HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/20/1992 Minutes of RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Dublin City Council Meeting Meeting DAYTO AL BLANK co. FORM NO. 10148 Held January 20, 1992 19 The regularly scheduled meeting of the Dublin City Council was called to order by Mayor Jan Rozanski at 7:35 p.m. on Monday, January 20, 1992 and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all in attendance. Members of Council present for roll call were: Mr. Campbell, Mr. Strip, Mrs. King, Mayor Rozanski, Mr. Kranstuber, and Mr. Sutphen. Mr. Amorose was absent (excused). Mr. Hansley, City Manager, and Mr. Stephen Smith, Law Director, were also present. Mrs. King motioned to approve the minutes of the January 6, 1992 meeting. Mr. Kranstuber seconded the motion. Vote on the minutes: Mrs. King, yes; Mr. Sutphen, Kranstuber, yes; Mayor Rozanski, yes; Mr. Strip, Campbell, yes. yes; Mr. yes; Mr. Correspondence The Clerk directed Council members' attention to a letter from Michael Long, P.E., Executive Director of the Franklin County Regional Solid Waste Authority, in support of Ordinance 98-91 which calls for mandatory yard waste diversion. This was distributed to Council and the press prior to the meeting tonight. Comments from visitors Marlaine Manus, Parks & Recreation Department, introduced Daniel RUbin, President of the Board of Trustees of the Dublin Convention & Visitors Bureau. Mr. Rubin commented that there is confusion about the mission of the DCVB and stated the following: 1. The role of the bureau is defined by the statute which allows it to use hotel/motel tax funds. 2. Mission is to promote foreign leisure travel to DUblin, encouraging those visitors to spend time and money in Dublin. 3. Goal is to "put heads in beds" - in Dublin hotels, not in Columbus hotels. 4. DCVB has had several requests for letters of support from other entities who are applying for hotel/motel tax funds. Thus, the bureau is currently establishing criteria to help determine which applications are most deserving of the bureau's support and, in turn, of the City's hotel/motel tax funds. 5. The DCVB would like to establish stronger ties with the Chamber of Commerce, with City Council, and with groups who are interested in sponsoring special events in the City of Dublin to encourage overnight stays in Dublin. Mr. Sutphen expressed his hope that the Chamber of Commerce and the Dublin Convention & Visitors Bureau would work together, and that Mr. Rubin would facilitate the communication between the two groups. Minutes of RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Dublin City Council Meeting Meeting DAYTON LEGAL BLANK co. FORM NO. 10148 , : Held ==-=f= ---- I ! January 20, 1992 i 'i ii 19 Ii - ---+1--- Page 2 ill> Mr. Rubin agreed that the two groups would work together, and with Council, to pursue the greater goals of the community. Mayor Rozanski stated that he would like to meet with Mr. Rubin and with A.C. Strip, Finance Committee Chairman, in regard to the role of the DCVB in the hotel/motel tax application process. Mr. Strip added clarification that hotel/motel tax funds are not added to the general funds of the City - they are deposited in a separate account and are used only for those purposes as outlined in the ordinance. Mrs. King thanked Mr. Rubin for addressing Council and for helping to promote communication between all groups. Ordinance No. 80-91 - An Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager , to Enter Into a Sewer and Water Line Extension Agreement with Evergreen Land Company. Tabled Ordinance. Mr. Smith requested that this Ordinance remain on the table. The parties involved are still working out the agreement, and hope to have it ready for the next Council meeting. The Ordinance will be tabled until the next regularly scheduled I Council meeting on February 3, 1992. I II il II Ii II II II I Ordinance No. 88-91 - An Ordinance to Adopt the Proposed Operating Budget and Capital Program for the 1992 Fiscal Year. Tabled Ordinance. Mayor Rozanski announced that another budget hearing is scheduled for Monday, January 27 at 7: 00 p.m. The budget review process is scheduled to be completed that evening. The Ordinance will be tabled until the next regularly scheduled Council meeting on February 3, 1992. Ordinance No. 87-91 - An Ordinance providing for a Change of Zoning of an 11.728 Acre Tract Located on the West Side of Avery Road Approximately 750 Feet North of Shier-Rings. Third Reading. There were no comments or discussion regarding this Ordinance. Vote on the Ordinance - Mr. Sutphen, yes; Mayor Rozanski, yes; Mr. Kranstuber, yes; Mrs. King, yes; Mr. Campbell, yes; Mr. Strip, yes. Ordinance No. 97-91 - An Ordinance to Establish the Solid Waste Advisory Committee as a Permanent Advisory Committee and to Set Membership Standards for the Solid Waste Advisory Committee. Third Reading. D- Mr. McDaniel commented that staff had revised the Ordinance as Council had suggested in regard to staggering terms to provide more continuity as terms expire. The initial appointments will have varying lengths of terms. Vote on the Ordinance - Mr. Strip, yes; Mr. Campbell, yes; Mrs. King, yes; Mr. Sutphen, yes; Mayor Rozanski, yes; Mr. Kranstuber, yes. I' Ii II II i, II I' I[ Ii I I I II I I i I I ! Minutes of RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Dublin City Council Meeting Meeting 19_ i ----r----- ,I I, Ii Ii II I, 'I Ii I DAYTON I FGAL BLANK CO. FORM NO. 10148 cc====------r Held January 20, 1992 Page 3 "... ~". Ordinance No. 98-91 - An Ordinance Amending Ordinance 23-91, Yard Waste Diversion Program. Third Reading. Mr. McDaniel commented that this Ordinance precedes the Resolution to adopt the Solid Waste Management Plan. He suggested that Council first consider Resolution No. 18-91. There was no opposition to this proposal. Resolution No. 18-91 - A Resolution to Adopt the Solid Waste Management Plan. Third Reading. Mr. McDaniel commented that this resolution contains language calling for mandated yard waste diversion by March 1, 1992, a date which caused concern among Council members at the last meeting in regard to communication of the program to residents. Mr. Strip proposed, for discussion purposes, that Johnson Disposal be solicited to supply every residential house with a dozen free bags to kick off the program. This will introduce the program at no cost to residents; will develop the yard waste diversion habit; and will ease them into participation in the new program. Mr. Campbell stated that he will support the Ordinance as submitted because: 1) He agrees with Mayor Rozanski that it's easier to implement change at the beginning of the season; 2) The promotional plan provided to Council is very comprehensive and well thought out; 3) O.M. Scott has expressed interest in supporting promotional efforts to get the program underway. Mrs. King acknowledged the presence of Dr. Michael Kelty, head of Research and Development at O.M. Scott; Joe Rocco from O.M. Scott; Dave Gubanc, from the Franklin County Regional Solid Waste Authority; and Mark Finney, from Mid-America Waste Management (parent company of Johnson Disposal) who were all available to provide additional information on the solid waste related ordinances before Council. "" II Discussion followed regarding the costs of providing free bags II to residents. No action was taken on this proposal. I: II Vote on the Resolution - Mr. Campbell, yes; Mayor Rozanski, yes; Mr. strip, yes; Mrs. King, yes; Mr. Sutphen, yes; Mr. Kranstuber, yes. .. Mayor Rozanski asked if there was further discussion on Ordinance No. 98-91. Mrs. King commented that she had discussed some of the concerns raised by Mr. Amorose at the last Council meeting with Dr. Kelty of O.M. Scott, and Dr. Kelty had forwarded a letter to Council members responding to those concerns. She also commented that Dr. Kelty emphasized (1) the importance of leaving lawn clippings on the lawn rather than collecting them and (2) not ;1 I' !I II Ii I! i' II I, II II II !I ii I, Minutes of RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Dublin City Council Meeting Meeting DAYTON LEGAL BLANK CO. FORM NO. 10148 Held January 20, 1992 19_ Page 4 ....."" .' '. over-fertilizing the lawn. She called upon Council to pass the Ordinance and take advantage of this opportunity for Dublin to be an environmental leader. I1II Vote on Ordinance No. 98-91 - Mrs. King, yes; Mr. Sutphen, yes; Mr. Kranstuber, yes; Mr. Strip, yes; Mayor Rozanski, yes; Mr. [I Campbell, yes. ,I I I Mr. McDaniel thanked Council for their leadership and for setting a precedent in Central Ohio for environmental issues. Mrs. King in turn thanked the Solid Waste Advisory Committee for all of their hard work on this program. Resolution 19-91 - A Resolution Adopting the City of Dublin's Goals for 1992 and Adopting a status Report for Goals Adopted in 1990 and 1991. Third Reading. Mr. Hansley recommended that Council table this until the next Council meeting so that they could have time to review the revised resolution which was distributed late today. The Resolution was tabled until the February 3, 1992 Council meeting. ~, . Ordinance No. 86-91 - An Ordinance Providing for a Change of Zoning of a 2.5 Acre Tract Located on the North Side of Metro Place North Approximately 600 Feet West of Frantz Road to be Rezoned from PUD, Planned Unit Development District to PUD, Planned Unit Development District. First Reading. Mr. Sutphen introduced the Ordinance and motioned that it be referred to Planning and Zoning. Mr. Strip seconded the motion. The Ordinance was referred to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Ordinance No. 02-92 - An Ordinance to Accept the Lowest/Best Bid for the Ashbaugh Outfall Sewer and Lift Station Removal, 1992. First Reading. Mr. Strip introduced the Ordinance. "",.~"",.~ Mr. Foegler commented that a separate appropriations ordinance will be provided at the next Council meeting for this project. This project was approved in last year's capital improvement budget. It eliminates the existing Ashbaugh lift station and connects the gravity sewer along that area. &.-<if A second reading of this Ordinance will take place at the February 3, 1992 Council meeting. Ordinance No. 04-92 - An Ordinance Appointing Members to the Various Boards, Commissions, and Committees of the City of DUblin, Ohio and Declaring an Emergency. First Reading. Mr. Strip introduced the Ordinance and motioned that the three- time reading rule be waived and that this be treated as Minutes of RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Dublin City Council Meeting Meeting -------1 -------.---- I ....'"..."""" .-..,. "" . .. p..,""- iii> i 19_ ' -j~ 'I Ii II ,I ]1 il I, Ii I: I, i' :1 II II II il Ii II II :1 II II Ii II II II I I' I' Ii ,I 'I I I I , DAYTON LEGAL BLANK CO. FORM NO. 10148 Held January 20, 1992 Page 5 emergency legislation. He pointed out that in this Ordinance, the language calls for members' terms to continue until a successor is appointed, unlike the language in the Solid Waste Advisory Committee ordinance where members' terms end on December 31. The Clerk read the appointments as follows: Warren Fishman and Richard Rauh are appointed to the Planning & Zoning commission for a term of four years. Frank Pandora II and John Ferrara are appointed to the Board of Zoning Appeals for a term of three years. Larry Vance appointed to the Tree and Landscape Advisory Commission for a term of three years. George Bell appointed to the Parks & Recreation Committee for a term of three years. Robert Crewe appointed to the Cemetery Commission for a term of three years. Marian Vance appointed to the Architectural Review Board for a term of three years. Mr. Sutphen seconded Mr. Strip's motion to waive the three-time reading and treat as emergency legislation. Vote on the Motion - Mr. Strip, yes; Mr. Sutphen, yes; Mayor Rozanski, yes; Mr. Campbell, yes; Mr. Kranstuber, yes; Mrs. King, yes. Vote on the Ordinance - Mr. Campbell, yes; Mr. Sutphen, yes; Mrs. King, yes; Mr. Strip, yes; Mayor Rozanski, yes; Mr. Kranstuber, yes. other Dedication of Wilcox Road Plat Mr. Bowman explained that this project was originally a county project, but with the annexation of this land to Dublin it became a Dublin project. This project includes a relocation and realignment of wilcox Road in the area of Tuttle Road. It will also extend that portion of Tuttle Road to the west from where it now dead-ends into existing Wilcox Road. Planning & Zoning Commission has recommended approval. The Engineering Division is now ready to go to bid. Mayor Rozanski raised the issue of who would pay for the continuation of Tuttle Road past wilcox. Mr. Bowman responded that the owner of the property would be responsible for bringing Tuttle Road across the property. Discussion followed about the signage or barricades necessary to indicate that the road does not go through at the Tuttle and wilcox crossing. Mayor Rozanski requested that this signage be ready at the same time the road is opened. I Ii il Ii II II Minutes of RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Dublin City Council Meeting Meeting DAYTON lEGAl BLANK co. FORM NO. 10148 Held January 20, 1992 19_ I: I Page 6 I I , I i Mr. Sutphen suggested having a three-way stop sign at this intersection to avoid the Muirfield/Brand situation at some time in the future. ...- ." In response to a question from Mrs. King, Mr. Bowman commented that the residents involved in this realignment have not been opposed to it. Mr. Foegler stated that the county is contributing $300,000 to this project and that Dublin is paying only a small portion of the project. Vote on the Dedication - Mr. Campbell, yes; Mr. Sutphen, yes; Mr. Kranstuber, yes; Mayor Rozanski, yes; Mr. Strip, yes; Mrs. King, yes. Mayor Rozanski directed Mr. Hansley to notify the county that this project has been approved and to thank them for their planned future contributions to this project. Council Committee Reports Public Service Committee '" Mr. Sutphen announced that he will be setting a date for the Public Service Committee to meet before the end of January. Public Safety Committee Mrs. King stated that the Safety Committee has not met and has no meeting scheduled at this time. She requested that Council members give consideration to the issue of consolidation of fire services which was raised last year. If the other Council members feel there is a need to, she will schedule a meeting on this issue. Mr. Hansley commented that staff will provide Council with the status report they have prepared on consolidation of fire services sometime during February. Finance Committee Mr. Strip announced that he is waiting to get input from several accountants regarding the proposed safe harbor ordinance. He will give this information to the Finance Department and to Council for evaluation prior to consideration of the adoption of the ordinance. ~.,.. Comments from staff ., " Mr. Hansley stated that the Dublin Villaqer contained an advertisement for Muirfield Village stating that police and fire protection was provided by Washington Township. This is another example of the continuing confusion over City and township services. The City staff has requested that the newspaper provide clarification on this to its readers. Mr. Hansley also stated that staff is requesting an executive session to discuss personnel and real estate issues. Mr. Smith is requesting an executive session to discuss legal issues. Minutes of RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Dublin City Council Meeting Meeting DAYrON LEGAL BLANK co. FORM NO. 10148 Held January 20, 1992 19_ Page 7 ...'<;'~ .'~ Mr. Foeqler reported that the consultant recommended for the goal-setting retreat for Council is not available on February 1 and 2. The other proposed dates are February 21-22 and February 28-29. He asked if these would be acceptable to Council. Mr. Hansley commented that the Hampton Inn would have local meeting space available if Council chooses to stay in Dublin as suggested by the Goal-Setting Committee members. Discussion followed about the preferred dates for the goal- setting retreat. Mr. Hansley suggested March 6 and 7 as an alternative, if this would be the earliest available date for all of Council as well as for the facilitators. Mayor Rozanski asked the Council members to contact the clerk with the dates they would be available to meet for goal-setting. These dates will then be voted upon at the Finance meeting on Monday, January 27. Mr. Johnson reported that the Maintenance Department worked four 12-hour days during the recent snowstorms and that there were no complaints during that time regarding snow removal in the city. ",...""' Ms. Jordan commented that the cold weather has permitted operation of the ice rink at Coffman Park. The Winter Program registration took place recently and the response was again very high. Ms. Puskarcik reported that the City has now received a license from the FCC for a low-frequency radio station and that it will be operational by March 1. Mr. Smith commented that the U.S. District Court recently ruled in Dublin's favor in a $16,000,000 lawsuit filed against the city and three City staff relating to discrimination practices in hiring police candidates. Council Roundtable Mrs. Kinq commented that Dave Heegard, 5358 Loch Leven Court, Muirfield, has requested that the left turn north on 745 at the Bridge & High light be reinstated. Mrs. King requested that staff forward the results of the traffic studies done in this area to her so that a response can be sent to Mr. Heegard. Many residents wonder why this light is bagged and not operational. Mr. Kranstuber concurred that he, too, has been asked about this situation by residents. ... Mr. Foegler responded that he will get the data requested to Mrs. King this week. He reminded Council that another issue which has some bearing on this is the 161 widening project. This project is scheduled to go to bid shortly, as the Engineering is now complete. Mr. Strip requested that Mr. Foegler provide Council with a timeline for this project in the next Council packet. Mrs. King thanked staff for responding to Dublin Schools teacher Mary Lee Hahn regarding the proposed water tower site. She asked staff to clarify the issues regarding the proposed site. --ii 11 Ii II I! I' I; il II I' II Ii I' I! :1 II II ,I II 'I I I I[ Minutes of RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Dublin City Council Meeting Meeting DAYTON lEGAl BLANK co. FORM NO. 10148 Held January 20, 1992 " 19_~ II I: Ii i' II II il I: II II II Page 8 .F'...... .. Mr. Foegler responded that the City believes that the site is not appropriate for a water tower; however, since a water tower is needed in that area, the City is simply preserving this site hoping to trade it for land more suitable at a future date. Mr. Sutphen confirmed that he will be attending the MORPC meeting with Mr. Hansley on Thursday. He also commented that the proposed signal for Muirfield Boulevard and Sells Mill will be an agenda item for the next Service Committee meeting. Mr. Kranstuber stated that Kris Hess, representing the Woods of Dublin residents, wanted to address Council. Mrs. Hess stated that she and the residents of the Woods of Dublin are confused about the process they need to pursue for vacating the end of Rushwood Drive. Mayor Rozanski responded that Council does not yet have information from Planning & Zoning regarding the Bristol Commons rezoning which they will need prior to considering the vacation issue. "'" ~ Mr. Kranstuber commented that he thought Council would consider the issue of the vacation of Rushwood Drive separately from the Bristol Commons rezoning Ordinance. V- ~ Discussion followed about procedures and Mr. Campbell read the minutes of the last meeting regarding the directions Council had given Mrs. Hess at the last meeting: "He (Mr. Campbell) motioned that Council hold this petition, take it under advisement until the Planning Commission has ruled on Bristol Commons and decide at the time Bristol Commons comes back before Council whether to prepare an ordinance, to take no action, or to table it until a later date for further discussion." He added that this does not necessarily mean that Council will take action. Mr. Smith clarified that Council has three options when Bristol Commons rezoning comes before it at a public hearing: (1) it can adopt the recommendations of P & Z ; (2) not adopt the recommendations of P & Z, either overruling them or (3) sending it back to P & Z for changes. Council will address the petition for the Rushwood Drive vacation at the time of the rezoning public hearing. He confirmed that it takes 5 votes to overrule the recommendations of the Planning Commission. Mayor Rozanski asked that the Woods of Dublin residents look for the notice of the public hearing date for Bristol Commons which will be published in the newspaper. I'W<.. Mr. Kranstuber next commented on the article in the Dublin News regarding the "joint committee" doing a telephone survey regarding the proposed recreation center. Although he acknowledged the contributions of the Chamber of Commerce joint committee, he has concerns about the committee's current efforts. As Council's representative to the Committee, Mr. Strip commented that: 1. Surveys undertaken by this group should clearly be labelled as such and not as undertaken by the City. Minutes of RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Dublin City Council Meeting Meeting , 'I I I I I: il Ii Ii ~ II .. ','1i Ii I i DAYTON LEGAL BLANK CO. FORM NO. 10148 January 20, 1992 Held 19_ Page 9 2. Regarding the Recreation is a cumbersome option residents because of the it. District concept, he believes it and will not be supported by required increased taxes to fund 3. Committee has stated that their job will end at the time the City undertakes the building of the Community Center. 4. Mr. Strip also emphasized that the project be referred to as a "community center" instead of a "recreation center." This name more clearly describes its function. ~- 5. The Committee initially set out to explore alternative funding sources, including a possible City/private partnership to build the Center. When those sources were not found, the Committee began to change course. He believes that the residents surveyed by the Committee will not support another taxing district. Important to clearly distinguish the Committee's survey as separate from the City's planning efforts. Ms. Jordan stated that the Chamber Committee did not intend to duplicate work already done by the City in the 1990 survey. The Chamber was specifically looking at phasing issues and determining the wishes of the majority of residents in that regard. Mr. Kranstuber again stated that he does not believe it is appropriate for the Chamber Committee to be investigating these issues - that this work should be done by the City or the Parks and Recreation Committee. .. Ms. Jordan responded that the deep tunnel sewer decision made by Council in the fall has delayed the funding of the Community Center and prompted the Chamber Commi ttee to look to other sources for funding. I Mr. Campbell stated that he agrees with Mr. Kranstuber that the City should be doing the planning if the City is going to fund the Center. He thanked the Chamber Committee for their efforts in seeking alternative funding, but believes the planning efforts should now be the City's responsibility. f1/#;""""" Mrs. King stated that the City is committed to building the Community center, and that Council has a responsibility to the voters to carry through. She acknowledged the Chamber Committee's efforts to locate alternative funding, but agreed that their job is now over. Continued surveys by the Committee will only serve to confuse voters and should be discontinued. ...' . Mayor Rozanski appreciated the support of Council on these issues and stated that he agrees with Mrs. King. He believes that the ad hoc committee had good intentions, but that it is now necessary for Council and the Chamber committee to meet to discuss the issues raised tonight. Mr. Kranstuber commented that he believes the Chamber's efforts should be directed toward possible solicitation of local businesses for donations to the Community Center. II II I -4------_ :1 ii I' Ii Ii " [I :i i! Ii !i ii II ,I II ! II II II II II II I i I I i I i , I j , I I II Ii Ii II II II I' Ii ,i II II Minutes of RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Dublin City Council Meeting Meeting ~ lIeld ===:::---=--=::=~- I I i I Page 10 I 1 I I I I II I, :1 II il II II II II I' I .. i\ -. ,4 (I!:~ 'D- ... DAYTON LEGAL BLANK CO FORM NO. 10148 January 20, 1992 19 i: - ---1l I' Mr. strip commented that the Chamber and Council have a long and shared history of working on many of the same goals. He believes that the Chamber should be contacted by either the Mayor or by Janet Jordan to request that the Committee focus on their original mission. He wanted to clarify that the comments made tonight by Council are directed to the Committee and not to the Chamber of Commerce itself. I' I! I: I' I' [i i I j II I! Ii i Mayor Rozanski agreed to contact Sam Smiley in this regard. He expressed concurrence with a solicitation of local businesses by the Chamber of Commerce for items needed for the Community Center. Mayor Rozanski stated that Council, at the time of the Capital Improvements discussions in regard to the Community Center, had asked staff to compile the amount of useable land in Coffman , Park to determine if additional land purchase would need be necessary to construct the Community Center at the Coffman Park si te. He asked when staff would be able to provide that information to Council. Mr. Foegler responded that this information is part of the preliminary planning phase for the project. He stated that staff would be able to provide this to Council if requested at this time. Mr. Campbell motioned that staff do an inventory of the land available at Coffman Park for the construction of a community center at its largest anticipated size. This would include a determination of the area of the park which would not be available due to flood plain considerations. Mr. Strip seconded the motion. Vote on the Motion - Mayor Rozanski, yes; Mrs. King, yes; Mr. Sutphen, yes; Mr. Campbell, yes; Mr. Kranstuber, yes; Mr. Strip, yes. Mr. Sutphen motioned that the meeting be adjourned to an Executive Session to discuss pending personnel, real estate and legal issues. Mr. Strip seconded the motion. Vote on the Motion to Adjourn - Mr. Strip, yes; Mr. Kranstuber, yes; Mayor Rozanski, yes; Mr. Campbell, yes; Mrs. King, yes; Mr. Sutphen, yes. The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m. ~~.~ Clerk of Council