HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-05-19 Public Services Com. MinutesUP`1�111.`BLIN CITY COUNCIL
Public Services Committee
Wednesday,, 3une 5. 2019
"I Chambers — 310530 paom
Ms. Fox called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m.
Committee Members i)resent: Ms. Fox and Mr. Reiner. [Ms. Alutto arrived at 4:30 p.m. due to a
calendar issue regarding the meeting start time.]
Staff member present: Ms. Crandall
Others.: Mr. Guion, Executive Director, Dublin Arts Council; Ms. Lessick, Arts Consultant
Public Art Master Plan
Ms. Fox welcomed Mr. Guion, Executive Director, Dublin Arts Council (DAQ and Helen Essick,
Mr. Reiner inquired who the Dublin artists would be.
Mr. Gulon indicated that Mr. Ho and Mr. Garrity are involved. They will be doing an exhibition
on golf courses and landscapes in Dublin.
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Mr. Reiner indicated that Mr. Ho excels in oil painting. He suggested that some of the
architectural graphics of new Bridge Street projects be provided to him. It might inspire him t
consider those as subjects for future works.
Mr. Guion responded that he would follow up on that suggestion.
Ms. Crandall indicated that the Public Services Committee Chair, Ms. Alutto, would be joining
the meeting via phone.
Ms. Lessick thanked Council members for the opportunity to present the Dublin Public Art
Master Plan. The team has been working for approximately nine months on this Dublin A
Council (DAC)/City of Dublin project, led by DAC as the local cultural arts expert. She has
worked directly with DAC and collaborated with the City.
a IV 10
Pybm Art Plan PEQceca
ThLe-,_prQcess involved the followinq
Public AdTPNIan Go Is
1. Position Dublin as the premier city for public artists and public art;
2. Emphasize Dublin's cultural identity and enhance community pride and civic
engagement through prioritized public art projects,;
3. Provide for strategic growth of community investment across the City,
4. Provide a framework for creativity and innovation in civic art; the City"s public art
should reflect the City"s motto, "Yesterday Meets Tomorrow";
5. Identify art sites across the visual landscape for maximum impact;
i. Enhance public art's role in parks and community development, cultural tourism,
creative placemaking and quality of life;
7. Provide for public art in development projects by early planning for art; and
V. Support the public art effort through education & collection maintenance.
The above eight goals would be accomplished through the following ten interactive and
collaborative recommendations.
b@c-Ad Plan _RqgQmmendations
1. Staff DAC and City agencies with professionals trained in public art to develop
advocacy, leadership and vision to identify public art sites and opportunities;
2. Formalize DAC/City partnership for realizing the public art program,
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To accomplish the above goals and recommendations, it will be important to have additional
partnerships who support these goals and processes to address what the community wants,
what artists can provide, and the level of cost and maintenance.
Establish p, Dubfin Pybfic-Art Bqard &AB
This Board would be a small body of representative appointees, including the following.,
Dublin Art Council,, a intees
o DAC Executive Director
o DAC Public Art staff
City_of Dublin appointees
o Office of the City Manager representative
o City Public Art staff
P C,
Consensus appointe..O..?
o Artist representative
o Business representative
o Community representative
Each of the above appointees would represent their field of expertise.
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Strateaic Milestones for First Ten Years
Ms. Lessick shared potential milestones for the next ten years for Staffing, Processf Projects,
Funding, and Collection & Education, all of which would culminate in ten years with a 40 -year
anniversary campaign and celebration,
[Ms. Alutto joined the meeting via phone at 4:06
Ms. Fox informed her that at this point in the discussion, Ms. Lessick had reviewed the
information provided in the committee packet.
Ms. Crandall stated that she would like to comment on some of the items covered by Ms.
Staff n I -evaluated a vacant position and recently hired an inddual to oversee the
L,q: The City re
maintenance of the City's public art collection, as well as provision of landscape architecture
Process: Over the years,, the City has gathered art from many sources. A formal process is
needed, perhaps similar to that of an Architectural Review Board, to evaluate what is wanted
and what fits 'in this community, what quality is desired, and the ongoing maintenance needs of
Ms. Lessick stated that DAC is the cultural expert or advisor for the City. The Public Art Board
would be similar to the ARB. It will have an advisory function, taking input from DAC. It will
provide vetting of opportunities and donations and provide a central location for responses to
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the community. The Public Art Board would not take away from the leadership of the DAC of,
the City's contracting authority.
Ms. Fox agreed with Mr. Reiner. It is important to have a clear understanding of the roles of the
Dublin Arts Council and the Public Art Board to avoid confusion. The packet information stated
that after DAC made refinements to the draft plan, it was submitted to the City Manager's
office, where additional edits were made. She is curious as to what revisions the City Manager's
office made.
Ms. Fox stated that she appreciates that the intent is that a Public Art Board would enhance our
public art program, but it would not be a controlling body. There should be freedom for art to
come from a variety of places.
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Ms. Lessick stated that the intent of this proposal is that Dublin Arts Council retain Its role as
the advocate for cultural art in Dublin. The Public Art Board is where the City and the
community come together and discuss priorities for the public art collection. The two bodies will
collaborate, not compete. Currently, there is not a formal process for the City to discuss the
City"s public art program.
Ms. Crandall stated that the City has had informal meetings to discuss the topic; however, some
art pieces have been obtained by either DAC or the City that have not gone through even an
informal meeting review.
Ms. Alutto inquired if the public art board would have the responsibility for funding, or if it
would be only an advisory board.
Ms. Lessick stated that the board would be a City board, a place where art experts and civic
experts come together.
Ms. Fox stated that she has some questions about the eight goals. Goal #3 — "provide for
strategic growth of community investment across the City." What is meant by ""strategic growth
of community investment?" Is public art the said community investment?
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Ms. Lessick responded that this would involve looking at why businesses and people move to
Dublin. Considering sites for public art needs to be done in conjunction with the community,, no
putting a public art piece where we expect development to be but working with the developers
and the residents. It also involves looking at the visibility and maintenance cost impacts for the
city. I
Ms. Lessick responded that the public art education effort is also called creative engagement,
the term often used in planning parks. This is a reference to how the collection is presented
iznd engaged.
[Ms. Alutto arrived at 4:30 p.m.]
Mr. Guion responded that proposals can be considered that are not specific, but allow the
artists to be creative in coming up with the plan and execution thereof. Approval of such a
proposal would be based upon the artist"s qualifications'.
Ms. Fox stated that in some cities, creating art on the public streets is permitted; there is no
need to seek permission. Would the City or DAC consider that acceptable?
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ITis. Fox encouraged that the Board's responsibilities include identifying such opportunities.
She finds the opportunity to be creative without having to ask a board for permission
attractive, if there would be a way in which to discourage any negative expressions. She
wants to ensure the process involves a level of freedom.
Mr. Reiner stated that a chalk art festival, which would involve the creation of viewable chalk
art on the pedestrian bridge could be „K
. !
eRoy is gathering.
Mr. Guion stated that their organization has discussed utilizing a process similar to the City's
board and commission selection process.
Ms. Fox stated that she likes the application part of the process, but she is not sure that City
Council should be engaged in the selection,
Ms. Alutto stated that because the Public Art Board would represent City Council and DAC,
there should be collaboration on the selection of the Board members. Depending on the
number of applications, it is not necessary to interview all applicants. The selection process
can be decided later, however.
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Ms. Fox agreed that the process should be discussed. Personally, she does not believe
Council needs to be involved in all aspects of this.
Mr. Reiner stated that the board composition should be limited to 11 members. Any numbe
greater than that limits the ability to accomplish business. In regard to the member
selection, he would recommend looking at real qualifications, not at a requirement to have
somebody from every ward. I
Ms. Fox agreed. Perhaps ward representation is not necessary, but it should be a broad
representation that is not necessarily geographic. She does not want the member selection
to be controlled by Council or by the area in which the individual lives. The Board should
have the freedom to be as broad and diverse as necessary to represent the best of the
public, but also be qualified to do so.
Mr. Gulon stated that there is an equity and diversity inclusion statement in the plan. They
are guided by the Americans for the Arts mandateo
Ms. Fox stated that she believes it is possible to shorten the ten-year timeline for completion
of the recommendations.
Ms. :Crandall responded that many of the recommendations could be completed sooner than
ten years. There are others that will take thought and discussion, such as defining the
percent required for the arts for private development.
Ms. Alutto asked if that requirement is something that should be codified.
Ms. Crandall responded that it could be handled in the same manner in which a percentage
is set aside for parkland. It could be required or incentivized. The City could define what
type of projects it would apply to — residential, commercial or larger development projects.