04/03/1967 220 The regular meeting of the Dublin Village Counoil was meld at 8 :00 PM ail April 3, 1967 at the Munioipal Building wuth 1~yor Jaok Frambes presiding. ~0110a11 was held as follows: Dixon, present; Karrer, ab sent; McCoy, present; i::lheldon, present; Smith, present; Ulrey, present. J 'I'he minutes' of the lVJarch6, 1967 and the ue.roh 20, 1967 mee'tings were rea.d and approved. The follewing bills were submitted fer payIOOnt: Jaok Frambes $ 40.00 Mar. Court Fee Erio Priday 55.80 Mar. Clerk salary David Headlee 286.20 Trash piokup Int. Rev. Servioe 155.80 Witholding John Brown 48.00 Police & Street work H.E. Rose 396.68 Marshal & street Supt. P.E.R.S. 84.28 Witholding She]d.on moved, seconded by Ulrey, that the bills be paid. Vote thereon was: Dixon, yes; Karrer, absent; llOCOY, yes; Smith, yes. fhe publio Hearing on the rezoning of the HJcKitriok-Shriver property was held. John Fergus spoke for Midwestern Vv"{, the buyers of the la.al. Glen Kinzer questiened the outside lighting and Mr. Fergus answered to ~tr Kinzer's satisfaotion. l~s Kinzer spoke regarding glare frol,l golf OOU;:'Sd. Mr. Fergus answered that .l'Iilidwestern did not plan on annoying neighbors but that some light was neoessary for safety. Riohard Toberan questioned recreation faoi1ities and Mr. Fergus explained that they would be private for Company use but might be available for 100a1 groups by prior arrangemeny.Counoi1 questioned sewer easements and were assured that easements s ,'J, would be granted when the need arose but that .lIlidwestern wa:s opposed to the plaoemmt along Indian ltun. Sheldon moved, seoonded by Ulrey, to dispense with the three t!tme reading rule on Ord. 06-67 rezoning the traot as requested. Vote on the motion was:: Dixon, yes; Karrer, absent; lJcCoy, yes; Smith, yes. Vote on Ord. 06-67 was;: Dixon, yes; Karrer, absent; liIcCoy, yes; Sheldon, yes; Snnith, yes; Ulrey, yes. the h~yor informed Counoi1 that George Eger had been appointed as a representative to the Blue Plan from the Village. Treasurer I S Report was as folLows: Balanoe Feb. 28, 1967 Reoeipts Expenditures Balanoe Maroh 31, 1967 ~ 1,155.17 ;;p 200.50 1,132.86 U2.8t ~w.~~~ Meeting Adjour:ned. ]