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Held October 7,2002 19
Mayor McCash called the Dublin City Council meeting of October 7,2002 to order at 7: 15
Mr. Reiner led the Pledge of Allegiance.
- Roll Call
Council members present were: Mayor McCash, Mr. Lecklider, Mrs. Boring, Ms. Salay, and
Mr. Reiner. Ms. Chinnici-Zuercher and Mr. Kranstuber arrived at 7:30 p.m.
Staff members present were: Ms. Brautigaum, Ms. Grigsby, Mr. Smith, Mr. Ciarochi, Mr.
McDaniel, Ms. Hoyle, Mr. Harding, Mr. Whittington, Ms. Puskarcik, Mr. Gunderman, Ms.
Crandall, Mr. Hammersmith, Mr. Husenitza and Mr. Hahn.
Approval of Minutes of September 16.2002 Rel!ular Meetinl!
Mr. Reiner moved approval of the minutes of September 16, 2002.
Ms. Salay seconded the motion.
Vote on the motion: Mayor McCash, yes; Mr. Reiner, yes; Mrs. Boring, yes; Ms. Salay, yes;
Mr. Lecklider, yes.
The Clerk reported that no correspondence requiring Council action had been received.
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Citizen Comments
Bill Tordoff, 254 Clover Court thanked Council for their attention to the issues associated with
the previous development of the 200 plus acres to their west, and to the negative impact it has
and will continue to have on their properties. Council has approved Altemative 4A for
improvements to the ditch in their back yards with an estimated project cost of $187,000. This
- is to be incorporated into the capital improvements plan. While this may be considered by
Council and City staff as the most appropriate and cost effective use of funds, many of the
residents disagree. It does not address the real issue described in the previous discussions -
that of runoff from development projects upstream approved by previous City administrators.
He urged the City to be more diligent in reviews of future CIP projects.
Mayor McCash noted that much of the development to the north took place before the
stormwater master plan was completed. He asked Mr. Hammersmith to respond.
Mr. Hammersmith stated that Camp, Dresser and McKee studied the entire watershed and
reviewed all areas, including those such as Corbins Mill which were developed prior to
adoption of stormwater standards. This area is a significant contributor to the problem.
Mayor McCash asked that Mr. Tordoff contact Mr. Hammersmith directly to obtain
additional information on this subject.
Matt Holman, 5390 Tara Hill Drive stated that he brings concerns to Council regarding the
Coffman Park Expansion project. Apparently, the Task Force has already considered
making recommendation to Council on severing Post Road between Coffman and
Metatec. Is the park expansion budgeted for 2006?
Ms. Grigsby stated that any proposed infrastructure improvements are not included in the
five-year CIP.
Mr. Holman asked about the projected timeframe for severing of Post Road, if that is
Ms. Salay stated that there is no projected date at this time.
~ Mr. Holman continued, stating that in May of2001, Myers Schmalenberger did a study for
the expansion which proposed keeping Post Road open, and having a road underneath
Post Road to connect the two portions of the park. They also identified two areas within
the park boundaries which would accommodate the new City Hall and which would not
require closing Post Road. In the Community Plan, Post Road is a minor arterial street
and Tara Hill is a collector street. Closing Post Road and creating a larger park, and
continued development in the northwest area will leave two roads to access the north and
west - Tara Hill and Brand. The areii in Perimeter is congested with business
development, and motorists will not travel south from the EmeraldlPost Road intersection
to use Perimeter - they will instead turn north on EmeraldlCoffman and use Tara Hill or
Brand Road to travel to the northwest. The residents of Tara Hill see this as a huge
problem. The City has known for the last ten years of the traffic problems on Tara Hill,
but when they call to complain, City officials indicate that they are aware of the problem
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Helcl October 7, 2002 Page 2 19
and it will be addressed. The consultant states that closing Post Road would increase cars
on Tara Hill by an average of 25 cars per day. They find this estimate ridiculous. The
average speed is said to be 24.7 mph, which is also ridiculous. The recommendation was
to install 7 stops signs on Tara Hill, 7 raised intersections and speed bumps. The volume
will increase and the traffic will be slowed, making Tara Hill essentially a parking lot.
- They have a petition to present from Tara Hill residents to have a study done of Tara Hill
itself, independent ofthe Coffinan Park Expansion Task Force. The issue was brought up
to the Task Force, but the Task Force members responded that their goal is not to look at
individual streets, but to look at the park and how it may affect those streets. The Tara
Hill residents would like an unbiased group to review Tara Hill and make
recommendations. He asked that before a decision is made to close Post Road, that the
results ofthe study of Tara Hill be reviewed in conjunction with the expansion.
Mr. Kranstuber, a member ofthe Task Force indicated that Tara Hill residents should
follow the normal procedures for a traffic calming petition. Much of the baseline work
has been done by Mr. Clear. At this point, the studies could be refined by staff and a
meeting scheduled with the Tara Hill group to agree upon a viable solution.
Mrs. Boring noted that she shares Mr. Holman's concern about the available east-west
connectors for the City. If an east-west connector is eliminated, traffic will increase on the
other connectors. There is a need to study the overall picture, including areas such as
Sells Mill and Brand Road.
Mr. Kranstuber stated that he believes that they need to move forward on the Tara Hill
traffic calming. Whether or not Post Road is closed, the residents of Tara Hill want a
solution to their traffic problems.
Mr. Holman noted that closing Post Road will compound their issues. The Task Force is
charged with ensuring that closing Post Road will not have a negative impact on
surrounding areas. Speed is not the issue as much as the volume oftraffic.
Discussion continued.
Ms. Brautigam stated that staff understands from this discussion that there is a need to
comprehensively study the entire Tara Hill area, from Coffman Road to A very/Muirfield.
She added that at the next Council meeting, Interim Chief Epperson will present
information regarding the general issue oftraffic calming. The Tara Hill residents are
invited to return to hear this information.
Wallace Maurer, 7451 Dublin Road addressed Council in regard to the firing of the City
Engineer, Balbir Kindra. At a previous meeting, he was told by the Interim Manager that
Mr. Kindra was fired because it was determined to be in the best interests of the City, and
because there was a conflict in management style. He was invited to review Mr. Kindra's
personnel file at the City. He read excerpts from the file describing Mr. Kindra as having
high standards, strong convictions, consumed by excellence, respectful and loyal, with a
participatory and open style, and diplomatic skills. He will return to the next Council
meeting to continue with his comments and will have three questions for Council at that
,--.. Tom Adams, 5971 Tara Hill Drive presented the traffic calming petition to Council from
Tara Hill Drive. At the time they met with Mr. Hammersmith in August, Mr.
Hammersmith suggested that the affected area for the study be from Muirfield Drive to
Literary Lane. The policy calls for two-thirds signatures of residents of the affected area,
and they now have 80 percent. The policy calls for 90 percent signatures from residents of
the affected streets, and they have approximately 92 percent. They were not able to secure
signatures from the remainder, as the residents were not home. At the last Task Force
meeting, discussion took place about obtaining signatures to enlarge the study to include
the remainder of Tara Hill, from Literary to Coffman. Is this necessary, or can the study
Ms. Brautigam responded that staff's recommendation would be to study all of Tara Hill
Drive, and staff will proceed to initiate such a study.
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Held October 7, 2002 Page 3
Mayor McCash stated that, unless there is an objection from Council, he would propose
moving the powerline issue up on the agenda due to the many families in attendance for
this item. He asked that in the interest of time, spokespersons be selected for the group.
Council Members have had contact with representatives of AEP and others while working
~ through this process.
Staff report reeardine Status of Discussions Concernine AEP 138KV Line
Mr. McDaniel provided highlights from the staff report provided in the packet. The report
recaps what has transpired to date.
. A public meeting took place hosted by AEP on September 17 regarding the
proposed 138KV transmission line. The residents had an opportunity to provide
comments on cards. He believes AEP gained understanding of the residents'
position on the neighborhood routing of the line.
. Staff has engaged Paul Blaeser as a consultant to the City on this matter. He met
with AEP distribution and transmission entities on behalf ofthe City.
. Mr. McDaniel met on September 25 with Mr. Yoder, Mr. Basil and Mr. Gerberick,
at their request, to share ideas and information.
. Staffis continuing to gather information and study the alternatives proposed by
AEP, as well as those considered but discarded, in an effort to analyze appropriate
alternatives which Council may want to endorse ifthey choose to do so prior to the
time the Ohio Power Siting Board convenes.
. Some of the recommendations at this time are that staff continue to work with
affected property owners (I-270 and the southwest area) to identify issues; continue
to work with AEP and facilitate discussion among the various parties; continue to
research other viable alternatives or approaches; determine what the City's role
should be in this from a fiscal standpoint; and assert the City's statutory or home
rule authority wherever possible, understanding there are some obstacles, as
- transmission lines are covered under the Hot Wires Act and not under general right
of way management.
. Regarding strategy, staff needs to thoroughly assess the route and design alternative
options presented by AEP and "think outside of the box" in regard to the current and
additional route and design alternatives.
. Staff needs to analyze the feasibility and costs associated with each option and
negotiate all possibilities with AEP to ascertain the feasibility.
. Staffwill communicate their findings on an ongoing basis with the residents, 1-270
property owners and AEP and receive feedback and input.
. Staffwill prepare and present to Council the route and design alternatives and
options, and Council may choose to endorse an official City position.
. Staff will then present the City's position to the Ohio Power Siting Board.
. If necessary, the City could pursue legal intervention if determined to be
. In terms of timeline, AEP has moved the filing date back from October 30 to
November 30 or possibly mid-December, based on the public input. AEP is
committed to continuing to work with the City in a spirit of cooperation. He
explained that AEP has an obligation imposed by PUCO to maintain an
uninterruptible supply of power. AEP has identified the need and wants to meet this
need. He believes AEP will work with the City on reasonable timeframes.
. By November 15, he is hopeful that staff and the consultant can develop a
- presentation for City Council at their November 18 meeting to include various
options. Council can then determine their desired course of action. The
presentation would be shared with the residents, with AEP, and with the 1-270
property owners to provide an opportunity for interaction prior to presentation to
. He would then anticipate AEP filing with the Ohio Power Siting Board on
December 15. The timeline is subject to change, depending upon how the process
He summarized that staff desires to work cooperatively with all parties to achieve the best
result possible. There are no preconceived notions about possible outcomes. Staffwill work
openly with all parties and will share findings of the analysis in a timely fashion.
Mayor McCash asked how frequently the Board meetings.
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Held October 7, 2002 Page 4
Mr. McDaniel responded that he believes they meet quarterly and as needed. The Board has
11 members, including the Chair ofPUCO, the Director ofthe Ohio Department of
Development, Director of the Ohio EP A, and four legislative appointments - two state reps
and two state senators. He will send a memo to Council with this information.
-. Ms. Salay stated that she is aware that AEP recently went to court to obtain a waiver of a
one-year waiting period for an environmental study.
Mr. McDaniel responded that by statute, there is a one-year waiting period unless an
urgent need can be demonstrated. AEP submitted a filing to demonstrate this need and
they were successful in obtaining the waiver. They are still required to have all of the
public hearings.
Mayor McCash invited public testimony.
Kathy Benner deferred to other members ofthe group.
Joel Karg deferred to the group spokesperson.
Reed Gerberick. 5642 Wilcox Road stated that he represents a group called, "Neighbors
for Responsible Power Line Placement." The group was formed in response to AEP's
plans for the transmission line through their neighborhood.
. He noted that on September 7, AEP sent a notice to the area residents regarding the
need to undertake a project designed to improve the quality and reliability of
services to their customers in the Dublin area. AEP is required to submit two
routes that they are willing to build to the Siting Board.
. He showed a rendering of the location ofthe routes - one is through the
neighborhood and passes 77 residences, a daycare, a church and four parks; the
other is the alternative route along 1-270. The essential difference in the two routes
- is that AEP currently has an existing right-of-way and utility poles for the
neighborhood route; the blue line would require a new right-of-way.
. The residents visited Grove City to view the type of poles which would be
installed in the neighborhood. (The residents held graphics from the Grove City
visit.). He explained that the top lines are transmission lines and are designed to
take power from the Davidson Road substation and transfer it to the Dublin
substation along Emerald Parkway. The lines do not supply power to their
neighborhood - they are merely transmission lines for the system.
. The lines are very high voltage at 138,000 volts and require much larger structures
to support them for safety reasons. It also precludes the ability for AEP to bury
these lines. The existing lines in place are distribution lines for the neighborhood,
and they can be buried.
. He then presented a petition to Council which requests Council to set citywide
policy to discourage the location of new high-powered, high-voltage electric power
overhead transmission lines on residential streets or in residential neighborhoods.
The petition cites the potential and real negative effects of reduced property values,
environmental and health risks, lowered quality of life standard, nuisance line
noise, line safety and aerial maintenance risks, and degradation of neighborhood
aesthetics. They have secured 1,423 signatures on the petitions from Dublin area
. He noted that the reason the route through the residential neighborhood is the
- preferred one is for financial reasons - there is a $3 million difference in costs
between this and the alternative route.
The Neighbors for Responsible Power Line Placement oppose the line for three reasons:
1) Aesthetics. Standards are very high throughout Dublin, and utilities should be
required to meet those same standards.
2) Safety. Concern with the EMF created by high power lines. No one can
guarantee that it is safe for children to play under these lines. There is danger and risk
with the size of equipment required to maintain these structures. In a severe storm, a line
down could create a dangerous situation.
3) Property values. Dublin has made a substantial investment in the southwest area
of the City to improve the neighborhood. This transmission line would have a detrimental
impact on property values. Ultimately, they would like to see the existing distribution
lines buried as part of the City's ongoing effort to bury utility lines.
Held October 7,2002 Page 5
The group is seeking Council's help in three ways:
1) Enactment of the petition by setting citywide policy to discourage new high
voltage transmission lines from being located in residential neighborhoods.
2) Request ongoing cooperation between the residents and the City staff, as the
'~ residents do not have the resources to fight this on their own.
1 ; 3) If unable to reach a suitable solution with AEP, they will be forced to fight the
battle with the Ohio Power Siting Board. The first phase of that review is open
/~, to public comment. However, the second phase is open only to those who are
legally represented. Should it become necessary, they are requesting help with
significant legal fees for representation at the Siting Board. The residents are
fighting this battle not only for their neighborhood, but for all of Dublin.
They have raised $15,000 to date to fund this effort. They want to ensure that AEP
follows all of the rules in place. They are concerned that a waiver was granted for the
one-year waiting period. They hope Dublin will officially support their position. He
encourages AEP, staff and the Ohio Power Siting Board to consider only the alternatives
that don't include residential neighborhood routes.
He submitted letters from Presidents of the four neighborhood associations who are
endorsing this effort.
Mayor McCash commented that he believes that the City needs to be involved in working
with AEP and the Ohio Power Siting Board to address these concerns.
Barb Anthony, 5890 Haddler Court stated that her neighbor, Ann Bennett had contacted
AEP regarding viewing of any similar poles in the area and was directed to Grove City.
The photos presented tonight were taken in the Hoover Road and White Road area. The
project is ongoing. There is a lot of heavy equipment on site and in the yards, and there
...r-- has been damage to the properties. There were a variety of poles in the neighborhood, and
they observed one pole attached to a tree in a front yard with a guide wire. They were told
that the wire was installed to help stabilize the pole in follow-up to some drilling around
the pole. She relayed her discussion with an elderly resident in Grove City who said that
AEP told the residents not to go into their yards during the construction. This would be a
concern to Dublin residents who have children who play in their yards. AEP also cut
down a mature tree in a resident's front yard without informing them. She does not want
this project in her neighborhood.
Kevin Garrity, 6261 Muirloch Court S. is Chief Operating Officer ofCC Technologies - a
research and engineering firm headquartered in Dublin. He has expertise in the field of
electromagnetic fields. He added that he is not speaking under a contractual obligation.
Much of his work involves studying proposed routes oftransmission lines and existing
lines to determine the predicted effect on the surrounding community, structures, facilities,
humans and livestock, and to develop mitigation strategies. There are conflicting studies
about the effects of electromagnetic fields. Some of the safety issues related to such lines
are often overlooked. There are induction effects which can occur and electrostatic effects
which can occur. The employees in his company who work under the power lines use
grounding mats clamped to the vehicle to avoid being a path for an electrostatic charge. A
lightning strike can be transmitted down the tower and a lethal flow of current can be
transmitted to someone standing at the base. In an ice storm, a conductor could break and
--- fall to the ground, resulting in 3,0000 - 5,000 amperes of current flowing into the earth
until the switch switches offline. All of these things, if addressed through appropriate
design and routing, can be handled, but a residential community is not the place in which
to do that. He urged Council to seek an alternative routing away from the neighborhoods
for the benefit of the community and for the safety of children.
Mayor McCash called the names of the others who had signed in to testify and asked them
to come forward at this time. Everyone except Mary Beth Curran indicated they had
nothing further to add.
Mary Beth Curran, 5851 Oldenburgh Way stated that she is a four-year resident. She is a
single parent and works in real estate. She bought her home so that her child could attend
Dublin Schools. She has an existing pole in her backyard and was aware when she
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Held October 7, 2002 Page 6
purchased her home that AEP had an easement. She purchased her home as an
investment and these power lines would negatively impact the value of her home. She
was shocked when she saw the pictures of the proposed lines. As a resident, she implored
Council for their help in this matter. These power lines should not be permitted in
- anyone's backyard.
Mayor McCash invited Council Members to ask questions of staff or the residents.
Ms. Chinnici-Zuercher asked what the City's legal authority is in this matter.
Mr. Smith responded that the City Manager has requested the Law Department to
investigate all of the areas with respect to the Hot Wires Act and the Ohio Power Siting
Board. They do believe there are some home rule issues. Two attorneys who specialize in
this area, and an associate from their litigation division are working on a memo for
Council. He would prefer not to discuss the various options and legal strategies available
to the City, but the City does have rights. Legal staffwill be prepared to take direction
from Council on how they want to proceed, if negotiation is not successful.
Ms. Chinnici-Zuercher asked if staff has information about the Siting Board! AEP' s record
in regard to this type of issue - have they selected alternate routes previously if a City
supported that, and if so, in what percentage of cases?
Mr. McDaniel responded that he does not have those statistics at this time. He will obtain
additional information on this item.
Ms. Chinnici-Zuercher asked when the legal staff report will be forwarded to Council.
Mr. Smith responded that he estimates that a report will be ready in 30 days, as there are
many technical and home rule issues to be addressed.
Ms. Brautigam added that staff will have a comprehensive report for the November 18
- Council meeting. If legal staff is bringing forward litigation strategies, she would request
that be confidential information provided to Council.
Mr. Kranstuber noted that a speaker mentioned a $3 million cost differential between the
routes. He asked for clarification.
Mr. Gerberick responded that AEP has indicated that because the right of way exists along
the neighborhood route, it would not necessitate purchase of additional right of way.
Mr. McDaniel added that the $3 million additional cost would provide for an overhead
route along 1-270.
Mr. Kranstuber asked ifthe lines can be buried with either alternative.
Mr. McDaniel responded that an alternative discarded by AEP was an underground
transmission line along 1-270, as the cost would exceed $20 million. It is also technically
possible to bury the 138KV line along Wilcox Road.
Mr. Kranstuber asked ifthe line were located along 1-270 and were buried, could some of
the lines along Wilcox then be eliminated?
Mr. McDaniel responded that AEP has indicated that if the 138KV line is placed along 1-
270 and buried, the distribution lines in the neighborhood would still be required and
would not be removed.
Mr. Kranstuber asked him to identify property owners along the 1-270 route.
Mr. McDaniel responded that, primarily, Duke Realty is the owner from Davidson Road
to where it turns west at Qwest. Duke has options on properties south of Tuttle; Casto
- Properties owns Best Buy; an independent family owns Wal-Mart; a five member retail
association has control over the aesthetics of the Tuttle interchange, and Duke holds three
of those votes. ODOT is also be a controlling party on what happens with the interchange.
Mr. Reiner asked if the transmission line can be placed underground.
Mr. McDaniel responded that this is possible.
Mr. Gerberick added that they have been told it is prohibitively expensive to bury such
transmission lines in a neighborhood. If the alternative route is selected, AEP has
indicated that those lines would be above ground.
Mr. Garrity added that, typically, the conductors would be bundled and installed in a
carbon sealed pipe and the pipe would be filled with oil. The oil would dissipate the heat
generated by the conductors and reduce the interference effects of those conductors. One
concern ofthe power companies is that when these lines are placed underground, the
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Held October 7, 2002 Page 719
segment is regulated by the Office of Pipeline Safety due to the risk of environmental spill
ifit were damaged.
Mr. Lecklider stated that his understanding was that the 1-270 route would allow for
~ burying the line.
Mr. McDaniel stated that there is no guarantee that the neighborhood 69KV lines will be
removed ifthe alternate route is selected. This would be an item for negotiation.
Mrs. Boring asked if Mr. Blaeser, the City's consultant will be verifying all ofthe facts
and figures.
Mr. McDaniel confirmed this.
Mr. Kranstuber noted that the City has retained lobbyists in the past for certain projects-
would it be helpful to utilize a lobbyist to assist staff in this effort? There are political,
technical and legal aspects ofthis matter.
Mr. McDaniel responded that he would recommend to the City Manager that this be
considered at a future date.
Ms. Salay thanked her neighbors from southwest Dublin and complimented them on their
hard work on the presentation. She noted that this proposed transmission line route
through this neighborhood or any neighborhood cannot be tolerated. What effect will
Council's endorsement of a position have on the negotiation, and will this be perceived
negatively? Her concern is that some options will not be available if they are not explored
early in the process. She is somewhat disappointed with the lack of information on the
legal aspects in view ofthe timeframe. She asked if staff and Council would support a
resolution stating that these transmission lines should not be routed through any
- neighborhood.
Ms. Brautigam stated that staff plans to: 1 )have Mr. Blaeser complete his investigation; 2)
have the law department prepare the legal brief, and 3) return to Council on November 18
with a recommendation which will include a resolution to address the issue. She
apologized for not having more information tonight - staff felt that working behind the
scenes with AEP and the residents would be more productive than bringing forward legal
options at this time. The City wants to have a positive and not litigious outcome. In
addition, the Mayor has drafted a letter to AEP for Council's consideration tonight, urging
AEP to consider alternative routes. In any event, on November 18, Council will have
information, including legislation which addresses the points the citizens have raised. In
the meantime, staffwill continue to work toward a solution in the interest of avoiding
Mayor McCash stated that he sees this as an opportunity to remove the existing lines from
the neighborhood and to bury the remaining portion of the lines at some future date or as
part of this project, depending upon costs and timing. His concern is with the City taking
too strong of a position early in the negotiation process which will hamper discussion.
The City is monitoring the situation very closely.
Mr. Gerberick stated that he is concerned with waiting until November 18 for a resolution
from the City, as there will then be only two weeks before AEP files with the Siting
- Board. After that point, the neighborhood's influence is dramatically reduced. He is
hopeful that Council could endorse a position that these transmission lines are not
appropriate in residential neighborhoods under any circumstances. They hope to convince
AEP that this is not a viable option before they go to the Siting Board.
Mayor McCash stated that Council meets on October 21 and then November 4. Perhaps
staff could report on the status on October 21 and, if necessary, legislation could be
considered at the November 4 meeting.
Mr. Kranstuber added that the Mayor is proposing that the City continue to negotiate with
AEP in a positive manner. He believes that all agree on the result desired, it is simply a
matter of tactics.
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Held October 7, 2002 Page 8
Mr. Lecklider noted that Council members have clearly indicated their support ofthe
residents' position tonight, and have affirmed their intent to continue to meet with AEP
and the residents. He agrees that the City should be cautious about revealing legal
strategies in the hope of having the best outcome.
r-- Ms. Salay summarized that the residents have requested three items: 1) a resolution,
which will be drafted; 2) cooperation from City staff, and that is ongoing; and 3)
assistance with legal fees, which if needed will be addressed at a later date.
Mayor McCash stated that he presumes that the City would be presenting the before the
Ohio Power Siting Board.
Mr. Kranstuber asked if the hearing is before an Administrative Law Judge or before the
Mr. McDaniel responded that the hearings are before an Administrative Law Judge; the
Ohio Power Siting Board is merely an oversight group.
Ms. Brautigam stated that staffs memo will provide more information on these matters.
Ms. Chinnici-Zuercher asked if the Mayor would like Council's concurrence regarding the
content of the letter he has drafted to AEP. If so, she suggested that the language be
revised to "we" from "I." On the second page, with the presentation ofI-270, is Council
suggesting that this is the preferred or only alternative, or is the point that it is easier to
accomplish cost-wise? This paragraph needs some clarification.
Mayor McCash stated that to minimize cost issues, the suggestion is to place the poles
within the ODOT right of way, if feasible. This would require no additional right of way
-. Mrs. Boring questioned whether ODOT's right of way can be used by AEP.
Ms. Chinnici-Zuercher suggested language that the City will convene a meeting of the
affected property holders and AEP.
Mayor McCash stated that he will revise the letter based on tonight's discussion and
forward to Council tomorrow for their review.
Mr. Kranstuber moved to authorize the Mayor to send a letter to AEP, per tonight's
Ms. Salay seconded the motion.
Vote on the motion: Ms. Salay, yes; Mr. Lecklider, yes; Mr. Reiner, yes; Mr. Kranstuber,
yes; Ms. Chinnici-Zuercher, yes; Mayor McCash, yes; Mrs. Boring, yes.
Ms. Salay asked that the Clerk send a copy of the letter via e-mail to the residents.
Mr. Gerberick offered to share this information with the residents upon receipt.
Citizen Comments (cont.)
Robert Park. 5196 Red Oak Lane. Dublin, PresidentlOwner of the Columbus Crush Jr.
Hockey Club addressed Council, noting that the hockey team is being forced to vacate a
dressing room at the Dublin Chiller. The management staff gave him an alternative of
building another dressing room at the facility in space available. He is requesting that
Council approve permits and waive fees for construction of this dressing room to
r-- accommodate the team. The details are outlined in his letter, delivered to Council today.
They will have the construction work done for very minimal cost by Advanced
Development Systems and Meeker Electric.
Mayor McCash stated that he spoke briefly with Mr. Park by telephone regarding this
issue. He clarified that Council cannot issue building permits; the plans must be reviewed
by the Building division to ensure it meets state code. Mr. Park is requesting whether
Council would waive the building permit fees for the facility, once the review has been
completed. He noted that there are also state fees applicable, and the City cannot waive
Mr. Park stated that they received a two-week notice that the high school teams are in
need of the dressing room, and therefore the situation is urgent.
Mr. Kranstuber moved to waive the Dublin building permit fees.
Mayor McCash seconded the motion.
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Held October 7, 2002 Page 9
Ms. Chinnici-Zuercher asked about the total amount of the fee waiver being requested.
Ms. Brautigam stated that staff received this letter at 2 p.m. today and she does not have
information on the amount of fees. As a landlord, the City also has an interest in this
project, and has not been consulted on this proposed use of the storage room. For this
...- reason, she suggested in her memo that the matter be referred to staff for review and then
considered at the October 21 meeting.
Mayor McCash asked if the City's contract with the Chiller requires review of any
proposed improvement.
Mr. Smith stated that he will research this item.
Mayor McCash summarized that staffwill have the information for Council in two weeks.
In the meantime, Mr. Parks should proceed with submission of the building plans to the
building division.
Mr. Kranstuber withdrew his motion.
Mayor McCash withdrew his second.
Second Reading/Public Hearing of Ordinance 112-02(Amended)
Amending Chapter 115 of the Dublin Codified Ordinances Regulating Peddlers and
Solicitors, and Declaring an Emergency.
Ms. Brautigam stated that some minor changes have been made by staff subsequent to the first
Mr. Smith stated that this ordinance brings the City into compliance with the recent ruling by
the Supreme Court. He asked that it be approved by emergency so that the City can begin
enforcing this immediately. According to the Supreme Court case, all groups soliciting must
obtain a license. All groups must be treated in the same manner, including background
checks. The City will have to design an internal process to address the specific school or
school organization solicitation issues.. Staff will ensure that the new process and
- requirements are communicated to the local groups who are impacted.
Ms. Chinnici-Zuercher agreed that the rules should be applied uniformly and that all soliciting
groups be required to obtain the same type of permits. This will avoid any future question
about applicability.
Mr. Smith stated that staff will work through these issues and then communicate the changes
to affected parties.
Mr. Lecklider asked about how this would impact groups such the Girl Scouts.
Ms. Brautigam stated Section 115.04 provides that the head of their organization must register
with the City and notify the City of their intent to solicit. The only information they are
required to supply is the name of the person submitting the application, the name of another
person in the organization, and why they are soliciting. It is not intrusive.
Ms. Chinnici-Zuercher stated that it would be important to notify all of these organizations of
this change in the City policy and the required application form to avoid having them cited for
non-compliance with this law.
Ms. Chinnici-Zuercher asked who pays for the cost of the background check required. - the
City or the applicant? It should be included in the fee paid by the applicant.
Mrs. Boring responded that this should be addressed under the cost of services study.
Ms. Brautigam stated that the fee should be' set at an appropriate level to recover the costs
associated with issuance of the permit.
Ms. Chinnici-Zuercher suggested that the forms indicate that the application fee includes the
cost of performing the background checks.
Ms. Salay stated that there have been issues in their neighborhood with people soliciting
,--, without a permit, i.e., furniture salespersons, etc. What is the appropriate response when the
solicitor cannot produce a permit?
Mr. Smith responded that the appropriate action is to report it to the Police.
Ms. Salay asked that this be addressed in the public education process.
Mr. Kranstuber moved to treat this as emergency legislation.
Mayor McCash seconded the motion.
Vote on the motion: Mr. Reiner, yes; Mayor McCash, yes; Mrs. Boring, yes; Ms. Chinnici-
Zuercher, yes; Ms. Salay, yes; Mr. Lecklider, yes; Mr. Kranstuber, yes.
V ote on the Ordinance: Mrs. Boring, yes; Mr. Reiner, yes; Ms. Salay, yes; Mayor McCash,
yes; Mr. Lecklider, yes; Ms. Chinnici-Zuercher, yes; Mr. Kranstuber, yes.
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Held October 7, 2002 Page 10
Second Reading/Public Hearing of Ordinance 123-02
Accepting an Annexation of 2.697+/- Acres from Washington Township to the City of
Ms. Brautigam stated that this is the second reading of an annexation accepting the roadway in
front of the City's new Service Center. Staffis recommending approval.
.-... Vote on the Ordinance: Ms. Salay, yes; Mr.Lecklider, yes; Mr. Reiner, yes; Mr. Kranstuber,
yes; Ms. Chinnici-Zuercher, yes; Mayor McCash, yes; Mrs. Boring, yes.
Second Reading/Public Hearing of Ordinance 124-02
Waiving Competitive Bidding for Refuse, Recycling, and Yard Waste Collection Services
and Authorizing the City Manager to Extend the Existing Agreement with Modifications
for Said Services for a Period of One Year. [Staff recommendation to postpone
consideration until October 21]
Ms. Brautigam stated that Mr. McDaniel has been working with SW ACO and Rumpke on this
matter, and requests a motion to postpone consideration until October 21. Mr. McDaniel can
respond to any questions from Council at this time.
Ms. Chinnici-Zuercher moved to postpone this item until October 21.
Mr. Kranstuber seconded the motion.
Vote on the motion: Mr. Reiner, yes; Ms. Salay, yes; Ms. Chinnici-Zuercher, yes; Mr.
Lecklider, yes; Mayor McCash, yes; Mrs. Boring, yes; Mr. Kranstuber, yes.
Introduction/First Reading of Ordinance 126-02
Authorizing the Petition for Annexation of 2.42 Acres, More or Less, Located at the
Intersection of State Route 257 (Riverside Drive) and Tuller Road and the Parcel
Southwest of the Intersection, Located in Perry Township, Franklin County, to the City
of Dublin, and Repealing Ordinance Nos. 80-01 and 81-01.
- Ms. Salay introduced the ordinance.
Ms. Brautigam stated that there are some issues with traffic enforcement at this location, and
staff recommends approval in order to initiate the annexation petition.
Mr. Smith added that this is being filed under the new annexation law, but it will have no
impact on the tax and/or reparations section as this land is roadway. The desire is to have the
entire intersection within Dublin for ease of enforcement.
There will be a second reading/public hearing at the October 21 Council meeting.
Introduction/First Reading of Ordinance 127-02
Approving and Authorizing the City Manager and Director of Finance to Execute a
Development Agreement with Ashland, Inc.
Ms. Salay introduced the ordinance.
Ms. Brautigam stated that the City has been working with Ashland on this matter for a
number of months. Background information is provided in the staff report. The City and
Ashland have negotiated an agreement which provides for the City's preferred location of
the curb cut along the Rings Road frontage, eliminates a second curb cut specified in a
1999 agreement, and calls for the City to install a traffic signal on Rings Road and an
access road to the Ashland campus. Ashland will reimburse the City for the actual cost of
constructing the access road, not to exceed $220,000 - the original access road costs for its
preferred curb cut location. Service payments from the Rings/Frantz TIF will be utilized
to fund the improvements.
Mrs. Boring asked for clarification of the cost sharing - was it to be 50 percent ofthe
.....-.. actttal cost, or 50 percent of the estimated costs?
Ms. Brautigam stated that it was to be 50 percent ofthe actual costs.
There will be a second reading/public hearing at the October 21 meeting.
Introduction/First Reading of Ordinance 128-02
Authorizing the City Manager to Execute and Grant an Additional Easement Agreement
with AEP for the Development of the Ballantrae Golf Course in the City of Dublin,
County of Franklin, State of Ohio, and Declaring an Emergency.
Ms. Salay introduced the ordinance.
Mr. Kranstuber moved to dispense with the public hearing and treat this as an emergency.
Ms. Salay seconded the motion.
Vote on the motion: Mr. Reiner, yes; Ms. Chinnici-Zuercher, yes; Mayor McCash, yes; Mrs.
Boring, yes; Mr. Lecklider, yes; Ms. Salay, yes; Mr. Kranstuber, yes.
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Held October 7, 2002 Page 11
Vote on the Ordinance: Mayor McCash, yes; Mr. Lecklider, yes; Ms. Salay, yes; Mr.
Kranstuber, yes; Mr. Reiner, yes; Mrs. Boring, yes; Ms. Chinnici-Zuercher, yes.
Presentation from Eaeon & Associates Reeardine Wells in Southwest Dublin
,.-, Herb Eagon. Hydrogeologist. Eagon & Associates stated that he is accompanied by Chris
Cobel, Environmental Scientist. In tonight's presentation, they will briefly describe the
geology of the area as it controls the occurrence of movement of the groundwater; explain the
cause and effects of what happened; provide Council with a current status of the wells and
well replacements and complaints; and respond to any questions.
He reported the following:
. They measured water levels in 140 wells, established a network of 55 wells measured
routinely, and investigated 81 complaints. As of now, 20 pumps have been lowered,
28 have been replaced, and 8 more are scheduled for replacement.
. The primary cause of the well problems has been the pumping at the golf course and
the park. This has been exacerbated by the dry season since July, and the additional
water required to establish new grass at the golf course.
. The resource potential of the area has not been exceeded - there is adequate water for
everyone. Some wells are merely inadequate to handle the additional development.
. He provided a geographical orientation of the area, noting that the orange dots indicate
the areas of complaints of well failures. These are primarily in the Holiday Lane,
Amlin, Cara Road, Cara Court and A very and Rings Road area.
. He then shared technical data from their investigation in terms of cause and effect.
. The golf course wells are the largest contributor of the impact on the wells; the park
well is the next largest new pumpage. The park well at 100 feet deep does not pump
continually, but it is more connected to some of the shallower wells in the area.
. Other contributors to the problem are the freeway interchanges, sports complexes,
,.",...." apartment/condominium complexes and officelbusiness complexes. All of these
entities have wells and irrigate to some extent. However, all of these sources of
pumpage existed prior to July of this year and prior to the addition of the golf course
and park pumpage.
. The aquifer is capable of pumping more water than is currently being used, and no one
has been irreparably harmed. However, some pumps were set too shallow, and some
of the shallow or marginal wells in poor condition proved to be inadequate for this
level of pump age.
. It is also important to note that pumpage did not cause the bacteria problems that have
been a concern of some of the residents. Bacteria in private wells is a common
problem. It is influenced by the way the well is maintained, and not by changes in the
water level.
. The affected area is not symmetrical, and extends more to the south and to the east
than to the north and west. The impacted area expands with time, and as shown in the
hydro graph, there was a continual decline in water levels as a result of the continuous
. The delineation of the maximum area of extent is somewhat subjective, as there are
some hydrogeologic variables and the dynamics of pumping make it difficult to obtain
a complete definition at one point in time.
. In terms of future conditions, water levels are currently rising. The golf course
reduced their pumping since mid-September. The recharge season is approaching and
water levels normally will rise. Golf course requirements will be less next year, after
~ the grass is established.
. The area growth will continue,. and shallow and marginal wells will remain vulnerable.
Many wells, however, remain adequate.
Their recommendations are:
1) Maintain some level of water level data collection so that cause and effect can be
determined in the future. Accurate pumpage data is one of the primary data gaps
existing. Anyone who pumps more than 100,000 gallons per day is required to be
registered with the ODNR, and most ofthe large pumpers in the area are not. This
makes it difficult to determine how much pumpage is occurring.
2) Install water meters on those wells the City is responsible for and record pumping.
3) Optimize irrigation practices. Encourage property owners to water at night, and
irrigate at optimum irrigation rates versus overwatering.
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Held October 7, 2002 Page 12
4) Devise a future strategy and policy for handling these types of complaints in the future
for both residual from the occurrences this summer and any new occurrences in the
He offered to respond to questions.
--. Ms. Salay asked how the line is drawn for the sphere of influence. There are two residents
barely outside of the area. How can the City be certain that these are not related to the golf
course or the park wells?
Mr. Eagon responded that the line is subjective, and particularly to the east, there are other
factors related to the well problems. Any line drawn on a map can certainly be debated. They
recommended well replacements far to the south, based on their investigation. They make their
best judgment in what they believe is legitimately caused by the park and by the golf course.
Mr. Cobel added that in terms of hard data, they measured wells on the fringe area between the
golf course, the park well, and the areas around Wilcox Road. Those areas around Wilcox Road
experienced changes of 1-2 feet, and cannot be distinguished from changes caused by the
amount of pump age in the Tuttle area. On A very Road, water level changes were in the range
of 10 feet.
Ms. Chinnici-Zuercher noted that Mr. Eagon indicated that the impact area increases with time.
At what point is the individual responsible versus a governmental entity? With the golf course
situation, this was a discussion item from the outset. But in general terms, wells can be affected
by development. How does the City then address this issue into the future?
Mr. Eagon responded that the cone ofinflllence will theoretically continue to spread until it
intercepts sufficient natural recharge to balance what is being pumped out. The natural
replenishment rates and how much this area can support are greater than what is currently being
used. However, the additional water cannot be pumped without lowering water levels. The
system is dynamic and naturally recharges. What they observed was a continual decline in
- water levels when the golf course was pumping continually. Water levels will be back to
normal level before the pumping season begins again next year. Absent some new pumpage of
significant volume, it is not likely that the low levels will be seen again next year. In terms of
the homeowners' responsibilities for their own wells in order to withstand the pressure of
development, this enters into the legal aspects in terms of reasonable use. The implication in his
recommendation is that a policy in terms of well replacements and the City's responsibilities
should be established. Clearly, some of the wells that failed were already in poor condition.
Ms. Chinnici-Zuercher stated that reasonable use and reasonable development seem to be the
issues. When a governmental entity does something with a direct impact, there is some level of
responsibility. But beyond that, what becomes the reasonable use and development?
Mr. Eagon stated that this relates to how the line is drawn on the map for the sphere of
Ms. Chinnici-Zuercher asked about the City liability versus the Edwards Company under the
provisions contained in the agreement.
Mr. Smith responded that he had previously provided a memo to Council which indicated that
the City is in a good legal position. There are some other developments in terms oflegal issues
which will be shared in executive session tonight.
BaIIantrae Section 1
. Final Plat - Part 2
-. Mr. Gunderman stated that this section contains 44 lots and completes the M/I portion of the
Ballantrae development. This item was approved by P&Z on September 5, subject to eight
Mr. Lecklider asked about the condition related to the sidewalk waiver.
Mr. Gunderman noted that there is a planned bikepath through an open area on Rings Road.
Given the relative narrowness of this open space, staff does not see a need for both bikepath and
sidewalk construction. Staff recommends waiver of the sidewalk requirement. P &Z also
endorsed this waiver.
Mr. Kranstuber moved to approve the final plat.
Ms. Chinnici-Zuercher seconded the motion.
Vote on the motion: Mrs. Boring, yes; Mr. Kranstuber, yes; Mr. Reiner, yes; Ms. Chinnici-
Zuercher, yes; Mr. Lecklider, yes; Mayor McCash, yes.
. Sidewalk Waiver - Parts 1 and 2
Mr. Kranstuber moved approval ofthe waiver.
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Held October 7,2002 Page 13
Ms. Chinnici-Zuercher seconded the motion.
Vote on the motion: Mrs. Boring, yes; Mr. Reiner, yes; Mr. Lecklider, yes; Mayor McCash,
yes; Ms. Chinnici-Zuercher, yes; Mr. Kranstuber, yes.
Fee Waiver - Dublin Schools Youne Professionals Academv
".-..., Ms. Brautigam stated that this is a request for fee waiver of $240 for use of the DCRC by the
I Dublin Schools Young Professionals Academy. Staff is recommending this be waived.
Mr. Kranstuber moved approval ofthe waiver.
Mr. Lecklider seconded the motion.
Mrs. Boring asked for the basis of staff s support for the fee waiver.
Mr. McDaniel explained that there have been some cases in the past where Council has
approved the waiver, i.e., after prom parties, and others where Council has denied the
requests. His intent was to leave this to Council's discretion.
Mr. Kranstuber stated that as a non-profit entity and school related, he would support waiving
Mrs. Boring stated that the schools have their own facilities, and the City could be inundated
with requests for waiver of fees for facilities from various school groups. There was concern
that any possibility of rental fee income would disappear with granting of these waivers. In
addition, there will be Hilliard Schools development in Dublin at Ballantrae, and they may
request waivers as well.
Mr. Lecklider stated that while Ballantrae may be in the Hilliard School district, he would not
be willing to entertain numerous waiver requests from the entire Hilliard School system.
Ms. Chinnici-Zuercher clarified that the cost system established various categories of rates
for use of facilities, including lower rates for not for profit organizations. The policy has
been consistent until a recent occasion when the fees were waived for a school group. If, in
fact, Council wants to amend the policy, they should do so formally in the cost of services
-. Discussion continued about the philosophy of having fees for use ofthe facilities to offset
maintenance costs, etc.
Vote on the motion: Mrs. Boring, no; Mr. Lecklider, no; Mr. Kranstuber, yes; Ms. Chinnici-
Zuercher, no; Mr. Reiner, no; Mayor McCash, no.
Ms. Brautigam explained that the various staff comments were listed so that Council could
review them in advance.
. Child Care Task Force appointments - advertising will be done to secure volunteers
for the Task Force. No Council action is necessary.
. Saturday Soccer Parking at A very Park - in response to questions raised at the last
meeting. Staff can respond to any additional questions.
. City of Dublin Recognition from Bureau of Workers' Compensation - the City of
Dublin received recognition from the BWC for the City's program.
. Ancient Order of Hibernians Memorial - this is a request to house the Memorial in
Coffinan Park with no financial commitment from the City. Staff is requesting that
they continue to work with the group on this project. Council will be updated on the
Ms. Chinnici-Zuercher asked if the City would be responsible for mowing and managing the
maintenance of the area.
Mr. Hahn responded that this is his understanding. A contract has not been prepared at this
time. The group first wanted to know if the City would support allocating space in Coffman
...---. Park for the Memorial, and if so, in what specific location. They are currently raising funds
for construction. The group has a conference in July of2003 in Dublin, and ideally, would
like to dedicate the Memorial at that time.
Mr. Reiner commented that this is a great concept and will serve as another mini-tourist
attraction in the City.
Mayor McCash commented that this piece will serve as a nice anchor for the northern part of
the event lawn.
There was no objection from Council to housing the Memorial in Coffinan Park.
Mr. Lecklider:
1) Thanked Mr. McDaniel and staff for their hospitality today at the new Service
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Held October 7, 2002 Page 14
2) Congratulations to Mr. Harding and Mr. Whittington for the recognition from
Ms. Salay reported:
1) A pool design meeting was held last week. Staff will have a presentation to
~ Council on October 21. Another Committee meeting is scheduled for October
10. The architecture is similar to the concept provided to Council with some
2) Thanks and congratulations to Mr. McDaniel and staff for the opening of the
new Service Center.
3) Aflna Loop area in Kendall Ridge has an island area which is barren except
for grass. The neighbors have requested that the City consider planting some
trees or shrubs. She is not certain what was required at the P&Z level, but it
was apparently overlooked in the process. She spoke to Mr. Hahn and he
suggested that she bring this up to Council. It is similar to the situation on
Violet Vale Court.
Ms. Chiflllici-Zuercher asked if the island is the City's or the homeowners' responsibility.
Mr. Hahn responded that it is the homeowners' responsibility to maintain islands. But
apparently, no one was responsible for installing any landscaping. Staff felt that Council
should give direction on this.
Mayor McCash suggested utilization of funds from the Tree Preservation Fund.
Discussion continued about how this came about in the review process.
Mr. Hahn commented that the cost of doing this would be in the range of $2,000.
Discussion continued.
Ms. Salay clarified that the association is requesting perimeter plantings to give the area a
mce appearance.
- Mr. Reiner expressed concern about the need for a policy for watering and maintenance
by the homeowners association if the City decides to provide plantings.
Following further discussion, Mayor McCash moved to allocate up to $2,000 to provide
some landscaping for the island area along Aflna Loop. Staffwill work with the
homeowners association so that the Association provides for watering and maintenance
of plantings to ensure survival.
Ms. Salay seconded the motion.
Vote on the motion: Ms. Chiflllici-Zuercher, yes; Mr. Lecklider, yes; Mr. Reiner, yes;
Mrs. Boring, yes; Mayor McCash, yes; Mr. Kranstuber, yes; Ms. Salay, yes.
4) Congratulations to Paul Hammersmith on his appointment as City Engineer.
5) Thanks also to Mr. Hammersmith, Mr. Herskowitz, and consultants Herb
Eagon and Chris Cobel who met with her and the Cara Court residents
recently. This meeting helped to address their concerns. The neighborhood
will be returning to Council for a hearing on their petition for City water
Mr. Reiner commented favorably on the handling by staff ofthe issues brought forward
tonight. They were addressed very calmly with no antagonism, and he is very proud of
the staff.
Ms. Chiflllici-Zuercher:
1) Asked why a board and commission application was forwarded to Council in the
~ packet.
The Clerk responded that the applicant asked to be considered should a vacancy occur on
any board or commission this year.
2) Requested a report from Mr. Stevens on the economic development plan for the
Dublin Village Center.
Ms. Brautigam stated that Mr. Stevens is already working on such a report, and if
available will present this to Council on October 21.
Ms. Chiflllici-Zuercher stated that she has received many questions about the status of the
Center in view ofthe vacancies. The City needs to take some initiative in order to
address the concerns pro actively.
Mayor McCash:
1) Congratulated Mr. Hammersmith on his appointment as City Engineer.
Held October 7,2002 Page 15
2) Noted that the Washington Township Fire Department received a $1,500 donation
from Hull and Associates in memory of 9/11.
Ms. Salay added that the Coffman Park Expansion Task Force will seek public comment
r-- at their meeting on Tuesday, October 29 at 7 p.m. The proposed schematics will be
available for viewing at that time.
Mayor McCash moved to adjourn to executive session to discuss legal matters.
Ms. Chinnici-Zuercher seconded the motion.
Vote on the motion: Mayor McCash, yes; Mr. Lecklider, yes; Ms. Salay, yes; Mrs.
Boring, yes; Mr. Reiner, yes; Mr. Kranstuber, yes; Ms. Chinnici-Zuercher, yes.
The meeting was adjourned to executive session at 11 :10 p.m.
The meeting was reconvened at 11 :25 p.m.
Mayor McCash moved to adjourn the meeting.
Ms. Salay seconded the motion.
Vote on the motion: Mr. Kranstuber, yes; Mr. Lecklider, yes; Ms. Salay, yes; Mr.
Reiner, yes; Ms. Chinnici-Zuercher, yes; Mayor McCash, yes; Mrs. Boring, yes.
The meeting was ad'ourned at 11 :25 p.m.
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Clerk of Council