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Minutes of
National Graphics Corp., COls., O. Fol'lll Ko. 1017 ~
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The May 19, 1980 regular meeting of Council was called to order by
Mayor Headlee with roll call as follows: Chambers, present; Geese,
present; Headlee, present; Lewis, present; Mand, present; Maurer, present;
and Shawan, present. The minutes of the May 5, 1980 meeting were read and
approved by motion of Mr. Mand; seconded by Mr. Chambers. The listing of
bills for payment was approved by motion of Mr. Chambers, seconded by
Mr. Shawano
ORDINANCES NO. 19-80 and 20-80
Mr. Harrison Smith, representing the applicants for the rezoning
Ordinances No. 19-80 and No. 20-80 appeared before Council to request
that the ordinances be tabled and placed on the June 2, 1980 meeting
agenda for discussion. Mr. Chambers made a motion to table discussion
of the subject ordinances until the June 2, 1980 meeting. The motion
was seconded by Mr. Mand and unanimously approved.
Mr. Gunner, Assistant Law Director, presented to Council a report
on legal aspects of zoning and planning commission information. Sev-
eral areas covered were plat requirements, lot splits, restrictions of
zoning regulations, development of master zoning plan for uses of land,
The rezoning request for a 3.257 acre tract of land to the rear of
La Scala Restaurant was discussed next. Mr. Howard Adams represented
the applicants and appeared before Council to answer questions. Mr. Shaw-
an moved approval of the ordinance. The motion was seconded by Mr. Geese
and unanimously passed.
Ordinance #34-80, dealing with the consideration for Sherex
Chemical Co., regarding tap fees, was read for the second time and
discussed. Mr. Mand moved to approve the ordinance and pass as an
emergency. Mr. Chambers seconded the motion and all members voted to
approve the motion and ordinance.
Ordinance #37-80, dealing with establishing fire lanes and enforc-
ing same, was read for the second time. Following a debate of the sub-
ject ordinance, it was agreed to request the fire and police chiefs'
attendance at the June 2, 1980 meeting to discuss the ordinance.
Ordinance #40-80, dealing with regulating the sale of firearms
was introduced by Mr. Geese and read for the first time.
Mr. Reading, representing COTA, appeared before Council to make
a slide presentation regarding Issue 5, a 1/2% sales tax to support
the central Ohio transit program over the next five year period.
Following the presentation, Mr. Reading answered questions of some
Council members regarding the bus service to Dublin area residents.
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Minutes of
AJ eet irw
National Graphics Corp., Cols., O. Form No. 1097 ~
May 19
Members reviewed a request by Mr. Scheiderer of Indian Hill Road
for either exemption from mandatory sewer hook-up or payment by the
Village of extra charges to extend sewer line across the street for
Mr. Scheiderer to tap into sewer service. An apparent error by en-
gineer's made it impossible for sewer hook-up on the south side of
the street.
Following a discussion, Mr. Chambers moved to approve payment of
the cost to bring sewer to south side of the street. The motion was
seconded by Mr. Geese,and unanimously pS33cd. The motion was then
amended by Mr. Shawan to include an attempt by Village officials to
find faul t and pass along the cost to the person or persons respon- ,"
sible. The amended motion was seconded by Mr. Chambers and passed
with the vote as follows: 6-Yeas: Headlee, Geese, Chambers, Lewis,
Mand, Shawano I-Nay: Maurer.
Mr. Mand requested Ordinance #41-80 to be placed on the agenda
for discussion. Mrs. Maurer seconded, with all members voting in
favor except Mr. Shawano
Ordinance #41-80, dealing with a contract for a fiscal impact
model was then introduced by Mr. Mand and read for the first time.
Mayor Headlee announced that the North Area Mental Health and
Retardation Services had received an 8 year federal grant, with
$43,000 of it to go to Dublin for its Counseling Center.
Mr. Chambers announced that the American Legion would be parti-
cipating in the May 26th Memorial Day services in Powell, Jerome,
and Dublin.
Mr. Sheldon reminded the press of the Village ordinance regard-
ing political signs. No political sign may be posted on Village
property but can be posted on privately owned property with the
owner's permission.
Mrs. Maurer questioned the purpose of the two concrete benches
along State Route 161 that appear to be used solely for advertising.
Mr. Sheldon replied that the sign code is vague, thereby allowing
these benches. He agre~d to determine ownership of the benches and
signs and contact the owners about removing the advertising.
Mr. Geese requested the Village Manager to send a letter of
objection to the Perry Township Trustees saying that the Village
Council does not agree with the increased road taxing on the ballot
in June for Dublin residents residing in Perry Township.
* * * * *
The meeting was adjourned by Mayor Headlee at 9:45 p.m.
~~~> J1~
Mayor - Presiding fficer
Clerk of Council
BILLS MAY 19, 1980
Hill PIt.inting Co.
PaJrJc.ott. Implement. Co.
Vubl..i.n Au:to pcvc.u
Fit. County Eng.inee.Jc.
MaWtew Bende.Jc. Co.
F Itank.lin T Itactolt ScLle.6
ColwnbUl.> V.wpatc.h
Rodenoe~ Chevltolet
H.F. McClolty Co.
Sandy, I nc .
r"".dUl.>a Ag gltegate.6
. )Cdy/.> Papvr. Stolte
~dw.in & SOuM
Unlon Oil Co.
Ame.Jc..ican Vata. P Itodu.c.u
Beach Chan.dle.Jc. Lwnbe.Jc.
Wilt Au:to pcvc.u
Ave.Jc.Y Road Lawnmowvr.
S:t.a.te Chem.icai. ScLle.6
G.ing<<Xty Pltoducu Co.
P la.in C-Ulj P lwnb-ing
Eldvr. and Eldvr.
Ve.lawaJr.e Tltactolt ScLle.6
Vcvc.by ScLle.6
MurUc.ipal Con:tJc.ac;toM Supp.f.y
C haJc.le.6 H eadi.ee , Inc..
161 Ccvc. WMh Co.
Beeline Alignlng
Toppe.Jc. Steel & Supp.f.y
The Elec~.ic Co.
Vublin Hcvc.dwaJr.e & Pahtt
Chem.i-Tltol Che.m.ic.al Co.
CltedU BuJteauJt 00 ColwnbUl.>
~e P~~:bf:. ~o~~
~!ckeye LancL6cape
c-Ulj 06 ColwnbUl.>
R.L. Polk & Co.
Fltank.lin County She.Jc..ioo
RoU 000 Containe.Jc. Se.Jc.v.ice
B.F. GooclJr..ich
Xvr.ox Coltpoltation
Cleveland Cotton Pltodu.c.u
Sue Ccvc.mean
Key Blue PIt.int6, Inc.
Equ.itttble L.ioe A6/.>UJtance
An.dvr./.>on COn.cAe.te.
Janet l/.>enh.aJt.t
Moolte & Son/.> Tlte.e S~v.ice
C 1uvc.,fe.6 Spe~
Gene Vepp
Todd Va.v.id.6
Voug WilbuJtn
Kelih R.ing/.>
""".. ..~ .,~ " ~ ~." .,.,...."
11,964.82 Second hai.o - May
186 . 00 P ol..i.ce acc..ident. & othvr. Itepoltt 60ltm6
5,800.00 Rec.. Tltac.tolt & MoweJc. & othvr. Tltactolt pcvc.u
8 . 00 M.wc. . c.Jtu-Wvr. pcvc.u
510.01 Tlta66.ic light ltepa.hL, /.>.ign/.> & po/.>u
75.00 Supplement6 to Law V.iJtectolt book/.>
283.25 PaltU 001t 1977 mow..i.ng Tltac.tolt
60.32 Ad 001t c.Jtu-We.Jt/.)
48.88 Repahr. to c.Jtu-We.Jc.
322.90 Swnp pwnp & ltepa.hL/.> - L.iot Station
112.50 M.ix OOIt Itoad patc.h.ing
53.30 Stone OOIt Itoad be.Jc.m6
89.80 Adm.in. & Police /.>u.ppl.ie.6
28.80 Repa.iJt School Clto~k /.>.ign
178.70 Repahr./.> to thltee c.Jtu-We.Jt/.)
39 . 45 CMe 00 pape.Jc. c..e.ip/.>, etc..
21.44 Plywood OOIt doolt at 129 s. H.igh
32. 19 M.wc. c.Jtu-Wvr. pcvc.u
358.80 Repa.iJt/.>, pcvc.u & new moweJc. - Ce.meteJty
51.60 JanLtolt-W..l /.>uppl.ie.6
13.40 Re..i.nooltc.ing bait/.> 001t StOItm clJr.op/.>
4.59 pcvc.u 60lt Paltk 1te.6~oom
19.11 Repa.iJt Tltactolt me
16. 12 PCVC.U 60lt J. v. Mowe.Jc.
46.80 Film, 6.fMhe.6, etc.. - Police
69.33 Ra..i.n ge.aJc. - Ma-tnt. pe.Jt/.)onnel
93.37 File Folde.Jt/.), hang.ing oolde.Jt/.), de., de.
24 . 00 Cltu-W vr. <<xu>he.6
304.17 Align, etc.. c.Jtu-We.Jc. & Rec. Tltu.c.k
29.79 V.we glt..i.p/.> & Wltenc.he.6
3,423.30 AU Elec.~.ic..i.ty
65.91 Ma.<.nt.. & Ce.me:tVl.y /.>uppl..i.e.6
8 , S'. 60 An.nua1. 9 u.aJtclJr.a,U /.>:tVl.-Ua.nt. and week kUi.e.Jc.
78.50 Me.mbvr./.>fUp and c.JtedU check/.>
25.00 RepcvUt hand pwnp - Ave.Jc.Y Pcvc.k
90.00 Rental Unlu - Ave.Jc.Y Pcvc.k
1,087.50 Lawn ~eatment. - MurU. Bldg. & Pcvc.k/.>
24. 65 Qu.aJttvr.ly wate.Jc. billing
16.00 Update/.> - Motolt VefUc.le Law/.> - Police
60.00 PIt.wonvr. boaltd.ing
103.00 F.inal Splt.ing Cleanup bUi..ing
94.60 Two Wte/.> 60lt Rec.Jtea.Uon Tltuck
66.67 Ma.<.nt.. c.on:tJc.act & copy c.luvc.ge.6
120. 90 ToweR. & Itag /.>upply - MaA..nt.. Vepcvc.tment..
136.00 Pcvc.t-time Vlta6upe.Jt/.)on
5.00 3 F,1t.int. cop.ie/.>
144.87 L-<-oe In/.>uJt. payltoU dedu.c.u
170.50 To /.>et monwnent6 .in Ce.me;t~y
228.83 4th 06 July Plann~ & ReCJtea,Uon
600.00 Remove .ecvc.ge ~ee .in Ce.meteJty
362.00 ReCJteat..ton V.iJtecto~
272.14 Pcvc.k/.> 1ThX..tnt.enance
87.50 Ce.me;tvr.y labolt
36.00 Ce.me.tvr.y la.bolt
28.00 Cemete.Jc.Y labolt
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. u..~"- L
Bob.6 SW'Loco
MaJtc.ia. BeAUVL
No.;tionwide. IMu/tClVLce.
1.--4 ~
60.22 Ex.hctuAt. .6Y.6te.m non C}tuL6eA
1,252.60 COnhuttant Aeview4, P&Z meeting, etc.
258.96 CleAR on COW'Lcll
1 , 27 3 . 00 j)o.bWX!l- T ennM ct.6, 8aft d-iamondl>, e.qu..i.p, etc.
. .
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