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08-12-2024 Council Minutes
RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Dublin City Council Minutes of Meeting GOVERNMENT FORMS & SUPPLIES 644-224-3808 FORM NO, 10148 Held August 12, 2024 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Amorose Groomes called the Monday, August 12, 2024 Regular Council Meeting of Dublin City Council to order at 5:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Present were Vice Mayor Alutto, Mayor Amorose Groomes, Ms. De Rosa, Ms. Fox, Mr. Keeler, Ms. Kramb and Mr. Reiner. Staff members present were Ms. O'Callaghan, Mr. Hartmann, Chief Paez, Ms. Weisenauer, Mr. Stiffler, Mr. Gracia, Mr. Earman, Mr. Hammersmith, Mr. Gable, Ms. Wawszkiewicz, Ms. Blake, Mr. Althouse and Mr. Ament. Others present: Tom Hibbard, American StructurePoint; Chris Hermann, MKSK; and Nate Green, Montrose Group LLC. ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION Mayor Amorose Groomes moved to adjourn to executive session for the purposes of: . Personnel matters: considering the employment of a public employee; ° Considering confidential information related to a request for economic development assistance that involves public infrastructure improvements that are directly related to an economic development project, and which executive session is necessary to protect the possible investment or expenditure of public funds to be made in connection with the economic development project; and * Considering the purchase of property for public purposes. Vice Mayor Alutto seconded the motion. Vote on the motion: Mr. Keeler, yes; Ms. Kramb, yes; Vice Mayor Alutto, yes; Mr. Reiner, yes; Ms. De Rosa, yes; Ms. Fox, yes; Mayor Amorose Groomes, yes. The meeting was reconvened at 7:04 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Amorose Groomes invited Mr. Keeler to lead the Pledge of Allegiance. CITIZEN COMMENTS Gary Reiss, 108 W. Stafford Avenue, Worthington, came forward to comment on advanced air mobility. Mr. Reiner asked that he share his knowledge on the topic. Mr. Reiss provided a PowerPoint presentation to Council and spoke about the development of air mobility and opportunities that may be available in the near future. Mayor Amorose Groomes thanked Mr. Reiss for sharing this information with Council and suggested he meet with Chief Paez regarding some of the technology that has brought assistance to law enforcement. Mayor Amorose Groomes also suggested that Mr. Reiss meet with planning staff to get his perspective on the multi-modal transportation hubs that have been discussed by the City. Mr. Reiner thanked Mr. Reiss for coming to speak about the future of air mobility. He added that it is an important concept that the City needs to start integrating into our planning. CONSENT AGENDA ° Minutes of the June 24, 2024 Council Work Session ° Minutes of the July 1, 2024 Regular Council Meeting ° Excuse the Absence of Council Member De Rosa from the July 1, 2024 Regular Council Meeting Minutes of RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Dublin City Council Meeting GOVERNMENT FORMS & SUPPLIES 644-224-3338 FORM NO, 10148 Held August 12, 2024 Page 2 of 13 20 . Notice to the Legislative Authority for a New D2 Liquor Permit for Jandt LLC, dba Pinots Palette of Dublin, 6381 Sawmill Road, Dublin, Ohio 43017 There was no request to remove an item from the Consent Agenda. Mayor Amorose Groomes moved to approve the items on the Consent Agenda. Vice Mayor Alutto seconded the motion. Vote on the motion: Mr. Reiner, yes; Ms. Fox, yes; Ms. De Rosa, yes; Mr. Keeler, yes; Ms. Kramb, yes; Mayor Amorose Groomes, yes; Vice Mayor Alutto, yes. INTRODUCTION/PUBLIC HEARING/VOTE — RESOLUTIONS Resolution 38-24 Amending the Dublin City Council Rules of Order Vice Mayor Alutto introduced the Resolution. Ms. De Rosa stated that Council referred the Council Rules of Order to the Administrative Committee for an annual review to ensure that the rules are relevant to current and desired practices. The Administrative Committee conducted this review at their May 1% and June 4" meetings and provided feedback on amendments proposed by staff. A red-lined version and a clean version of the proposed amendments were provided to Council at the June 17* meeting. She shared that the proposed amendments seek to accomplish the following: e Define the structure of different meeting types, e Provide flexibility regarding the order of business for the purpose of meeting efficiency, and e Clarify the expectations put upon interested parties who come forward to speak at meetings. There were no public comments. Ms. Fox read sections 3.02 and 3.03 and thought that it may be limiting Council’s ability to create and manage standing committees. She thought the language to be somewhat contradictory. She also stated that she would like to leave the time allotted to each citizen comment to five minutes and not reduce it to three minutes. Ms. De Rosa stated that the Administrative Committee did discuss 3.02 and 3.03. She explained that they do not contradict each other because Council can create a committee at anytime and then Council would need to assign people to the committee, which according to the rules, can be done. 3.02 refers to the creation of the committee and 3.03 refers to who serves on those committees and when that is decided. Ms. Kramb suggested a wording change that may clarify. She suggested moving the text, “at the Organizational Meeting” to the front of the sentence and adding the word “existing” so it would read: At the Organizational Meeting, membership and chairmanship of each existing standing committee shall be determined by Council. She stated with this language change, it does not conflict with 3.02. Mr. Keeler suggested adding a definition of “Organizational Meeting” to the definition section. Council consensus was to add the definition. Ms. De Rosa stated that, regarding the three- or five-minute timeframe in citizen comments, the Committee felt that the Mayor has the ability to add more time if needed and most people when speaking do not use the full five minutes anyway. Mayor Amorose Groomes stated that it gives more opportunity rather than less for people to speak because the other option would be to limit the time allotted for citizen comments Minutes of RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Dublin City Council Meeting GOVERNMENT FORMS & SUPPLIES 844-224-3338 FORM NO. 10148 Held August 12, 2024 Page 3 of 13 20 as a whole. By lessening the time per speaker, we are permitting more people the opportunity to speak. Vice Mayor Alutto stated that the Committee looked at this as a matter of function and common practice. Common practice is three minutes while allowing the flexibility to the Mayor to amend that as necessary. Ms. Kramb stated that it is always better to add more time when needed then to take time away from people. Ms. Fox stated that it is important that the residents know they have the opportunity to speak to Council. Mayor Amorose Groomes moved to amend the Rules of Order as proposed by Resolution 38-24 to include a definition of “Organizational Meeting” and to make the wording change to section 3.03 as discussed. Vice Mayor Alutto seconded. Vote on the motion: Mr. Reiner, yes; Ms. Kramb, yes; Mr. Keeler, yes; Mayor Amorose Groomes, yes; Ms. De Rosa, yes; Ms. Fox, yes; Vice Mayor Alutto, yes. Vote on the Resolution as amended: Mayor Amorose Groomes, yes; Mr. Reiner, yes; Ms. Fox, yes; Ms. De Rosa, yes; Mr. Keeler, yes; Vice Mayor Alutto, yes Ms. Kramb, yes. Resolution 39-24 Accepting the Lowest and Best Bid for the Dublin Center Drive Shared Use Path Project (22-023-CIP) Vice Mayor Alutto introduced the Resolution. Mr. Gable stated that staff conducted a competitive bid for the Dublin Center Drive shared use path project which constructs 618 feet of shared use path from the northwest corner of Stone Ridge Lane up to the existing path on Dublin Granville Road. The 2024-2028 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) provides $225,000 for the Dublin Center Drive shared use path project. On July 24, three bids were received and publicly opened. George J. Egel and Company Inc. were the lowest and best bidder with a bid of $217,419.85. Construction is expected to begin this fall with final restoration to be completed in the Spring of 2025. Staff recommended approval. There were no public comments. Vote on the Resolution: Ms. De Rosa, yes; Ms. Kramb, yes; Mr. Keeler, yes; Vice Mayor Alutto, yes; Mr. Reiner, yes; Ms. Fox, yes; Mayor Amorose Groomes, yes. Resolution 40-24 Accepting the Lowest and Best Bid for the Corazon Pedestrian Bridge Replacement Project (23-024-CIP) Vice Mayor Alutto introduced the Resolution. Mr. Gable stated that staff conducted a competitive bid process for the Corazon Pedestrian Bridge replacement project which provides for the replacement of an existing timber bridge and timber abutments with a prefabricated pedestrian bridge and concrete abutments. This project will also replace a portion of the shared use path leading to the pedestrian bridge from Tuscany Drive. This project is funded by the 2024-2028 CIP in the amount of $150,000. On July 24, six bids were received and publicly opened. Axis Civil Construction LLC submitted the lowest and best bid of $215,846.50 which was 11.9% under the Engineer's Estimate of $245,000. Staff anticipates covering the additional project costs using other unencumbered budgeted finds within the CIP. Construction is expected to commence in the spring of 2025 and be completed by June 2025. Staff recommended approval. There were no public comments. Minutes of RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Dublin City Council Meeting GOVERNMENT FORMS & SUPPLIES 644-224-3338 FORM NO. 10748 Held August 12, 2024 Page 4 of 13 20 Ms. Kramb asked about the cost of this project and whether the path was going to be rebuilt or just repaved. Mr. Gable stated that the section that is used for access to the site will be rebuilt. This section of path was recognized by Asset Management as needing maintenance in 2023. This price includes the reconstruction of the path. Ms. Kramb wanted to ensure that the cost would not go up in six months. Mr. Gable stated that the company is locked into the price that they bid. Mayor Amorose Groomes asked about the age of the bridge. Mr. Gable was not certain of the exact age but Mr. Hammersmith believed it to be about 20 years old. The structure is on four-by-four wood posts that cause the bridge to lean. Staff stated that it is important to get this replaced and repaired. In response to Mayor Amorose Groomes’ assertion that the City does not allow bridges to be constructed in this fashion any longer, Mr. Gable responded affirmatively and stated that it is not advised. Vote on the Resolution: Ms. Kramb, yes; Mayor Amorose Groomes, yes; Ms. Fox, yes; Mr. Reiner, yes; Ms. De Rosa, yes; Mr. Keeler, yes; Vice Mayor Alutto, yes. OTHER BUSINESS e Emerald Connector Bridge Aesthetics Ms. Wawszkiewicz stated that staff is providing a project update and concepts to consider for the Emerald Connector Bridge over I-270 west of Sawmill Road. She stated that a brief project background would be provided along with the preferred alternative and then the new aesthetic concepts developed by the project team will be shared. She stated that Tom Hibbard from American StructurePoint and Chris Hermann with MKSK are present. Mr. Hibbard stated that in 2019, the Sawmill Road Corridor Study was completed. That study evaluated improvements to the Sawmill Road corridor to increase capacity and to improve mobility between the Dublin-Granville Road and Hard Road. One of the alternatives that was recommended out of the Study was a new crossing over I-270 that would be somewhere between Sawmill Road and Riverside Drive. A bridge crossing in this area would provide several benefits: o it would reduce congestion by better distributing traffic along Sawmill Road, Riverside Drive and the adjacent street network; o it would provide additional crossing for bicycle and pedestrians; and o it would provide a new access point between the Bridge Street District and Emerald Parkway. At the completion of the study, alternatives for where that crossing could be located were explored. The preferred alternative is essentially an extension of Village Parkway to the north, intersecting with Tuller Road, then going over I-270 and meeting Emerald Parkway at the roundabout. RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Dublin City Council Minutes of Meeting GOVERNMENT FORMS & SUPPLIES 844-224-3338 FORM NO. 10148 August 12, 2024 Page 5 of 13 Held 20 Mr. Hermann presented the aesthetic options that the project team has developed. This project is made up of the following components: othe bridge crossing itself; o the approaches on either side; o the new roundabout on Emerald parkway to the north; and othe revised intersection with Tuller Road to the south. Mr. Hermann stated that what the team is proposing is a way of extending the streetscape from the street across the bridge. This is important because it invites pedestrians and non-motorized people to traverse this span. Bridges across interstates can be scary and keep people from crossing. The team proposes having travel lanes in the center, a curb lane and raised planting beds that have street trees in them. This is pulling a street tree design across a structure. The asphalt cycle track as well as a paved walkway for pedestrians is also proposed. The borders would be the parapet wall and then the screen wall or metal fencing. The details of the materials include a granite curb and a gray brick paver material. Mr. Hermann provided a brief overview of other existing bridges, most of them in Dublin, to show the established character and context. After he reviewed the existing examples, he stated that one of the important considerations is the viewing experience as you approach the bridge. Passerby motorists have a 22 second viewing experience of this bridge as they approach. He stated that this is a gateway element for Dublin, so it is worth considering the view from both sides of the bridge. Mr. Hermann reviewed the terminology of the parts of a bridge that will be discussed as concepts are shown. He showed an example of screen walls that have been done that are very effective and create a visual impact to the freeway below. The more opaque the design, the more noise and wind is decreased for those walking or bicycling on the bridge. It is an opportunity to put some artistic elements (branding, lighting, etc.) into the bridge. Mr. Hermann provided visual representation of some artistic elements in existing bridges. He explained the importance of the screening wall to not only protect people on the bridge but also to keep anything being thrown off the bridge onto the traffic below. Mr. Hermann shared three concepts with varying elements for the design of the Emerald Connector bridge. 1. Classic Dublin Elegance. This first theme is similar to the aesthetic of overpass bridges over US-33 and Emerald Parkway. Concepts included: a. Natural stone abutment and pylon, b. Natural stone center pylon, c. Architectural railing, and d. Terraced landscaping. Mr. Hermann shared a variation of this first concept using color on the parapet and possible Dublin branding. CONCEPT 1 CONCEPT Ta | r~ Architectural Fence (Dark Metal) ey . LH em re fet a shay eh et ws 37 gw AA = Median Pylon CORRES LOSS 1 Aechitectural Fonce (Green) Ieeotity gaa Bo Wie NN BNL a - : = Median Pytan 5 td 2. Contemporary Screenwall. This theme kept much of the classic Dublin elegance but offered the following differences: a. Semi-transparent perforated metal panel instead of railing, RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Minutes? Dublin City Council Meeting GOVERNMENT FORMS & SUPPLIES 844-224-3338 FORM NO. 10148 August 12, 2024 Page 6 of 13 Held 20 b. Option of a patterned metal scrim over opaque panels, c. Illumination options (white or color changing), and d. Single- or two-sided color panels in a mosaic pattern (with or without branding). CONCEPT 2 CONCEPT Te | CLASSIC DUBLIN ELEGAN Parapet End Pylon Abutment Pitaster(s) Mediao Pylon ze CONCEPT 2a | CLASSIC OUStIN ELEGARCE * CONTEMPORARY SCREENWALL 2 = LS pastoris) _ Median Pylon ‘3 aa ¥ ! = — pilasters) = ga Fesioylan me 3. Modern Dublin Elegance. This theme features options of a sculptural screenwall including: a. Single arc railing, b. Single arc railing with identity patterning, c. Multi-arc screenwall with identity patterning, d. Illumination options, e. 3-D sculptural framing with varied color inset panels featuring different shapes and color options. CONCEPT 3 E+ CONTEMPORARY SCULPTURAL SCREENWALL pS ¢ Mr. Hermann stated that a public meeting will be held September 12, 2024 for project information and public input. He also shared the project timeline, part of which is dependent upon funding. Mayor Amorose Groomes asked if there was any public comment on this agenda item. Ms. Weisenauer read the following comment that was received online regarding this topic Minutes of RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS in City Council Meeting GOVERNMENT FORMS & SUPPLIES 844-224-3338 FORM NO. 10148 Held August t2, 2024 Page 7 of 13 20 Dan Kendell, 6725 Hobbs Landing Drive E., wrote the following: This bridge is very close to my home and has the positive potential to extend the Bridge Park Neighborhood North of 270. This bridge and its cross section should be similar to what is planned for the Metro Place to Shire Rings Rd. 270 crossing. These bridges should both be of a character and width to serve as part of the Dublin Signature Trail. Can this be a cap that is a park with a road incorporated? This bridge or cap could be a destination unto itself. How about a cross section that looks like the Indianapolis Cultural Trail through Carmel, IN with a road included. It could be like the 10th Ave. overlook on the NYC High Line, the Damen Art Plaza on the Chicago 606 Trail or similar to "The Idle" park in Indianapolis. This option is worth an artist rendering. As it is currently presented, I am happy to see this proposal is more than a minimally implemented ODOT concrete girder bridge with a sidewalk and a chain- link fence cage. I like the planters on both sides of each sidewalk/cycle track. Please work to maintain the same cross section (or greater) on the bridge as would be 100' away on either side of the bridge. That is do not ‘squeeze’ the road/ plantings and sidewalks onto the bridge. Ms. Kramb asked about the lighting in the streetscape planters and if any of the concepts show lighting on the bridge itself. She stated that the Emerald Parkway Bridge has lights on the pillars of the bridge. She shared that she prefers the abutments, wing walls and center pylon to stay stone clad because it matches the other bridges. She stated she is open to painting the beam green and she is in favor of having the Dublin logo or some branding on the parapet. She would like to leave all of the options in for the public meeting. She stated that the East Dublin Civic Association is interested in the public input meeting. Ms. Fox stated that consistency of character through the City is important. She liked the consideration to the 22 seconds of view as you would approach this bridge. She asked if a statement could be made as you approach the bridge rather than just straight across. She expressed concern that the more modern or contemporary options are not timeless. The timelessness and character of Dublin is important to maintain. She stated that soft lighting is nice and suggested that the iron fence could include the Dublin name. She stated that getting a coziness on the inside of the bridge by using some sort of down lighting in the fence wall and raising the flower beds could give the feeling of walking through a garden. Mr. Reiner stated that the branding needs to let people know that they are passing through Dublin. He stated the shamrocks do not necessarily make that obvious to those traveling. He liked the terraced landscaping that softens the bridge and he likes the trees on the bridge. He supports the branding on the parapet and the green color beams. Mr. Keeler stated that he likes the trees and the cycle lane. He stated that the Classic Dublin Elegance concept is nice. He stated that painting everything green is too much, he recommended keeping the fence black. He also liked the third concept with the green decorative panels (3c in the above graphic). He stated that it grabs your attention and the City is trying to be innovative. While 3c is not necessarily timeless, it makes a statement. Ms. De Rosa asked about how the trees on the bridge survive and whether there is enough space for them to thrive. Mr. Hermann stated that they use special structural soil and they ensure there is enough continuous volume as well as depth of volume in the planter. He added that they have had great success with trees being incorporated on a bridge. He stated that ODOT does not like them near the roadway, which is why they would put them more along the street tree element rather than parapet wall element. He added that the root balls are chained to the actual deck of the bridge so they cannot fall over. Minutes of RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Dublin City Council Meeting GOVERNMENT FORMS & SUPPLIES 644-224-3008 FORM NO, 10146 Held August 12, 2024 Page 8 of 13 20 Ms. De Rosa stated that she likes the thought given to safety and protecting pedestrians and bicyclists from wind. She is not sure of the cost benefit to separating walkers from bicyclists. It appears that when the bicyclist comes off the bridge onto Tuller Road, the roadway is a very narrow lane. She suggested saving the money segregating the walkers from the bicyclists on the bridge and using that money to make one twelve-foot lane and continue it on Tuller Road for safety. Ms. De Rosa shared that she likes the elegant look and all the stone. She would not paint any of it green. The paint does not hold up well. She stated that she would not put branding on the bridge because the Dublin character should speak for itself. From a safety perspective she would choose the 3c option. She stated that it could start to feel dated, and she was unsure of the cost to change just the railing. Vice Mayor Alutto stated that she is fine sharing all the options with the public at the public input meeting. She likes the notion of having trees and a separate space for pedestrians and bicycles. Safety is key, not only for those on the bridge, but for those traveling under it. She stated that she likes the classic Dublin look. She could be convinced that 3c is a statement piece, but she prefers the classic Dublin look. She is not in favor of painting anything green because it does not stay nice looking. She wants something that can be easily maintained. She stated the functionality of the bridge with the green space, the safety and feeling like it is in a park are the most important elements. Mayor Amorose Groomes stated that we should learn lessons from other communities’ bridges and not put Dublin on it and not paint it green. She stated that for safety purposes, the bridge should be lit, but not in a fashion that draws the eye to it. It could be a wonderful experience to be on the bridge with soft lighting in that space. She agreed that 3c is interesting. She does not want to include images of bridges that might detract from driver's attention at the public input meeting. She agrees that the bridges in the community need to be reflective of one another. So, if a statement is made with this bridge, then a statement must be made with bridges in proximity. Ms. De Rosa suggested removing the images of the green painted items on the bridge from what would be shown to the public at their public input meeting. Ms. Kramb clarified that she is not in favor of painting concrete, but they will coat the beams with something. Mayor Amorose Groomes stated that if the beams are coated brown and they chip, they still look brown. Council consensus was to use a color that goes with the stone and would be a natural color to the metal. Mr. Hermann asked about the charcoal color. Mayor Amorose Groomes stated that it is consistent with what has been done elsewhere in the community. Ms. Wawszkiewicz asked for clarity on the distraction elements. Mr. Reiner stated that he liked the small “Dublin” painted on the parapet with the ribbon. Ms. Kramb stated that anything that has a light facing outward should be avoided. Ms. De Rosa stated that the experts can determine what needs to be removed, but safety is paramount, both when walking on the bridge and driving underneath. Mr. Keeler stated that everyone is okay with 1a and 3c, but a cost comparison might be the deciding factor. Mayor Amorose Groomes stated that she did not hear any support for any of the “2” concepts. Ms. De Rosa expressed some concern about the wind for walkers and bicyclists. Mayor Amorose Groomes stated that there are at least four feet of solid buffer due to the planters. Mr. Hermann stated that he prefers opaque to perforated because it helps with wind. Minutes of RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS unel Meeting GOVERNMENT FORMS & SUPPLIES 844-224-3338 FORM NO. 10148 Held August T2, 2024 Page 9 of 13 Mr. Hibbard stated that if concept 1a is preferred, a more solid panel could be retrofitted to provide more protection. Ms. Kramb stated that the consultants and staff have to take this to a public meeting and they need to offer alternatives. She stated that rough cost estimates would be helpful for the public too. Ms. O'Callaghan stated that the “1” series and the “3” series of options with no painted concrete and no distracting lighting will be shown at the public meeting. Amendments to Council Appointee Code of Conduct Ms. De Rosa stated that at the May 1% and June 4" Administrative Committee meetings, the Committee reviewed the duties and powers of advisory committees as part of the work to provide consistency and alignment of Council’s advisory committees. As part of that comprehensive review, the Committee determined that a review of the code of conduct was prudent as well. She explained that the code of conduct is used to set the expectations and responsibilities of any appointee of Council. A red-lined version and a clean version of the proposed amendments were provided to Council at the June 17" meeting. The Administrative Committee brought this item forward to Council for discussion and approval. There were no public comments. Mayor Amorose Groomes moved to amend the Council Appointee Code of Conduct as discussed. Vice Mayor Alutto seconded. Vote on the motion: Ms. Fox, yes; Ms. Kramb, yes; Vice Mayor Alutto, yes; Mr. Reiner, yes; Ms. De Rosa, yes; Mayor Amorose Groomes, yes; Mr. Keeler, yes. Dublin Community Improvement Corporation (CIC) Strategic Plan Mr. Gracia stated that he and Nate Green from Montrose Group LLC will be providing an overview of the recently adopted Dublin Community Improvement Corporation (CIC) Strategic Plan. He stated that in 2015, as part of the City’s bond issue to help effectuate the development of Bridge Park, the CIC was established. In November of 2022, the powers of the CIC were expanded to administer the Commercial Facade Grant program in the Historic Dublin area. Mr. Gracia stated that there are some dynamic transformative projects of which the CIC will be an important part as a potential economic development tool. With this in mind, the CIC has established this Strategic Plan with six key recommendations. Mr. Green shared that the purpose of the CIC has been advancing, encouraging and promoting the industrial, economic, commercial and civic development of the City of Dublin. He described the Montrose approach to developing this plan. He shared that their approach involves three phases: learn, listen and do. The learning phase was a review of the code of regulations, benchmark findings and other City of Dublin strategic plans. The listen phase consists of one-on-one interviews with elected officials and administrators to understand their goals and objectives for CIC. They also arranged meetings with other communities that have CICs. The results of these interviews were: o CIC is underutilized; © Interest in incorporating CIC into strategic plans for the City; o A desire to utilize the CIC to increase non-tax revenue streams; o Ensure the CIC operates with the transparency required by the Ohio Revised Code; Define and distinguish capabilities of a CIC; o Agreement on board diversification (including private sector representation); and o Metro Center mentioned in almost every interview as a top priority. ie) Minutes of RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Dublin City Council Meeting GOVERNMENT FORMS & SUPPLIES 644-224-3338 FORM NO. 10748 Held August Tz, 2U24 Page 10 of 15 20 The final phase of the process is the action plan phase. There are six recommendations in this plan. They are: o Action Item 1: Amend the CIC Code of Regulations = Notice of Meetings will be at least seven days; = Adopt clarifying language that provides for a more formal reappointment process; and » Add clarifying language for specific terms and appointment practices for officers. This is considered a short-term goal that can be accomplished within six months. Action Item 2: Develop a comprehensive set of CIC policies and procedures = Develop a Budget and Purchasing Policy; = Develop a Public Meeting Policy; = Develop a Property Transfer Fee Policy; and = Develop a Whistleblower Policy. This is considered a short-term goal that can be accomplished in six months to a year. Action Item 3: Establish funding for CIC activities and initiatives = Public appropriations — City of Dublin may continue to allocate general fund monies annually to the CIC; = Outside funding - Explore private donations/investments; and = Obligated contributions and development incentive fees - It is a common practice in many communities to obligate beneficiaries of public incentives to make an annual payment to the local development organization for the term of the incentive period or upon receiving one-time financial assistance. This is considered a short-term goal that can be accomplished in six months to a year. Action Item 4: Continue to support, market and implement the Facade Improvement Grant Program = Continue annual funding to the CIC Commercial Fagade Improvement Program as an incentive for business development and aesthetic improvements in Historic Dublin; and = Consider the creation of a Downtown Redevelopment District in Historic Dublin to complement the Commercial Fagade Improvement Program. This is considered a short-term goal that can be accomplished in six months to a year. Action Item 5: Utilize the CIC in a more proactive approach for real estate acquisition and development directly related to economic development activities. = Real Estate Development Fund: The City may make annual appropriations to the CIC to establish a real estate development fund; = Real Estate Negotiations: The CIC should consider engagement with a real estate professional to assist with all aspects of real estate transactions; = Real Estate Conveyance: The CIC should be utilized for strategic conveyance or the sale of property to private parties for transactions that advance economic development strategic goals; = Redevelopment of Dublin Corporate Area/Legacy Office Parks: The CIC is a great resource for the redevelopment efforts for the Dublin Corporate Area Plan and Metro Center Revitalization related to real estate acquisition and disposition; and RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Dublin City Council Minutes of Meeting GOVERNMENT FORMS & SUPPLIES 644-224-3338 FORM NO. 10148 August 12, 2024 Page 17 of 13 Held 20 = SportsOhio Redevelopment: Upon the acquisition of all related SportsOhio real estate, the CIC should play a role in the facilitation and redevelopment of all related properties. This is considered a medium-term goal that can be accomplished in one to three years. o Action Item 6: Develop an innovation loan/grant program that fosters entrepreneurship and accelerates new business development within the City. This program could fill potential business financing gaps that traditional lending does not fulfill. » Program funding to incentivize new businesses to stay in or relocate to Dublin upon graduation from any local or regional economic development technology incubator; and = Innovation grants that incentive the absorption of Dublin's office space in targeted areas of the City. This item is considered to be a long-term goal that can be accomplished in three or more years. Ms. Fox asked about the benefits of having the CIC involved with property acquisition related activities. Mr. Green stated that the benefit is that the CIC acts as a conduit for economic development transactions. The CIC is a function of the Ohio Revised Code, however CICs do have the ability to enter into transactions with private entities without having to do public bidding. Vice Mayor Alutto stated that another benefit to the CIC is the ability to bring in outside expertise, either through board members or through their contacts to help with things like economic development. She added that it allows the City some flexibility as well as some different economic levers that can be pulled to make things happen. Ms. De Rosa asked why seven members are on the board versus eight, nine or even ten. She added that one of the biggest values that she sees with this is the ability to do public-private partnerships. Mr. Green stated that seven seemed like a manageable number of members. He added that they landed on that number based on what they saw other communities doing as well. Ms. De Rosa stated that she appreciated the action items, but she would like to see the SportsOhio action item moved up. Mr. Gracia agreed and stated that to have this strategic plan in place readies the City to capitalize on opportunities. STAFF COMMENTS Ms. O'Callaghan shared the following comments: e About 77,000 people gathered in Coffman Park to celebrate Irish music, dancing and traditions. We had many guests of honor this year, beginning with Ireland’s Ambassador to the United States, Geraldine Byrne Nason and Gaelic Storm’s surprise performance with country music star Zac Brown. She thanked staff, especially Director of Community Events Alison LeRoy and her team and the hundreds of volunteers who made this year’s festival a success. e Staff and design consultants will be hosting a second Riverside Crossing Park Master Plan public input open house on Thursday, August 29" at 6:00 p.m. It will be held at the pavilion on the east side of Riverside Crossing Park. She encouraged everyone to attend and share their thoughts. She shared that quite a bit of public input has been received and staff is working to incorporate that input into the preparation for the next meeting. COUNCIL REPORTS e Committee Reports: o Administrative Committee: Minutes of RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Dublin City Council Meeting GOVERNMENT FORM UPPLIES 844-224-3338 FORM NO, TOSS Held August 12, 2024 Page 12 of 13— 20 Ms. De Rosa reported that the Administrative Committee met on August 7 to discuss the Joint Work Session and the Advisory Committees. A tentative agenda was reviewed and discussed for the upcoming joint meeting of Council with the Planning and Zoning Commission, the Architectural Review Board and the Board of Zoning Appeals currently scheduled for September 3. The committee would like to provide structure and opportunities for meaningful dialogue during these joint meetings. With that in mind, these meetings present a good opportunity for the boards to report to Council their successes and any challenges they have faced in this last year. Because this reporting request is being made to the boards, the Committee thought it important to provide them enough time to prepare. September 3 does not provide adequate preparation time. Staff will be looking for a date to reschedule the meeting in October or early November. The second topic on the Committee’s agenda was a final review of Advisory Committees. The Committee discussed the one-page document drafted by Legal explaining the roles and responsibilities of advisory committees. The one-page memo will be shared with Council prior to sharing with Advisory Committees. Having consistency and alignment among these committees requires amending the establishing legislation. Staff proposed amendments to the legislation and the Committee provided feedback. Amendments to the legislation would also require amending the corresponding rules and regulations for each advisory committee. Staff provided proposed amendments to the rules and regulations for the Administrative Committee’s review as well. The Committee recommended bringing forward the legislation and rules and regulations to City Council for approval on the August 26 and September 9 meeting agendas. COUNCIL ROUNDTABLE Ms. Kramb congratulated Ohio University on their recent anniversary celebration. Ms. Fox shared the following: e congratulated Ms. O'Callaghan on being named a Woman of Influence - Trailblazer by the Columbus Business First on July 23°. congratulated Ohio University on their anniversary. she was happy to see the Ambassador accept the invitation to attend the Irish Festival. She asked Ms. O'Callaghan if a copy of the Community Health Assessment was available to be viewed. She would like to have the opportunity to read the findings and see if there are any engagement opportunities for City Council or residents. She also asked about the water line that is under construction by Columbus and their responsibility to replace landscaping that is damaged or removed. Ms. O'Callaghan stated that the Community Health Assessment working groups are finishing up their tasks and she will bring a report back to Council. In response to the water line question, she stated that staff will be working closely with Columbus through design and asking that they replace any damaged or removed landscaping as part of their work. Mr. Reiner expressed gratitude to staff and citizens for another great Irish Festival. He stated that the vendors all seem to do well and enjoy working with the City on this event. He congratulated Ohio University on their anniversary. Mr. Keeler thanked staff for July 4* and the Irish Festival. He commented on the weather scare, and stated he was glad that everyone was kept safe. He is hopeful that the numbers come in favorably from the festival. Finally, he complimented Communications and Marketing on their creative reporting in Dublin News. He enjoys reading their clever writing. Minutes of RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Dublin City Council Meeting GOVERNMENT FORMS & SUPPLIES 844-224-3338 FORM NO. 10148 Held August 12, 2024 Page 13 of 13 20 Ms. De Rosa thanked the team for the festival. She stated it is always a top-notch event. Vice Mayor Alutto stated that school starts on Thursday, so please keep an eye out for all the kids and buses. She also reminded everyone that the deadline to register to vote is October 7. Election day is November 5. Mayor Amorose Groomes shared the following: ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:54 p.m. Je A the July 4" festivities were outstanding, she thanked staff and officers for the safety and service at these events; July 12 there was an Amtrak visit at MORPC. They seemed impressed at the progress that has been made and they seemed optimistic; July 15 she had the opportunity to swear-in the Chamber of Commerce Board; The Ohio Mayors Alliance met on July 18; She and Chief Paez welcomed the Fraternal Order of Police and their leadership for a meeting in Dublin on July 22; July 23, she and Ms. O'Callaghan attended the Central Ohio Passenger Rail meeting and then attended the Women of Influence awards. July 25, she attended the Columbus Win-Win meeting with the BIA group (Building Industry Association); August 1 welcomed Ambassador Geraldine Byrne Nason, Ellen Flanagan and Mark Owens at the ribbon cutting for Ascend Advisory Group; August 2-4 was the Irish Festival; August 2 she attended a ribbon cutting for Hanley Energy with the Ambassador; August 5 she shared information about the LinkUS initiative with the Chamber of Commerce Board; August 7 she attended the OU Anniversary and welcomed the incoming freshman class; August 10 she welcomed the Ohio Optimist Group to Dublin at their annual meeting which was held here; and She wished the following Council members a Happy Belated Birthday celebrating their birthdays in July over recess: Amy Kramb, Andy Keeler and John Reiner. Mayor — Presiding Officer Cley¥ of Covncil