLc }Jigll\\'c,,y to the rcar of such vehicle.
Opcl'atorE:; of vc1Jic]Cf; r;]L::dl11c1.VC a cJeer zUlcl unobE3trucLccJ view to the front and
to both r; ic1 C Eo of the ir vcll j ele s,
_.________.'n_'_. -' ,. '-\\;-l~J';-iY--\VT t:;f~- i~s ~---. .----.--------------.-----------.-------
----------'.------- -----~ ----..-.-.----
(a) No pCJ';:;on ~;hClll drive any motc)}' vehicle, otl1er than a bus, '\vith any
sign, poster or other nontranr;p~lrcnt l1lclterlal upon the front ,\'ljndshiclcl, f; id e-
wings, side or rear winclowf; of f;ueh vehicle other than a certificate or other paper
required to be so di;;playcc1 by lav.' except t1wt thcJ'C~ 1'nay be in the lmver right
hand corner of the winc1;:-;llielc1 a ,sign or pOf;Lcr not to exceed four inches in be}ght
by six,inc}Jcs in '\vicHh.
(b) The '\\'inclE:;hiclc1 on every rnotor vehicle shall be equippec1 with a
device for clc~lning rain, E:mo\V or other rnoif;tnre frurn the windshield, which
device sllaJl bc rnaintaincd in good working order cHld so constructed as to be
contro11c(l OJ' opere'.. ted by the or<~rator of the vehicle.
SECTION 114. S/\l,}I;'ry CLi\SS 1\EQUIl\ED
--.-.-----,.- ~~" ._- _. ----------- ---------- - - ---- ----- - ----- - --- --_._-.--_.- ---- ------------
(a) No person E3hall sell any ne'\\' InotoI' vehicl(~ and no person shall
operC1.te any 1110toI' vehicle t1nlcE';~; such vehicle is equipped with safety glass
wherever glasr::; is used in the \vinclE311iclcls, doors, partitionE3, rear windov/s,
and winc1owE.; on each side i11'111'le(1iC1.tely adjacent to the rear window.
(b) The tern1 !!safety glass!! shall rncan any product composed of glass,
so luanllfacturecl, fabricated, or treated as substclntially to prevent shattering ~
ancl flying of the gla s s \vhell E.~tl'uck or broken or s neh other s irn ilar prod uet
as Iuay be approved by the ncgistt'ctl~ of IVlotor V chicles of the State of Ohio.
. --------~--
Any p~rson operating any vehicle transporting any explosives upon a street
or highway shall at all tinles cornply '\'litb the pro\"isions of this section.
(a) Said vehic le shall be 111arkecl or placard ed on each side and the rear
with the word lTexplosives!! in letters not less than eight inches high, or there
shall be displayed on the rear of such vehicle a red fla<! not less than t,ventv-four
.. tJ ~I
inc]le ~3 foq nare 111arkcd ,vi th the ,vo rcl "c1 an[fe r!! in \'/hi te lette r ss ix inches hi gh.
(b) Every said vehicle shed1 be equipped with not less than two fire
extinq uishe 1'8, filled and ready for inunecl i8. te use, and placed at convenient points
on the vehicle so used.
- 35 -
(c) Any p (~ l' ~; 0 nor c r ~l t j II g ~ ] Jj Y v chi c 1 (' t l' an ,c; po l' ti 11 b~ any c >: p 1 0 s i \' C t:, up 0 n
8ny IJighvi8Y within UIC Vill::-l,gc ~;h;dl obey such l'cg11.1:::jU(l1l~; a;:; rnay 1JC prOlnlllg(-~tcd .
by t.he DiJ'l:ct.or of ITif)!\'.'::YE; of tile ~~Ldc of Ohio gO\"C1T\inr the tr:l.nspor-h,]Uon of
explo;:;ivcs and other c1c1,ni-';cj'(ill;:; article;:; by vehicle;:; upon the hif~}l\VcY.
_._._~_.___._.~_._._____. ..._._______. __._.__ . ___. ___ _ . ___.___.___. _ _ _~_"__.____~'______'__'_~._______~'____" _c.,....-_ _________._...__________._~____~~____~_
No pa;:;;:;cngcl'--tYP2 vehicle ;:;)J;,131 be opC:J'alcd on any higlnvay with any 10~tc1
carried thereon extending llH)l'C th:::U1 ;:;ix jnchc:::; beyond U1C left side of such vehicle,
SECTION 117. LoOI\ ns SIT/\ LL NO'r SIFT, I..iEl\ K, E TC.
----~ -.--.----- ._- -----_._--_._~---------.- ---..-.- ------.-. -- ------~-~~ ----- .._-~._- --- _..--.,-~-- ----.---- -- ------- .----'--------.---
No vehicle shall be driven or IDovccl on any higll\vay unless such vehicle is
so con~]tructccl or lcnclcc.l as to }Jl'evcnt any of itE; loac1 frorn c1ropping, sifting,
leah.ing 01' othe1'\':ise eE;C'apjn[~ theref1'orn except that sand or other sllb::;tance may
bed r 0 p p c cl for t 11 c P u J' l')() s e 0 [ :::; e C Ll r i n g t l' a c ti 0 11, or \yater or other E3ubstance may
be sprinklec1 on a rOClchvay in clcanin;;; or 11l8jnt~1.i ning such roadway.
SEC TION 11 n, _!'C?\ ~IJ)::~_~,_~l)_~\,J_~1!~!'~J~~r]~~~1~.~_~1~}~__!~1i~~~}~i\ '1'10NS
-~-------_.._-_._-._----- --- ---,.-. - ---- -
(a) vVhen one vehicle is to\ving another the cll'ClWbar or other connection
shall be of sufficient slrength t.o pull 811 weight tc>\'.'ec1 thereby and saic1 drawbar
or other connection shall not exccccl fifteen feet frorn OlH~ vehicle to the otlJCr
cxcept the connection lJet\vccl1 any two vehicles tran:::~porting poles, pipe, 1113.chinery
or other objects of structuJ'Cll na tll re \vhic:h cannot rcac1 ily be d isnlembered.
(b) vVhcn one vehiclc is tmving another and the connection consists only
of a chain, rope, or c;:tble, the re shall be d is playec1 upon such connection 8.. \vhite
flag or cloth not le s;,] than t.\\'c lvc inche;:; ;:,;q ucu'e.
(c) In add ition to such c1 1'8 wbar or otlle r connection, each trailer and
cHch sc:nli-trailer which i~) not connectec1 to a cOllunercial tractor by n'leans of a
fifth wheel ;:;ha11 bc coupled with stay chains or cables to the vehicle by \vhich it
is being or8.wn, which chains or cables shall be of sufficient size and strength tn
prevent parting [I'mn the c1rawing vehic] e should the clrawbar or other connection
break or beccnne d~;:;engcl.gec1, provided, hmvever, that in the case of a loaded pole
trailer t}1(; connecting pole to the drawing vehicle; shall be coupled to the drawing
vehicle with stay chains or cables of sufficient E;ize and strength to prevent parting
frol1'l the cJ 1'a wing vehic le,
(d) Every tre-dIer or sellli-trai1er, exec pt pole anc1 cable trailers and pole
and cable dollies operated by a public utility as defined ,in Section 5727.01 of the
Ohio lievisec1 Code E:haJl 'be equipped with a coupling device -\vhich shall be so designe
and constructed that the trailer '\vill follow substantially in the path of the vehicle'
drawing it without \vhippine OJ' swerving fron1 side to side,
----------- --------------------~--------
No traction engine or otller vehicle whose wheels have tires equipped with
lug s, spike s or other projections, shall be driven over any of the streets or alleys
of the Village.
It shaH be the duty of the police depnrtment of this Village to enforce the
- 3 G -,
provif3 ion~; of thi~; 0]'(1 il1:uJcc. Officer>; of the poli ce der':l.J'hn(~nt arc hl'rc.by
al1thoJ.'ii~l:c1 to direct ~ill tl'c.Jf5c ejiJlcl' in PC1'E;on or by rDcanE; of viE:ib1c 01.' audible
signc!.1 in conJonn(:.J'tCC y,rith the p:'ovi~;ioJl~; of thi:; or(lincu~c:c, provided tllat in the
c'vell1: of a fil'c Ot' othCl' C]jj(:j'['>:.:llC:Y or to expedite traffic or E;cJ.feguanl pcc1e:;tl'ic111S,
I' officerE; of the poJicc or fil'c clcjJJJ'trrlcnL loay clirect tl'affic, c.lS concl itions Inay
requil.'c, noh,riLJlst~lriC1iJlg t1JC provi::;ion:::: of thi~; onlinancc.
SECTION l?J, UN j\ r r T r'~ J\ n r'~ ]) V I'~ I II C L E S
___~,._____ _._________ _. ~_ _...__._ _ __~ '__'___~ _._ _r __ _._ ___ ._~. _ ___ _. '__.'. _ ,_. '_' ._..._ .,____h._.
No person hcl.ving conti'01 ell' charge of a 1'noto1' vehicle sho.ll allow such.
vehicle to f3tand on any f;trcct LlllaHcnclccl without first f3cHing the brakes thereon
or plac ing the geccl.l' f;C lector in p:~ d~il1g po::; ition, and f3topping the InotoI' of such
vehicle, ancllocking the i[';l1ition clncl rcrnoving the l.;.ey.
_._._.~____~__'~__~__~_.___._. ________ _____.0_ _____. _ .___._.._ _" ___ __.__~~_u______~ .__,__._ __ _.__ ___I _~__~__.____
No person, except thOf.;e c);preE;sly cxernpted uncler sections 1507.03, 1507.04,
and <1:507. or> of the Ollio ncvisccl Code, f;ball ov:::rate emy rnotor vehicle upon a
street or highway or any public or private pr'opcrty uf;ccl by the public for purposes
of vehiculaJ.' travel or pC1rkjn~): in thiE; JJlunicipct1ity unlcEJE"; f:;uch person, upon
appljcatioll, haf; been liccn:::;ecl as 0n op~r;)i.or or chcmHenr by the registrar of
D10tor vehicles of the State of Ohio uncler sections tj50? 01 to 1507.39, inc lUf;i ve,
of the Ohio I~eviE;ccl Code.
No person shall pern1it t1}c operation of a Hlotor vehicle upon any public
or private property used by the public for InH'poses of vehicular travel or parking
knowing E.;Uc11 operator doeE; not }lave a valid license, af; an opc rator or chauffeur,
iSE3uccl to such operator by the J'cgi:;trar of n10lor vehicles of the State of Ohio
under sections 450'1.01 to '150'/. 3~), inclLwivc, of the Ohio Hevisecl Code.
No person, cxcept those cxprc::;sly exernptec1 under sections 1507.03, 4507. '04,
and 4507. O~) of the Oll io n cvi~;c c1 Cod e, f;hall operate any Inotorcycle upon a street
or hjghway or any pnb1ic or private property used by the public for purposes of
vehicular travel or parking in this 111unicipality unlcsf3 such person, upon
application, has been licen::;ccl as a rnotorcyclc operator by the registrar of n10to~r
vehicles of the Sb..te of Ohio unclcJ' sections 4507.01 to 4507.39, inc lu sive, of the
Ohio HeviE.3ec1 Cocl e.
No person shall, at any tilne: ..
(a) DisplClY, or CCluse or perrnit to be displayecl", or possess any operator's
or chauffeur's license kno"\ving the saIne to be fictitious, or to have been cancelled,
revoked, suspended, or aHered;
(b) Lenc1 to a person not entitled thereto, or knowingly permit birn to use
any operator's or ch;-wffeL1l"E.; ]icense iSE.;U8cl to the perf;on so lending or pcrrnitting
the use the1'eof;
(c) Display, or represent as one's own, any operator's or chauffeur's
license not isslled to the person so displaying the san1c;
- 37 -
~.J }'c.dlto SL11'J'(:nd.:.~1' to the n(,~)~;tJ'~)J' of 1\1otor Vehicles, upon bis
den1an.d, an.y opcJ'cdoj";:'; or CL~l\.irreUj'!E:; ljccn,::(' \',"hich lias been f;u~;p!3nc1ed,
cancelled, 01' rc\'oLccl; 0)'
(G) Use a fctl;:.;c OJ' ficij.~ioLl;:'; l),'.rnc, oj' give a f;::l.1::.;e or ficti ti em s addrc E~ s,
i in any appJication fot. ~l.}j ojlC)'c.tcJl,I;:.: OJ' ChZlUffcL11'1S liccnE;c, or ;::lny rCllcvval or
duplicate the l'cof, or LrLo'.!in[;'ly ]1J(-;]:c a faJ;:.;c ~:to.terncnt, or hnenvingly conceal a
Dl.atcrial fact, or ot!lcJ\\i,C;c cccnrnjt ~). fralld, in ctny such appJ icati on.
SECTION 1~>2. ()r..ll~;nl\rJTNC; lVlOTOl{ Vl<;rHCLE \\'TJEI'J LICENSE
--'~-"""--~~ -- "---~-'--"----'-"_. - . - .- ~ '_.- --._--~._.__.- ---------------- ---.-----.---..----- -~-------_._.~--_._------.--~----_._-------
SUSPJ';}':I)E]) on J{}':VOI<.ED
-~-~ -.--.-.--, -- --._-~ ~-- ---------~~----------- --- -_._----~~----
No person wJw~;c opc.~r(ltot,IS or chauffcur's JicenE;e has bO!3n suspended
or revoke cl, U 11 (1 C l' See ti em::: t1;> (l'( . 0 1 to '1~) 0 'I. 3 0 , inc Iu E; i ve, of the Ohio Revi;:.;cc1
Code shan drive any 1'noLoJ' veLicle upon tlJC strcet;~ ())' hi[;hw~'l.Ys of this Village
w h il e s L1 chI ice n;:; e i E:; ;:.: U ::; p c.: n c1 C' II 0 l' l' C V 0];: e d .
SE C TI ()T~ 1 25 . D]Sl)LJ\ Y OI;~ LICENSE PL.,!\, TES
----~----_._._~__ _r._~ ______ ..___ ___.~ '__'_ _. ___.______.__ _ ._.~ ._,__._._ __~_.__.... _______~_~._*~~.____* _____.__.----...____ ___
(a) 1.111 vch ic Ie' E-; of \vJw. tcve l' l:incl upon w11 iell, by law s or ordinance,
a nLllnb(~J' is rCC}L1il'cc1 ;::;})e!.lJ lJave ;::311ch llurnhcl' placed and l-lcld rigidly in a pcrpcndicul
position so that ;::ian1C Dlay be l'ctld from left to rieht. Such 11\.U111Jcl' shall at all
tirneE; be Hlaintainc:c1, both (1;:'3 to pOE:;ition cUlCl condition thereof, so that the nurnber
shall be plainly vi;::;jble and free fren)} any sub;c;tance or InateriaJ. of any kind
obseL1rin~~ such number. The numher e1.1 aJJ tirncf'; s}Jctl] be Dlcdntainecl in its entirety.
It shall be l1nlav/ fll.l for any pcrf:O]l to operate C>r lXtJ'k (=].ny ElLlCll vehicle whcn the
nunlbcr is not placed and hc~ld rigidly or if) in any nl~mner obscured, or is not
reac1cl.ble in iu; entirety. No pCJ.'son who is the O\'/nc1' or opc~rator of a 1110tor vehicle
shall fail to dispJay on the front and rear of such rnotol' vehicle the distinctive nun~bel
and registration n1ark furnished by the Director of lJiglnv8.Y Safety of the State of
Ohio exee pt that the n1 cUlU [ac Lurer of t}w rnotol' 'leh ic Ie or de ale l' he re in, the holcle l'
of an in-.transit pen:nit and the O\'/ller or operator of a houE;e trailer, trailer, or
selllitrailcr, shall CUSphlY E;uch llUlDl)er and regiE3tJ.'cttion 1118.1'1<. on the rear only. ..
(b) No person shall oper2ic or drive upon the streets, highways or alleys
of the V illage of Dub lin, Cl vehicle acquired frorn a forIner owner "\vho has
registered the Sarnc, dis p] (lying th c rc on the c1isUncti V(: nL1111 be r or ic1entifiea tion
lllark assigned to such vehicle all E;uch original rcgiE;tration.
(c) \Vhoever, being the o\vner or chauffeur of a vehicle operated or
driven upon a public street, higlnvay or aUey in the Village of Dublin, fel ils to
file, or cause to be filed, "\vith t1w Stelte Degistrar of Vehiclcs, or Deputy Hegistral',
annually the application for registration required by law, shall be fined as
hereinafter provided.
(d) No person who is the owner of a 'lehic:Je and Cl. resident of the Statc
of Ohi 0 sh:r.]] ope 1'a tc 01.' drhce s u c 11 vchie J e upon ill e s it'ect;::; or highways of the
Village of l)ulJ]in \\"hilc it di;:..;pl:.!'y:-; ;.} dj tincLive n~nnbcr or identification r:nark
issued by 01' under tbe aLlthoriLy of ,-lllother state, V/iUlOut cornplying with the laws
of this Statc relating to the registration and identification of vehicles.
- 38 -
S'Ji'('rl'j'C)'j'\T 1')(i ('()IT:,T'j'JI'J....,.':J "J"l-' l-:'J./I rj'\:'C~
,,-/ ~-~ ~-- ._._--~_.._-- ~ '--_._~.-_..~~~--- ,-~- .-----~"---. -~ ~.~:~~ -~-~~~! ----~~ ---- -_.~- ._.:~- ~--_! -~ :.---
(a) Tlwt no l)(~r~)on ~,lJ,J.1J op:..'rate or drive a 1not01' ve:hjc]c~ upon the streets
or hic;h\\'z:.YE-) of tlJi:::; Vi1h.Uc if it Cli:;ll'J]Z'_Ys a (lj~;UllCUVC nLunlJ2r or iclcntifica.tion IDZlrk
CY Il. ",-""> .. ,
wllich j~~ fic:tiLiol1:':;, is a cOllntc'rfcit or em llnL1wflllJY--}'fJc-:.clc copy of 2ny distinctive
llUnlbcl' or identification rJlClrl~, or \'.'hich lJclungE; to c1nothcr' n10tor vchicle or
belonp'~; to a rnOlor ve1Jjc1i..~ th(~ o\','ncrshil) of \,,rlJi,~Jl lWE-) been transferrecl elfter
initial rcgii';tration uncler f;uclJ llum]Jcr or lli.Zll'k.
(b) That no pCl':c;on ~;llalllawwingl'y, \vith intent either to f,cll the product
or d efraucl the:: SLltc of Ohi 0, c!.ncl not (tcting unc1 c r the: authority of the 011 i 0
Director of lTiglJwcl.Y:3) rnate) produce or rn~:.nnractLlre a distinctive nUlllber or
idcntifica tj on n1 c' I'l~ :c; j m j] 8.r to iJlO~; e r:n ann factnrccl uncl era uthority of the Director,
or alte r, chan.ge, or de fac c Cl cli::;ti nctivc nUln l)(T or icl enti ficati on 1'J) a rk rnanufactn l'e::d
uncler authority of the Ui1'cctor. No pcr:=:;on :=:;}1zLll seJl) cOllnte::rfcit, or attempt to
counterfeit) in any manner, ~;uch di:c;tinetivc number or identification nl("l.rl~,
either of a current l'cti~;tration year' or of the next sl1cceeding rcgistrC:ltion year.
--~_.._--~._----_.------_.__._-,--- ~----_. .---.'--.- ---~--.-_._~---_. ,------------~._-..- --..- ---------_._-~ -----.---
That no pcr:c;on ;:;hall:
(a) Purpo;:;eJy and without cl.uthority frorn the O\\'l1er, start the n1.otor of
any ITlotor vehicle;
(b) Maliciously 8.ncl purposely ~~},ift or ChcillgC tl~lc star'ting device or
gearf~ of a stancling rnotor ve]lic]c to a position ot11e1' than that ill which they were
left by the o\\'ne1' or clriver of ~;aicl Ine/Lor vehicle;
(c) Purposely cut, rnark) scratch) or darnage thc chassis, running gear,
body, sicles, top, robc, cove:l'ing or upholstering of another person's rnotor vehicle;
(c1) Purposely destroy any par't of such vehicJe "'lith or by any liquid or
other substc~ncc, or cut, nl3.f;h, JJlark, or in any other \vay cle~;troy or danlage any
part, attaclnnent, fastening or other appul'tcncmce of a nlotor vehicle, without the;
PCrJl1ission of the O\vner thereof;
(e) IJurposcly drain or start the drainage of any radiator or oil tank or
gas tank upon another person's 11'10tor vehicle;
(f) Purposely put any 111etallic or other sUDstance or liquid, in the gas
tanl;:, racliator, carbuJ:'ctor, ojl tank, grcase cup, oilers, lanlps or machinery
of a motor vehicle, \',rith the intent to injure or damage the sanlC or inlpcde:: the
working of the 11lae:hjncry;
(g) lVIalicionsly tightcn or loosen any bracket, bolt, wire, screw, or
otlle:r faste:nin~ on a rnoto1' vehicle;
(h) r)urpof;c]y rclease the brake upon a standing nlotor vehicle, with the
intent to injul'c said 11lac11 inc.
- 39 -
_' Sl';CTION L~n, Vl';UJCUJ n TI)]';i\fT1FICi\'J'I(li\; NU}VTl3'l-l:n
. _________. .__ __ .__. ____.___~_________.________+__._____.__4_~ _ __ ___ ~_.__. .-. --_ - .--- -..--- -.- -~ ..---.---______.. ---------- --~
'l'h~1.t no pc l'~;on. sh::ll1 bw-..'.' h~'<'i'} E;eU, receIve, c1i:":jJof;C of, COJKCc'l.,
or bave in hiE; pos~c;C'~;~:ic>n z:.n,\]" motu1' vchjclc~, ;:1.:; clcfinccl in Section L}S01. 0101' the
11evj~;(~(1 Code of Ohio, from \,/11ic)1 t1JC nlaJ'Ju:fz!.ctt.H'cr!~) f;cri::.J lllunbcl' or other
cll'E;tirlp'uishinc, nl1rnbcr or icknLificalio}1 rnarl~ 110.E; been rC111ovccl, defaced, covered,
. -~ to) . . C)
or de;c;troycc1, for i.11(: pU.rpo:=;e of conccclJin['; or clestl.'oying the identity of ~;ajcl
Hlotor vehicle.
ST~ C rrI_ql~J3_~J_.___!!__~~_~:L1H'2_1:;)~~:~'~!_~1.::~~L~~J}~-r.~~:S?_ srrO}~~ F TE n
-~---- -.. ~
(a) In CClEW of accident to or colli~;ion with persons or property upon any
of the public E;tr'eeh~, n);:ld~; 01' higlnvays, cll1e to the driving or operation t1)(~rcon
of any n101.0r vehicle, the PC:l'f;O)l E;O driving or opcratine f;uch rnolor vehicle, having
knu\vleclgc of f;uch accident OJ' col1i;:;ion, E;ll~lll irnrnccliatcly E;top 11iB 1'notor vehicle
at the f3ccnc of t11e acciclcnl or collir;ion and f;h~1l1 rCTflain at the scene of sLleh
accident or collision until hc lIas givcn hi~j nan"1C and aclclrc:ss and, if he is not
the 0\\'11('1', t11e n;:J.mc zlncl aclcl1'e~;s of tl}e owner of such 1'notol' vehicle, together with
the regi;::;tcrccl number of E;uch nlOlor vehicle, to any person injured in E;uch
acciclent 01' collision OJ' to the operator, occupant, owner or attendant of any
n10tor vehicle cJarrlc1.[';ecl in f;ucll c'l.cciclcnt or colli~3ion, or to any police officer at
the scene of such accident or collif;ion.
(b) In the event 1..11C injurecl person is unable to comprehend and record
the infonnation requiu:cl to be givcn by this section, the other d river involved in
such accident or colli~;ion f;llall fortlJ\,.'ith notify the police concerning the
location of the accident or collisiol1, and his name, acldrcf3E~, and the registered
nurDber of the InotcH' vehicle he was operating, and thcn rernain at the ;:;cenc of the
accid ent or coUis ion l1ntil. a police office l' arr i vc ~3, unle s s rern avecl frorn the
scene by an enlcrgency vehicle operated by a political subdivision or an an1bulance.
(c) If such accidcnt or collision is with an unoccupied or unattended 1'notor
vehicle, the operator so collicling \vith such n"1otor vehic']e shall securely attach
the inforrnCl Hon req uixccl to be given in tlli::3 se chon, in \V l' iting, to a c ons pjCLlOU~
place in or on said unoccupied or unattenc1ecllTIotor vehicle.
(cl) In casc of acc icl cnt or collis ion re s ulting in injury or cl arnage to
persons or property upon any public or private property other than public streets,
roads or higl1\v~tys,clue to the driving or operation thercon of any 11101..01' vehicle,
the person so clriving or operating snch 1110tor vehicle, having knowledge of such
accident or collision, shaH stop, and, UPOi1 request of the person injured or
dcunagec1, or any other person, shall give such person his name and acldress, and
if he is not thc owner, the nalTIC and address of 1..11C o\vncr of such motor vehicle,
together "\vith the registered nnnlber of such Inotor vehicle, and if available,
exhibit his ope rato1" s or chC:ll1ffeur's license.
(e) If the Oi.vner or person in cha1'p:e of snch damaged property is not
furnished such infol'iYliJticill, th.e c1rivc:r of the: rnotol' vehicle in\'olved in the accident
or coUision shedl wiLhin lV,-Cll(y-foL\J' lwul'E: after such accident or collision, forward
to the police c1cpclrtLncnt the sanIC infornlation requircd to be [J'iven to the owner or
person in control of sllch darnaged property and give the elate, time, and location
of the accident or collision.
- 40 -
(f) If such accic1cnl or cCJJ}isioj1 j;:~ ',\rit11 ;:1.n unoccupied or urJelHcnc1ccl
1110tO j' ve hie] c., tl1e OjJcr;dor :~o COlliC)jllL \'.'it:1 :-:ueh l11otor vehicle shall ~;ccurely
a Hac h the i n for 11J :-1 ti 01] r C' qui 1'(,: c1 to L<: \C C ] i in t hi::.: see t ion, in writing, to a
conSpiC1.IOU;:-; p]ace in or on ~;~licJ unoc Ul1iccl or unattended motor vehicle.
(g') The d r i v e r 0 fan y v e 11 i c ] C' i Jl \' 0 ] V c cl in a n ace i cl e n t res u H i 11 gin
danlagc to real properly, or pCj'~-;onal rH'opc:'rty attached to such reed property,
legally upon or adjacent to a p1.dJJic road or highway shall jrnrnediately stop
and take rca~)onab]c step::.; to ]OC;-ltc and notify the owner or person in charge of
such property of such fact, of his nCLrlJC and Clde1r'cs:~, and of the registration
nurnbcr of vehi ele he i:-) driving and f;lwll, upon request and if available, exhibit
his 0 pc l' eel tor' s li c en::; cor c h a 1..1 ff c U l' 's lie e II ~; C .
(h) If the owner or pcr:-;on in charge of such property cannot be located
after rea~;onable sC8.1'eh, the driver of the vehiclc involved in the accident
resulting in darnage to ::;uch ])1'o])c:rty shall, within twenty-four hours after such
accident, forwcll'cl to the police dCpc1rtrnent the saUle inform8.tiol1 required to
be given to the owner or person ill control of such property and give the location
of the accident and a c1e::-:cription of the damage in;-~,)far as it is known.
SECTION 130. 1~}'~N!\ l.~T I}~~ S
______ ~_._P---_. ____.________._ _________.__-___. __ _"_
Any per:-::un vio}c~tjng any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be
decn1cd guilty of a mi:-,:;c1enlcclnor, cU1c1 upon convidion thereof, shall, unless
o the l' w i E, e pro V ide c1 in t 11 i S 0 r lb n an c: c, be puni ::;hec1, by a fine of not more than
Fifty Dollars, together with the eo::;tf~ of prosecution,
All fines or forfeitures collected by the Village upon conviction or
,~ A upon forfeiture of bail of any person ch::trged with a violation of any of the ~
provision~; of thi~:) ordinance shall be paid into the Vj]]age Treasury and
deposited in the Genera] Fund.
If any section, subdivision, sentence, clause or phrase of this
ordinance is, for any reason, he1d to be unconstitutional, such dec]aratioll
or decision shall not affect the valicbt:.y of the renlaining portions of this
SECTION 13:) . That al1 0 reIi n::tnce s, or parts Of ordinances, contrary
o l' in co fl.,,; i sit: n C11C 1 ;l:\': i t h, he and the S8.n1e are hereby repealed.
- 41 -
SECTJ()~\i J:)IL rJ']);dl1,i~; o)'c1jnoncc E:h;dl la1;e cffccL and be jn fo]'cc from
_.__._----~--~- -... - -..-.--.-- -
and arkl' the cadje~;l p,:'l'ioc1 ~:l1(1\'.cd Ly lenv.
-, _ki&&-;~_ Af!~~~
President Pro TCInp~
- Passed this -J- cla.i oJ ____Jr_l~":f-~----, 1972.
. "1. :t]
I ,. 'I. \
!. ,.; i. ( i ,
_____l .' <fJ.41.lt~___\1_,,_ _.=-. ~./:=:v:t I:n _\: _ ___
. yorf~ "Pre SId JlJg 0[1] ctr
f I. II
- JO /1 .} (l II'
. ~--r'" J{Q/C-1Jl{<t"t,-,/ i-)/!lQ/ ! rY t;\..--,,,
-------------- ---t--.-----. ----.---.---.-.-~----~.t..,......... ____________
Clcrk-Tr~asurel' :.
- 42 -