HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/27/1989 RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Dublin City Council Meeting Meeting DAYTON LEGAL BLANK CO I-'ORM NO 10148 ~ II Ii I Helel March 27, 1989 19 The meeting of the Dublin City Council was called to order by Mayor Rozanski at 7:30 P.M. on Monday, March 27, 1989. -'''''''~ Mr. Jankowski led the Pledge of Allegiance. ..,......., Members of Council present were: Mr. Jankowski, Mrs. King, Ms. Maurer, Mayor Rozanski, Mr. Strip and Mr. Sutphen. Mr. Amorose was absent. City Manager, Mr. Hansley, and Law Director, Mr. Smith, were also present as were the following members of City Staff: Mr. Bowman, Ms. Clarke, Mr. Ferrell, Mr. Harding, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Jones, Ms. Jordan, Mr. McDaniel, Ms. Prushing, and Mr. Willis. Mr. Strip moved to approve the minutes of the March 6, 1989 meeting of Council. Mr. Jankowski seconded the motion. Vote on approval of minutes - Mr. Jankowski, yes; Mrs. King, yes; Ms. Maurer, yes; Mayor Rozanski, yes; Mr. Strip, yes; Mr. Sutphen, yes. Correspondence There were no objections to the transfer of a liquor permit from Dublin Cardinal Food Gallery to Tastings, Inc. ..,,0)"" Swearing In Mr. Harding, Director of Personnel and Purchasing, introduced Mr. John Wright, who he explained was one of the recent six selections for Police Officer. Mr. Harding noted that Mr. Wright came through a very rigorous and competitive selection process, using a number of selection instruments _ a written test, an oral interview, a polygraph examination, a psycho- logical examination, a background investigation and a medical examination. He also noted that Mr. Wright had been a Reserve Officer with the City of Dublin since 1987. Mayor Rozanski reported that he had observed portions of a difficult selection process and that he felt that Dublin is becoming known throughout the State of Ohio as being one of the best suburban law enforcement departments. Mayor Rozanski wore in Mr. Wright and welcomed him to the Division of Police of the City of Dublin. He also expressed his appreciation and thanks to City Staff as well as to private citizens in Dublin who had been involved in the selection process. .. , Mr. Harding reported that five other candidates have been selected and that of the six candidates selected, three have had prior training and experience as law enforcement officers (The O.S.U. Police Department and three candidates who do not have prior training experience in law enforcement will be entering the Ohio State Highway Patrol Basic Training Academy. .' . Ordinance No. 22-89 - Ordinance Accepting Lowest/Best Bid for Sanitary Manhole Rehabilitation. First Reading. Mrs. King introduced the Ordinance. Mr. Willis reported that bids for the project were opened on February 24, 1989; that being the second phase repair of manholes that are damaged in Dublin. Five bids were received, the lowest of which was from the J.R. Mason Company, Inc. of Dublin, Ohio; the bid for the project being $145,270.50 He noted that the company has had repeat business from a number of other government units. RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 11inutes of Dublin City Council Meeting 11eeting DA,YTON LEGAL BLANK co.. F--ORM NO. 10148 Held MArch 27, 1989 19 II Ii I Page Two .,.,,,,~ ilJiIlI'h.-".'i Mrs. King reported that the documents had been reviewed by the Public Service Committee and that said committee recommended adoption of the ordinance. Mrs. King moved to waive the three time reading rule and adopt as an emergency. Mr. Sutphen seconded the motion. Vote on the motion - Mayor Rozanski, yes; Mr. Sutphen, yes; Mrs. King, yes; Mr. Jankowski, yes; Mr. Strip, yes; Ms. Maurer, yes. Vote on the Ordinance - Mr. Strip, yes; Mayor Rozanski, yes; Mrs. King, yes; Ms. Maurer, yes; Mr. Jankowski, yes; Mr. Sutphen, yes. Ordinance No. 23-89 - Ordinance Providing for a Change of Zoning on a 3.08 Acre Tract Located on the Southeast Corner of Martin Road and Riverside Drive. First Reading. Ms. Maurer introduced the Ordinance. Mr. Sutphen moved to refer the Ordinance to the Planning and Zoning Commission for review and recommendation. Mr. Jankowski seconded the motion. Vote on the motion - Mr. Strip, yes; Mrs. King, yes; Ms. Maurer, yes; Mr. Jankowski, yes; Mr. Sutphen, yes; Mayor Rozanski, yes. ",.",.,.", Ordinance No. 24-89 - Ordinance Amending Chapter 353, (Parking on Private Property), of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Dublin, Ohio, to Provide for Free Standing Handicapped Parking Signage, and Declaring an Emergency. First Reading. Mr. Sutphen introduced the Ordinance. Mr. Sutphen commented that the reason for the Ordinance was that in many places in Dublin it is difficult to determine where handicapped parking is available because oftentimes the only indication is a painted sign on the asphalt which can be covered by snow, ice, etc., not the free standing signage which this and the following two ordinance on the agenda address. He also noted that said ordinances would make it easier for the Mayor in Mayor's Court to levy fines for violations regarding parking in handicapped zones. .....,.,,<<1 Mayor Rozanski said that the current Dublin Code addresses an and/or situation in this regard - signs painted on the blacktop or free standing signs. It was noted that if the parking site is in front of a building, that the sign can be affixed to the building. po Mr. Sutphen moved to waive the three time reading rule and treat as an emergency. Mr. Strip seconded the motion. Vote on motion - Mr. Sutphen, yes; Mr. Jankowski, yes; Mrs. King, yes; Ms. Maurer, yes; Mr. Strip, yes; Mayor Rozanski, yes. Vote on the Ordinance - Ms. Maurer, yes; Mayor Rozanski, yes; Mr. Sutphen, yes; Mr. Jankowski, yes; Mr. Strip, yes; Mrs. King, yes. ... Ordinance No. 25-89 - Ordinance Amending Section 1193.02(d) of Chapter 1193,(Off-Street Parking and Loading), of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Dublin, Ohio to Provide Free Standing Handicapped Parking Signage, and Declaring an Emergency. First Reading. Mr. Sutphen introduced the Ordinance. RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Dublin City Council Meeting Meeting DAYTON lEGAL BLANK CO FORM NO 10148 Hel<L- March 27, 1989 19 Page Three .~- "!I k",.. Mr. Sutphen moved to waive the three time reading rule and treat as an emergency. Mr. Strip seconded the motion. Vote on the motion - Mrs. King, yes; Mayor Rozanski, yes; Ms. Maurer, yes; Mr. Strip, yes; mr. Jankowski, yes; Mr. Sutphen, yes. Vote on the Ordinance - Mr. Sutphen, yes; Mr. Jankowski, yes; Mr. Strip, yes; Ms. Maurer, yes; Mayor Rozanski, yes; Mrs. King, yes. Ordinance No. 26-89 - Ordinance Amending Section 241.01(e) of Chapter 1193, (Manner of Parllel Parking; Handicapped Parking), of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Dublin, Ohio to Provide for Free Standing Handicapped Parking Signage, and Declaring an Emergency. First Reading. Mr. Sutphen introduced the Ordinance. Mr. Sutphen moved to waive the three time reading rule and treat as an emergency. Ms. Maurer seconded the motion. Vote on the motion - Mr. Jankowski, yes; Mr. Sutphen, yes; Mayor Rozansk , yes; Mr. Strip, yes; Mrs. King, yes; Ms. Maurer, yes. Vote on the Ordinance - Mr. Strip, yes; Ms. Maurer, yes; Mr. Jankowski, yes; Mr. Sutphen, yes; Mrs. King, yes; Mayor Rozanski, yes. Rh.'""" Ordinance No. 27-89 - Ordinance Authorizing Appropriation, Negotiation, and Acquisition of Easement and/or Fee Simple Interest in Properties Located Adjacent to Avery Road. First Reading. Mrs. King introduced the Ordinance. Mr. Hansley noted that the realignment of Post Road, as discussed at several Council meetings, will involve a portion of Dr. Walker's house to the extent that it would be advisable for the City to purchase his property. Mr. Hansley reported that the City Staff had met with Dr. Walker and his attorney to explain the process. Mrs. King asked why, with all the open space at that particular corner, Dr. Walker's house had to be involved with the extension and improve- ments to the road. .~_,4 Mr. Willis reported that staff had reviewed two possible alignments for the extension of Muirfield Drive south, and that the construction of a curve in accordance with Dublin's Codified Ordinances (400' radius) would still have taken Dr. Walker's house and provided the City with a minimum curve for that type of road at that location. He said that the alignment chosen reflects a flatter curve, recognizing the need to tie in to the intersection of Post Road and Avery Road. Mr. Bowman said that considering the desire of the Post Road residents to keep their area residential, that the proposed alignment worked in the best interest of all concerned. ~- Mr. Sutphen shared Mrs. King's concerns regarding the fact that a home would need to be sacrificed where there are open fields nearby. It was stated by Mr. Smith that it was not necessary to pass the Ordinance as an emergency measure. .' Mayor Rozanski announced that there will be a second reading of the Ordinance at the first Council meeting in April. Ordinance No. 28-89 - An Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager to Accep a Proposal for the Expansion of the Sanitary Sewer Lift Station, Amend- ing the Annual Appropriations and Waiving Formal Bidding and Advertising Requirements and Declaring an Emergency. First Reading. RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Minu tes of Dublin City Council Meeting Meeting DAYlON I EGAL BLAr~K co FORrl1 NO 10148 Held March 27 , 1989 19 Page Four .""~ "',,0',",;4 Mrs. King introducdd the Ordinance. Mrs. King moved to waive the three time reading rule and pass as an emergency. Ms. Maurer seconded the motion. Mrs. King noted that the Ordinance would authorize the City Manager to accept a proposal for the expansion of the sanitary sewer left station and amend the appropriations ordinance to provide funding for the project which would expand it sufficiently for several more years by providing backup pumps and a generator; she recommended that Council act on said Ordinance expeditiously. Vote on the motion - Mrs. King, yes; Mr. Sutphen, yes; Ms. Maurer, yes; Mr. Jankowski, yes; Mr. Strip,yes; Mayor Rozanski, yes. Mrs. King requested that the Ordinance be passed and that the monies be appropriated but that it be held for 21 days for review by the EPA and/or any other group(s) that need to review same. Mayor Rozanski suggested starting the paperwork and the process but hold the final decision-making for 21 days or until Council's second meeting in April. Vote on the Ordinance - Mayor Rozanski, yes; Mrs. King, yes; Mr. Strip, yes; Mr. Sutphen, yes; Ms. Maurer, yes; Mr. Jankowski, yes. ~"""'" Resolution No. 07-89 - A Resolution of Intent to Appropriate an Easement and/or Fee Simple Interest in Property Adjacent to Avery Road. First Reading. Ms. Maurer introduced the Ordinance. .... Ms. Maurer moved to waive the three time reading rule and treat as an emergency. Mr. Sutphen seconded the motion. Vote on the motion - Mr. Sutphen, yes; Mr. Strip, yes; Mayor Rozanski, yes; Ms. Maurer, yes; Mrs. King, yes; Mr. Jankowski, yes. Vote on the Resolution - Ms. Maurer, yes; Mr. Jankowski, yes; Mr. Sutphen, yes; Mr. Strip, yes; Mayor Rozanski, yes; Mrs. King, yes. "". Resolution No. 08-89 - A Resolution Authorizing the Regulation of Traffic on Muirfield Drive and Other Roads in Muirfield During the Annual Memorial Tournament, and Declaring an Emergency. First Reading. Mr. Sutphen introduced the Resolution. Mr. Sutphen requested that No Parking signs be posted on roads north of Glick Road and any other new streets in Muirfield that should also be posted. Mr. Sutphen moved to waive the three time reading rule and treat as an emergency. Mr. Jankowski seconded the motion. ~',J Vote on motion - Mr. Strip, yes; Mrs. King, yes; Mr. Sutphen, yes; Ms. Maurer, yes; Mayor Rozanski, yes; Mr. Jankowski, yes. Vote on Resolution - Mr. Jankowski, yes; Ms. Maurer, yes; Mr. Strip, yes; Mayor Rozanski, yes; Mr. Sutphen, yes; Mrs. King, yes. Resolution No. 10-89 - A Resolution Authorizing the Week of April 22nd through April 29th, 1989 as "Clean Your Green Week". First Reading. Mrs. King introduced the Ordinance. RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Dublin City Council Meeting Meeting OAYTON I.E:.GAL BLANK CO., FORM NO. 10148 Hel~ Mrlrch ')7, 19R9 19 Page Five 'D' ~""'" Mr. McDaniel said that the Resolution should read "Clean Our Green Week", and that the purpose would be to support a series of projects during the month of April which would clean up trash and debris from along roadways, parks, school yards, neighborhoods, etc. He also indicated that he would be willing to contact civic organizations, neighborhood groups, youth groups, etc. in order to coordinate a group effort toward clean up in Dublin. Mr. Hansley reported that youth and adults from the diversion program will also be used to aid in the project. the three time reading rule and treat as an Mrs. King moved to waive emergency. Mr. Sutphen seconded Vote on the motion - yes; Mayor Rozanski, the motion. Mr. Jankowski, yes; Mrs. King, yes; Mr. yes; Ms. Maurer, yes; Mr. Strip, yes. Sutphen, Presentation by Mr. Jerry K. "Kenny" Francis - Franklin County Emergency Management Agency. II'> ' Mr. Francis gave the following background information as regards the request for support from Dublin for the Franklin County Emergency Management Agency agreement. (A sample copy of the agreement was presented to members of Council by Mr. Francis.) 1. In March of 1988 the General Assembly amended Chapter 5915 of the Ohio Revised Code (the Civil Defense Code of Ohio) in which three changes were made. A. The name was changed to the Franklin County Emergency Management Agency. B. The definition of a political subdivision in the civil defense law was changed to include the word township in addition to village and city, creating 43 separate political sub- divisions within Franklin County. C. Renamed the words "largest municipality" when referring to membership of the countywide agreement. It originally said that the largest municipality had to be a member of the agreement. It now says that a majority of the political subdivisions within the county may enter into a written agreement for emergency management activities. 2. The City of Dublin in 1984 passed a Resolution authorizing the City Manager at that time to enter into a countywide agreement. 3. Every other political subdivision within Franklin County passed the necessary legislation with the exception of the Franklin County Commissioners and the City of Columbus. 4. When arriving in January 1, 1988 as Director and seeking authority to run the agency, had to go back to the last agreement that was signed which was in 1973 so that at the present time the agency is operating under an agreement that is almost 16 years old. The agreement was rewritten and it was determined by the Director and the Executive Committee that the County Commissioners and the City of Columbus should sign the agreement. On August 30, 1988 the County Commissioners passed a Resolution starting the process of the countywide agreement. Mr. Shimp, Legal Counsel, signed it as to form. Mr. Ron O'Brien of the City of Columbus indicated that he agreed with the agreement. .,."!Ii .. 5. .... 6. 7. RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Dublin City Council Meeting Meeting DAnOt. LEGAL Bl Ar"K co FORM NO 10148 Held March 27, 1989 19 Page Six ipI"<'<~ ""'-'-~ 8. Referred to the following "significant things" as noted in the booklet: A. Page 4, paragraph 5, the funding paragraph. The agency receives its funds through a proportionate share paid by each political subdivision in the county. The City of Dublin's proportionate share for this year is just a little over $2,400.00. The proportionate share produces approximately $131,000.00 a year. Approximately $100,000.00 is accepted in Federal funds a year. "Creative" funds are produced in the approximate amount of $150,000.00. B. Paragraph 6 states that the Emergency Management Director and/or his or her representative shall be subject to and act under the authority of the Chief Executive or Administra- tive official of each of the political subdivisions within whose boundaries such services are required. The agency operates as a resource to the local fire chief or chief of police. C. The second paragraph is that the signatories of the agreement agree to render mutual aid to the Emergency Management Director of the county and each of the political subdivisions through the interchange of personnel, equipment and supplies. D. Paragraphs 7, 8 and 9 say that the political subdivision will pay the annual proportionate share upon being invoiced and if said political subdivision does not wish to participate in the countywide agreement, that with a 90 day written notice that political subdivision may void the contract. Mr. Hansley commented that staff was aware of the issue and that appropriate legislation would probably appear on the next Council agenda for action. Mr. Francis said that the Executive Committee (14 members) of the Agency had asked him to appear before the Dublin Council to ask for their consideration regarding their position as regards the county- wide outdoor warning system, commonly known as the tornado sirens. He noted that presently there are 109 tornado Sirens within Franklin County, all hooked into the Ohio Bell System. One of the problems with the current system is that one siren or several cannot be set off but in an emergency all 109 sirens must be activated. He said that people in the county, as a result, have become complacent about sirens, and indicated that it will take an ambitious educational program when the new system is in place; to teach the public what a particular sound means and what the appropriate response should be; that there is immediate danger and an immediate reason for the siren to be blowing. With the present system there is one activation point in Franklin Count) which is the Columbus Fire Alarm Office at Station 1 in downtown Columbus. With the new system the Columbus Fire Alarm Office will remain the primary activation point for the siren system. The second, or the backup to that 24 hour system, will be the Westerville Fire Department, who will likewise have the ability to activate the system. The third backup and control will be in the Agency's office on Harmon Avenue, and the fourth location will be in the van of the Agency Director. He noted that several communities have asked to be able to establish their own activation point, but that he has continued to discourage any other activation points within Franklin County; that they must make sure that the message going to the citizens of the entire community is the same. .w. !l!:"" . Minutes of RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS I I, jl II Held II I I i I if ,I 'I II I I I I ! I II II 'I II II II II I. II I' II I, [I II I I I I Ii , I i I I I II I I i I' II 'I II Ii I' I I II II t-- II Ii Ii I' Authority to sound the sirens is from the National Weather Service fromll its office at Port Columbus which authorizes the activation of the I sirens based upon weather data from radar sightings and information II provided by trained amateur radio spotters. A dedicated phone line I is run from Port Columbus from the National Weather Service to the II a larm office. II I II I I Dublin City Council Meeting Meeting -"'-~ ~----ft; ~,- ",. ... II DAYTON LEGAL BLANK co., FORM NO. 10148 March 27, 1989 19_ Page Seven Mr. Francis noted that the second concern is nuclear attack; that civil defense was established because of potential enemy attack in the 1940s, and that that is still a large part of their planning and responsibility to the community; to continue to plan and to work with the military in regards to possible nuclear attack. He also said that the Columbus Fire Alarm Office has a direct link with the National Warning System out of Washington, D.C. be a dedicated line, and when the message is received that there is an enemy attack the sirens are sounded, a separate distinctive sound which has not been heard. He noted that during a weather incident there will be a three minute solid blast with a seven minute quiet period; another three minute solid blast, seven minutes of quiet, etc. He indicated that the standard operating procedure for the Franklin County Emergency Management Agency in the case of an emergency would be that the outdoor warning system would be activated only upon the authority of the Franklin County Emergency Management Director and/or his or her representative or on the direction of the National Weather Service, National Warning System or at the request of the Chief Executive Officer, Fire Chief, or Police Chief of a political subdivision within Franklin County but for only those sirens located within the political subdivision. Mr. Francis said that at the present time the use of the voice capabili on the sirens will be limited to evacuations only. He said that there were concerned with the possibility of giving a mixed message to the general public so that they have taken the attitude that they want to wait until the majority of the sirens in the county are electronic before using the voice capability for other than an evacuation incident. He noted, again, that public education is critical, that the programs, sounds, and messages that are coming from the sirens be the same throughout the county. Mr. Francis asked that Council reconsider their position and allow the Agency to manage Dublin's outdoor warning system. Responding to a question from Mayor Rozanski, Mr. Francis said that of the 109 sirens in the county, that as of this date 102 were in service. Mayor Rozanski also commented as did other members of Council that it seems that out of the three sirens presently in Dublin, that one or two seem to be out of service most of the time. Mr. Sutphen also mentioned the poor maintenance service provided for the sirens. He also said that it was the recommendation of the Public Safety Committee to Council that Dublin have the right to control and use their sirens as they see fit. Mayor Rozanski noted that in the past the county has paid for the sirens, paid for the maintenace and upkeep of the sirens. Under new Minutes of RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Dublin City Council Meeting Meeting DAYTON LEGAL BLANK co" FORM NO. 10148 'I Ii II Ii :! HelcI M.<lrrn ')7, 1q,qq 19 Page Eight e" ~~"""40 guidelines and rules the municipalities have to put in their own sirens; the citizens will be paying for the sirens; the City of Dublin will be maintaining the sirens; instead of three sirens the City will have approximately 20 sirens to cover the entire City; that it is the consensus of Council that if the City is purchasing the sirens and maintaining them that the City should be able to sound those sirens itself in an emergency situation. Ms. Maurer expressed a concern, noting that hazardous materials was not included on the list of priorities. She noted that she felt that the City of Dublin was extremely exposed to an emergency incident of this nature, noting that transportation of hazardous materials must go around the outerbelt. Mr. Strip suggested that perhaps there is some middle ground which would satisfy the Agency's concerns as well as the concerns of the citizens of Dublin; perhaps some type of mutual control Mr. Francis said that they are exploring the possibility of a dual system. Mrs. King noted that the Dublin Police Division is being accredited which is a very involved process, and that just as the Agency has professionals, the City of Dublin has professionals and that the City officials felt confident that the City would act appropriately in an emergency situation. II I .""<1 .".".. Request for Approval of Final Plat - Kentigern Place Mr. Bowman had the following comments: 1. This is a 9.8 acre site looking just south of the Country Club on Muirfield Drive. 2. It is a development consisting of 42 patio-type homes on patio- type lots. 3. The plat was approved by the Planning Commission in two phases _ the lot layout was approved on September 8, 1988, and on November 10, 1988 a package of design controls and architectural features for the site was approved. 4. Staff and the Planning Commission recommended approval with the following conditions: (all conditions have been complied with by the app licant) A. Maintenance of proposed mounding along those lots that front on Muirfield Drive. That will be handled with the owner as well as with the Muirfield Association. B. A commitment from Muirfield to extend the bike path to the tunnel a little bit north of the subdivision. C. Submittal and approval of final engineering drawings by the City Engineer, including the Final Plat. D. Final approval by the City Engineer on the resolution of the sanitary sewer flow problems. Mrs. King requested that it be stipulated that the bike path segments that are constructed as a part of the project meet the O.D.O.T. standards described in the Dublin Community Plan in Figure 5.5 for free-standing bike paths with two exceptions - that they be only 6' wide and that they would not have to comply with the signage requirements that are specified in the O.D.O.T. plan. Mr. Howard Adams said that he would review the specifications and see that they were complied with, as well as seeing that the condition of the present bike paths in Muirfield will be checked and that they will be repaired if necessary. p.:.q ....c.... Minutes of RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Dublin City Council Meeting Meeting DATION LEGAL BLANK co.. FORM NO. 10148 Held March 27, 1989 II I' ~ 19_ The Preliminary Plat is a proposed subdivision located in the southwest area of Dublin, south of U.S. 33/161 and west of 1-270; Dublin's first residential subdivision in that location. It is 99 acres between Shier-Rings Road and Rings Road, located on I both sides of Wilcox Road. I The site is Planned Low Residential District to be developed with I 312 single family lots. For development purposes with the plan, also begin considered is a tract, the Woodin tract, that will eventually be included in the plan pending a subsequent rezoning. For development purposes it is being considered for parks, streams, and storm water. The Planning Commission discussed a number of items at two meetings A. The Staff, Planning Commission and applicant all agreed that the sanitary sewer issue still needs to be resolved. It was acknowledge that the first phase of development at the northern end can be serviced by the existing Cosgray Sewer which is under 1-270 and in the general location. The remainder of the tract will be serviced eventually by the Cramer Sewer; however, that is pending further negotiations. B. There was a major discussion about storm water. The discussions focused on retention in the park versus retention in the proposed back yards of the lots. Both methods are permissible by the Code. At the first meeting the back yards retention was proposed, but in working with the staff the applicant then developed a storm water plan which essentially utilized a portion of the park for detention in a manner that will not disturb the trees that exist, with carefully planned grading and sloping. Staff and the developer will work out the details of the specific arrangement when the plat comes back. C. The relocation of Wilcox Road, which is to be done within another phase of the development. The Fire Chief is satisfied and endorsed the phasing concept that will essentially re-route Wilcox Road through the subdivision, separating industrial traffic from residential traffic. 6. Staff recommended approval of the Preliminary Plat. The Planning Commission, by a vote of 4-3, also recommended approval with the following conditions: "";"""f ~.,... .""''41 .".....,'~ I I ."'''.... 15-.--4 Page Nine Mr. Bowman said that the bike paths will be built to City of Dublin specifications. Mr. Sutphen moved to approve the Final Plat -Kentigern Place with the conditions, as requested by Mrs. King, regarding the bike path. Mrs. King seconded the motion. Vote - Mr. Jankowski, yes; Mr. Strip, yes; Mrs. King, yes; Ms. Maurer, yes; Mr. Sutphen, yes; Mayor Rozanski, yes. Request for Approval of Preliminary Plat - Heather Glen Mr. Bowman commented as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A. Mounding to be demonstrated, plant material to be coordinated with the Landscape Planner. B. Park to be reconfigured to supply minimum acreage if the Woodi tract is not successfully rezoned. C. Park to be kept free of debris and dedicated after being improved, consistent with agreement with the Parks Director. D. Electrical lines to be underground where applicable by Code. E. Utilities and roadways to be installed in compliance with Code and/or rezoning agreement. F. Developer to work out details fo the storm water retention in the park area at the developer's expense to the approval of Staff . Minutes of RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Dublin City Council Meeting Meeting DAYTON LEGAL BLANK co" FORM NO. 10148 II II Held II Ii II f*" '.o~ II ...,.,.<4 II Ii I 1 i 11 II I I I I I ~.,".. ...,.,.; .....',<~ ... ^. , I March 27, 1989 19_ 1~-- II I , Page Ten Mr. Sutphen reminded the applicant that the plat passed the Planning Commission with a 4 to 3 vote; that the applicant should be sensitive to the concerns expressed by members of Council before requesting approval of the Final Plat. Regarding the placement of the retention pond in the park area, Mr. Bowman said that the park area will essentially be usable most of the time; that during major storms some water will back up into the park area but that with a proper job of grading and attention to detail that both goals should be able to be accommodated. With regard to the same issue, Mr. Bowman said that traditionally there is an open pipe at one end and an open pipe at the other, that water flows through the pipe and goes through a ditch. He noted that in this plan there will be a very large storm sewer pipe all the way through the park to be dumped within the wooden portion of the park area. He also said that during major storms that the pipe will fill up, the water will, essentially, come out of the pipe, flow within the park, and go back into the pipe after the storm. Mr. Sutphen asked about the trees. Mr. Bowman noted that it is a swampy area which is why it was not farmed. He also noted that there are ponds in the woods and that the pipe gets smaller as it moves into the woods so that the water will come out of the pipe at the tree development break. Mr. Bowman also said that staff will be working with the developer as regards the grade to maintain the least slope possible, but also to make the park usable and yet get positive drainage back into the pipe. Mayor Rozanski expressed a concern regarding the fact that parkland dedications are getting "beaten up" and that developers have found a way to use those dedications for their benefit rather than for the benefit of the citizens. Mr. Bob Parkinson of R.D. Zande, Inc. noted that they had studied and reviewed the retention pond aspect at length, as well as discussing it with staff. Therefore, in order to make the park area usable, they decided to provide a very flat graded area with gradual slopes on the edge of the pond with the sloping going from north to south. Mr. Parkinson further explained how the retention basin would work, specifically during heavy storms, commenting that the park land will not be usable during a very heavy storm, but that in a few hours after a heavy storm that the water would be back down. He further stated that the retention basin would be designed to hold the proper amount of water and that the pipe would be designed to release only the amount of water that is allowable under Dublin requirements. Mr. Parkinson said that there is presently a similar type of retention basin in Upper Arling, that he had not seen it lately, but that he would inform interested members of Council of its location so that they might look at it. There was discussion regarding the appropriate way to inform potential home buyers of the fact that at times the park area might not be usable. Mr. Strip suggested that the developer convince members of Council prior to their request for approval of the Final Plat that it will be a usable piece of ground, and that storm water retention can be accomplished. Ms. Jordan said that the plan would be for a neighborhood-type park wit parking, a shelter house, play area, as well as a large meadow area which might be used for soccer, softball, etc. Minutes of RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Dublin City Council Meeting Meeting DAYTON LEGAL BLANK co., FORM NO. 10148 Held March 27, 1989 ""..,.., . ".ill I II ;1 II II I I ",. .... 19 Page Eleven Mr. Strip moved to approve the Preliminary Plat - Heather Glen Mr. Jankowski seconded the motion. Vote on the motion - Mr. Sutphen, yes; Mayor Rozanski, yes; Ms. Maurer, yes; Mrs. King, yes; Mr. Strip, yes; Mr. Jankowski, yes. Request for Approval of Final Plat - Perimeter Center Mall Mr. Bowman had the following comments: 1. 2. This site was reviewed by Council last month. It is 103 acres located on the east side of Avery Road between U.S. 33/161 and Post Road. The site is zoned PCD. The site includes all the with the exception of one residential lot located a lots are zoned LI. Both Staff and the Planning Commission recommended approval of plat with the following conditions: I the II 3. 4. land between Avery Road and Wilcox Road parcel at the corner as well as a little further south. Both of these 5. A. Street lighting to be installed by the developer consistent with City standards. B. Setbacks to be indicated on the north side of Perimeter Drive and corrected at the intersection. C. Provisions to be made for the payment of park fee in conjunction with residential portion. D. Timing for installation of all the landscape buffers and perimeter treatments to be indicated. E. All engineering comments in the Staff Report dated March 9, 1989. F. Addition of a bike path along the east side of Avery Road, with the sidewalk becoming a bike path on the south side of Perimeter Drive into the front of the Mall. With regard to the above conditions, Mr. Bowman said that Staff is still working with the developer regarding the park land dedication issue. He said that the construction of the streets will begin probably in April and that the construction of the Center will probably begin in the late summer when the road is completed. He noted that all engineering comments have been incorporated. Mr. Bowman said that there was discussion regarding the bike path. He noted that there is a strip of land well east of Post Road and Avery Road that comes out of Indian Run Meadows and then intersects Post Road. Mr. Bowman said that Ms. Jordan proposed that that be the linkage from the Indian Run Meadow bike path over to Perimeter. The Planning Commission preferred that the bike path be located along Muirfield Drive as it is extended. The developers would then take the bike path all along the souther side of Perimeter Drive so that they could either access through Post and Wilcox Roads with a path or they could come down Muirfield Drive, Avery Road to Perimeter Drive. He said that Staff would suggest a compromise; take the bike path across the stream to Post Road. He noted that they had examined the intersection details of Perimeter Drive; that the problem with Perimeter Drive is that there is a free flowing turn movement; that it is a very dangerous intersection point. He said that the major construction would be for the bridge to get people from Muirfield Drive to Post and Avery Roads, details could then be worked out when Staff can see the actual functioning of the roadway and can review all of the aspects of the bike path. Minutes of RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Dublin City Council Meeting Meeting II II Helel II I! II Ii II II ......, II II I. .....,... II I' Ii II II Ii 'I I' " II II I I II I I I , II :1 II DAYTON LEGAL BLANK co.. FORM NO. 10148 March 27, 1989 ii II 1r I, II II II II " II 19_ "."-'-""1 ... II II II I, 'I II Ii Ii " I' II II I! 'I I I ...' Iiik Page Twelve Mr. Sutphen mentioned the bike path along Coffman suddenly stops and people are forced out onto the be able to access Coffman Park. Road which road in order to Mr. Bowman said that staff was concerned, due to the turn movement at Perimeter Drive, that people will not be able to cross that inter- section safely to get to the south side of Perimeter Drive. He also said that the City will insure that bicycle traffic will be able to cross over Indian Run Stream. Mr. Bowman Bowman suggested that an option might be to close Post and Avery Roads so that bicycle traffic could go to Wilcox Road and get to the Center in that way. Several Council members commented that people, especially children, will take the shortest route to a destination. Mr. Terry Andrews of Planned Communities said that they would put the bike path in the way that Council desired. He also said that they agreed with the recommendation of the Planning Commission, but that if Council should want to modify that recommendation that they would be agreeable to said requested modification. Mr. Bowman again said that the intersection detail should be studied before a decision is made. Following additional discussion Mr. Strip moved to approve the Final Plat - Perimeter Center Mall, subject to a satisfactory approval of a bike path by Council not more than 60 days hence. Mrs. King seconded the motion. Vote - Mr. Sutphen, yes; Mr. Jankowski, yes; Mrs. King, yes; Ms. Maurer, yes; Mr. Strip, yes; Mayor Rozanski, yes. Request for Bed Tax Funds - Dublin Kiwanis Mr. Jankowski reported that the written recommendation of the Finance Committee was that, in general, the Committee was in favor of the proposed project, but wanted more specific information as to how the $50,000.00 would be spent. Mr. Dan Smith, representing the Dublin Kiwanis, said that a plan was developed approximately two years ago to develop a park system along the Scioto River. He reported that the first phase was begun last year, the development of a park in the Old Dublin Spring area; that they had spent about $30,000.00 on an area which has a $70,000.00 value, using a great deal of volunteer labor as well as contributions of materials, etc. from individuals. Mr. Smith said that the Kiwanians were requesting $50,000.00 from the bed tax funds to finance the second phase of the project _ the develop- ment of blacktop walkway paths from the bridge south along the east side to approximately Martin Road along the marsh area which would be on City-owned ground. He noted that they would also like to tie in, somehow, to the park area that Mr. Chambers is developing. It was noted that signage would be placed to identify plants, trees, etc. Mrs. King commented that she felt that the Dublin Sprin park area is one of the most beautiful sites in Dublin. Mr. Smith said that they plan to continue to develop that area. It was noted that it had been agreed that parking would be available at the adjoining office site on weekends. Minutes of RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Dublin City Council Meeting Meeting ",", ....._;,;;,;t .,_K" ..., ~ P' ... , DAYTON LEGAL BLANK co., FORM NO. 10148 I II Ii II Ii Ii I I I I Held 19_ I) Ii 4-- II March 27. 1989 Page Thirteen Mrs. King moved to approve the bed tax request. Mr. Sutphen seconded the motion. Vote on the motion for approval - Ms. Maurer, yes; Mr. Jankowski, yes; Mr. Strip, yes; Mr. Sutphen, yes; Mrs. King, yes; Mayor Rozanski, yes. Request for Bed Tax Funds - Dublin Irish Celebration Mr. Jankowski reported that the original request was for $85,000.00 and that the Finance Committee recommended an appropriation of $3,000.00, the reasoning being that the major portion of the funds would be to underwrite a single event and that the Committee was not willing to underwrite a single event at that time. Mrs. Mary Margaret McLernon commented as follows, showing slides of Dublin which showed streets and subdivisions with Irish names, fire hydrants painted green, low stone fences, as well as examples which use the shamrock logo. 1. The last bed tax fund request was for three events _ the concert by the Chieftains, the Dublin/Irish Celebration and the Columbus Feis, and the performances by the Dublin Abbey Theatre. The goal was the same as the objective set forth in the bed tax ordinance - to enhance the appeal of Dublin to tourists and visitors through cultural and special events. The Chieftains performance was a sellout, generating national I publicity for the City, including metion in "USA Today". II The Dublin Irish Festival/Columbus Feis was an overwhelming II Success. More than 375 dancers registered for the Feis who, with their families patronized Dublin hotels and restaurants. The General Manager of the Marriott, by letter, said that 111 rooms were used that weekend at his hotel. At the National Feis Meeting in New Jersey recently, the Columbus Feis was heralded as the outstanding Feis of the season. The Columbus Feis wishes to return to Dublin this year. Even with a short lead time 800 tickets were sold for the Dublin Abbey Theatre performances which made it a financial success. The original request for 1989 bed tax monies was reviewed by the Finance Committee, which suggested an appropriation of $3,000.00 for the 1989 Dublin/Irish Festival The Committee would like to discuss plans for a theatre event in the fall of 1989. Plan to continue to work with the Dublin Schools as well as other community groups. It takes more than one year and three events to build an audience and following. Each of the events in 1988 generated substantial local and national publicity and in one case international publicity. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ms. Kitty Thomas said that they were asking for $35,000.00 to cover expenses for the theatre event. She also reported that they were in negotiation with several theatre groups, and Mrs. McLernon said that they had learned that the Dublin Abbey Theatre group will be in the United States in the fall on an eight or nine city tour which would reduce the expense considerably if they should agree to come to Dublin. Mr. Jankowski pointed out that after reviewing the revised request for funds that there appeared to be a "shortfall" of approximately $25,000.00. He wondered what the additional $10,000.00 would be used for. ms. Thomas said that the additional $10,000.00 would be used as seed money - money to be used in the event that an opportunity arose which could be used to sponsor additional events. Minutes of RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Dublin City Council Meeting Meeting DAlTON LEGAL BLANK CO.. FORM NO. 10148 /1 Ii 'I I, Held March 27, 1989 19 Page Fourteen ,.. Mr. Strip discussed numbers as related to subsidizing seats for performances. He also suggested the possibility of a mechanism whereby Dublin residents would not be "shut out" of performances. Mrs. McLernon said that if such a situation would occur that another performance could be added. Mr. William Fearon of the Convention and Visitors Bureau said that he felt that the purpose of the bed tax is to bring people into Dublin, to stay in Dublin hotels, use Dublin restaurants, and to bring money into Dublin. He also said that the Convention and Visitors Bureau as well as the Chamber of Commerce support his type of activity. Ms. Maurer commented that it was clear from the letters in the packets that the events did bring people to Dublin hotels, and also noted that the University people recognize the value of the Abbey Theatre. She also noted that the arts, in general, are subsidized, and that is why the bed tax is there. Mrs. King said that she felt that the group had a good "track record", that she was more comfortable with the revised budget, and would be willing to give the group another opportunity to bring additional visitors into Dublin for a cultural event. ".-::-:.<'!; Mr. Strip said that anything that the bed tax does is a subsidy _ the Miss Colleen pageant, a park, a baseball team, a band, etc. Mr. Jankowski moved to appropriate the sum of $25,000.00 which would cover the difference between expenses and revenues as projected in the 1989 budget of the Dublin/Irish Celebration for 1989. Mrs. King seconded the motion. Vote on the motion - Ms. Maurer, yes; Mr. Sutphen, yes; Mrs. King, yes; Mr. Jankowski, yes; Mr. Strip, yes; Mayor Rozanski, yes. ti Comments from Staff Ms. Jordan 1. The City of Dublin has achieved and was awarded Tree City status _ a project that her staff has been working on for almost two years. The State of Ohio, as of this year, has 111 tree cities in the state; the closest state being California which has 75 designated tree cities. ...- II II 2. The firm of Wandell & Schnell, who designed Dublin's Municipal Swimming Pool, has received an award from the A.I.A. for the desig of the pool. ... - Ms. Prushing 1. Referred to the letter from the Dublin Historical Society requesti clarification regarding the administration of last year's bed tax funding. She also noted that they were wondering if they were "tied down" to specific projects as listed in their bed tax application of 1988 or if they could make some substitutions. Mr. Smith said that the request for funds had been to restore the exterior of the Fletcher-Coffman House and that as long as they would be making changes to, and working on, the exterior of the house that they would not need to come back to Council. Minutes of RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Dublin City Council Meeting Meeting DAYTON LEGAL BLANK CO.. FORM NO. 10148 II II Held Ii II I I ... II II :1 ~",,-.,,," II March 27, 1989 I 19_ I, f 'I Page Fifteen 1ft' - 1. I II II II 2. I I "" I ...~ . Ms. Prushing pointed out which was recommended by approved by Council. Mayor Rozanski announced that action on the remaining bed tax requests for 1989 would be taken at the next Council meeting (April 3, 1989). that the $15,000.00 request for 1989 the Finance Committee had never been Mr. Harding 1. Mentioned that four of the five new radio dispatchers begain work on this date and that the third dispatcher would report to work on March 31, 1989. Chief Ferrell 1. Apologized for not being present at the swearing in of Officer John Wright. 2. Thanked Council for their endorsement of staff as regards their qualifications to manage Dublin's own disaster warning system. 3. The Police Division Open House will be held on Sunday afternoon, April 23, 1989. Comments from Citizens I I I, Ii II I 1. Mr. Wally Maurer. Mr. Maurer applauded Council for appropriating the monies to the Dublin/Irish Celebration. He also asked Council to consider something for the future. He mentioned a town in Canada, named Stratford, "cashing in" on that name which has one of the largest international theatres in the world. He noted that there are six or seven Dublins in the United States and that Dublin, Ohio should work diligently on its connection with Dublin, Ireland and should exploit its opportunity before another Dublin, U.S.A. does so. Council Roundtable Discussion Mrs. King Asked Mr. Bowman why the smaller corner that was cut out at Avery and Post Roads that is not a part of Perimeter Mall is being used as a parking lot for semi-trailers and asked what is its future. Mr. Bowman said that the parcel is zoned Limited Industrial. He noted that Staff over the last few years has made an attempt to move trailers that are there that are in violation. Mentioned some rather severe potholes on the Glick Road Bridge that perhaps the City of Dublin could arrange for the potholes to be filled in or contact the appropriate people through the appropriate channels. Mr. Hansley said that the City's policy at present is that if there were an emergency situation, for example snow and ice, that Dublin would probably go out there and assist. He said, however, for something more routine like a pothole the City would contact the Columbus Division of Water who maintains the structure and ask them to come out. He said that if they specifically requested Dublin to assist them by filling in the potholes that Dublin would do so. 3. Several people have mentioned that they feel that there is a dangerous situation with joggers using the streets after dark. She suggested that the situation be looked into and that perhaps the City might want to look into requiring joggers to wear neon vests or something like that. RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Dublin City Council Meeting Meeting DAYTON LEGAL BLANK co., FORM NO. 10148 Ii'" " 'IF'" "~ ., .r "" Ii II I' II Ii II ,I II II ,I I' II I, II I[ I I , !/ II I' I I I II il Ii I Ii II i I I I i I ! il III II I March 27, 1989 Held 19_ I I! I I I I Page Sixteen 4. Asked how the City gets the street lights on Glick Road repaired. Mr. Hansley said that the City has had pretty good cooperation from Columbus and Southern in repair and replacement, but that some of the lights, as soon as they are repaired, are being shot out by young people. It was noted that the Police Department or Maintenance Office should be notified when any street lights within the City are noted to be not operating. 5. Expressed a hope that the monies acquired in lieu of park land dedication be spent to acquire park land. Mr. Sutphen 1. Thanked the Police Division for their comprehensive Year-End Annual Report. 2. Suggested to Mr. Jones that something be done to clean up the "mess" on the Orr property, th~t property along Tara Hill Drive. Mr. Jones reported that Weiler and Kelley have hired a contractor to clean up that area. Mr. Hansley said that as a part of "Clean Our Green Week" that the City will be asked people to report areas of the City that they feel need to be cleaned up. He noted that the City will provide the trucks, the trash bags, and the mechanism by which this project will be done. Mr. Hansley also noted that persons in the diversion program will also be contributing to the project. Ms. Maurer 1. Announced two meetings _ Friday, March 31, 1989, 10:00 A.M., a meeting of the Public Service Committee at which she and Mrs. King will report on the seminars they attended regarding recycling. Friday, March 31, 1989, 11:00 A.M., a meeting of the Land Use Planning Committee at which Ms. Maurer will report on the Community Child Care seminars she attended at the National League oc Cities meeting in Washington, D.C. recently. 2. Announced that the Franklin County Office of Litter Prevention is sponsoring a meeting the first week in April, said meeting for the purpose of discussing recycling. 3. Thought it was a shame that there was no activity planned for Saturday night, March 18th, St. Patrick's Day. 4. With regard to the $1,000.00 for the Miss Colleen pageant, said pageant which was not held, Ms. Prushing said that they had not received the money. Mayor Rozanski 1. Annual complaint about the used car lot on the wouthwest corner of S.R. 161 and Sawmill Road. He noted that every year that vacant lot becomes a used car lot. Mr. Hansley said that the City is lloking at that lot; that it could be a good entryway feature into Dublin. Mayor Rozanski suggested, in the meantime, barricading it to keep the cars out of there. RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Dublin City Council Meeting Meeting DAYTON LEGAL BLANK co., FORM NO. 10148 I HeIo I II 'I II i i I I I ,.' I ,I !I il!fk..--"" II ! March 27. 1989 19 Page Seventeen 2. Mentioned that approximately one year ago the stone fence at the cemetery along Monterey Drive was to be repaired and that the residents are anxious to see some results. Mr. Johnson said that work would begin in approximately one week. 3. Mentioned complaints received in Mayor's Court regarding the old striping on S.R. 161 in front of the cemetery. He noted that most of the black pain that was painted over the yellow lines has worn off and the yellow stripes are back in view, causing confusion for motorists. Mr. Johnson promised to look at it in the morning. Mayor Rozanski adjourned the meeting at 10:43 P.M. .....-. ~es~ M",~~ -1r~~ ~-~ Clerk of Councll fIIi!";'1l ....